void CTe_locsrvSuiteStepBase::StandardPrepareL() { // Setup modules: // LcfDummyPsy1,3 and LcfPsy6 should be enabled, other - disabled CPosModules* modules = CPosModules::OpenL(); CleanupStack::PushL(modules); CPosModuleUpdate* moduleUpdate = CPosModuleUpdate::NewLC(); CPosModuleIdList* idList = modules->ModuleIdListLC(); for (TInt i = 0; i < idList->Count(); i++) { TPositionModuleInfo info; modules->GetModuleInfoL((*idList)[i], info); switch (info.ModuleId().iUid) { case KLcfPsy1UidValue: case KLcfPsy3UidValue: case KLcfPsy6UidValue: if (!info.IsAvailable()) { moduleUpdate->SetUpdateAvailability(ETrue); modules->UpdateModuleL(info.ModuleId(), *moduleUpdate); } break; default: if (info.IsAvailable()) { moduleUpdate->SetUpdateAvailability(EFalse); modules->UpdateModuleL(info.ModuleId(), *moduleUpdate); } break; } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, modules); User::After(KSecondsToMicro); }
// --------------------------------------------------------- // CT_LbsClientPosTp1::StartL // // (other items were commented in a header). // --------------------------------------------------------- // void CT_LbsClientPosTp1::StartL() { ConnectL(); CPosModules* db = CPosModules::OpenL(); CleanupStack::PushL(db); SetupPsyL(iUidMultiPsy); _LIT(KSetupPSY, "TP1: Has Setup Multi PSY"); INFO_PRINTF1(KSetupPSY); //setting priority TPositionModuleInfo moduleInfoHp;//Hp - high prio; TPositionModuleInfo moduleInfoLp;//Lp - low prio; CPosModuleIdList* prioList = db->ModuleIdListLC(); db->GetModuleInfoL(prioList->At(0), moduleInfoHp); CPosModuleUpdate* moduleUpdate = CPosModuleUpdate::NewLC(); moduleUpdate->SetUpdateAvailability(ETrue); if (iUidMultiPsy.iUid == moduleInfoHp.ModuleId().iUid) { // Case when Multi PSY has highest prio: // Ensuring it is enabled _LIT(KMultiHighest, "TP1: Case when Multi PSY has highest prio"); INFO_PRINTF1(KMultiHighest); db->UpdateModuleL((*prioList)[0], *moduleUpdate); } else { // Case when Multi PSY has not highest prio: // _LIT(KMultiNotHighest, "TP1: Case when Multi PSY has NOT highest prio"); INFO_PRINTF1(KMultiNotHighest); db->GetModuleInfoL(iUidMultiPsy, moduleInfoLp); // Ensuring it is enabled db->UpdateModuleL(iUidMultiPsy, *moduleUpdate); TUint hp = db->PriorityL(moduleInfoHp.ModuleId()); TUint lp = db->PriorityL(moduleInfoLp.ModuleId()); // Changing prio of highest prio PSY and Multi PSY. // Setting Multi PSY to highest prio db->SetModulePriorityL(iUidMultiPsy, hp); db->SetModulePriorityL((*prioList)[0], lp); } _LIT(KTestPSY1On, "TP1: Enabling Test PSY 1"); INFO_PRINTF1(KTestPSY1On); db -> UpdateModuleL(iUidTestPsy1, *moduleUpdate); _LIT(KTestPSY2On, "TP1: Enabling Test PSY 2"); INFO_PRINTF1(KTestPSY2On); db -> UpdateModuleL(iUidTestPsy2, *moduleUpdate); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(moduleUpdate); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, db); // db, prioList User::LeaveIfError(OpenPositioner()); // Request data from default psy should be Multi psy _LIT(KService, "service"); TPositionInfo posInfo = TPositionInfo(); TInt err = PerformSyncRequest(KService, &posInfo); if (err != KErrNone) { _LIT(KErrorRequest, "The request was not completed with KErrNone"); LogErrorAndLeaveL(KErrorRequest, err); } if (iUidMultiPsy.iUid != posInfo.ModuleId().iUid) { _LIT(KIncorrectPsyError, "TP1. Position from wrong PSY received"); LogErrorAndLeaveL(KIncorrectPsyError); } HPositionGenericInfo* genericInfo = HPositionGenericInfo::NewLC(); err = PerformSyncRequest(KService, &(*genericInfo)); if (err != KErrNone) { _LIT(KErrorRequest, "The request was not completed with KErrNone"); LogErrorAndLeaveL(KErrorRequest); } if (iUidMultiPsy.iUid != (genericInfo -> ModuleId()).iUid) { _LIT(KIncorrectPsyError, "TP1. Position from wrong PSY received"); LogErrorAndLeaveL(KIncorrectPsyError); } TPositionCourseInfo courseInfo = TPositionCourseInfo(); err = PerformSyncRequest(KService, &courseInfo); if (err != KErrNone) { _LIT(KErrorRequest, "Course info supported by default, but request failed"); LogErrorAndLeaveL(KErrorRequest); } TPositionSatelliteInfo satelliteInfo = TPositionSatelliteInfo(); err = PerformSyncRequest(KService, &satelliteInfo); if (err != KErrNone) { _LIT(KErrorRequest, "Satellite info supported by default, but request failed"); LogErrorAndLeaveL(KErrorRequest); } //Changing the priority and verifiy that it still possilbe //to request updated from a psy if basic position information //is used and that it is not possilbe to request sat or cource //any more. SetupPsyL(iUidTestPsy2); User::After(3000000); // Request data from default psy should be test psy 2 now err = PerformSyncRequest(KService, &posInfo); if (err != KErrNone) { _LIT(KErrorRequest, "The request was not completed with KErrNone"); LogErrorAndLeaveL(KErrorRequest); } if (iUidTestPsy2.iUid != posInfo.ModuleId().iUid) { _LIT(KIncorrectPsyError, "TP1. Position from wrong PSY received"); LogErrorAndLeaveL(KIncorrectPsyError); } err = PerformSyncRequest(KService, &(*genericInfo)); if (err != KErrNone) { _LIT(KErrorRequest, "The request was not completed with KErrNone"); LogErrorAndLeaveL(KErrorRequest); } if (iUidTestPsy2.iUid != (genericInfo -> ModuleId()).iUid) { _LIT(KIncorrectPsyError, "TP1. Position from wrong PSY received"); LogErrorAndLeaveL(KIncorrectPsyError); } err = PerformSyncRequest(KService, &courseInfo); if (err != KErrArgument) { _LIT(KErrorRequest, "Course info not supported by default, KErrArgument not returned"); LogErrorAndLeaveL(KErrorRequest); } err = PerformSyncRequest(KService, &satelliteInfo); if (err != KErrArgument) { _LIT(KErrorRequest, "Satellite info not supported by default, KErrArgument not returned"); LogErrorAndLeaveL(KErrorRequest); } //check that it is possilbe to change the different //type of class info during periodic request and //that the periodic update will fail if the class //type is incorrect. TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds interval = TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(1000000); TPositionUpdateOptions posOption; posOption.SetUpdateInterval(interval); _LIT(KUpdateErr, "Error when setting update interval, %d"); err = iPositioner.SetUpdateOptions(posOption); AssertTrueL(err == KErrNone, KUpdateErr, err); _LIT(KErrPeriodic, "The periodic request did not return KErrNone, %d"); err = PerformSyncRequest(KService, &posInfo); AssertTrueL(err == KErrNone , KErrPeriodic, err); _LIT(KErrPeriodicArr, "The periodic request did not return KErrArgument, %d"); err = PerformSyncRequest(KService, &satelliteInfo); AssertTrueL(err == KErrArgument , KErrPeriodicArr, err); SetupPsyL(iUidMultiPsy); User::After(3000000); err = PerformSyncRequest(KService, &satelliteInfo); AssertTrueL(err == KErrNone , KErrPeriodic, err); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(genericInfo); ClosePositioner(); Disconnect(); }