CParticleSystem *CParticleSystemShape::instanciatePS(CScene &scene, NLMISC::CContiguousBlockAllocator *blockAllocator /*= NULL*/)
	if (_Sharing && _SharedSystem != NULL) // is sharing enabled, and is a system already instanciated
		return _SharedSystem;

	// avoid prb with concurrent thread (may happen if an instance group containing ps is loaded in background)

		nlassert(PSBlockAllocator == NULL);
		if (blockAllocator)
			// set new allocator for particle system memory
			PSBlockAllocator = blockAllocator;
			blockAllocator->init(_NumBytesWanted); // if size wanted is already known, set it

	//NLMISC::TTicks start = NLMISC::CTime::getPerformanceTime();
	// copy the datas
	CParticleSystem *myInstance = NULL;

	// serialize from the memory stream
	if (!_ParticleSystemProto.isReading()) // we must be sure that we are reading the stream

	_ParticleSystemProto.seek(0, NLMISC::IStream::begin);

//	NLMISC::TTicks start = NLMISC::CTime::getPerformanceTime();
	_ParticleSystemProto.serialPtr(myInstance); // instanciate the system
/*	NLMISC::TTicks end = NLMISC::CTime::getPerformanceTime();
	nlinfo("instanciation time = %.2f", (float) (1000 * NLMISC::CTime::ticksToSecond(end - start)));


	if (_CachedTex.empty() && scene.getDriver())
		//nlinfo("flushing texs");
		// load && cache textures
		myInstance->enumTexs(_CachedTex, *scene.getDriver());
		for(uint k = 0; k < _CachedTex.size(); ++k)
			if (_CachedTex[k])
				scene.getDriver()->setupTexture (*(ITexture *)_CachedTex[k]);
		for(uint k = 0; k < _CachedTex.size(); ++k)

	// tmp

	if (_Sharing)
		_SharedSystem = myInstance; // set this as the first shared instance

		if (blockAllocator)
			_NumBytesWanted = blockAllocator->getNumAllocatedBytes(); // now we know the number of wanted bytes, subsequent alloc can be much faster
			PSBlockAllocator = NULL;


	/*NLMISC::TTicks end = NLMISC::CTime::getPerformanceTime();
	nlinfo("instanciation time = %.2f", (float) (1000 * NLMISC::CTime::ticksToSecond(end - start)));	*/
	return myInstance;