Exemple #1
void transpose(Param<T> output, CParam<T> input) {
    const dim4 odims    = output.dims();
    const dim4 ostrides = output.strides();
    const dim4 istrides = input.strides();

    T *out            = output.get();
    T const *const in = input.get();

    for (dim_t l = 0; l < odims[3]; ++l) {
        for (dim_t k = 0; k < odims[2]; ++k) {
            // Outermost loop handles batch mode
            // if input has no data along third dimension
            // this loop runs only once
            for (dim_t j = 0; j < odims[1]; ++j) {
                for (dim_t i = 0; i < odims[0]; ++i) {
                    // calculate array indices based on offsets and strides
                    // the helper getIdx takes care of indices
                    const dim_t inIdx  = getIdx(istrides, j, i, k, l);
                    const dim_t outIdx = getIdx(ostrides, i, j, k, l);
                    if (conjugate)
                        out[outIdx] = getConjugate(in[inIdx]);
                        out[outIdx] = in[inIdx];
            // outData and inData pointers doesn't need to be
            // offset as the getIdx function is taking care
            // of the batch parameter
Exemple #2
CString FORMULA_ArgumentParamValue::GetText(byte mode, int &layer)
	CParam* param = GetParam();
	if (param == NULL)
        return TXT("(NULL param № %d)") << m_param_num;
	return param->GetNameForShow();
void diff2(Param<T> out, CParam<T> in, int const dim)
    af::dim4 dims = out.dims();
    // Bool for dimension
    bool is_dim0 = dim == 0;
    bool is_dim1 = dim == 1;
    bool is_dim2 = dim == 2;
    bool is_dim3 = dim == 3;

    T const * const inPtr = in.get();
    T * outPtr = out.get();

    // TODO: Improve this
    for(dim_t l = 0; l < dims[3]; l++) {
        for(dim_t k = 0; k < dims[2]; k++) {
            for(dim_t j = 0; j < dims[1]; j++) {
                for(dim_t i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
                    // Operation: out[index] = in[index + 1 * dim_size] - in[index]
                    int idx = getIdx(in.strides(), i, j, k, l);
                    int jdx = getIdx(in.strides(),
                            i + is_dim0, j + is_dim1,
                            k + is_dim2, l + is_dim3);
                    int kdx = getIdx(in.strides(),
                            i + 2 * is_dim0, j + 2 * is_dim1,
                            k + 2 * is_dim2, l + 2 * is_dim3);
                    int odx = getIdx(out.strides(), i, j, k, l);
                    outPtr[odx] = inPtr[kdx] + inPtr[idx] - inPtr[jdx] - inPtr[jdx];
Exemple #4
void CScrollerView::dragval(CDrawContext *dstcon, CPoint &where)
  CPoint ref = where;
  float old = mParam->GetVal();
  bool allow = false; // need to drag a bit before edit
  int d;

		long button = dstcon->getMouseButtons();
		if (!(button & kLButton))

    d = mVert ? ref.y-where.y : where.x-ref.x;
      if(d<-2 || d>2)
        allow = true;
        ref = where;
      mParam->SetVal(old+d, NFLG_ALL);

Exemple #5
void MapParamDlg::ChooseChannel(int item)
	MutexWrap params_access(m_params_map_mutex);

	int param_num = m_table_list.GetItemData(item);

	CParam* param = NULL;
	if (!m_MapParamDefault.Lookup(param_num, param))
		CRUSH("Параметр отсутствует");
	CHECK(param != NULL);
	NewCorrespondenceDlg dlg(param, false);
	if (dlg.DoModal() == IDCANCEL)

	if (param->bParamActive)
		m_MapParam[param_num] = param;
	SetupLine(item, param);
Exemple #6
void wrap_dim(Param<T> out, CParam<T> in, const dim_t wx, const dim_t wy,
              const dim_t sx, const dim_t sy, const dim_t px, const dim_t py) {
    const T* inPtr = in.get();
    T* outPtr      = out.get();

    af::dim4 idims    = in.dims();
    af::dim4 odims    = out.dims();
    af::dim4 istrides = in.strides();
    af::dim4 ostrides = out.strides();

    dim_t nx = (odims[0] + 2 * px - wx) / sx + 1;

    for (dim_t w = 0; w < idims[3]; w++) {
        for (dim_t z = 0; z < idims[2]; z++) {
            dim_t cIn      = w * istrides[3] + z * istrides[2];
            dim_t cOut     = w * ostrides[3] + z * ostrides[2];
            const T* iptr_ = inPtr + cIn;
            T* optr        = outPtr + cOut;

            for (dim_t col = 0; col < idims[d]; col++) {
                // Offset output ptr
                const T* iptr = iptr_ + col * istrides[d];

                // Calculate input window index
                dim_t winy = (col / nx);
                dim_t winx = (col % nx);

                dim_t startx = winx * sx;
                dim_t starty = winy * sy;

                dim_t spx = startx - px;
                dim_t spy = starty - py;

                // Short cut condition ensuring all values within input
                // dimensions
                bool cond = (spx >= 0 && spx + wx < odims[0] && spy >= 0 &&
                             spy + wy < odims[1]);

                for (dim_t y = 0; y < wy; y++) {
                    for (dim_t x = 0; x < wx; x++) {
                        dim_t xpad = spx + x;
                        dim_t ypad = spy + y;

                        dim_t iloc = (y * wx + x);
                        if (d == 0) iloc *= istrides[1];

                        if (cond || (xpad >= 0 && xpad < odims[0] &&
                                     ypad >= 0 && ypad < odims[1])) {
                            dim_t oloc =
                                (ypad * ostrides[1] + xpad * ostrides[0]);
                            // FIXME: When using threads, atomize this
                            optr[oloc] += iptr[iloc];
void bilateral(Param<OutT> out, CParam<InT> in, float const s_sigma, float const c_sigma)
    af::dim4 const dims     = in.dims();
    af::dim4 const istrides = in.strides();
    af::dim4 const ostrides = out.strides();

    // clamp spatical and chromatic sigma's
    float space_       = std::min(11.5f, std::max(s_sigma, 0.f));
    float color_       = std::max(c_sigma, 0.f);
    dim_t const radius = std::max((dim_t)(space_ * 1.5f), (dim_t)1);
    float const svar   = space_*space_;
    float const cvar   = color_*color_;

    for(dim_t b3=0; b3<dims[3]; ++b3) {

        OutT *outData = out.get() + b3 * ostrides[3];
        InT const * inData  = in.get() + b3 * istrides[3];

        // b3 for loop handles following batch configurations
        //  - gfor
        //  - input based batch
        //      - when input is 4d array for color images
        for(dim_t b2=0; b2<dims[2]; ++b2) {
            // b2 for loop handles following batch configurations
            //  - channels
            //  - input based batch
            //      - when input is 3d array for grayscale images
            for(dim_t j=0; j<dims[1]; ++j) {
                // j steps along 2nd dimension
                for(dim_t i=0; i<dims[0]; ++i) {
                    // i steps along 1st dimension
                    OutT norm = 0.0;
                    OutT res  = 0.0;
                    OutT const center = (OutT)inData[getIdx(istrides, i, j)];
                    for(dim_t wj=-radius; wj<=radius; ++wj) {
                        // clamps offsets
                        dim_t tj = clamp(j+wj, dim_t(0), dims[1]-1);
                        for(dim_t wi=-radius; wi<=radius; ++wi) {
                            // clamps offsets
                            dim_t ti = clamp(i+wi, dim_t(0), dims[0]-1);
                            // proceed
                            OutT const val= (OutT)inData[getIdx(istrides, ti, tj)];
                            OutT const gauss_space = (wi*wi+wj*wj)/(-2.0*svar);
                            OutT const gauss_range = ((center-val)*(center-val))/(-2.0*cvar);
                            OutT const weight = std::exp(gauss_space+gauss_range);
                            norm += weight;
                            res += val*weight;
                    } // filter loop ends here

                    outData[getIdx(ostrides, i, j)] = res/norm;
                } //1st dimension loop ends here
            } //2nd dimension loop ends here
            outData += ostrides[2];
            inData  += istrides[2];
void assign(Param<T> out, af::dim4 dDims,
            CParam<T> rhs, std::vector<bool> const isSeq,
            std::vector<af_seq> const seqs, std::vector< CParam<uint> > idxArrs)
    af::dim4 pDims = out.dims();
    // retrieve dimensions & strides for array to which rhs is being copied to
    af::dim4 dst_offsets = toOffset(seqs, dDims);
    af::dim4 dst_strides = toStride(seqs, dDims);
    // retrieve rhs array dimenesions & strides
    af::dim4 src_dims    = rhs.dims();
    af::dim4 src_strides = rhs.strides();
    // declare pointers to af_array index data
    uint const * const ptr0 = idxArrs[0].get();
    uint const * const ptr1 = idxArrs[1].get();
    uint const * const ptr2 = idxArrs[2].get();
    uint const * const ptr3 = idxArrs[3].get();

    const T * src= rhs.get();
    T * dst      = out.get();

    for(dim_t l=0; l<src_dims[3]; ++l) {

        dim_t src_loff = l*src_strides[3];

        dim_t dst_lIdx = trimIndex(isSeq[3] ? l+dst_offsets[3] : ptr3[l], pDims[3]);
        dim_t dst_loff = dst_lIdx * dst_strides[3];

        for(dim_t k=0; k<src_dims[2]; ++k) {

            dim_t src_koff = k*src_strides[2];

            dim_t dst_kIdx = trimIndex(isSeq[2] ? k+dst_offsets[2] : ptr2[k], pDims[2]);
            dim_t dst_koff = dst_kIdx * dst_strides[2];

            for(dim_t j=0; j<src_dims[1]; ++j) {

                dim_t src_joff = j*src_strides[1];

                dim_t dst_jIdx = trimIndex(isSeq[1] ? j+dst_offsets[1] : ptr1[j], pDims[1]);
                dim_t dst_joff = dst_jIdx * dst_strides[1];

                for(dim_t i=0; i<src_dims[0]; ++i) {

                    dim_t src_ioff = i*src_strides[0];
                    dim_t src_idx  = src_ioff + src_joff + src_koff + src_loff;

                    dim_t dst_iIdx = trimIndex(isSeq[0] ? i+dst_offsets[0] : ptr0[i], pDims[0]);
                    dim_t dst_ioff = dst_iIdx * dst_strides[0];
                    dim_t dst_idx  = dst_ioff + dst_joff + dst_koff + dst_loff;

                    dst[dst_idx] = src[src_idx];
Exemple #9
float FORMULA_ArgumentParamValue::Value(byte& status)
	CParam* param = GetParam();
	if (param == NULL)
		return float(INT_MAX);
	return param->fCur;
Exemple #10
void CScrollerView::mouse(CDrawContext *dstcon, CPoint &where)
	long button = dstcon->getMouseButtons();

  if (!(button & kLButton) || !mParam)

	// see whether to set the default value
	if(button == (kControl|kLButton))
    mParam->SetVal(mParam->mDef, NFLG_ALL);

    // this event is sent by the attached display
    mDisplayMouse = false;
    bool vert=mVert;
    mVert = true;
    mVert = vert;
    // this event is from our own area, so get the hitmap and see whats to do
    long dsplw = mHitmap->getWidth();
    long dsplh = mHitmap->getHeight();
    CPoint cp = CPoint(0,0);
    CRect  cr = CRect(0,0,dsplw,dsplh);
    COffscreenContext *hitmap = new COffscreenContext(mFrame,dsplw,dsplh);
    mHitmap->draw(hitmap, cr, cp);
    //mHitmap->drawAlphaBlend(dstcon, size, cp);
    where.offset(-size.left, -size.top);
    CColor cl = hitmap->getPoint(where);
    delete hitmap;

      mParam->StepVal(1, NFLG_ALL);
    else if(cl==kRedCColor)
      mParam->StepVal(-1, NFLG_ALL);
    else if(cl==kWhiteCColor)
Exemple #11
void select(Param<T> out, CParam<char> cond, CParam<T> a, CParam<T> b) {
    af::dim4 adims    = a.dims();
    af::dim4 astrides = a.strides();
    af::dim4 bdims    = b.dims();
    af::dim4 bstrides = b.strides();

    af::dim4 cdims    = cond.dims();
    af::dim4 cstrides = cond.strides();

    af::dim4 odims    = out.dims();
    af::dim4 ostrides = out.strides();

    bool is_a_same[] = {adims[0] == odims[0], adims[1] == odims[1],
                        adims[2] == odims[2], adims[3] == odims[3]};

    bool is_b_same[] = {bdims[0] == odims[0], bdims[1] == odims[1],
                        bdims[2] == odims[2], bdims[3] == odims[3]};

    bool is_c_same[] = {cdims[0] == odims[0], cdims[1] == odims[1],
                        cdims[2] == odims[2], cdims[3] == odims[3]};

    const T *aptr    = a.get();
    const T *bptr    = b.get();
    T *optr          = out.get();
    const char *cptr = cond.get();

    for (int l = 0; l < odims[3]; l++) {
        int o_off3 = ostrides[3] * l;
        int a_off3 = astrides[3] * is_a_same[3] * l;
        int b_off3 = bstrides[3] * is_b_same[3] * l;
        int c_off3 = cstrides[3] * is_c_same[3] * l;

        for (int k = 0; k < odims[2]; k++) {
            int o_off2 = ostrides[2] * k + o_off3;
            int a_off2 = astrides[2] * is_a_same[2] * k + a_off3;
            int b_off2 = bstrides[2] * is_b_same[2] * k + b_off3;
            int c_off2 = cstrides[2] * is_c_same[2] * k + c_off3;

            for (int j = 0; j < odims[1]; j++) {
                int o_off1 = ostrides[1] * j + o_off2;
                int a_off1 = astrides[1] * is_a_same[1] * j + a_off2;
                int b_off1 = bstrides[1] * is_b_same[1] * j + b_off2;
                int c_off1 = cstrides[1] * is_c_same[1] * j + c_off2;

                for (int i = 0; i < odims[0]; i++) {
                    bool cval = is_c_same[0] ? cptr[c_off1 + i] : cptr[c_off1];
                    T aval    = is_a_same[0] ? aptr[a_off1 + i] : aptr[a_off1];
                    T bval    = is_b_same[0] ? bptr[b_off1 + i] : bptr[b_off1];
                    T oval    = cval ? aval : bval;
                    optr[o_off1 + i] = oval;
void approx1(Param<InT> output, CParam<InT> input,
             CParam<LocT> xposition, const float offGrid, af_interp_type method)
    InT * out = output.get();
    const LocT *xpos = xposition.get();

    const af::dim4 odims     = output.dims();
    const af::dim4 idims     = input.dims();
    const af::dim4 xdims     = xposition.dims();

    const af::dim4 ostrides  = output.strides();
    const af::dim4 istrides  = input.strides();
    const af::dim4 xstrides  = xposition.strides();

    Interp1<InT, LocT, order> interp;
    bool batch = !(xdims[1] == 1 && xdims[2] == 1 && xdims[3] == 1);

    for(dim_t idw = 0; idw < odims[3]; idw++) {
        for(dim_t idz = 0; idz < odims[2]; idz++) {
            dim_t ooffzw = idw * ostrides[3] + idz * ostrides[2];
            dim_t ioffzw = idw * istrides[3] + idz * istrides[2];
            dim_t xoffzw = idw * xstrides[3] + idz * xstrides[2];

            for(dim_t idy = 0; idy < odims[1]; idy++) {

                dim_t ooff = ooffzw + idy * ostrides[1];
                dim_t ioff = ioffzw + idy * istrides[1];
                dim_t xoff = xoffzw + idy * xstrides[1];

                for(dim_t idx = 0; idx < odims[0]; idx++) {

                    const LocT x = xpos[batch * xoff + idx];

                    // FIXME: Only cubic interpolation is doing clamping
                    // We need to make it consistent across all methods
                    // Not changing the behavior because tests will fail
                    bool clamp = order == 3;

                    if (x < 0 || idims[0] < x + 1) {
                        out[ooff + idx] = scalar<InT>(offGrid);
                    } else {
                        interp(output, ooff + idx, input, ioff, x, method, 1, clamp);
void copyElemwise(Param<OutT> dst, CParam<InT> src, OutT default_value, double factor)
    af::dim4 src_dims       = src.dims();
    af::dim4 dst_dims       = dst.dims();
    af::dim4 src_strides    = src.strides();
    af::dim4 dst_strides    = dst.strides();

    InT const * const src_ptr = src.get();
    OutT * dst_ptr      = dst.get();

    dim_t trgt_l = std::min(dst_dims[3], src_dims[3]);
    dim_t trgt_k = std::min(dst_dims[2], src_dims[2]);
    dim_t trgt_j = std::min(dst_dims[1], src_dims[1]);
    dim_t trgt_i = std::min(dst_dims[0], src_dims[0]);

    for(dim_t l=0; l<dst_dims[3]; ++l) {

        dim_t src_loff = l*src_strides[3];
        dim_t dst_loff = l*dst_strides[3];
        bool isLvalid = l<trgt_l;

        for(dim_t k=0; k<dst_dims[2]; ++k) {

            dim_t src_koff = k*src_strides[2];
            dim_t dst_koff = k*dst_strides[2];
            bool isKvalid = k<trgt_k;

            for(dim_t j=0; j<dst_dims[1]; ++j) {

                dim_t src_joff = j*src_strides[1];
                dim_t dst_joff = j*dst_strides[1];
                bool isJvalid = j<trgt_j;

                for(dim_t i=0; i<dst_dims[0]; ++i) {
                    OutT temp = default_value;
                    if (isLvalid && isKvalid && isJvalid && i<trgt_i) {
                        dim_t src_idx = i*src_strides[0] + src_joff + src_koff + src_loff;
                        temp = OutT(src_ptr[src_idx])*OutT(factor);
                    dim_t dst_idx = i*dst_strides[0] + dst_joff + dst_koff + dst_loff;
                    dst_ptr[dst_idx] = temp;
void dot(Param<T> output, CParam<T> lhs, CParam<T> rhs,
         af_mat_prop optLhs, af_mat_prop optRhs)
    int N = lhs.dims(0);

    T out = 0;
    const T *pL = lhs.get();
    const T *pR = rhs.get();

    for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        out += (conjugate ? kernel::conj(pL[i]) : pL[i]) * pR[i];

    if(both_conjugate) out = kernel::conj(out);

    *output.get() = out;

Exemple #15
void StartTimeOut(CParamMap& map_param)
	CParam* param;
	int num;
	POSITION pos = map_param.GetStartPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		map_param.GetNextAssoc(pos, num, param);
		if (param == NULL)
		if (param->bParamActive)
			param->m_prev_calc_status = FORMULA_CALC_STATUS_TIMEOUT;
Exemple #16
void MapParamDlg::OnButtonAdd() 
	CParam *param = new CParam(), *other;
	param->sName = "Новый параметр";
	param->m_channel_num = -1;

	for (param->m_num_par = MAX_PARAM + 1; param->m_num_par < 10000; param->m_num_par++)
		if (!m_MapParamDefault.Lookup(param->m_num_par, other))

	NewCorrespondenceDlg dlg(param, true);
	if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
		m_MapParamDefault[param->m_num_par] = param; 
		if (param->bParamActive)
			m_MapParam[param->m_num_par] = param;
Exemple #17
void lookup(Param<InT> out, CParam<InT> input, CParam<IndexT> indices,
            unsigned const dim) {
    const af::dim4 iDims    = input.dims();
    const af::dim4 oDims    = out.dims();
    const af::dim4 iStrides = input.strides();
    const af::dim4 oStrides = out.strides();
    const InT *inPtr        = input.get();
    const IndexT *idxPtr    = indices.get();

    InT *outPtr = out.get();

    for (dim_t l = 0; l < oDims[3]; ++l) {
        dim_t iLOff = iStrides[3] *
                      (dim == 3 ? trimIndex((dim_t)idxPtr[l], iDims[3]) : l);
        dim_t oLOff = l * oStrides[3];

        for (dim_t k = 0; k < oDims[2]; ++k) {
            dim_t iKOff =
                iStrides[2] *
                (dim == 2 ? trimIndex((dim_t)idxPtr[k], iDims[2]) : k);
            dim_t oKOff = k * oStrides[2];

            for (dim_t j = 0; j < oDims[1]; ++j) {
                dim_t iJOff =
                    iStrides[1] *
                    (dim == 1 ? trimIndex((dim_t)idxPtr[j], iDims[1]) : j);
                dim_t oJOff = j * oStrides[1];

                for (dim_t i = 0; i < oDims[0]; ++i) {
                    dim_t iIOff =
                        iStrides[0] *
                        (dim == 0 ? trimIndex((dim_t)idxPtr[i], iDims[0]) : i);
                    dim_t oIOff = i * oStrides[0];

                    outPtr[oLOff + oKOff + oJOff + oIOff] =
                        inPtr[iLOff + iKOff + iJOff + iIOff];
void diagCreate(Param<T> out, CParam<T> in, int const num)
    int batch = in.dims(1);
    int size  = out.dims(0);

    T const * iptr = in.get();
    T * optr = out.get();

    for (int k = 0; k < batch; k++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                T val = scalar<T>(0);
                if (i == j - num) {
                    val = (num > 0) ? iptr[i] : iptr[j];
                optr[i + j * out.strides(1)] = val;
        optr += out.strides(2);
        iptr += in.strides(1);
Exemple #19
void fft_c2r(Param<Tr> out, const af::dim4 oDataDims,
             CParam<Tc> in, const af::dim4 iDataDims,
             const af::dim4 odims)
    int t_dims[rank];
    int in_embed[rank];
    int out_embed[rank];

    computeDims<rank>(t_dims  , odims);
    computeDims<rank>(in_embed , iDataDims);
    computeDims<rank>(out_embed , oDataDims);

    const af::dim4 istrides = in.strides();
    const af::dim4 ostrides = out.strides();

    typedef typename fftw_real_transform<Tr, Tc>::ctype_t ctype_t;
    typename fftw_real_transform<Tr, Tc>::plan_t plan;

    fftw_real_transform<Tr, Tc> transform;

    int batch = 1;
    for (int i = rank; i < 4; i++) {
        batch *= odims[i];

    plan = transform.create(rank,
                            (ctype_t *)in.get(),
                            in_embed, (int)istrides[0],
                            (Tr *)out.get(),
                            out_embed, (int)ostrides[0],

    static void copy(Param<T> dst, CParam<T> src)
        af::dim4 src_dims       = src.dims();
        af::dim4 dst_dims       = dst.dims();
        af::dim4 src_strides    = src.strides();
        af::dim4 dst_strides    = dst.strides();

        T const * src_ptr = src.get();
        T * dst_ptr       = dst.get();

        // find the major-most dimension, which is linear in both arrays
        int linear_end = 0;
        dim_t count = 1;
        while (linear_end < 4
                && count == src_strides[linear_end]
                && count == dst_strides[linear_end]) {
            count *= src_dims[linear_end];

        // traverse through the array using strides only until neccessary
        copy_go(dst_ptr, dst_strides, dst_dims, src_ptr, src_strides, src_dims, 3, linear_end);
Exemple #21
long CScrollerView::notify(CView *sender, const char *message)
  case VNTF_MOUSE:  // next ::mouse() is an alien
    mDisplayMouse = true;

    int in;


  return 0;
Exemple #22
void select_scalar(Param<T> out, CParam<char> cond, CParam<T> a,
                   const double b) {
    af::dim4 astrides = a.strides();
    af::dim4 adims    = a.dims();
    af::dim4 cstrides = cond.strides();
    af::dim4 cdims    = cond.dims();

    af::dim4 odims    = out.dims();
    af::dim4 ostrides = out.strides();

    const T *aptr    = a.get();
    T *optr          = out.get();
    const char *cptr = cond.get();

    bool is_a_same[] = {adims[0] == odims[0], adims[1] == odims[1],
                        adims[2] == odims[2], adims[3] == odims[3]};

    bool is_c_same[] = {cdims[0] == odims[0], cdims[1] == odims[1],
                        cdims[2] == odims[2], cdims[3] == odims[3]};

    for (int l = 0; l < odims[3]; l++) {
        int o_off3 = ostrides[3] * l;
        int a_off3 = astrides[3] * is_a_same[3] * l;
        int c_off3 = cstrides[3] * is_c_same[3] * l;

        for (int k = 0; k < odims[2]; k++) {
            int o_off2 = ostrides[2] * k + o_off3;
            int a_off2 = astrides[2] * is_a_same[2] * k + a_off3;
            int c_off2 = cstrides[2] * is_c_same[2] * k + c_off3;

            for (int j = 0; j < odims[1]; j++) {
                int o_off1 = ostrides[1] * j + o_off2;
                int a_off1 = astrides[1] * is_a_same[1] * j + a_off2;
                int c_off1 = cstrides[1] * is_c_same[1] * j + c_off2;

                for (int i = 0; i < odims[0]; i++) {
                    bool cval = is_c_same[0] ? cptr[c_off1 + i] : cptr[c_off1];
                    T aval    = is_a_same[0] ? aptr[a_off1 + i] : aptr[a_off1];
                    optr[o_off1 + i] = (flip ^ cval) ? aval : b;
void diagExtract(Param<T> out, CParam<T> in, int const num)
    af::dim4 const odims = out.dims();
    af::dim4 const idims = in.dims();

    int const i_off = (num > 0) ? (num * in.strides(1)) : (-num);

    for (int l = 0; l < (int)odims[3]; l++) {

        for (int k = 0; k < (int)odims[2]; k++) {
            const T *iptr = in.get() + l * in.strides(3) + k * in.strides(2) + i_off;
            T *optr = out.get() + l * out.strides(3) + k * out.strides(2);

            for (int i = 0; i < (int)odims[0]; i++) {
                T val = scalar<T>(0);
                if (i < idims[0] && i < idims[1]) val =  iptr[i * in.strides(1) + i];
                optr[i] = val;
void padBorders(Param<T> out, CParam<T> in, const dim4 lBoundPadSize,
                const dim4 uBoundPadSize, const af::borderType btype) {
    const dim4& oDims = out.dims();
    const dim4& oStrs = out.strides();
    const dim4& iDims = in.dims();
    const dim4& iStrs = in.strides();

    T const* const src = in.get();
    T* dst             = out.get();

    const dim4 validRegEnds(
        oDims[0] - uBoundPadSize[0], oDims[1] - uBoundPadSize[1],
        oDims[2] - uBoundPadSize[2], oDims[3] - uBoundPadSize[3]);
    const bool isInputLinear = iStrs[0] == 1;

     * */
    for (dim_t l = lBoundPadSize[3]; l < validRegEnds[3]; ++l) {
        dim_t oLOff = oStrs[3] * l;
        dim_t iLOff = iStrs[3] * (l - lBoundPadSize[3]);

        for (dim_t k = lBoundPadSize[2]; k < validRegEnds[2]; ++k) {
            dim_t oKOff = oStrs[2] * k;
            dim_t iKOff = iStrs[2] * (k - lBoundPadSize[2]);

            for (dim_t j = lBoundPadSize[1]; j < validRegEnds[1]; ++j) {
                dim_t oJOff = oStrs[1] * j;
                dim_t iJOff = iStrs[1] * (j - lBoundPadSize[1]);

                if (isInputLinear) {
                    T const* const sptr = src + iLOff + iKOff + iJOff;
                    T* dptr = dst + oLOff + oKOff + oJOff + lBoundPadSize[0];

                    std::copy(sptr, sptr + iDims[0], dptr);
                } else {
                    for (dim_t i = lBoundPadSize[0]; i < validRegEnds[0]; ++i) {
                        dim_t oIOff = oStrs[0] * i;
                        dim_t iIOff = iStrs[0] * (i - lBoundPadSize[0]);

                        dst[oLOff + oKOff + oJOff + oIOff] =
                            src[iLOff + iKOff + iJOff + iIOff];
            }  // second dimension loop
        }      // third dimension loop
    }          // fourth dimension loop

    // If we have to do zero padding,
    // just return as the output is filled with
    // zeros during allocation
    if (btype == AF_PAD_ZERO) return;

     * */
    for (dim_t l = 0; l < oDims[3]; ++l) {
        bool skipL  = (l >= lBoundPadSize[3] && l < validRegEnds[3]);
        dim_t oLOff = oStrs[3] * l;
        dim_t iLOff =
            iStrs[3] * idxByndEdge(l, lBoundPadSize[3], iDims[3], btype);
        for (dim_t k = 0; k < oDims[2]; ++k) {
            bool skipK  = (k >= lBoundPadSize[2] && k < validRegEnds[2]);
            dim_t oKOff = oStrs[2] * k;
            dim_t iKOff =
                iStrs[2] * idxByndEdge(k, lBoundPadSize[2], iDims[2], btype);
            for (dim_t j = 0; j < oDims[1]; ++j) {
                bool skipJ  = (j >= lBoundPadSize[1] && j < validRegEnds[1]);
                dim_t oJOff = oStrs[1] * j;
                dim_t iJOff = iStrs[1] *
                              idxByndEdge(j, lBoundPadSize[1], iDims[1], btype);
                for (dim_t i = 0; i < oDims[0]; ++i) {
                    bool skipI = (i >= lBoundPadSize[0] && i < validRegEnds[0]);
                    if (skipI && skipJ && skipK && skipL) continue;

                    dim_t oIOff = oStrs[0] * i;
                    dim_t iIOff = iStrs[0] * idxByndEdge(i, lBoundPadSize[0],
                                                         iDims[0], btype);

                    dst[oLOff + oKOff + oJOff + oIOff] =
                        src[iLOff + iKOff + iJOff + iIOff];

                }  // first dimension loop
            }      // second dimension loop
        }          // third dimension loop
    }              // fourth dimension loop
Exemple #25
bool FORMULA_ArgumentParamValue::IsTimedOut()
	CParam* param = GetParam();
	return param == NULL || param->IsTimedOut()/* || !param->IsActive()*/;
Exemple #26
void CScrollerView::draw(CDrawContext *dstcon)
  CPoint cp;
  CRect  cr;
  int x,y,w,h;
  int bar = 0;
  if(mParam) bar += mParam->IsBipolar() ? 0: 1;

  w = mLedbmp->getWidth();
  h = mLedbmp->getHeight();

  case kScTpVS:
    x = size.left + mHmLeft;
    y = size.top + mHmTop;
    cr = CRect(x,y, x+LEDBAR_WIDTH, y+LEDBAR_HEIGHT);
    cp = CPoint(bar*LEDBAR_WIDTH, (mLedbarValue/2)*LEDBAR_HEIGHT);
    mLedbmp->draw(dstcon, cr, cp);

  case kScTpHB:
    x = size.left + 1 + mHmLeft;
    y = size.top - 1 + mHmTop;
    cr = CRect(x,y, x+w, y+h);
    int v,b;

      v = 63-mLedbarValue;;
      for(int l=0; l<10; l++)
			mFrame->getBackground()->draw(dstcon, cr, CPoint(x,y));
        b = v>7 ? v>16 ? 78-(v/12) : 7 : v<=0 ? 0 : v;
        b *= 36;
        mLedbmp->drawAlphaBlend(dstcon, cr, CPoint(0,0), b);
        v -= 6;
      if(mLedbarValue < 33)
        v = 68-mLedbarValue;
        for(int l=0; l<10; l++)
			  mFrame->getBackground()->draw(dstcon, cr, CPoint(x,y));
          b = l<4 ? 0 : v>7 ? v>16 ? 80-(v/6) : 7 : v<=0 ? 0 : v;
          b *= 36;
          mLedbmp->drawAlphaBlend(dstcon, cr, CPoint(0,0), b);
          v -= 6;
        v = mLedbarValue+3;
        for(int l=0; l<10; l++)
			  mFrame->getBackground()->draw(dstcon, cr, CPoint(x,y));
          b = l<4 ? 0 : v>7 ? v>16 ? 80-(v/6) : 7 : v<=0 ? 0 : v;
          b *= 36;
          mLedbmp->drawAlphaBlend(dstcon, cr, CPoint(0,0), b);
          v -= 6;

#if 0
  mHitmap->drawAlphaBlend(dstcon, size, cp(0,0));
void join(Param<Tx> out, const int dim, CParam<Tx> first, CParam<Ty> second)
    Tx* outPtr = out.get();
    const Tx* fptr = first.get();
    const Ty* sptr = second.get();

    af::dim4 zero(0,0,0,0);
    const af::dim4 odims = out.dims();
    const af::dim4 fdims = first.dims();
    const af::dim4 sdims = second.dims();

    switch(dim) {
        case 0:
            join_append<Tx, Tx, 0>(outPtr, fptr, zero,
                                   odims, fdims, out.strides(), first.strides());
            join_append<Tx, Ty, 0>(outPtr, sptr, calcOffset<0>(fdims),
                                   odims, sdims, out.strides(), second.strides());
        case 1:
            join_append<Tx, Tx, 1>(outPtr, fptr, zero,
                                   odims, fdims, out.strides(), first.strides());
            join_append<Tx, Ty, 1>(outPtr, sptr, calcOffset<1>(fdims),
                                   odims, sdims, out.strides(), second.strides());
        case 2:
            join_append<Tx, Tx, 2>(outPtr, fptr, zero,
                                   odims, fdims, out.strides(), first.strides());
            join_append<Tx, Ty, 2>(outPtr, sptr, calcOffset<2>(fdims),
                                   odims, sdims, out.strides(), second.strides());
        case 3:
            join_append<Tx, Tx, 3>(outPtr, fptr, zero,
                                   odims, fdims, out.strides(), first.strides());
            join_append<Tx, Ty, 3>(outPtr, sptr, calcOffset<3>(fdims),
                                   odims, sdims, out.strides(), second.strides());
Exemple #28
void transform(Param<T> output, CParam<T> input, CParam<float> transform,
               const bool inverse, const bool perspective,
               af_interp_type method) {
    typedef typename af::dtype_traits<T>::base_type BT;
    typedef wtype_t<BT> WT;

    const af::dim4 idims    = input.dims();
    const af::dim4 odims    = output.dims();
    const af::dim4 tdims    = transform.dims();
    const af::dim4 tstrides = transform.strides();
    const af::dim4 istrides = input.strides();
    const af::dim4 ostrides = output.strides();

    T *out          = output.get();
    const float *tf = transform.get();

    int batch_size = 1;
    if (idims[2] != tdims[2]) batch_size = idims[2];

    Interp2<T, WT, order> interp;
    for (int idw = 0; idw < (int)odims[3]; idw++) {
        dim_t out_offw = idw * ostrides[3];
        dim_t in_offw  = (idims[3] > 1) * idw * istrides[3];
        dim_t tf_offw  = (tdims[3] > 1) * idw * tstrides[3];

        for (int idz = 0; idz < (int)odims[2]; idz += batch_size) {
            dim_t out_offzw = out_offw + idz * ostrides[2];
            dim_t in_offzw  = in_offw + (idims[2] > 1) * idz * istrides[2];
            dim_t tf_offzw  = tf_offw + (tdims[2] > 1) * idz * tstrides[2];

            const float *tptr = tf + tf_offzw;

            float tmat[9];
            calc_transform_inverse(tmat, tptr, inverse, perspective,
                                   perspective ? 9 : 6);

            for (int idy = 0; idy < (int)odims[1]; idy++) {
                for (int idx = 0; idx < (int)odims[0]; idx++) {
                    WT xidi = idx * tmat[0] + idy * tmat[1] + tmat[2];
                    WT yidi = idx * tmat[3] + idy * tmat[4] + tmat[5];

                    if (perspective) {
                        WT W = idx * tmat[6] + idy * tmat[7] + tmat[8];
                        xidi /= W;
                        yidi /= W;

                    // FIXME: Nearest and lower do not do clamping, but other
                    // methods do Make it consistent
                    bool clamp = order != 1;
                    bool condX = xidi >= -0.0001 && xidi < idims[0];
                    bool condY = yidi >= -0.0001 && yidi < idims[1];

                    int ooff = out_offzw + idy * ostrides[1] + idx;
                    if (condX && condY) {
                        interp(output, ooff, input, in_offzw, xidi, yidi,
                               method, batch_size, clamp);
                    } else {
                        for (int n = 0; n < batch_size; n++) {
                            out[ooff + n * ostrides[2]] = scalar<T>(0);