void CDepartmentEstimationDialog::DrawSquare(CPaintDC &dc, COLORREF Color, int l, int t, int r, int b)
	CRect UserRect(l, t, r, b);

	CBrush brush(Color);
	dc.FillRect(UserRect, &brush);
BOOL CSkinScrollWnd::_DoPaint()
	//bHandled = FALSE;
	CPaintDC dc ( m_hWnd );

	CRect rcClient;
	GetClientRect ( &rcClient );

	CRect rcFill;
	INT32 nLeft = 0, nTop = 0;

	if ( 1 == m_nAngleType ) // LeftScrollBar
		nLeft = rcClient.left;
		nTop = rcClient.bottom - m_nScrollWidth;
		rcFill.SetRect ( nLeft, nTop, nLeft + m_nScrollWidth, nTop + m_nScrollWidth );
	else if ( 2 == m_nAngleType )
		nLeft = rcClient.right - m_nScrollWidth;
		nTop = rcClient.bottom - m_nScrollWidth;
		rcFill.SetRect ( nLeft, nTop, nLeft + m_nScrollWidth, nTop + m_nScrollWidth );

	if ( !rcFill.IsRectEmpty() )
		CRgn rgn;

		dc.FillRect(rcFill, m_brBackground);
		m_imgCorner.Draw( dc.m_hDC, rcFill.left, rcFill.top, rcFill.Width(), rcFill.Height() );

	return TRUE;
void CInspectorTreeCtrl::drawValues(CPaintDC & dc)
    CRect rect;

    dc.SetViewportOrg(0, 0);

    DRAWLINE(0, 0, rect.right, 0);

    int cWid0 = getColumnWidth(0);
    int cWid1 = getColumnWidth(1);

    int height = 0;
    HTREEITEM hItemFocus = GetSelectedItem();
    HTREEITEM hItem = GetFirstVisibleItem();
    while(hItem && height < rect.Height())
        CRect iRect;
        GetItemRect(hItem, &iRect, FALSE);

        DRAWLINE(0, iRect.bottom, rect.right, iRect.bottom);
        height += iRect.Height();

        CTreeListItem * itemData = GetTreeListItem(hItem);
            iRect.left = cWid0 + 6;
            iRect.right = cWid0 + cWid1;
            if(hItem == hItemFocus)
                CRect whitespaceRect;
                GetItemRect(hItem, &whitespaceRect, TRUE);

                if(whitespaceRect.right < cWid0)
                    whitespaceRect.left = whitespaceRect.right;
                    whitespaceRect.right = cWid0;
                    CWnd * focusWnd = GetFocus();
                    if(focusWnd && (focusWnd->m_hWnd == m_hWnd))        // I have focus             
                        dc.FillRect(whitespaceRect, &whitespaceHighlightBrush_Focused);                 
                        dc.FillRect(whitespaceRect, &whitespaceHighlightBrush_Unfocused);                                   
                CString xpath;
                getTypeText(itemData->getType(), xpath, true);
                if(getFullXPath(hItem, xpath)) 
                    CRect itemRect, r;
                    GetItemRect(hItem, &itemRect, FALSE);
                    r.UnionRect(&itemRect, &whitespaceRect);
                    tooltipCtrl->DelTool(this, TREE_TOOLTIP_ID);
                    tooltipCtrl->AddTool(this, xpath, r, TREE_TOOLTIP_ID);
            dc.DrawText(itemData->getValue(), &iRect, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_LEFT);
        hItem = GetNextVisibleItem(hItem);      
    DRAWLINE(cWid0, 0, cWid0, height);
void CLeftPanelDlgBar::OnPaint() 
	CPaintDC dc (this); // device context for painting

	CDC dcMem;
	dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC (&dc);
	CBrush brush (::GetSysColor (COLOR_3DFACE));

	CMDIChildWnd* pChild = ((CMDIFrameWnd*) AfxGetMainWnd ())->MDIGetActive ();

	CRect r;
	GetClientRect (&r);

	if (pChild == NULL)
		dc.FillRect (&r, &brush);
		goto __end;

	CCdCoverCreator2Doc* pDoc = (CCdCoverCreator2Doc*) pChild->GetActiveDocument ();
	if (pDoc == NULL)
		// look whether the last doc is still valid
		POSITION pos = AfxGetApp ()->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition ();
		CDocTemplate* pDocTmpl = AfxGetApp ()->GetNextDocTemplate (pos);
		bool bIsValid = false;
		for (pos = pDocTmpl->GetFirstDocPosition (); pos; )
			if (pDocTmpl->GetNextDoc (pos) == m_pLastDoc)
				bIsValid = true;

		if (bIsValid)
			pDoc = m_pLastDoc;
			m_pLastDoc = NULL;
		m_pLastDoc = pDoc;

	if (pDoc == NULL)
		dc.FillRect (&r, &brush);
		goto __end;

	CRect rect;
	GetClientRect (rect);
	rect.DeflateRect (5, 5, 5, 5);

	if (pDoc->m_pStyle != NULL)
		CCdCoverCreator2View* pView = (CCdCoverCreator2View*) pChild->GetActiveView ();
		if (pView == NULL)
			goto __end;

		int nHeight = (rect.Width () / 5) * 4;
		CRenderDC rdc (&dc, nHeight, pView->GetDocument ()->m_pStyle);

		m_y[Cover] = 5;
		m_y[Back] = m_y[Cover] + rdc.GetHeight (Cover) + 10;
		m_y[Inlay] = m_y[Back] + rdc.GetHeight (Back) + 10;
		m_y[Label] = m_y[Inlay] + rdc.GetHeight (Inlay) + 10;
		m_y[Booklet] = m_y[Label] + rdc.GetHeight (Label) + 10;

		if (m_bRedraw)
			CLabelRenderer renderer (pDoc->m_pTracks, pDoc->m_pDataCDInfo,
				reinterpret_cast<CBackgroundInfo**> (&(pDoc->m_pBackground)),
				pDoc->m_listFloatingObjects, *(pDoc->m_pStyle));

			for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RENDER_TYPES - 1; i++)
				if ((RenderType) i == Booklet)

				CRect rectBmp (0, 0, rdc.GetWidth ((RenderType) i) + 5, /*nHeight*/(m_y[i + 1] - m_y[i]) + 5);

				m_Bitmap[i].DeleteObject ();
				m_Bitmap[i].CreateCompatibleBitmap (&dc, rectBmp.right, rectBmp.bottom);

				// render
				dcMem.SelectObject (&m_Bitmap[i]);
				dcMem.FillRect (rectBmp, &brush);

				renderer.Render (CRenderDC (&dcMem, nHeight, pDoc->m_pStyle), (RenderType) i, true);

			m_bRedraw = false;

		// draw the bitmaps
		int x[] = {
			(rect.Width () - rdc.GetWidth (Cover)) / 2 + 5,
			(rect.Width () - rdc.GetWidth (Back)) / 2 + 5,
			(rect.Width () - rdc.GetWidth (Inlay)) / 2 + 5,
			(rect.Width () - rdc.GetWidth (Label)) / 2 + 5,
			(rect.Width () - rdc.GetWidth (Cover)) / 2 + 5

		dc.SetViewportOrg (x[Booklet], m_y[Booklet]);
		DrawBooklet (&dc, rdc.GetWidth (Cover), rdc.GetWidth (Cover) / 2, pDoc, pView->GetRenderType ());
		dc.SetViewportOrg (0, 0);

		CBrush* pOldBrush = dc.GetCurrentBrush ();

		for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RENDER_TYPES; i++)
			CRect rectArea (rect.left, m_y[i], rect.right,
				m_y[i] + ((RenderType) i == Booklet ? rdc.GetWidth (Cover) / 2 : rdc.GetHeight ((RenderType) i)));

			if ((RenderType) i != Booklet)
				dcMem.SelectObject (m_Bitmap[i]);

				if (pDoc->m_pStyle->m_bHasRenderType[i])
					dc.SelectStockObject (WHITE_BRUSH);
					dc.SetTextColor (RGB (0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
					dc.SetBkColor (RGB (0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f));
					dc.SelectObject (dc.GetHalftoneBrush ());

				//dc.BitBlt (x[i], m_y[i], rdc.GetWidth ((RenderType) i) + 5, /*nHeight*/(m_y[i + 1] - m_y[i]) + 5, &dcMem, 0, 0, MERGECOPY);
				dc.BitBlt (x[i], m_y[i], rectArea.Width (), rectArea.Height () + 4, &dcMem, 0, 0, MERGECOPY);

			// marker
			Mark (&dc, rectArea, pView->GetRenderType () != (RenderType) i);

		dc.SelectObject (pOldBrush);


	CBitmap* pOldBmp = (CBitmap*) dcMem.SelectObject (m_bmpLogo);
	dc.FillSolidRect (0, r.bottom - 32, 148, 32, RGB (0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
	dc.BitBlt ((148 - 80) / 2, r.bottom - 32, 80, 32, &dcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
//	dcMem.SelectObject (pOldBmp);

	dcMem.DeleteDC ();
	brush.DeleteObject ();
void CDepartmentEstimationDialog::DrawBackground(CPaintDC &dc)
	CBrush brush(RGB(200,200,200));
	dc.FillRect(m_CanvasRect, &brush);
//#include "../../../code/image_proc/image/hsi.hpp"
CColorAdjustDialog::DrawPreview(CPaintDC& dc, RECT* rect)
  if (!m_blit_tile || m_blit_tile->GetPixels() == NULL || rect == NULL) {
    return false;
  const int width  = m_blit_tile->GetWidth();
  const int height = m_blit_tile->GetHeight();
  int current_width = m_Width;
  if (current_width > width)
    current_width = width;
  int current_height = m_Height;
  if (current_height > height)
    current_height = height;
  BGRA* pixels = (BGRA*) m_blit_tile->GetPixels();
  for (int iy = 0; iy < current_height; iy++) {
    for (int ix = 0; ix < current_width; ix++) {
      pixels[iy * width + ix].red   = m_Pixels[iy * m_Width + ix].red;
      pixels[iy * width + ix].green = m_Pixels[iy * m_Width + ix].green;
      pixels[iy * width + ix].blue  = m_Pixels[iy * m_Width + ix].blue;
      pixels[iy * width + ix].alpha = m_Pixels[iy * m_Width + ix].alpha;
  int red_value   = GetRedValue();
  int green_value = GetGreenValue();
  int blue_value  = GetBlueValue();
  int alpha_value = GetAlphaValue();
  int use_red   = ShouldUseRedChannel();
  int use_green = ShouldUseGreenChannel();
  int use_blue  = ShouldUseBlueChannel();
  int use_alpha = ShouldUseAlphaChannel();
  int method = 0;
  if (method == 0)
    for (int iy = 0; iy < current_height; iy++) {
      for (int ix = 0; ix < current_width; ix++) {
        if (use_red)   pixels[iy * width + ix].red   += red_value;
        if (use_green) pixels[iy * width + ix].green += green_value;
        if (use_blue)  pixels[iy * width + ix].blue  += blue_value;
        if (use_alpha) pixels[iy * width + ix].alpha += alpha_value;
    double h_value = ((double)red_value   / (double)255.0) * ((double)2.0 * 3.14);
    double s_value = ((double)green_value / (double)255.0);
    double i_value = ((double)blue_value  / (double)255.0);
    for (int iy = 0; iy < current_height; iy++) {
      for (int ix = 0; ix < current_width; ix++) {
        double r = pixels[iy * width + ix].red   / 255.0;
        double g = pixels[iy * width + ix].green / 255.0;
        double b = pixels[iy * width + ix].blue  / 255.0;
        double h, s, i;
        RGBtoHSI(r, g, b, &h, &s, &i);
        if (use_red)   h += h_value;
        if (use_green) s += s_value;
        if (use_blue)  i += i_value;
        if (use_alpha) pixels[iy * width + ix].alpha += alpha_value;
        HSItoRGB(h, s, i, &r, &g, &b);
        pixels[iy * width + ix].red   = r * 255;
        pixels[iy * width + ix].green = g * 255;
        pixels[iy * width + ix].blue  = b * 255;
  dc.BitBlt(rect->left, rect->top, current_width, current_height, CDC::FromHandle(m_blit_tile->GetDC()), 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
  if (1) {
    rect->left += current_width;
    dc.FillRect(rect, CBrush::FromHandle((HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)));
    rect->left -= current_width;
    rect->top += current_height;
    dc.FillRect(rect, CBrush::FromHandle((HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)));
    rect->top -= current_height;
  return true;