static void FindChangePattern( char *cdata,char **substs, char **keys, CPLString &ret) { char **papszTokens=CSLTokenizeString2(cdata," \t\n\r", CSLT_STRIPLEADSPACES|CSLT_STRIPENDSPACES); ret.clear(); int matchcount=CSLCount(substs); int keycount=CSLCount(keys); if (keycount<matchcount) { CSLDestroy(papszTokens); return; } // A valid string has only the keys in the substs list and none other for (int j=0;j<CSLCount(papszTokens);j++) { ret=papszTokens[j]; // The target string bool matches=true; for (int k=0;k<keycount && keys != NULL;k++) { const char *key=keys[k]; int sub_number=CSLPartialFindString(substs,key); if (sub_number!=-1) { // It is a listed match // But is the match for the key position? char *found_key=NULL; const char *found_value=CPLParseNameValue(substs[sub_number],&found_key); if (found_key!=NULL && EQUAL(found_key,key)) { // Should exits in the request if (std::string::npos==ret.find(key)) { matches=false; CPLFree(found_key); break; } // Execute the substitution on the "ret" string URLSearchAndReplace(&ret,key,"%s",found_value); } if (found_key!=NULL) CPLFree(found_key); } else { // Key not in the subst list, should not match if (std::string::npos!=ret.find(key)) { matches=false; break; } } } // Key loop if (matches) { CSLDestroy(papszTokens); return; // We got the string ready, all keys accounted for and substs applied } } ret.clear(); CSLDestroy(papszTokens); }
VSIOSSHandleHelper* VSIOSSHandleHelper::BuildFromURI( const char* pszURI, const char* pszFSPrefix, bool bAllowNoObject, CSLConstList papszOptions ) { CPLString osSecretAccessKey; CPLString osAccessKeyId; if( !GetConfiguration(papszOptions, osSecretAccessKey, osAccessKeyId) ) { return nullptr; } const CPLString osEndpoint = CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "OSS_ENDPOINT", CPLGetConfigOption("OSS_ENDPOINT", "")); CPLString osBucket; CPLString osObjectKey; if( pszURI != nullptr && pszURI[0] != '\0' && !GetBucketAndObjectKey(pszURI, pszFSPrefix, bAllowNoObject, osBucket, osObjectKey) ) { return nullptr; } const bool bUseHTTPS = CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("OSS_HTTPS", "YES")); const bool bIsValidNameForVirtualHosting = osBucket.find('.') == std::string::npos; const bool bUseVirtualHosting = CPLTestBool( CPLGetConfigOption("OSS_VIRTUAL_HOSTING", bIsValidNameForVirtualHosting ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); return new VSIOSSHandleHelper(osSecretAccessKey, osAccessKeyId, osEndpoint, osBucket, osObjectKey, bUseHTTPS, bUseVirtualHosting); }
static CPLString GDALGMLJP2EvalExpr(const CPLString& osTemplate, xmlXPathContextPtr pXPathCtx, xmlDocPtr pDoc) { CPLString osXMLRes; size_t nPos = 0; while( true ) { // Get next expression. size_t nStartPos = osTemplate.find("{{{", nPos); if( nStartPos == std::string::npos) { // Add terminating portion of the template. osXMLRes += osTemplate.substr(nPos); break; } // Add portion of template before the expression. osXMLRes += osTemplate.substr(nPos, nStartPos - nPos); const char* pszExpr = osTemplate.c_str() + nStartPos; GDALGMLJP2Expr* poExpr = GDALGMLJP2Expr::Build(pszExpr, pszExpr); if( poExpr == nullptr ) break; nPos = static_cast<size_t>(pszExpr - osTemplate.c_str()); osXMLRes += poExpr->Evaluate(pXPathCtx,pDoc).osValue; delete poExpr; } return osXMLRes; }
// Terminates an URL base with either ? or &, so extra args can be appended void URLPrepare(CPLString &url) { if (url.find("?") == std::string::npos) { url.append("?"); } else { if (*url.rbegin() != '?' && *url.rbegin() != '&') url.append("&"); } }
void replace(CPLString& str, const char *from, const char *to) { if(strlen(from) == 0) return; size_t start_pos = 0; while((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) { str.replace(start_pos, strlen(from), to); start_pos += strlen(to); // In case 'to' contains 'from', like replacing 'x' with 'yx' } }
void VSIMemFilesystemHandler::NormalizePath( CPLString &oPath ) { size_t nPos = 0; while( (nPos = oPath.find('\\', nPos)) != std::string::npos ) { oPath[nPos] = '/'; nPos ++; } }
// This is a performance critical function, especially on geosciml schemas, // and we make careful to not do any string copy or other memory allocation // in it. bool GMLASXPathMatcher::MatchesRefXPath( const CPLString& osXPath, const std::vector<XPathComponent>& oRefXPath) const { size_t iPos = 0; size_t iIdxInRef = 0; bool bDirectChild = oRefXPath[0].m_bDirectChild; while( iPos < osXPath.size() && iIdxInRef < oRefXPath.size() ) { bDirectChild = oRefXPath[iIdxInRef].m_bDirectChild; size_t iPosNextSlash = osXPath.find('/', iPos); bool bNodeMatch; if( iPosNextSlash == std::string::npos ) { bNodeMatch =, std::string::npos, oRefXPath[iIdxInRef].m_osValue) == 0; } else { bNodeMatch =, iPosNextSlash - iPos, oRefXPath[iIdxInRef].m_osValue) == 0; } if( !bNodeMatch ) { if( bDirectChild ) return false; if( iPosNextSlash == std::string::npos ) return false; iPos = iPosNextSlash + 1; continue; } if( iPosNextSlash == std::string::npos ) iPos = osXPath.size(); else iPos = iPosNextSlash + 1; iIdxInRef ++; bDirectChild = true; } return (!bDirectChild || iPos == osXPath.size()) && iIdxInRef == oRefXPath.size(); }
void ACAdjustText( double dfAngle, double dfScale, OGRFeature *poFeature ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* We only try to alter text elements (LABEL styles). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( poFeature->GetStyleString() == NULL ) return; CPLString osOldStyle = poFeature->GetStyleString(); if( strstr(osOldStyle,"LABEL") == NULL ) return; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Is there existing angle text? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double dfOldAngle = 0.0; CPLString osPreAngle, osPostAngle; size_t nAngleOff = osOldStyle.find( ",a:" ); if( nAngleOff != std::string::npos ) { size_t nEndOfAngleOff = osOldStyle.find( ",", nAngleOff + 1 ); if( nEndOfAngleOff == std::string::npos ) nEndOfAngleOff = osOldStyle.find( ")", nAngleOff + 1 ); osPreAngle.assign( osOldStyle, 0, nAngleOff ); osPostAngle.assign( osOldStyle, nEndOfAngleOff, std::string::npos ); dfOldAngle = CPLAtof( osOldStyle.c_str() + nAngleOff + 3 ); } else { CPLAssert( osOldStyle[osOldStyle.size()-1] == ')' ); osPreAngle.assign( osOldStyle, 0, osOldStyle.size() - 1 ); osPostAngle = ")"; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Format with the new angle. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLString osNewStyle; osNewStyle.Printf( "%s,a:%g%s", osPreAngle.c_str(), dfOldAngle + dfAngle, osPostAngle.c_str() ); osOldStyle = osNewStyle; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Is there existing scale text? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double dfOldScale = 1.0; CPLString osPreScale, osPostScale; size_t nScaleOff = osOldStyle.find( ",s:" ); if( nScaleOff != std::string::npos ) { size_t nEndOfScaleOff = osOldStyle.find( ",", nScaleOff + 1 ); if( nEndOfScaleOff == std::string::npos ) nEndOfScaleOff = osOldStyle.find( ")", nScaleOff + 1 ); osPreScale.assign( osOldStyle, 0, nScaleOff ); osPostScale.assign( osOldStyle, nEndOfScaleOff, std::string::npos ); dfOldScale = CPLAtof( osOldStyle.c_str() + nScaleOff + 3 ); } else { CPLAssert( osOldStyle[osOldStyle.size()-1] == ')' ); osPreScale.assign( osOldStyle, 0, osOldStyle.size() - 1 ); osPostScale = ")"; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Format with the new scale. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ osNewStyle.Printf( "%s,s:%gg%s", osPreScale.c_str(), dfOldScale * dfScale, osPostScale.c_str() ); poFeature->SetStyleString( osNewStyle ); }
const char *PamAllocateProxy( const char *pszOriginal ) { InitProxyDB(); if( poProxyDB == NULL ) return NULL; CPLMutexHolderD( &hProxyDBLock ); poProxyDB->CheckLoadDB(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Form the proxy filename based on the original path if */ /* possible, but dummy out any questionable characters, path */ /* delimiters and such. This is intended to make the proxy */ /* name be identifiable by folks digging around in the proxy */ /* database directory. */ /* */ /* We also need to be careful about length. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLString osRevProxyFile; int i; i = strlen(pszOriginal) - 1; while( i >= 0 && osRevProxyFile.size() < 220 ) { if( i > 6 && EQUALN(pszOriginal+i-5,":::OVR",6) ) i -= 6; // make some effort to break long names at path delimiters. if( (pszOriginal[i] == '/' || pszOriginal[i] == '\\') && osRevProxyFile.size() > 200 ) break; if( (pszOriginal[i] >= 'A' && pszOriginal[i] <= 'Z') || (pszOriginal[i] >= 'a' && pszOriginal[i] <= 'z') || (pszOriginal[i] >= '0' && pszOriginal[i] <= '9') || pszOriginal[i] == '.' ) osRevProxyFile += pszOriginal[i]; else osRevProxyFile += '_'; i--; } CPLString osOriginal = pszOriginal; CPLString osProxy; CPLString osCounter; osProxy = poProxyDB->osProxyDBDir + "/"; osCounter.Printf( "%06d_", poProxyDB->nUpdateCounter++ ); osProxy += osCounter; for( i = osRevProxyFile.size()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) osProxy += osRevProxyFile[i]; if( osOriginal.find(":::OVR") != CPLString::npos ) osProxy += ".ovr"; else osProxy += ".aux.xml"; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Add the proxy and the original to the proxy list and resave */ /* the database. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poProxyDB->aosOriginalFiles.push_back( osOriginal ); poProxyDB->aosProxyFiles.push_back( osProxy ); poProxyDB->SaveDB(); return PamGetProxy( pszOriginal ); }
void OGROSMLayer::AddComputedAttribute(const char* pszName, OGRFieldType eType, const char* pszSQL) { if( poDS->hDBForComputedAttributes == NULL ) { int rc; #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE_VFS rc = sqlite3_open_v2( ":memory:", &(poDS->hDBForComputedAttributes), SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE | SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX, NULL ); #else rc = sqlite3_open( ":memory:", &(poDS->hDBForComputedAttributes) ); #endif if( rc != SQLITE_OK ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot open temporary sqlite DB" ); return; } } if( poFeatureDefn->GetFieldIndex(pszName) >= 0 ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "A field with same name %s already exists", pszName ); return; } CPLString osSQL(pszSQL); std::vector<CPLString> aosAttrToBind; std::vector<int> anIndexToBind; size_t nStartSearch = 0; while(TRUE) { size_t nPos = osSQL.find("[", nStartSearch); if( nPos == std::string::npos ) break; nStartSearch = nPos + 1; if( nPos > 0 && osSQL[nPos-1] != '\\' ) { CPLString osAttr = osSQL.substr(nPos + 1); size_t nPos2 = osAttr.find("]"); if( nPos2 == std::string::npos ) break; osAttr.resize(nPos2); osSQL = osSQL.substr(0, nPos) + "?" + osSQL.substr(nPos + 1 + nPos2+1); aosAttrToBind.push_back(osAttr); anIndexToBind.push_back(poFeatureDefn->GetFieldIndex(osAttr)); } } while(TRUE) { size_t nPos = osSQL.find("\\"); if( nPos == std::string::npos || nPos == osSQL.size() - 1 ) break; osSQL = osSQL.substr(0, nPos) + osSQL.substr(nPos + 1); } CPLDebug("OSM", "SQL : \"%s\"", osSQL.c_str()); sqlite3_stmt *hStmt; int rc = sqlite3_prepare( poDS->hDBForComputedAttributes, osSQL, -1, &hStmt, NULL ); if( rc != SQLITE_OK ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "sqlite3_prepare() failed : %s", sqlite3_errmsg(poDS->hDBForComputedAttributes) ); return; } OGRFieldDefn oField(pszName, eType); poFeatureDefn->AddFieldDefn(&oField); oComputedAttributes.push_back(OGROSMComputedAttribute(pszName)); oComputedAttributes[oComputedAttributes.size()-1].eType = eType; oComputedAttributes[oComputedAttributes.size()-1].nIndex = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount() - 1; oComputedAttributes[oComputedAttributes.size()-1].osSQL = pszSQL; oComputedAttributes[oComputedAttributes.size()-1].hStmt = hStmt; oComputedAttributes[oComputedAttributes.size()-1].aosAttrToBind = aosAttrToBind; oComputedAttributes[oComputedAttributes.size()-1].anIndexToBind = anIndexToBind; }
int PDSDataset::ParseImage( CPLString osPrefix ) { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* We assume the user is pointing to the label (ie. .lbl) file. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // IMAGE can be inline or detached and point to an image name // ^IMAGE = 3 // ^IMAGE = "GLOBAL_ALBEDO_8PPD.IMG" // ^IMAGE = "MEGT90N000CB.IMG" // ^IMAGE = ("BLAH.IMG",1) -- start at record 1 (1 based) // ^IMAGE = ("BLAH.IMG") -- still start at record 1 (equiv of "BLAH.IMG") // ^IMAGE = ("BLAH.IMG", 5 <BYTES>) -- start at byte 5 (the fifth byte in the file) // ^IMAGE = 10851 <BYTES> // ^SPECTRAL_QUBE = 5 for multi-band images CPLString osImageKeyword = osPrefix + "^IMAGE"; CPLString osQube = GetKeyword( osImageKeyword, "" ); CPLString osTargetFile = GetDescription(); if (EQUAL(osQube,"")) { osImageKeyword = "^SPECTRAL_QUBE"; osQube = GetKeyword( osImageKeyword ); } int nQube = atoi(osQube); int nDetachedOffset = 0; int bDetachedOffsetInBytes = FALSE; if( osQube.size() && osQube[0] == '(' ) { osQube = "\""; osQube += GetKeywordSub( osImageKeyword, 1 ); osQube += "\""; nDetachedOffset = atoi(GetKeywordSub( osImageKeyword, 2, "1")) - 1; // If this is not explicitly in bytes, then it is assumed to be in // records, and we need to translate to bytes. if (strstr(GetKeywordSub(osImageKeyword,2),"<BYTES>") != NULL) bDetachedOffsetInBytes = TRUE; } if( osQube.size() && osQube[0] == '"' ) { CPLString osTPath = CPLGetPath(GetDescription()); CPLString osFilename = osQube; CleanString( osFilename ); osTargetFile = CPLFormCIFilename( osTPath, osFilename, NULL ); osExternalCube = osTargetFile; } GDALDataType eDataType = GDT_Byte; //image parameters int nRows, nCols, nBands = 1; int nSkipBytes = 0; int itype; int record_bytes; char chByteOrder = 'M'; //default to MSB double dfNoData = 0.0; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Checks to see if this is raw PDS image not compressed image */ /* so ENCODING_TYPE either does not exist or it equals "N/A". */ /* Compressed types will not be supported in this routine */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *value; CPLString osEncodingType = GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.ENCODING_TYPE","N/A"); CleanString(osEncodingType); if ( !EQUAL(osEncodingType.c_str(),"N/A") ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "*** PDS image file has an ENCODING_TYPE parameter:\n" "*** gdal pds driver does not support compressed image types\n" "found: (%s)\n\n", osEncodingType.c_str() ); return FALSE; } /**************** end ENCODING_TYPE check ***********************/ /*********** Grab layout type (BSQ, BIP, BIL) ************/ // AXIS_NAME = (SAMPLE,LINE,BAND) /*********** Grab samples lines band **************/ /** if AXIS_NAME = "" then Bands=1 and Sample and Lines **/ /** are there own keywords "LINES" and "LINE_SAMPLES" **/ /** if not NULL then CORE_ITEMS keyword i.e. (234,322,2) **/ /***********************************************************/ char szLayout[10] = "BSQ"; //default to band seq. value = GetKeyword( osPrefix+"IMAGE.AXIS_NAME", "" ); if (EQUAL(value,"(SAMPLE,LINE,BAND)") ) { strcpy(szLayout,"BSQ"); nCols = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",1)); nRows = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",2)); nBands = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",3)); } else if (EQUAL(value,"(BAND,LINE,SAMPLE)") ) { strcpy(szLayout,"BIP"); nBands = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",1)); nRows = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",2)); nCols = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",3)); } else if (EQUAL(value,"(SAMPLE,BAND,LINE)") ) { strcpy(szLayout,"BIL"); nCols = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",1)); nBands = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",2)); nRows = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",3)); } else if ( EQUAL(value,"") ) { strcpy(szLayout,"BSQ"); nCols = atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.LINE_SAMPLES","")); nRows = atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.LINES","")); nBands = atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.BANDS","1")); } else { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "%s layout not supported. Abort\n\n", value); return FALSE; } /*********** Grab Qube record bytes **********/ record_bytes = atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.RECORD_BYTES")); if (record_bytes == 0) record_bytes = atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"RECORD_BYTES")); // this can happen with "record_type = undefined". if( record_bytes == 0 ) record_bytes = 1; if( nQube >0 && osQube.find("<BYTES>") != CPLString::npos ) nSkipBytes = nQube - 1; else if (nQube > 0 ) nSkipBytes = (nQube - 1) * record_bytes; else if( nDetachedOffset > 0 ) { if (bDetachedOffsetInBytes) nSkipBytes = nDetachedOffset; else nSkipBytes = nDetachedOffset * record_bytes; } else nSkipBytes = 0; nSkipBytes += atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.LINE_PREFIX_BYTES","")); /*********** Grab SAMPLE_TYPE *****************/ /** if keyword not found leave as "M" or "MSB" **/ CPLString osST = GetKeyword( osPrefix+"IMAGE.SAMPLE_TYPE" ); if( osST.size() >= 2 && osST[0] == '"' && osST[osST.size()-1] == '"' ) osST = osST.substr( 1, osST.size() - 2 ); if( (EQUAL(osST,"LSB_INTEGER")) || (EQUAL(osST,"LSB")) || // just incase (EQUAL(osST,"LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER")) || (EQUAL(osST,"LSB_SIGNED_INTEGER")) || (EQUAL(osST,"UNSIGNED_INTEGER")) || (EQUAL(osST,"VAX_REAL")) || (EQUAL(osST,"VAX_INTEGER")) || (EQUAL(osST,"PC_INTEGER")) || //just incase (EQUAL(osST,"PC_REAL")) ) { chByteOrder = 'I'; } /**** Grab format type - pds supports 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 (in theory) **/ /**** I have only seen 8, 16, 32 (float) in released datasets **/ itype = atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.SAMPLE_BITS","")); switch(itype) { case 8 : eDataType = GDT_Byte; dfNoData = NULL1; break; case 16 : if( strstr(osST,"UNSIGNED") != NULL ) eDataType = GDT_UInt16; else eDataType = GDT_Int16; dfNoData = NULL2; break; case 32 : eDataType = GDT_Float32; dfNoData = NULL3; break; case 64 : eDataType = GDT_Float64; dfNoData = NULL3; break; default : CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Sample_bits of %d is not supported in this gdal PDS reader.", itype); return FALSE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Is there a specific nodata value in the file? Either the */ /* MISSING or MISSING_CONSTANT keywords are nodata. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( GetKeyword( osPrefix+"IMAGE.MISSING", NULL ) != NULL ) dfNoData = CPLAtofM( GetKeyword( osPrefix+"IMAGE.MISSING", "" ) ); if( GetKeyword( osPrefix+"IMAGE.MISSING_CONSTANT", NULL ) != NULL ) dfNoData = CPLAtofM( GetKeyword( osPrefix+"IMAGE.MISSING_CONSTANT","")); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Did we get the required keywords? If not we return with */ /* this never having been considered to be a match. This isn't */ /* an error! */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( nRows < 1 || nCols < 1 || nBands < 1 ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "File %s appears to be a PDS file, but failed to find some required keywords.", GetDescription() ); return FALSE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Capture some information from the file that is of interest. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ nRasterXSize = nCols; nRasterYSize = nRows; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Open target binary file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( eAccess == GA_ReadOnly ) { fpImage = VSIFOpenL( osTargetFile, "rb" ); if( fpImage == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to open %s.\n%s", osTargetFile.c_str(), VSIStrerror( errno ) ); return FALSE; } } else { fpImage = VSIFOpenL( osTargetFile, "r+b" ); if( fpImage == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to open %s with write permission.\n%s", osTargetFile.c_str(), VSIStrerror( errno ) ); return FALSE; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Compute the line offset. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int nItemSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType)/8; int nLineOffset = record_bytes; int nPixelOffset, nBandOffset; if( EQUAL(szLayout,"BIP") ) { nPixelOffset = nItemSize * nBands; nBandOffset = nItemSize; nLineOffset = ((nPixelOffset * nCols + record_bytes - 1)/record_bytes) * record_bytes; } else if( EQUAL(szLayout,"BSQ") ) { nPixelOffset = nItemSize; nLineOffset = ((nPixelOffset * nCols + record_bytes - 1)/record_bytes) * record_bytes; nBandOffset = nLineOffset * nRows; } else /* assume BIL */ { nPixelOffset = nItemSize; nBandOffset = nItemSize * nCols; nLineOffset = ((nBandOffset * nCols + record_bytes - 1)/record_bytes) * record_bytes; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create band information objects. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int i; for( i = 0; i < nBands; i++ ) { RawRasterBand *poBand; poBand = new RawRasterBand( this, i+1, fpImage, nSkipBytes + nBandOffset * i, nPixelOffset, nLineOffset, eDataType, #ifdef CPL_LSB chByteOrder == 'I' || chByteOrder == 'L', #else chByteOrder == 'M', #endif TRUE ); if( nBands == 1 ) { const char* pszMin = GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.MINIMUM", NULL); const char* pszMax = GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.MAXIMUM", NULL); const char* pszMean = GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.MEAN", NULL); const char* pszStdDev= GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.STANDARD_DEVIATION", NULL); if (pszMin != NULL && pszMax != NULL && pszMean != NULL && pszStdDev != NULL) { poBand->SetStatistics( CPLAtofM(pszMin), CPLAtofM(pszMax), CPLAtofM(pszMean), CPLAtofM(pszStdDev)); } } poBand->SetNoDataValue( dfNoData ); SetBand( i+1, poBand ); // Set offset/scale values at the PAM level. poBand->SetOffset( CPLAtofM(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.OFFSET","0.0"))); poBand->SetScale( CPLAtofM(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.SCALING_FACTOR","1.0"))); } return TRUE; }
void GMLASXPathMatcher::SetDocumentMapURIToPrefix( const std::map<CPLString,CPLString>& oMapURIToPrefix ) { m_aosReferenceXPaths.clear(); // Split each reference XPath into its components for(size_t i = 0; i < m_aosReferenceXPathsUncompiled.size(); ++i ) { const CPLString& osXPath( m_aosReferenceXPathsUncompiled[i] ); std::vector<XPathComponent> oVector; size_t iPos = 0; bool bDirectChild = false; if( osXPath.size() >= 2 && osXPath[0] == '/' && osXPath[1] == '/' ) { iPos += 2; } else if( osXPath.size() >= 1 && osXPath[0] == '/' ) { iPos += 1; bDirectChild = true; } while( iPos < osXPath.size() ) { size_t iPosNextSlash = osXPath.find('/', iPos); if( iPos == iPosNextSlash ) { bDirectChild = false; iPos ++; continue; } CPLString osCurNode; if( iPosNextSlash == std::string::npos ) osCurNode.assign(osXPath, iPos, std::string::npos); else osCurNode.assign(osXPath, iPos, iPosNextSlash - iPos); // Translate the configuration prefix to the equivalent in // this current schema size_t iPosColumn = osCurNode.find(':'); if( iPosColumn != std::string::npos ) { bool bIsAttr = ( osCurNode[0] == '@' ); CPLString osPrefix; CPLString osLocalname; osPrefix.assign(osCurNode, bIsAttr ? 1 : 0, iPosColumn - (bIsAttr ? 1 : 0)); osLocalname.assign(osCurNode, iPosColumn+1, std::string::npos); std::map<CPLString, CPLString>::const_iterator oIter = m_oMapPrefixToURIReferenceXPaths.find(osPrefix); if( oIter != m_oMapPrefixToURIReferenceXPaths.end() ) { const CPLString& osURI( oIter->second ); oIter = oMapURIToPrefix.find( osURI ); if( oIter == oMapURIToPrefix.end() ) break; osPrefix.assign(oIter->second); } osCurNode.clear(); if( bIsAttr ) osCurNode.append(1, '@'); osCurNode.append(osPrefix); osCurNode.append(1, ':'); osCurNode.append(osLocalname); } XPathComponent comp; comp.m_osValue = osCurNode; comp.m_bDirectChild = bDirectChild; oVector.push_back(comp); if( iPosNextSlash == std::string::npos ) iPos = osXPath.size(); else iPos = iPosNextSlash + 1; bDirectChild = true; } if ( iPos < osXPath.size() ) oVector.clear(); m_aosReferenceXPaths.push_back(oVector); } }
VSIVirtualHandle * VSIMemFilesystemHandler::Open( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszAccess, bool bSetError ) { CPLMutexHolder oHolder( &hMutex ); CPLString osFilename = pszFilename; NormalizePath( osFilename ); if( osFilename.empty() ) return nullptr; vsi_l_offset nMaxLength = GUINTBIG_MAX; const size_t iPos = osFilename.find("||maxlength="); if( iPos != std::string::npos ) { nMaxLength = static_cast<vsi_l_offset>(CPLAtoGIntBig( osFilename.substr(iPos + strlen("||maxlength=")).c_str())); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get the filename we are opening, create if needed. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VSIMemFile *poFile = nullptr; if( oFileList.find(osFilename) != oFileList.end() ) poFile = oFileList[osFilename]; // If no file and opening in read, error out. if( strstr(pszAccess, "w") == nullptr && strstr(pszAccess, "a") == nullptr && poFile == nullptr ) { if( bSetError ) { VSIError(VSIE_FileError, "No such file or directory"); } errno = ENOENT; return nullptr; } // Create. if( poFile == nullptr ) { poFile = new VSIMemFile; poFile->osFilename = osFilename; oFileList[poFile->osFilename] = poFile; CPLAtomicInc(&(poFile->nRefCount)); // For file list. poFile->nMaxLength = nMaxLength; } // Overwrite else if( strstr(pszAccess, "w") ) { poFile->SetLength(0); poFile->nMaxLength = nMaxLength; } if( poFile->bIsDirectory ) { errno = EISDIR; return nullptr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Setup the file handle on this file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VSIMemHandle *poHandle = new VSIMemHandle; poHandle->poFile = poFile; poHandle->m_nOffset = 0; poHandle->bEOF = false; poHandle->bUpdate = strstr(pszAccess, "w") || strstr(pszAccess, "+") || strstr(pszAccess, "a"); CPLAtomicInc(&(poFile->nRefCount)); if( strstr(pszAccess, "a") ) poHandle->m_nOffset = poFile->nLength; return poHandle; }
static CPLString GetProj4Filename(const char* pszFilename) { CPLString osFilename; /* or fixed path: /name, ./name or ../name */ if ( !CPLIsFilenameRelative(pszFilename) || *pszFilename == '.' ) { return pszFilename; } #if defined(PROJ_STATIC) && PROJ_VERSION >= 5 PJ_GRID_INFO info = proj_grid_info(pszFilename); if( info.filename[0] ) { osFilename = info.filename; } #elif defined(PROJ_STATIC) && PJ_VERSION > 493 osFilename.resize(2048); projCtx ctx = pj_ctx_alloc(); if( pj_find_file(ctx, pszFilename, &osFilename[0], osFilename.size()) ) { osFilename.resize( strlen(osFilename) ); } else { osFilename.clear(); } pj_ctx_free(ctx); #else // Transpose some of the proj.4 pj_open_lib() logic... /* check if ~/name */ char* pszSysname; if (*pszFilename == '~' && (pszFilename[1] == '/' || pszFilename[1] == '\\') ) { if ((pszSysname = getenv("HOME")) != nullptr) { osFilename = CPLFormFilename(pszSysname, pszFilename + 1, nullptr); } return osFilename; } /* or is environment PROJ_LIB defined */ else if ((pszSysname = getenv("PROJ_LIB")) != nullptr) { osFilename = CPLFormFilename(pszSysname, pszFilename, nullptr); VSIStatBufL sStat; if( VSIStatL(osFilename, &sStat) == 0 ) return osFilename; osFilename.clear(); } #if defined(PROJ_STATIC) && PJ_VERSION >= 490 // Super messy. proj.4 up to 4.9.3 had no public API to return the full // path to a resource file, so we rely on the fact that it emits a log // message with it... // Basically this is needed in the case where the file is in the // resource installation directory of proj.4, which we have no way to // know otherwise. CPLString osMsg; projCtx ctx = pj_ctx_alloc(); pj_ctx_set_app_data(ctx, &osMsg); pj_ctx_set_debug(ctx, PJ_LOG_DEBUG_MAJOR); pj_ctx_set_logger(ctx, my_proj4_logger); PAFile f = pj_open_lib(ctx, pszFilename, "rb"); if( f ) { pj_ctx_fclose(ctx, f); size_t nPos = osMsg.find("fopen("); if( nPos != std::string::npos ) { osFilename = osMsg.substr(nPos + strlen("fopen(")); nPos = osFilename.find(")"); if( nPos != std::string::npos ) osFilename = osFilename.substr(0, nPos); } } pj_ctx_free(ctx); #endif #endif return osFilename; }