bool INIFile::ParseFile(ifstream& f) { if ( !f.is_open() ) return false; char* pPos1 = NULL, *pPos2 = NULL; int nLine = 0; char buffer[1024]; string strSection, strKey, strVal; CSection* pSection = NULL; while ( f.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) ) { nLine++; // is this the beginning of a section? if ( buffer[0] == c_INISectionNameStart ) { // yes, so get the end of the section name pPos1 = strchr( buffer, c_INISectionNameEnd ); *pPos1 = '\0'; pSection = new CSection; m_lstSections.push_back(pSection); strSection = &buffer[1]; std::transform(strSection.begin(), strSection.end(), strSection.begin(), (int(*)(int))tolower); pSection->SetName( strSection ); continue; } // check that it is not a comment if ( buffer[0] != c_INIComment ) { if ( (pPos2 = strchr( buffer, '=' )) ) { *pPos2 = '\0'; strKey = buffer; // make the key lower case std::transform(strKey.begin(), strKey.end(), strKey.begin(), (int(*)(int))tolower); // trim the key strKey.erase( strKey.find_last_not_of(" \r\n")+1); strVal = pPos2+1; // trim the value strKey.erase( strKey.find_last_not_of(" \r\n")+1); if ( pSection ) { pSection->AddKey( strKey, strVal); } else { return false; } } } } return true; }
xst_cwstring& CCfgFile::GetValue(xst_cwstring& strKey, xst_cwstring& strSection, xst_cwstring& strDefault) { CSection* pSec = _GetSection( strSection ); if( pSec == xst_null ) { return strDefault; } return pSec->GetValue( strKey, strDefault ); }
/** Writes a 'section' node containing the metadata of one single section. @param section: section object with the metadata of a section */ void CitationsXMLGenerator::addSection(const CSection §ion) { addOpenningTag(aXMLFile, "section"); addSectionType(section.getSectionType()); addSectionTitle(section.getTitle()); if(section.getPSubSection()!=NULL) { addSection(*section.getPSubSection()); } addClosingTag(aXMLFile, "section"); }
INIFile::CSection* INIFile::AddSection(string name) { if ( !name.empty() ) return NULL; CSection* pSection = new CSection; pSection->SetName(name); m_lstSections.push_back(pSection); return pSection; }
string INIFile::GetValueString(const string section, const string key) { CSection* pSection = GetSection(section); string val; if ( pSection ) { val = pSection->GetValue(key); } return val; }
CParameter *CParameterSet::GetParameter(const char *SectionName, const char *ParameterName) { CSection *CurSection; CParameter *CurParameter; CurSection = mFirstSection->Find(SectionName); if (CurSection != NULL) CurParameter = CurSection->FindParameter(ParameterName); else CurParameter = NULL; return CurParameter; }
i32 CCfgFile::_LoadUnicode(cch16* pFileData, cul32& ulDataSize) { //TCData< ch16 > Data; //Set ulDataSize / sizeof( ch16 ) because it must be size of the wide char buffer //ulDataSize is the size (in bytes) of all file data except BOM //Data.Create( (const xst_unknown)pFileData, ulDataSize, ulDataSize / sizeof( ch16 ), true ); //Tokenize file XST::StringUtil::TokensW vTokens; XST::StringUtil::SplitExcept( pFileData, &vTokens, L"\"", L"\"", L"\t\r\n= " ); //Get default section CSection* pCurrSection = xst_null; //_GetOrCreateSection( "" ); for(u32 i = 0; i < vTokens.size(); ++i) { xst_wstring& strCurrToken = vTokens[ i ]; //Skip comments if( strCurrToken[0] == L'#' || ( strCurrToken.length() > 1 && strCurrToken[0] == L'/' && strCurrToken[1] == L'/' ) ) continue; //If section name if( strCurrToken[0] == L'[' && strCurrToken[ strCurrToken.length() - 1 ] == L']' ) { //Create new section or add to the existing pCurrSection = _GetOrCreateSection( strCurrToken.substr( 1, strCurrToken.length() - 2 ) ); } else { //If key = value exists if( i + 1 < vTokens.size() ) { if( pCurrSection == xst_null ) { pCurrSection = _GetOrCreateSection( L"" ); } xst_wstring& strNextToken = vTokens[ i + 1 ]; ch16 c = strNextToken[ strNextToken.length() - 1 ]; if( strNextToken[0] == L'"' && strNextToken[ strNextToken.length() - 1 ] == L'"' ) { strNextToken = strNextToken.substr( 1, strNextToken.length() - 2 ); } pCurrSection->AddValue( strCurrToken, strNextToken ); ++i; } } } m_bLoaded = true; return RESULT::OK; }
short INIFile::GetValueShort(const string section, const string key) { CSection* pSection = GetSection(section); short sRet = 0; string val; if ( pSection ) { val = pSection->GetValue(key); sRet = (short)atoi(val.c_str()); } return sRet; }
i32 CCfgFile::_LoadAscii(cch8* pFileData, cul32& ulDataSize) { //Tokenize file XST::StringUtil::TokensA vTokens; XST::StringUtil::SplitExcept( pFileData, &vTokens, "\"", "\"", "\t\r\n= " ); //Get default section CSection* pCurrSection = xst_null; //_GetOrCreateSection( "" ); for(u32 i = 0; i < vTokens.size(); ++i) { xst_astring& strCurrToken = vTokens[ i ]; //Skip comments if( strCurrToken[0] == '#' || ( strCurrToken.length() > 1 && strCurrToken[0] == '/' && strCurrToken[1] == '/' ) ) continue; //If section name if( strCurrToken[0] == '[' && strCurrToken[ strCurrToken.length() - 1 ] == ']' ) { //Create new section or add to the existing pCurrSection = _GetOrCreateSection( strCurrToken.substr( 1, strCurrToken.length() - 2 ) ); } else { //If key = value exists if( i + 1 < vTokens.size() ) { if( pCurrSection == xst_null ) { pCurrSection = _GetOrCreateSection( "" ); } xst_astring& strNextToken = vTokens[ i + 1 ]; ch16 c = strNextToken[ strNextToken.length() - 1 ]; if( strNextToken[0] == '"' && strNextToken[ strNextToken.length() - 1 ] == '"' ) { strNextToken = strNextToken.substr( 1, strNextToken.length() - 2 ); } pCurrSection->AddValue( strCurrToken, strNextToken ); ++i; } } } m_bLoaded = true; return RESULT::OK; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSection::AddNext(CSection& next) { if(next.IsOnMaintrack()) { if(m_nextMain!=NULL) throw ASEException("Track has two next main track",m_trackMesh->GetName().c_str()); else m_nextMain = &next; } else { if(m_nextAlt!=NULL) throw ASEException("Track has two next alt track",m_trackMesh->GetName().c_str()); else m_nextAlt = &next; } if(IsOnMaintrack()) { if(next.m_prevMain!=NULL) throw ASEException("Track has two previous main track",next.m_trackMesh->GetName().c_str()); next.m_prevMain = this; } else { if(next.m_prevAlt!=NULL) throw ASEException("Track has two previous alt track",next.m_trackMesh->GetName().c_str()); next.m_prevAlt = this; } }
void CParameterSet::AddParameter(char *SectionName, char *ParameterName, CParameterValue &Value) { CSection *CurSection; if (mFirstSection == NULL) mFirstSection = new CSection(SectionName); CurSection = mFirstSection->Find(SectionName); if (CurSection == NULL) { CurSection = new CSection(SectionName); mFirstSection->AddAtEnd(CurSection); } CurSection->AddParameter(ParameterName, Value); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { SECTION_INFO_T sec; CSection* section = new CSection(); PAT* pat = new PAT(); // open media test, media is file section->openMedia("file://SGP.ts"); // create task to read continously std::thread tr = std::thread([&]() { while(1) { if(section->readMedia(&sec) == RESULT_NOTOK) break; // PAT parsing PAT PID is zero if( == 0) { pat->parsingPATSection((UINT8*)sec.section); } } }); tr.join(); // print PAT info pat->printPATList(); pat->savePatToJson(); delete section; delete pat; return 0; }