void CInterProcessLock::Unlock()
    if (m_Handle == kInvalidLockHandle) {
        NCBI_THROW(CInterProcessLockException, eNotLocked,
                   "Attempt to unlock not-yet-acquired lock");
    CFastMutexGuard LOCK(s_ProcessLock);

    // Check that lock with specified name not already locked
    // in the current process.
    TLocks::iterator it = s_Locks->find(m_SystemName);
    _VERIFY(it != s_Locks->end());

    if ( it->second > 1 ) {
        // Just decrease reference counter

    // Release lock

#if defined(NCBI_OS_UNIX)

#  if defined(F_TLOCK)
    int res = lockf(m_Handle, F_ULOCK, 0);
#  elif defined(F_SETLK)
    struct flock lockparam;
    lockparam.l_type   = F_UNLCK;
    lockparam.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
    lockparam.l_start  = 0;
    lockparam.l_len    = 0;  /* whole file */
    int res = fcntl(m_Handle, F_SETLK, &lockparam);
#  else
#   error "No supported lock method.  Please port this code."
#  endif
    if ( res < 0 ) {
        NCBI_THROW(CInterProcessLockException, eUnlockError,
                   "Cannot release the lock");
#elif defined(NCBI_OS_MSWIN)
    if ( !::ReleaseMutex(m_Handle) ) {
        NCBI_THROW(CInterProcessLockException, eUnlockError,
                   "Cannot release the lock");
    m_Handle = kInvalidLockHandle;
void CInterProcessLock::Lock(const CTimeout& timeout,
                             const CTimeout& granularity)
    CFastMutexGuard LOCK(s_ProcessLock);

    // Check that lock with specified name not already locked
    // in the current process.
    TLocks::iterator it = s_Locks->find(m_SystemName);

    if (m_Handle != kInvalidLockHandle) {
        // The lock is already set in this CInterProcessLock object,
        // just increase reference counter.
        _VERIFY(it != s_Locks->end());
    } else {
        if (it != s_Locks->end()) {
            // The lock already exists in the current process.
            // We can use one CInterProcessLock object with
            // multiple Lock() calls, but not with different
            // CInterProcessLock objects. For example, on MS-Windows,
            // we cannot wait on the same mutex in the same thread.
            // So, two different objects can set locks simultaneously.
            // And for OS-compatibility we can do nothing here,
            // except throwing an exception.
            NCBI_THROW(CInterProcessLockException, eMultipleLocks,
                       "Attempt to lock already locked object " \
                       "in the same process");

    // Try to acquire a lock with specified timeout

#if defined(NCBI_OS_UNIX)

    // Open lock file
    mode_t perm = CDirEntry::MakeModeT(
        CDirEntry::fRead | CDirEntry::fWrite /* user */,
        CDirEntry::fRead | CDirEntry::fWrite /* group */,
        0, 0 /* other & special */);
    int fd = open(m_SystemName.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, perm);
    if (fd == -1) {
        NCBI_THROW(CInterProcessLockException, eCreateError,
                   string("Error creating lockfile ") + m_SystemName + 
                   ": " + strerror(errno));

    // Try to acquire the lock
    int x_errno = 0;
    if (timeout.IsInfinite()  ||  timeout.IsDefault()) {
        while ((x_errno = s_UnixLock(fd))) {
            if (errno != EAGAIN)

    } else {
        unsigned long ms = timeout.GetAsMilliSeconds();
        if ( !ms ) {
            // Timeout == 0
            x_errno = s_UnixLock(fd);
        } else {
            // Timeout > 0
            unsigned long ms_gran;
            if ( granularity.IsInfinite()  ||
                 granularity.IsDefault() ) 
                ms_gran = min(ms/5, (unsigned long)500);
            } else {
                ms_gran = granularity.GetAsMilliSeconds();
            // Try to lock within specified timeout
            for (;;) {
                x_errno = s_UnixLock(fd);
                if ( !x_errno ) {
                    // Successfully locked
                if (x_errno != EACCES  &&
                    x_errno != EAGAIN ) {
                    // Error
                // Otherwise -- sleep granularity timeout
                unsigned long ms_sleep = ms_gran;
                if (ms_sleep > ms) {
                    ms_sleep = ms;
                if ( !ms_sleep ) {
                ms -= ms_sleep;
            // Timeout
            if ( !ms ) {
                NCBI_THROW(CInterProcessLockException, eLockTimeout,
                           "The lock could not be acquired in the time " \
        } // if (!ms)
    } // if (timeout.IsInfinite())
    // Error
    if ( x_errno ) {
        NCBI_THROW(CInterProcessLockException, eLockError,
                   "Error creating lock");
    // Success
    m_Handle = fd;

#elif defined(NCBI_OS_MSWIN)

    HANDLE  handle  = ::CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, _T_XCSTRING(m_SystemName));
    errno_t errcode = ::GetLastError();
    if (handle == kInvalidLockHandle) {
        switch(errcode) {
            case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED:
                // Mutex with specified name already exists, 
                // but we don't have enough rights to open it.
                NCBI_THROW(CInterProcessLockException, eLockError,
                           "The lock already exists");
            case ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE:
                // Some system object with the same name already exists
                NCBI_THROW(CInterProcessLockException, eLockError,
                           "Error creating lock, system object with the same" \
                           "name already exists");
                // Unknown error
                NCBI_THROW(CInterProcessLockException, eCreateError,
                           "Error creating lock");
    } else {
        // Mutex with specified name already exists
        if (errcode == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
            // Wait
            DWORD res;
            if (timeout.IsInfinite()  ||  timeout.IsDefault()) {
                res = WaitForSingleObject(handle, INFINITE);
            } else {
                res = WaitForSingleObject(handle, timeout.GetAsMilliSeconds());
            switch(res) {
                case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
                    // The lock has been acquired
                case WAIT_TIMEOUT:
                    NCBI_THROW(CInterProcessLockException, eLockTimeout,
                               "The lock could not be acquired in the time " \
                case WAIT_ABANDONED:
                    // The lock is in abandoned state... Other thread/process
                    // owning it was terminated. We can reuse this mutex, but 
                    // it is better to wait until it will be released by OS.
                    /* FALLTHRU */
                    NCBI_THROW(CInterProcessLockException, eLockError,
                               "Error creating lock");
        m_Handle = handle;
    // Set reference counter to 1
    (*s_Locks)[m_SystemName] = 1;