bool CPVRChannelGroups::DeleteGroup(const CPVRChannelGroup &group) { // don't delete internal groups if (group.IsInternalGroup()) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "PVR - %s - cannot delete internal group '%s'", __FUNCTION__, group.GroupName().c_str()); return false; } // delete the group in this container CSingleLock lock(m_critSection); for (std::vector<CPVRChannelGroupPtr>::iterator it = m_groups.begin(); it != m_groups.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->GroupID() == group.GroupID()) { // update the selected group in the gui if it's deleted CPVRChannelGroupPtr selectedGroup = GetSelectedGroup(); if (selectedGroup && *selectedGroup == group) g_PVRManager.SetPlayingGroup(GetGroupAll()); m_groups.erase(it); break; } } // delete the group from the database CPVRDatabase *database = GetPVRDatabase(); return database ? database->Delete(group) : false; }
bool CPVRChannel::Delete(void) { bool bReturn = false; CPVRDatabase *database = GetPVRDatabase(); if (!database) return bReturn; /* delete the EPG table */ CEpg *epg = GetEPG(); if (epg) { g_EpgContainer.DeleteEpg(*epg, true); CSingleLock lock(m_critSection); m_bEPGCreated = false; } bReturn = database->Delete(*this); return bReturn; }
bool CPVRChannel::Delete(void) { bool bReturn = false; CPVRDatabase *database = CPVRManager::Get()->GetTVDatabase(); if (!database || !database->Open()) return bReturn; /* delete the EPG table */ if (m_EPG) { CPVRManager::GetEpg()->DeleteEpg(*m_EPG, true); m_EPG = NULL; } bReturn = database->Delete(*this); database->Close(); return bReturn; }
bool CPVRChannelGroups::DeleteGroup(const CPVRChannelGroup &group) { bool bReturn = false; CSingleLock lock(m_critSection); if (group.IsInternalGroup()) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CPVRChannelGroups - %s - cannot delete internal group '%s'", __FUNCTION__, group.GroupName().c_str()); return bReturn; } CPVRDatabase *database = GetPVRDatabase(); if (!database) return bReturn; /* remove all channels from the group */ database->RemoveChannelsFromGroup(group); /* delete the group from the database */ bReturn = database->Delete(group); /* delete the group in this container */ for (unsigned int iGroupPtr = 0; iGroupPtr < size(); iGroupPtr++) { if (at(iGroupPtr)->GroupID() == group.GroupID()) { CPVRChannelGroup *selectedGroup = GetSelectedGroup(); if (selectedGroup && *selectedGroup == group) g_PVRManager.SetPlayingGroup(GetGroupAll()); delete at(iGroupPtr); erase(begin() + iGroupPtr); break; } } return bReturn; }
bool CPVRChannelGroups::DeleteGroup(const CPVRChannelGroup &group) { bool bReturn = false; if (group.IsInternalGroup()) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CPVRChannelGroups - %s - cannot delete internal group '%s'", __FUNCTION__, group.GroupName().c_str()); return bReturn; } CPVRDatabase *database = OpenPVRDatabase(); if (!database) return bReturn; /* remove all channels from the group */ database->RemoveChannelsFromGroup(group); /* delete the group from the database */ bReturn = database->Delete(group); database->Close(); /* delete the group in this container */ for (unsigned int iGroupPtr = 0; iGroupPtr < size(); iGroupPtr++) { if (at(iGroupPtr)->GroupID() == group.GroupID()) { delete at(iGroupPtr); erase(begin() + iGroupPtr); break; } } return bReturn; }
bool CGUIDialogPVRChannelManager::OnMessage(CGUIMessage& message) { unsigned int iControl = 0; unsigned int iMessage = message.GetMessage(); switch (iMessage) { case GUI_MSG_WINDOW_DEINIT: { Clear(); } break; case GUI_MSG_WINDOW_INIT: { CGUIWindow::OnMessage(message); m_iSelected = 0; m_bIsRadio = false; m_bMovingMode = false; m_bContainsChanges = false; SetProperty("IsRadio", ""); Update(); SetData(m_iSelected); return true; } break; case GUI_MSG_CLICKED: { iControl = message.GetSenderId(); if (iControl == CONTROL_LIST_CHANNELS) { if (!m_bMovingMode) { int iAction = message.GetParam1(); int iItem = m_viewControl.GetSelectedItem(); /* Check file item is in list range and get his pointer */ if (iItem < 0 || iItem >= (int)m_channelItems->Size()) return true; /* Process actions */ if (iAction == ACTION_SELECT_ITEM || iAction == ACTION_CONTEXT_MENU || iAction == ACTION_MOUSE_RIGHT_CLICK) { /* Show Contextmenu */ OnPopupMenu(iItem); } } else { CFileItemPtr pItem = m_channelItems->Get(m_iSelected); if (pItem) { pItem->SetProperty("Changed", true); pItem->Select(false); m_bMovingMode = false; m_bContainsChanges = true; return true; } else return false; } } else if (iControl == BUTTON_OK) { SaveList(); Close(); return true; } else if (iControl == BUTTON_APPLY) { SaveList(); return true; } else if (iControl == BUTTON_CANCEL) { Close(); return true; } else if (iControl == BUTTON_RADIO_TV) { if (m_bContainsChanges) { // prompt user for confirmation of channel record CGUIDialogYesNo* pDialog = (CGUIDialogYesNo*)g_windowManager.GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_YES_NO); if (!pDialog) return true; pDialog->SetHeading(20052); pDialog->SetLine(0, ""); pDialog->SetLine(1, 19212); pDialog->SetLine(2, 20103); pDialog->DoModal(); if (pDialog->IsConfirmed()) SaveList(); } m_iSelected = 0; m_bMovingMode = false; m_bContainsChanges = false; m_bIsRadio = !m_bIsRadio; SetProperty("IsRadio", m_bIsRadio ? "true" : ""); Update(); SetData(m_iSelected); return true; } else if (iControl == RADIOBUTTON_ACTIVE) { CGUIRadioButtonControl *pRadioButton = (CGUIRadioButtonControl *)GetControl(RADIOBUTTON_ACTIVE); if (pRadioButton) { CFileItemPtr pItem = m_channelItems->Get(m_iSelected); if (pItem) { pItem->SetProperty("Changed", true); pItem->SetProperty("ActiveChannel", pRadioButton->IsSelected()); m_bContainsChanges = true; Renumber(); } } } else if (iControl == EDIT_NAME) { CGUIEditControl *pEdit = (CGUIEditControl *)GetControl(EDIT_NAME); if (pEdit) { CFileItemPtr pItem = m_channelItems->Get(m_iSelected); if (pItem) { pItem->SetProperty("Changed", true); pItem->SetProperty("Name", pEdit->GetLabel2()); m_bContainsChanges = true; } } } else if (iControl == BUTTON_CHANNEL_LOGO) { CFileItemPtr pItem = m_channelItems->Get(m_iSelected); if (!pItem) return false; if (g_settings.GetCurrentProfile().canWriteSources() && !g_passwordManager.IsProfileLockUnlocked()) return false; else if (!g_passwordManager.IsMasterLockUnlocked(true)) return false; // setup our thumb list CFileItemList items; // add the current thumb, if available if (!pItem->GetProperty("Icon").IsEmpty()) { CFileItemPtr current(new CFileItem("thumb://Current", false)); current->SetThumbnailImage(pItem->GetPVRChannelInfoTag()->IconPath()); current->SetLabel(g_localizeStrings.Get(20016)); items.Add(current); } else if (pItem->HasThumbnail()) { // already have a thumb that the share doesn't know about - must be a local one, so we mayaswell reuse it. CFileItemPtr current(new CFileItem("thumb://Current", false)); current->SetThumbnailImage(pItem->GetThumbnailImage()); current->SetLabel(g_localizeStrings.Get(20016)); items.Add(current); } // and add a "no thumb" entry as well CFileItemPtr nothumb(new CFileItem("thumb://None", false)); nothumb->SetIconImage(pItem->GetIconImage()); nothumb->SetLabel(g_localizeStrings.Get(20018)); items.Add(nothumb); CStdString strThumb; VECSOURCES shares; if (g_guiSettings.GetString("pvrmenu.iconpath") != "") { CMediaSource share1; share1.strPath = g_guiSettings.GetString("pvrmenu.iconpath"); share1.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(19018); shares.push_back(share1); } g_mediaManager.GetLocalDrives(shares); if (!CGUIDialogFileBrowser::ShowAndGetImage(items, shares, g_localizeStrings.Get(1030), strThumb)) return false; if (strThumb == "thumb://Current") return true; if (strThumb == "thumb://None") strThumb = ""; pItem->SetProperty("Icon", strThumb); pItem->SetProperty("Changed", true); m_bContainsChanges = true; return true; } else if (iControl == RADIOBUTTON_USEEPG) { CGUIRadioButtonControl *pRadioButton = (CGUIRadioButtonControl *)GetControl(RADIOBUTTON_USEEPG); if (pRadioButton) { CFileItemPtr pItem = m_channelItems->Get(m_iSelected); if (pItem) { pItem->SetProperty("Changed", true); pItem->SetProperty("UseEPG", pRadioButton->IsSelected()); m_bContainsChanges = true; } } } else if (iControl == SPIN_EPGSOURCE_SELECTION) { /// TODO: Add EPG scraper support return true; CGUISpinControlEx *pSpin = (CGUISpinControlEx *)GetControl(SPIN_EPGSOURCE_SELECTION); if (pSpin) { CFileItemPtr pItem = m_channelItems->Get(m_iSelected); if (pItem) { pItem->SetProperty("EPGSource", (int)0); pItem->SetProperty("Changed", true); m_bContainsChanges = true; return true; } } } else if (iControl == BUTTON_GROUP_MANAGER) { /* Load group manager dialog */ CGUIDialogPVRGroupManager* pDlgInfo = (CGUIDialogPVRGroupManager*)g_windowManager.GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_PVR_GROUP_MANAGER); if (!pDlgInfo) return false; pDlgInfo->SetRadio(m_bIsRadio); /* Open dialog window */ pDlgInfo->DoModal(); return true; } else if (iControl == BUTTON_EDIT_CHANNEL) { CFileItemPtr pItem = m_channelItems->Get(m_iSelected); if (!pItem) return false; if (pItem->GetPropertyBOOL("Virtual")) { CStdString strURL = pItem->GetProperty("StreamURL"); if (CGUIDialogKeyboard::ShowAndGetInput(strURL, g_localizeStrings.Get(19214), false)) pItem->SetProperty("StreamURL", strURL); return true; } CGUIDialogOK::ShowAndGetInput(19033,19038,0,0); return true; } else if (iControl == BUTTON_DELETE_CHANNEL) { CFileItemPtr pItem = m_channelItems->Get(m_iSelected); if (!pItem) return false; // prompt user for confirmation of channel record CGUIDialogYesNo* pDialog = (CGUIDialogYesNo*)g_windowManager.GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_YES_NO); if (!pDialog) return true; pDialog->SetHeading(19211); pDialog->SetLine(0, ""); pDialog->SetLine(1, 750); pDialog->SetLine(2, ""); pDialog->DoModal(); if (pDialog->IsConfirmed()) { if (pItem->GetPropertyBOOL("Virtual")) { CPVRDatabase *database = CPVRManager::Get()->GetTVDatabase(); database->Open(); database->Delete(*pItem->GetPVRChannelInfoTag()); database->Close(); m_channelItems->Remove(m_iSelected); m_viewControl.SetItems(*m_channelItems); Renumber(); return true; } CGUIDialogOK::ShowAndGetInput(19033,19038,0,0); } return true; } else if (iControl == BUTTON_NEW_CHANNEL) { std::vector<long> clients; CGUIDialogSelect* pDlgSelect = (CGUIDialogSelect*)g_windowManager.GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT); if (!pDlgSelect) return false; pDlgSelect->SetHeading(19213); // Select Client pDlgSelect->Add(g_localizeStrings.Get(19209)); clients.push_back(XBMC_VIRTUAL_CLIENTID); std::map<long, CStdString> clientMap; if (CPVRManager::GetClients()->GetClients(&clientMap) > 0) { std::map<long,CStdString>::iterator itr; for (itr = clientMap.begin() ; itr != clientMap.end(); itr++) { clients.push_back((*itr).first); pDlgSelect->Add(clientMap[(*itr).first]); } } pDlgSelect->DoModal(); int selection = pDlgSelect->GetSelectedLabel(); if (selection >= 0 && selection <= (int) clients.size()) { int clientID = clients[selection]; if (clientID == XBMC_VIRTUAL_CLIENTID) { CStdString strURL = ""; if (CGUIDialogKeyboard::ShowAndGetInput(strURL, g_localizeStrings.Get(19214), false)) { if (!strURL.IsEmpty()) { CPVRChannel newchannel(m_bIsRadio); newchannel.SetChannelName(g_localizeStrings.Get(19204)); newchannel.SetEPGEnabled(false); newchannel.SetVirtual(true); newchannel.SetStreamURL(strURL); newchannel.SetClientID(XBMC_VIRTUAL_CLIENTID); CPVRDatabase *database = CPVRManager::Get()->GetTVDatabase(); database->Open(); database->Persist(newchannel); database->Close(); CFileItemPtr channel(new CFileItem(newchannel)); if (channel) { channel->SetProperty("ActiveChannel", true); channel->SetProperty("Name", g_localizeStrings.Get(19204)); channel->SetProperty("UseEPG", false); channel->SetProperty("Icon", newchannel.IconPath()); channel->SetProperty("EPGSource", (int)0); channel->SetProperty("ClientName", g_localizeStrings.Get(19209)); m_channelItems->AddFront(channel, m_iSelected); m_viewControl.SetItems(*m_channelItems); Renumber(); } } } } else { CGUIDialogOK::ShowAndGetInput(19033,19038,0,0); } } return true; } } break; } return CGUIDialog::OnMessage(message); }