Exemple #1
void  CPointPDFGaussian::changeCoordinatesReference(const CPose3D &newReferenceBase )
	const CMatrixDouble33 &M = newReferenceBase.getRotationMatrix();

	// The mean:
	mean = newReferenceBase + mean;

	// The covariance:
	M.multiply_HCHt(CMatrixDouble33(cov), cov); // save in cov
void  CPoint2DPDFGaussian::changeCoordinatesReference(const CPose3D &newReferenceBase )
	// Clip the 3x3 rotation matrix
	const CMatrixDouble22 M = newReferenceBase.getRotationMatrix().block(0,0,2,2);

	// The mean:
	mean = CPoint2D( newReferenceBase + mean );

	// The covariance:
	cov = M*cov*M.transpose();
Exemple #3
/** Return one or both of the following 6x6 Jacobians, useful in graph-slam
 * problems...
void SE_traits<3>::jacobian_dP1DP2inv_depsilon(
	const CPose3D& P1DP2inv, matrix_VxV_t* df_de1, matrix_VxV_t* df_de2)
	const CMatrixDouble33& R =
		P1DP2inv.getRotationMatrix();  // The rotation matrix.

	// Common part: d_Ln(R)_dR:
	CMatrixFixedNumeric<double, 3, 9> dLnRot_dRot(UNINITIALIZED_MATRIX);
	CPose3D::ln_rot_jacob(R, dLnRot_dRot);

	if (df_de1)
		matrix_VxV_t& J1 = *df_de1;
		// This Jacobian has the structure:
		//           [   I_3    |      -[d_t]_x      ]
		//  Jacob1 = [ ---------+------------------- ]
		//           [   0_3x3  |   dLnR_dR * (...)  ]
		J1(0, 0) = 1;
		J1(1, 1) = 1;
		J1(2, 2) = 1;

		J1(0, 4) = P1DP2inv.z();
		J1(0, 5) = -P1DP2inv.y();
		J1(1, 3) = -P1DP2inv.z();
		J1(1, 5) = P1DP2inv.x();
		J1(2, 3) = P1DP2inv.y();
		J1(2, 4) = -P1DP2inv.x();

		alignas(MRPT_MAX_ALIGN_BYTES) const double aux_vals[] = {
			0, R(2, 0), -R(1, 0), -R(2, 0), 0, R(0, 0), R(1, 0), -R(0, 0), 0,
			// -----------------------
			0, R(2, 1), -R(1, 1), -R(2, 1), 0, R(0, 1), R(1, 1), -R(0, 1), 0,
			// -----------------------
			0, R(2, 2), -R(1, 2), -R(2, 2), 0, R(0, 2), R(1, 2), -R(0, 2), 0};
		const CMatrixFixedNumeric<double, 9, 3> aux(aux_vals);

		// right-bottom part = dLnRot_dRot * aux
		J1.block(3, 3, 3, 3) = (dLnRot_dRot * aux).eval();
	if (df_de2)
		// This Jacobian has the structure:
		//           [    -R    |      0_3x3         ]
		//  Jacob2 = [ ---------+------------------- ]
		//           [   0_3x3  |   dLnR_dR * (...)  ]
		matrix_VxV_t& J2 = *df_de2;

		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				J2.set_unsafe(i, j, -R.get_unsafe(i, j));

		alignas(MRPT_MAX_ALIGN_BYTES) const double aux_vals[] = {
			0, R(0, 2), -R(0, 1), 0, R(1, 2), -R(1, 1), 0, R(2, 2), -R(2, 1),
			// -----------------------
			-R(0, 2), 0, R(0, 0), -R(1, 2), 0, R(1, 0), -R(2, 2), 0, R(2, 0),
			// -----------------------
			R(0, 1), -R(0, 0), 0, R(1, 1), -R(1, 0), 0, R(2, 1), -R(2, 0), 0};
		const CMatrixFixedNumeric<double, 9, 3> aux(aux_vals);

		// right-bottom part = dLnRot_dRot * aux
		J2.block(3, 3, 3, 3) = (dLnRot_dRot * aux).eval();