// Give Exp
bool CWorldServer::GiveExp( CMonster* thismon )
    Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Awarding EXP");
    int tmpMult = 1;
    if( thismon->owner != 0) // Summon
        MapList.Index[thismon->Position->Map]->DeleteMonster( thismon );
	    return true;
    // Give Experience Drops and Quest Items
    vector<CPartyExp*> PartyExp;
    vector<CParty*> PartyList;
	CMap* map = GServer->MapList.Index[thismon->Position->Map];
    for(UINT i=0;i<thismon->PlayersDamage.size();i++)
        MonsterDamage* thisplayer = thismon->PlayersDamage.at(i);
		CPlayer* thisclient = GetClientByCID( thisplayer->charid, thismon->Position->Map );
		if( thisplayer->damage > 0 && thisclient != NULL ) //player did some damage
    		Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Player did %i damage. max = %i",thisplayer->damage,thismon->Stats->MaxHP);
    		float MyPercent = (float)thisplayer->damage / thismon->Stats->MaxHP;
			if(MyPercent > thisclient->CharInfo->HighestOverkill)
				thisclient->CharInfo->HighestOverkill = MyPercent;
				SendPM(thisclient, "Congratulations!! You have exceeded your highest ever Overkill rate. New Best: %f",thisclient->CharInfo->HighestOverkill);
    		if(MyPercent > GServer->Config.MaxOverkill)MyPercent = GServer->Config.MaxOverkill;   //set overkill ceiling
			Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Percentage multiplier %f",MyPercent);
            if( thisclient->Battle->target == thismon->clientid )
                ClearBattle( thisclient->Battle )
                thisclient->Position->destiny = thisclient->Position->current;
                //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"(GiveExp) Destiny set to current position X: %f Y: %f.",thisclient->Position->current.x,thisclient->Position->current.y);
            if( thismon->MonsterDrop->firsthit == thisclient->CharInfo->charid )
                for( int q=0;q<10;q++)
                    // Give Quest Item
                    if( thisclient->quest.quests[q].QuestID != 0 )
                        Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Giving quest reward item for quest %i Killed monster type %i",thisclient->quest.quests[q].QuestID,thismon->montype);
                        //P: Suppressing this completely for a test of the drop code added below
						//BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x731 )
                        //ADDWORD    ( pak, thismon->montype );
                        //thisclient->client->SendPacket( &pak );
						//PY: thismon->thisnpc->die_quest contains the hash needed to complete the trigger so we can just bypass the initial part of this process
						int success = thisclient->ExecuteQuestTrigger(thismon->thisnpc->die_quest);
						if(success == 5) // quest success
							Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Death QSD Trigger %i successful. Sending success: ",thismon->thisnpc->die_quest);
							BEGINPACKET ( pak, 0x730);
							ADDBYTE ( pak, success);
							ADDBYTE ( pak, 0);
							ADDDWORD( pak, thismon->thisnpc->die_quest);
            //assign my own exp for monsters that I personally damaged
            unsigned int exp = (unsigned int)floor(thismon->thisnpc->exp * MyPercent);
            //unsigned int exp = (unsigned int)ceil((double)((thismon->thisnpc->exp * thisplayer->damage) / (thismon->thisnpc->hp*thismon->thisnpc->level)));
            exp = exp * Config.EXP_RATE * map->mapXPRate;      //calculate base exp for this client. No medals or stuff accounted for yet
            Log(MSG_DEBUG,"MonXP: %i config rate: %i Map rate : %i My percent: %f Total XP: %i", thismon->thisnpc->exp, Config.EXP_RATE, map->mapXPRate, MyPercent, exp);
            thisclient->CharInfo->Pending_Exp += (exp * thisclient->Stats->xprate);    //store exp into thisclient's pending_exp using personal xprate adjustments
			Log(MSG_DEBUG,"My personal XPrate: %i ", thisclient->Stats->xprate);
            if( thisclient->Party->party!=NULL )
                //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Player is in a party");
                //player is in a party so scan the party members
                CParty* party = thisclient->Party->party; //assign a party
                if(party == NULL)
                    return true;
                //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"party found. Counted = %i", party->counted);
                for(UINT p=0;p<party->Members.size();p++) //loop through all the members in the party
                    //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"member %i being parsed", p);
                        //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"party added to list. level = %i", party->PartyLevel);
                        party->counted = true; //tag the party so we don't add it to the list twice
                        PartyList.push_back( party ); //we will need this list later to convert pending exp to real exp
                    CPlayer* thismember = party->Members.at(p); //find a party member
                    if(thismember == NULL)
                        return true;
					float RawTmpExp = (exp * (party->PartyLevel + 25) / 50);
                    unsigned int tempxp =(unsigned int)(floor)(RawTmpExp);
                    if (tempxp < 1)tempxp = 1;
                    //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"member %i pending exp = %i tempxp: %i", p, thismember->CharInfo->Pending_Exp, tempxp);
                    thismember->CharInfo->Pending_Exp += tempxp; // add a percentage of thisclient's non-adjusted exp to all party members including himself

                    //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"member %i pending exp (after tempxp) = %i", p, thismember->CharInfo->Pending_Exp);
                if(party->PartyLevel < 50) //only give party exp if party level is under 50

                    party->Pending_Exp += exp; //add thisclient's non-adjusted xp to the pending exp of the party

            else //not in a party so deal with all the exp now
                //SendPM(thisclient, "You receive %i EXP",thisclient->CharInfo->Pending_Exp);
                //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Player awarded %i experience points",thisclient->CharInfo->Pending_Exp);
				thisclient->CharInfo->Exp += thisclient->CharInfo->Pending_Exp;
                thisclient->CharInfo->Pending_Exp = 0;
				if(thisclient->CharInfo->Exp < thisclient->GetLevelEXP())
					BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x79b );
                    ADDDWORD   ( pak, thisclient->CharInfo->Exp );
                    ADDWORD    ( pak, thisclient->CharInfo->stamina );
					ADDWORD    ( pak, thismon->clientid );
                    thisclient->client->SendPacket( &pak );
    for(int p=0;p<PartyList.size();p++) //loop through our party list to assign final exp to all party members. We already did non-party members up there^

        CParty* thisparty = PartyList.at( p );

        if(thisparty == NULL)
            //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Party not valid");
        //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Party %i exp: %i pending exp: %i", p, thisparty->Exp, thisparty->Pending_Exp );
        thisparty->counted = false;         //reset the boolean for next time
        for(UINT i=0;i<thisparty->Members.size();i++) //loop through all the members in the party
            CPlayer* thismember = thisparty->Members.at(i); //find a party member
            if(thismember == NULL)
                return true;
            thismember->CharInfo->Exp += thismember->CharInfo->Pending_Exp;
            //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Added pending exp %i to regular exp %i for member %i", thismember->CharInfo->Pending_Exp, thismember->CharInfo->Exp, i);
            thismember->CharInfo->Pending_Exp = 0;
            if(!thismember->CheckPlayerLevelUP( ))
                BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x79b );
                ADDDWORD   ( pak, thismember->CharInfo->Exp );
                ADDWORD    ( pak, thismember->CharInfo->stamina );
                //ADDWORD    ( pak, 0 );		//PY: not needed
				ADDWORD    ( pak, thismon->clientid );
                thismember->client->SendPacket( &pak );

        thisparty->Exp += thisparty->Pending_Exp;
        thisparty->Pending_Exp = 0;
		thisparty->m_bitLevelUP = 0;
        if( thisparty->Exp > GetMaxPartyExp(thisparty->PartyLevel)) //level up the party
            thisparty->Exp -= GetMaxPartyExp(thisparty->PartyLevel-1);
			thisparty->m_iEXP = thisparty->Exp;
			thisparty->m_bitLevelUP = 1;	//set levelup bit. See client structure below
		//PY: structure of 0x7d4
		BYTE				m_btLEVEL;
			unsigned int	m_iEXP		 : 31;
			unsigned int	m_bitLevelUP : 1;
		} ;
        BEGINPACKET	( pak, 0x7d4 );
        ADDBYTE		( pak, thisparty->PartyLevel );
        ADDWORD		( pak, thisparty->m_iEXP );			// defined as 31 bits
		ADDWORD		( pak, thisparty->m_bitLevelUP );	// defined as 1 bit
        thisparty->SendToMembers( &pak );
    return true;
// Map Process
PVOID MapProcess( PVOID TS )
    bool ok_cont=false;
    UINT loopcount=0;
    clock_t time_skill=0;
    bool only_npc=false;    //LMA: AIP is done by NPC even when no player in map.
    bool only_summon=false;  //LMA: test for summons when no one's around (sad is a summon's life ^_^).
    UINT nb_summons_map=0;  //LMA: test for summons when no one's around (sad is a summon's life ^_^).

    //LMA: temp monster used for NPCs.
    fPoint tempPos;
    CMonster* NPCmonster = new (nothrow) CMonster( tempPos, 0, 0, 0, 0  );

        loopcount++;            //geobot: refresh only every 100 cycles
        if (loopcount < 100)

        loopcount = 0;

        pthread_mutex_lock( &GServer->PlayerMutex );
        pthread_mutex_lock( &GServer->MapMutex );


        for(UINT i=0;i<GServer->MapList.Map.size();i++)
            CMap* map = GServer->MapList.Map.at(i);

            //LMA: test for Union.
            only_summon=false;  //LMA: test for summons when no one's around (sad is a summon's life ^_^).
            if( map->PlayerList.size()<1 )
                only_npc = true;    //LMA: AIP is done by NPC even when no player in map.

                //LMA: doing summons too if there are any in map.
                if(map->nb_summons > 0)
                    only_summon = true;

            if (!only_npc||only_summon)
                // Player update //------------------------
                for(UINT j=0;j<map->PlayerList.size();j++)
                    CPlayer* player = map->PlayerList.at(j);
					//check for delayed trigger
					if(player->TriggerDelay != 0 )	//only one problem. If the player logs out before the delayed action trigger is executed than it never will be. Oh Dear! The missing children will really be missing. lol. It's fine though because they never truly despawn. they just disappear from the player's visibility list.
						clock_t etime = clock() - player->DelayStartTime;
						if( etime >= player->TriggerDelay )
							player->TriggerDelay = 0;	//reset delays and stuff
							player->TriggerHash = 0;
                    if(!player->Session->inGame) continue;

                    if(player->IsDead( ))
                          player->lastRegenTime = 0;
                          player->lastShowTime = 0;
                    player->RefreshHPMP();         //LMA HP / MP Jumping
                    if(player->UpdateValues( )) //Does nothing except for rides... equals to true if player isn't on the back seat
                    if(player->IsOnBattle( ))
                        player->DoAttack( );

                    player->RefreshBuff( );
                    player->PlayerHeal( );
                    player->Regeneration( );
                    player->CheckPlayerLevelUP( );

                    player->CheckDoubleEquip(); //LMA: Core fix for double weapon and shield
                    player->CheckZulies( );

                    //Fuel handling.
                    if (player->Status->Stance == DRIVING && (player->last_fuel>0) && (clock()-player->last_fuel > 60000))
                      //We kill some fuel every now and then :)

                    //LMA: mileage coupon checks.
                    time_t etime=time(NULL);
                      BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x702 );
                      ADDSTRING( pak, "[Mileage] Null Xp vanished.");
                      ADDBYTE( pak, 0 );
                      BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x702 );
                      ADDSTRING( pak, "[Mileage] Bonus Xp vanished.");
                      ADDBYTE( pak, 0 );
                      BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x702 );
                      ADDSTRING( pak, "[Mileage] Medal of Fortune vanished.");
                      ADDBYTE( pak, 0 );
                      BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x702 );
                      ADDSTRING( pak, "[Mileage] Medal of Excellence vanished.");
                      ADDBYTE( pak, 0 );
                      BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x702 );
                      ADDSTRING( pak, "[Mileage] Medal of Retrieval vanished.");
                      ADDBYTE( pak, 0 );
                      BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x702 );
                      ADDSTRING( pak, "[Mileage] Mileage shop expired !");
                      ADDBYTE( pak, 0 );
                      BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x702 );
                      ADDSTRING( pak, "[Mileage] Mileage shop expired !");
                      ADDBYTE( pak, 0 );


                // Monster update //------------------------
                pthread_mutex_lock( &map->MonsterMutex );

                //spawn TD monsters
                unsigned nextmon = map->TDMobList[map->TDNextSpawn];
                if(nextmon != 0)
                    //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Spawning TD mobs");
                    clock_t etime = clock() - map->lastTDSpawnTime;
                    if(etime >= map->TDMobDelay) // check if elapsed time is greater than spawn delay
                         //spawn the next monster on the list
                         //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Spawning TD mob of type %i at position %i in the list for map %i",nextmon, map->TDNextSpawn, map->id);
                         map->AddMonster(nextmon, GServer->WPList[map->id][1].pos, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 999 ); //spawn a TD mob with no AI
                         //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Spawned mob in addmonster");
                         map->TDMobList[map->TDNextSpawn] = 0; //clear the spawn
                         //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"cleared the spawn");
                         map->TDNextSpawn++; //move the pointer
                         //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"moved the pointer");
                         if(map->TDNextSpawn > 100)map->TDNextSpawn = 0;
                         map->lastTDSpawnTime = clock();
                //TD spawn end

                for(UINT j=0;j<map->MonsterList.size();j++)
                    CMonster* monster = map->MonsterList.at(j);
                    //UINT thistimer = monster->AItimer;
                    clock_t etime = clock() - monster->lastAiUpdate;

                    //LMA: only summon ?
                    if (only_summon&&!monster->IsSummon())
                    else if(only_summon)

					if(monster->hitcount == 0xFF)//this is a delay for new monster spawns this might olso fix invisible monsters(if they attack directly on spawning the client dosn't get the attack packet(its not in it's visible list yet))
                        monster->hitcount = 0;
                        //monster->DoAi(monster->thisnpc->AI, 0);
                        monster->DoAi(monster->MonAI, 0);		//AI on spawn

                    //PY handling day only or night only monsters. 
					if(!map->IsNight( ) && monster->Status->nightonly)// if day, delete all night time monsters
                        //Log( MSG_INFO, "Night Only monster deleted. Type %i", monster->montype);
                        map->DeleteMonster( monster, true, j );
                    if(map->IsNight() && monster->Status->dayonly)
                        //Log( MSG_INFO, "Day Only monster deleted. Type %i", monster->montype);
                        map->DeleteMonster( monster, true, j );

                    //Do TD stuff
                    if(monster->MonAI == 999 && etime >= monster->AITimer) //It's a TD mob
                        monster->UpdatePosition(monster->stay_still );
                        float distance = GServer->distance( monster->Position->current, monster->Position->destiny );
                        //Log( MSG_INFO, "Found a TD monster %f from target. Waypoint type = %i stance %i speed %i", distance,GServer->WPList[map->id][monster->NextWayPoint].WPType,monster->Stats->stance, monster->Stats->Move_Speed);
                        //Log( MSG_INFO, "monster location X: %f Y: %f",monster->Position->current.x, monster->Position->current.y);
                        //Log( MSG_INFO, "WP location X: %f Y: %f ", GServer->WPList[map->id][monster->NextWayPoint].pos.x,GServer->WPList[map->id][monster->NextWayPoint].pos.y);
                        if(distance < 1) //monster has reached it's destination
                                case 1: //Start waypoint
                                case 2: //regular waypoint. Increment waypoint counter. Set detiny to next waypoint
                                    //Log( MSG_INFO, "Monster reached waypoint %i type: %i", monster->NextWayPoint,GServer->WPList[map->id][monster->NextWayPoint].WPType);
                                    monster->Position->destiny.x = GServer->WPList[map->id][monster->NextWayPoint].pos.x;
                                    monster->Position->destiny.y = GServer->WPList[map->id][monster->NextWayPoint].pos.y;
                                    BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x797 );
                                	ADDWORD    ( pak, monster->clientid );
                                	ADDWORD    ( pak, 0x0000 );
                                	ADDWORD    ( pak, monster->Stats->Move_Speed ); //speed
                                	ADDFLOAT   ( pak, monster->Position->destiny.x * 100 );
                                	ADDFLOAT   ( pak, monster->Position->destiny.y * 100 );
                                	ADDWORD    ( pak, 0xcdcd );
                                	ADDBYTE    ( pak, monster->Stats->stance );  //should be walking
                                	GServer->SendToVisible(&pak, monster);
                                case 3: //Final waypoint. do stuff. suicide
                                    //Log( MSG_INFO, "Reached final waypoint");
                                    //monster->Stats->HP = 0;
                                    map->DeleteMonster( monster, true, j );
                                    //Log( MSG_INFO, "monster successfully deleted");
                                    Log( MSG_INFO, "WPType %i not recognized",GServer->WPList[map->id][monster->NextWayPoint].WPType);
                            //send move packet again to try to synchronise the monster movement
                            BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x797 );
                        	ADDWORD    ( pak, monster->clientid );
                        	ADDWORD    ( pak, 0x0000 );
                        	ADDWORD    ( pak, monster->Stats->Move_Speed ); //speed
                        	ADDFLOAT   ( pak, monster->Position->destiny.x * 100 );
                        	ADDFLOAT   ( pak, monster->Position->destiny.y * 100 );
                        	ADDWORD    ( pak, 0xcdcd );
                        	ADDBYTE    ( pak, monster->Stats->stance );  //should be walking
                        	GServer->SendToVisible(&pak, monster);
                        monster->lastAiUpdate = clock();
                    //End TD stuff

                    //if(!monster->PlayerInRange( )) continue;
                    if(!monster->UpdateValues( )) continue;
                    monster->UpdatePosition( true );
                    if(monster->IsOnBattle( ))
                         monster->DoAttack( );   // why was this commented? Monsters were not attacking
                         //monster->DoAi(monster->thisnpc->AI, 2);  //don't use thisnpc->AI any more.
                         if(etime >= monster->AITimer)
                             monster->DoAi(monster->MonAI, 2);
                             monster->lastAiUpdate = clock();
                         //Log(MSG_INFO,"Monster type: %i current HP: %i",monster->montype, monster->Stats->HP);
                         //monster->DoAi(monster->thisnpc->AI, 1);
                         if(etime >= monster->AITimer)
                            monster->DoAi(monster->MonAI, 1);
                            monster->lastAiUpdate = clock();
                    monster->RefreshBuff( );
                    if (monster->IsSummon())
                        monster->SummonUpdate(monster,map, j);
                        if(clock() - monster->DeathDelayTimer > GServer->Config.DeathDelay)
                            //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Found dead monster montype %i",monster->montype);
                            monster->OnDie( );  //all this does is give exp
                            //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"back from giving exp");
                            monster->DoAi(monster->MonAI, 5);
                            //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"ran AI");
                            map->DeleteMonster( monster, true, j );
                            //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"deleted monster");
                            //Log(MSG_DEBUG,"Dead monster found. waiting for death delay timer");


                //LMA: was there any summons in this map?


                pthread_mutex_lock( &map->MonsterMutex );

            //LMA: AIP for NPC.
            for(UINT j=0;j<map->NPCList.size();j++)
                CNPC* npc = map->NPCList.at(j);

                //LMA: We don't worry about IFO Objects...

                if(npc->thisnpc->AI != 0 && npc->thisnpc->AI != 30)
                    //check every minute. Conditions seem to be based on 6 minute segments
                    //LMA: untrue for some NPCs, special case for UW...
					//PY: NO we don't check every minute. We check whatever interval the AIP file asks for

                    bool is_time_ok=false;

                    // int delay=60000;    //each AIP 60 seconds.
                    //LMA: AIP Timer.
                    //delay = npc->thisnpc->AiTimer;

                    if(npc->thisnpc->AiTimer == 0)
						//npc->thisnpc->AiTimer = 60000;
                        //Log(MSG_WARNING,"NPC %i hadn't timer, file AI=%i",npc->npctype,npc->thisnpc->AI);
						//PY: If the NPC doesn't have a timer then let's give it one
						CAip* script = NULL;
						for(unsigned k=0; k < GServer->AipList.size(); k++)
							if (GServer->AipList.at(k)->AInumber == npc->thisnpc->AI)
								script = GServer->AipList.at(k);
						if(script == NULL)
							Log( MSG_WARNING, "Invalid AI script for AI %i Setting AI to 30 (blank)", npc->thisnpc->AI );
							npc->thisnpc->AI = 30;
						//Set the timer
						npc->thisnpc->AiTimer = script->minTime;
					//PY: Any npc reaching this point has a valid timer. It has either been set or removed
					//PY MORE Bloody lmame special cases
					//If he had just set the frickin timer correctly like i did above, all this crap would be un-necessary

					//Leum, for Union War (no need to do his stuff always). //PY: NO this is BS
                        //LogDebug("Doing an update for Leum each 10 seconds since UW is on");
                    //    delay=10000;

                    //PY: What the hell is this shit? commenting it out
					//Walls for map 66 (no need to do his stuff always)
                        //LogDebug("Doing an update for Wall %i each second quest from Hope is on",npc->npctype);
                    //    delay=1000;

                    //PY: Seriously??
					//Hope map 66 (no need to do his stuff always)
                        //LogDebug("Doing an update for Hope each 10 seconds quest from Hope is on",npc->npctype);
                    //    delay=10000;

                    //PY and more special cases........
                        //Each 5 minutes
                    //    delay=300000;

                    //LMA END

                     //if(60000<(UINT)GServer->round((clock( ) - npc->lastAiUpdate)))
                     //if(delay<(UINT)GServer->round((clock( ) - npc->lastAiUpdate)))
                     //PY NOPE!! How about we do it right
					UINT thistimer = npc->thisnpc->AiTimer * 1000; //this is always set in seconds in AIP
					if(thistimer<(UINT)GServer->round((clock( ) - npc->lastAiUpdate))) //check AIP conditions when the timer calls for it
                         CNPCData* thisnpc = GServer->GetNPCDataByID( npc->npctype );
                         if(thisnpc == NULL)
                             Log( MSG_WARNING, "Invalid montype %i", npc->npctype );

                         //LMA: before this temp monster was created and deleted every time, now we only do it once...
                         //new code, we overwrite the temp monster each time rather than creating / deleting him each time.
                        NPCmonster->Position->source = npc->pos;
                        NPCmonster->Position->current = npc->pos;
                        NPCmonster->Position->destiny = npc->pos;
                         NPCmonster->Position->lastMoveTime = clock( );
                         NPCmonster->SpawnTime = clock( );
                         NPCmonster->lastSighCheck = clock( );
                         NPCmonster->lastLifeUpdate = time(NULL);

                         //old code:
                         //CMonster* NPCmonster = new (nothrow) CMonster( npc->pos, npc->npctype, map->id, 0, 0  );
                         NPCmonster->thisnpc = thisnpc;

                         int lma_previous_eventID = npc->thisnpc->eventid;
                         //Log(MSG_INFO,"XCIDAIBEGIN NPC %i map %i cid %i",npc->npctype,map->id,npc->clientid);

                         NPCmonster->DoAi(NPCmonster->MonAI, 1);
                         //Log(MSG_INFO,"XCIDAIEND NPC %i map %i cid %i",npc->npctype,map->id,npc->clientid);

						 //PY: AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH. NO! just NO!!. Stop with the bloody special cases. Fix the damn core code already!!!!!!!
						 //Williams (temple of Oblivion)
                        /*if(npc->npctype == 1075)
                            //each 5 minutes
                            //saving values for him
                                GServer->DB->QExecute("UPDATE list_npcs SET eventid=%i, extra_param=%i WHERE type=1075",GServer->ObjVar[1075][0],GServer->ObjVar[1075][1]);
                                /*Log(MSG_WARNING,"Doing an update for Williams each 5 minutes, values changed (%i->%i, %i->%i)",
                                Log(MSG_WARNING,"Doing an update for Williams each 5 minutes.");

						 //PY: I have absolutely no idea what this bit does. I suspuct it's also a load of bollux but I'm leaving it in for now
						 //ToDo Figure this out and tidy it up

						 //LMA: check if eventID changed, if we do it in AIP conditions / actions, it just fails...
                         if (lma_previous_eventID!=NPCmonster->thisnpc->eventid)
                            //Log(MSG_WARNING,"(1)Event ID not the same NPC %i from %i to %i in map %i, npc->thisnpc->eventid=%i !",npc->npctype,lma_previous_eventID,NPCmonster->thisnpc->eventid,map->id,npc->thisnpc->eventid);
                            LogDebug("(1)Event ID not the same NPC %i from %i to %i in map %i, npc->thisnpc->eventid=%i !",npc->npctype,lma_previous_eventID,NPCmonster->thisnpc->eventid,map->id,npc->thisnpc->eventid);
                            //LMA: We have to change the event ID here since we didn't send the clientID :(
                            BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x790 );
                            ADDWORD    ( pak, npc->clientid );
                            ADDWORD    ( pak, npc->thisnpc->eventid );

                        //LMA: We don't clear anymore, too much hassle :(
                        //We declare the temporary monster just once...
                         delete NPCmonster;*/
                         npc->lastAiUpdate = clock();


                //LMA: Sometimes another NPC does the job for you.
                    int new_event_id=GServer->ObjVar[npc->npctype][0];
                    //Log(MSG_WARNING,"(2)Event ID not the same NPC %i from %i to %i in map %i, npc->thisnpc->eventid=%i !",npc->npctype,npc->thisnpc->eventid,new_event_id,map->id,npc->thisnpc->eventid);
                    LogDebug("(2)Event ID not the same NPC %i from %i to %i in map %i, npc->thisnpc->eventid=%i !",npc->npctype,npc->thisnpc->eventid,new_event_id,map->id,npc->thisnpc->eventid);
                    //LMA: We have to change the event ID here since we didn't send the clientID :(
                    BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x790 );
                    ADDWORD    ( pak, npc->clientid );
                    ADDWORD    ( pak, npc->thisnpc->eventid );


            pthread_mutex_unlock( &map->MonsterMutex );

        pthread_mutex_unlock( &GServer->MapMutex );
        pthread_mutex_unlock( &GServer->PlayerMutex );

        #ifdef _WIN32
    pthread_exit( NULL );

    //LMA: we delete the temporary monster.
    delete NPCmonster;
	return 0;
Exemple #3
// Map Process
PVOID MapProcess( PVOID TS )
    bool only_npc = false;
        pthread_mutex_lock( &GServer->PlayerMutex );
        pthread_mutex_lock( &GServer->MapMutex );
        for(UINT i=0;i<GServer->MapList.Map.size();i++)
            CMap* map = GServer->MapList.Map.at(i);
            if( map->PlayerList.size()<1 )
                only_npc = true;
                only_npc = false;
                // Player update //------------------------
                for(UINT j=0;j<map->PlayerList.size();j++)
                    CPlayer* player = map->PlayerList.at(j);
                    if(!player->Session->inGame) continue;
                    if(player->IsDead( )) continue;
                    //if(player->UpdateValues( ))
                        player->UpdatePosition( );
                    if(player->IsOnBattle( ))
                        player->DoAttack( );
                    player->RefreshBuff( );
                    player->PlayerHeal( );
                    player->Regeneration( );
                    player->CheckPlayerLevelUP( );
                    if( GServer->Config.AUTOSAVE == 1 )
                        clock_t etime = clock() - player->lastSaveTime;
                        if( etime >= GServer->Config.SAVETIME*1000 )
                            player->savedata( );
                            player->lastSaveTime = clock();
                // Monster update //------------------------
                pthread_mutex_lock( &map->MonsterMutex );
                for(UINT j=0;j<map->MonsterList.size();j++)
                    CMonster* monster = map->MonsterList.at(j);
                    UINT thistimer = monster->AItimer; 
    				if(monster->hitcount == 0xFF)//this is a delay for new monster spawns this might olso fix invisible monsters(if they attack directly on spawning the client dosn't get the attack packet(its not in it's visible list yet))
                        if(thistimer < (UINT)GServer->round((clock( ) - monster->lastAiUpdate)))
                            monster->hitcount = 0;
                            //monster->DoAi(monster->thisnpc->AI, 0);
                            monster->DoAi(monster->monAI, 0);
                    //still need this for special spawns
                    if(!map->IsNight( ) && monster->Status->nightonly)// if day, delete all night time monsters
                        //Log( MSG_INFO, "Night Only monster deleted. Type %i", monster->montype);
                        map->DeleteMonster( monster, true, j );
                    if(map->IsNight() && monster->Status->dayonly)
                        //Log( MSG_INFO, "Day Only monster deleted. Type %i", monster->montype);
                        map->DeleteMonster( monster, true, j );
                    if(!monster->PlayerInRange( )) continue;
                    if(!monster->UpdateValues( )) continue;
                        monster->UpdatePosition( );
                    if(monster->IsOnBattle( ))
                        //monster->DoAttack( );
                        if(thistimer<(UINT)GServer->round((clock( ) - monster->lastAiUpdate)))
                             //monster->DoAi(monster->thisnpc->AI, 2);
                             monster->DoAi(monster->monAI, 2);
                             monster->lastAiUpdate = clock();
                             //Log(MSG_INFO,"Monster type: %i current HP: %i",monster->montype, monster->Stats->HP);
                             //Log(MSG_INFO,"Monster doing attack");
                             monster->DoAttack( );
                    else if(!monster->IsOnBattle() && !monster->IsDead( ))
                        if(thistimer<(UINT)GServer->round((clock( ) - monster->lastAiUpdate)))
                            //monster->DoAi(monster->thisnpc->AI, 1);
                            monster->DoAi(monster->monAI, 1);
                            monster->lastAiUpdate = clock();
                    monster->RefreshBuff( );
                    if (monster->IsSummon())
                        monster->SummonUpdate(monster,map, j);
                    if(monster->IsDead( ))
                        //monster->DoAi(monster->thisnpc->AI, 5);
                        monster->DoAi(monster->monAI, 5);
                        monster->OnDie( );
                pthread_mutex_lock( &map->MonsterMutex );
            //AIP for NPCs
            for(UINT j=0;j<map->NPCList.size();j++)
                CNPC* npc = map->NPCList.at(j);
                if(npc->thisnpc->AI != 0)
                     CAip* script = NULL;
                     for(unsigned j=0; j < GServer->AipList.size(); j++)
                         if (GServer->AipList.at(j)->AInumber == npc->thisnpc->AI)
                             script = GServer->AipList.at(j);
                     if(script == NULL)
                         //Log( MSG_WARNING, "Invalid AI script for AI %i", npc->thisnpc->AI );
                     UINT thistimer = script->minTime * 1000; //seems to be set in seconds in AIP
                     if(thistimer<(UINT)GServer->round((clock( ) - npc->lastAiUpdate))) //check AIP conditions when the timer calls for it
                         CNPCData* thisnpc = GServer->GetNPCDataByID( npc->npctype );
                         if(thisnpc == NULL)
                             Log( MSG_WARNING, "Invalid montype %i", npc->npctype );
                         CMonster* monster = new (nothrow) CMonster( npc->pos, npc->npctype, map->id, 0, 0  );
                         monster->thisnpc = thisnpc;
                         monster->CharType = 4;
                         int AIP = monster->thisnpc->AI;
                         int lma_previous_eventID = npc->thisnpc->eventid;
                         monster->DoAi(monster->thisnpc->AI, 1);
                         //check if eventID changed, if we do it in AIP conditions / actions, it just fails...
                         if (lma_previous_eventID != npc->thisnpc->eventid)
                             //Log(MSG_WARNING,"Event ID not the same NPC %i from %i to %i in map %i, npc->thisnpc->eventid=%i !", npc->npctype, lma_previous_eventID, monster->thisnpc->eventid, map->id, npc->thisnpc->eventid);
                             npc->thisnpc->eventid = monster->thisnpc->eventid;
                             BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x790 );
                             ADDWORD    ( pak, npc->clientid );
                             ADDWORD    ( pak, npc->thisnpc->eventid );
                             GServer->SendToMap(&pak, map->id);

                         if(AIP == GServer->Config.AIWatch)
                             Log(MSG_DEBUG,"NPC AI number %i successfully run",monster->thisnpc->AI);
                             monster->DoAttack( );
                         //delete monster;
                         npc->lastAiUpdate = clock();
                         if(AIP == GServer->Config.AIWatch)
                             Log(MSG_DEBUG,"LastAiUpdate clock reset");

                //LMA: Sometimes another NPC does the job for you.
                if(npc->thisnpc->eventid != GServer->ObjVar[npc->npctype][0])
                    int new_event_id = GServer->ObjVar[npc->npctype][0];
                    //Log(MSG_WARNING,"(2)Event ID not the same NPC %i from %i to %i in map %i, npc->thisnpc->eventid=%i !",npc->npctype,npc->thisnpc->eventid,new_event_id,map->id,npc->thisnpc->eventid);
                    npc->thisnpc->eventid = new_event_id;
                    //LMA: We have to change the event ID here since we didn't send the clientID :(
                    BEGINPACKET( pak, 0x790 );
                    ADDWORD    ( pak, npc->clientid );
                    ADDWORD    ( pak, npc->thisnpc->eventid );
            pthread_mutex_unlock( &map->MonsterMutex );
        pthread_mutex_unlock( &GServer->MapMutex );
        pthread_mutex_unlock( &GServer->PlayerMutex );
        #ifdef _WIN32
    pthread_exit( NULL );