Exemple #1
void CSecurity::Expire()
	CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );

	const DWORD tNow = static_cast< DWORD >( time( NULL ) );

	for ( POSITION pos = m_Complains.GetStartPosition() ; pos ; )
		DWORD pAddress;
		CComplain* pComplain;
		m_Complains.GetNextAssoc( pos, pAddress, pComplain );
		if ( pComplain->m_nExpire < tNow )
			m_Complains.RemoveKey( pAddress );
			delete pComplain;

	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		POSITION posLast = pos;
		CSecureRule* pRule = GetNext( pos );

		if ( pRule->IsExpired( tNow ) )
			m_pRules.RemoveAt( posLast );
			delete pRule;
Exemple #2
BOOL CSecurity::IsDenied(const CQuerySearch* pQuery, const CString& strContent)
	const DWORD tNow = static_cast< DWORD >( time( NULL ) );

	CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );

	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		POSITION posLast = pos;
		CSecureRule* pRule = GetNext( pos );

		if ( pRule->IsExpired( tNow ) )
			m_pRules.RemoveAt( posLast );
			delete pRule;
		else if ( pRule->Match( pQuery, strContent ) )
			pRule->m_nToday ++;
			pRule->m_nEver ++;

			if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )   return TRUE;
			if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srAccept ) return FALSE;

	return m_bDenyPolicy;
Exemple #3
BOOL CSecurity::IsDenied(const IN_ADDR* pAddress)
	if ( m_Cache.count( *(DWORD*)pAddress ) )
		return m_bDenyPolicy;
		//theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG, _T("Skipped Repeat IP Security Check  (%i Cached)"), m_Cache.size() );

	if ( BYTE nIndex = GetAddressMap( *(DWORD*)pAddress ) )
		if ( CSecureRule* pRule = m_pRuleIndexMap[ nIndex ] )
			pRule->m_nToday ++;
			pRule->m_nEver ++;
			if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )   return TRUE;
			if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srAccept ) return FALSE;

	const DWORD tNow = static_cast< DWORD >( time( NULL ) );

		CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );

		for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
			POSITION posLast = pos;
			CSecureRule* pRule = GetNext( pos );

			if ( pRule->IsExpired( tNow ) )
				m_pRules.RemoveAt( posLast );
				delete pRule;

			if ( pRule->Match( pAddress ) )
				pRule->m_nToday ++;
				pRule->m_nEver ++;

				// Add 5 min penalty for early access
				if ( pRule->m_nExpire > CSecureRule::srSession &&
					pRule->m_nExpire < tNow + 300 )
					pRule->m_nExpire = tNow + 300;

				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )   return TRUE;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srAccept ) return FALSE;

	m_Cache.insert( *(DWORD*)pAddress );	// Skip future lookups

	return m_bDenyPolicy;
Exemple #4
BOOL CSecurity::FromXML(CXMLElement* pXML)
	if ( ! pXML->IsNamed( _T("security") ) ) return FALSE;

	int nCount = 0;

	for ( POSITION pos = pXML->GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLElement* pElement = pXML->GetNextElement( pos );

		if ( pElement->IsNamed( _T("rule") ) )
			CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );
			CSecureRule* pRule	= NULL;
			CString strGUID		= pElement->GetAttributeValue( _T("guid") );
			BOOL bExisting		= FALSE;

			if ( Hashes::fromGuid( strGUID, &pGUID ) )
				if ( ( pRule = GetGUID( pGUID ) ) != NULL )
					bExisting = TRUE;

				if ( pRule == NULL )
					pRule = new CSecureRule( FALSE );
					pRule->m_pGUID = pGUID;
				pRule = new CSecureRule();

			if ( pRule->FromXML( pElement ) )
				if ( ! bExisting )
					m_pRules.AddTail( pRule );

				if ( ! bExisting )
					delete pRule;

	return nCount > 0;
Exemple #5
void CSecurity::Ban(const CPeerProjectFile* pFile, int nBanLength, BOOL bMessage)
	CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );

	const DWORD tNow = static_cast< DWORD >( time( NULL ) );

	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		POSITION posCurrent = pos;
		CSecureRule* pRule = GetNext( pos );

		if ( pRule->IsExpired( tNow ) )
			m_pRules.RemoveAt( posCurrent );
			delete pRule;

		if ( pRule->Match( pFile ) )			// Non-regexp name, hash, or size:ext:0000
			if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )
				if ( nBanLength == banWeek && ( pRule->m_nExpire < tNow + 604000 ) )
					pRule->m_nExpire = tNow + 604800;
				else if ( nBanLength == banCustom && ( pRule->m_nExpire < tNow + Settings.Security.DefaultBan + 3600 ) )
					pRule->m_nExpire = tNow + Settings.Security.DefaultBan + 3600;
				else if ( nBanLength == banForever && ( pRule->m_nExpire != CSecureRule::srIndefinite ) )
					pRule->m_nExpire = CSecureRule::srIndefinite;

	CSecureRule* pRule = NewBanRule( nBanLength );

	if ( pFile->m_oSHA1 || pFile->m_oTiger || pFile->m_oED2K || pFile->m_oBTH || pFile->m_oMD5 )
		pRule->m_nType = CSecureRule::srContentHash;
			( pFile->m_oSHA1  ? pFile->m_oSHA1.toUrn()  + _T(" ") : CString() ) +
			( pFile->m_oTiger ? pFile->m_oTiger.toUrn() + _T(" ") : CString() ) +
			( pFile->m_oED2K  ? pFile->m_oED2K.toUrn()  + _T(" ") : CString() ) +
			( pFile->m_oMD5   ? pFile->m_oMD5.toUrn()   + _T(" ") : CString() ) +
			( pFile->m_oBTH   ? pFile->m_oBTH.toUrn()             : CString() ) );

	Add( pRule );

	if ( bMessage && pFile )
Exemple #6
BOOL CSecurity::Import(LPCTSTR pszFile)
	CString strText;
	CBuffer pBuffer;
	CFile pFile;

	if ( ! pFile.Open( pszFile, CFile::modeRead ) ) return FALSE;
	pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( (DWORD)pFile.GetLength() );
	pBuffer.m_nLength = (DWORD)pFile.GetLength();
	pFile.Read( pBuffer.m_pBuffer, pBuffer.m_nLength );

	CXMLElement* pXML = CXMLElement::FromBytes( pBuffer.m_pBuffer, pBuffer.m_nLength, TRUE );
	BOOL bResult = FALSE;

	if ( pXML != NULL )
		bResult = FromXML( pXML );
		delete pXML;
		CString strLine;

		while ( pBuffer.ReadLine( strLine ) )
			if ( strLine.IsEmpty() ) continue;
			if ( strLine.GetAt( 0 ) == ';' ) continue;

			CSecureRule* pRule = new CSecureRule();

			if ( pRule->FromGnucleusString( strLine ) )
				CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );
				m_pRules.AddTail( pRule );
				bResult = TRUE;
				delete pRule;

	// Check all lists for newly denied hosts
	PostMainWndMessage( WM_SANITY_CHECK );

	return bResult;
Exemple #7
BOOL CSecurity::IsDenied(LPCTSTR pszContent)
	if ( CString(pszContent).GetLength() > 30 && StartsWith( pszContent, _PT("urn:") ) )
		if ( BYTE nIndex = GetHashMap( pszContent ) )
			if ( CSecureRule* pRule = GetRuleByIndex( nIndex ) )
				pRule->m_nToday ++;
				pRule->m_nEver ++;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )   return TRUE;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srAccept ) return FALSE;

		return m_bDenyPolicy;

	const DWORD tNow = static_cast< DWORD >( time( NULL ) );

	CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );

	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		POSITION posLast = pos;
		CSecureRule* pRule = GetNext( pos );

		if ( pRule->IsExpired( tNow ) )
			m_pRules.RemoveAt( posLast );
			delete pRule;
		else if ( pRule->Match( pszContent ) )
			pRule->m_nToday ++;
			pRule->m_nEver ++;

			// Add 5 min penalty for early access
			if ( pRule->m_nExpire > CSecureRule::srSession &&
				pRule->m_nExpire < tNow + 300 )
				pRule->m_nExpire = tNow + 300;

			if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )   return TRUE;
			if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srAccept ) return FALSE;

	return m_bDenyPolicy;
// Contains default code for XML generation.
void CSecureRule::toXML(const CSecureRule& oRule, QXmlStreamWriter& oXMLdocument)
	QString sValue;

	// Write rule action to XML file.
	switch ( oRule.m_nAction )
	case RuleAction::None:
		sValue = "null";
	case RuleAction::Accept:
		sValue = "accept";
	case RuleAction::Deny:
		sValue = "deny";
		Q_ASSERT( false );
	oXMLdocument.writeAttribute( "action", sValue );

		oXMLdocument.writeAttribute( "automatic", "true" );
		oXMLdocument.writeAttribute( "automatic", "false" );

	// Write expiry date.
	if ( oRule.m_tExpire == RuleTime::Special )
		if ( oRule.m_bForever )
			sValue = "forever";
		} else {
			sValue = "session";

	else if ( oRule.m_tExpire > 0 )
		sValue = "%1";
		sValue.arg( oRule.getExpiryTime() );
	oXMLdocument.writeAttribute( "expire", sValue );

	// Write rule UUID.
	sValue = oRule.m_oUUID.toString();
	oXMLdocument.writeAttribute( "uuid", sValue );

	// Write user comment.
	if ( !( oRule.m_sComment.isEmpty() ) )
		oXMLdocument.writeAttribute( "comment", oRule.m_sComment );
Exemple #9
void CSecurity::Ban(const IN_ADDR* pAddress, int nBanLength, BOOL bMessage, LPCTSTR szComment)
	CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );

	const DWORD tNow = static_cast< DWORD >( time( NULL ) );

	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		POSITION posCurrent = pos;
		CSecureRule* pRule = GetNext( pos );

		if ( pRule->IsExpired( tNow ) )
			m_pRules.RemoveAt( posCurrent );
			delete pRule;

		if ( pRule->Match( pAddress ) && pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )
			if ( nBanLength == banWeek && ( pRule->m_nExpire < tNow + 604000 ) )
				pRule->m_nExpire = tNow + 604800;
			else if ( nBanLength == banCustom && ( pRule->m_nExpire < tNow + Settings.Security.DefaultBan + 3600 ) )
				pRule->m_nExpire = tNow + Settings.Security.DefaultBan + 3600;
			else if ( nBanLength == banForever && ( pRule->m_nExpire != CSecureRule::srIndefinite ) )
				pRule->m_nExpire = CSecureRule::srIndefinite;
			else if ( bMessage && pAddress )
				theApp.Message( MSG_NOTICE, IDS_NETWORK_SECURITY_ALREADY_BLOCKED, (LPCTSTR)CString( inet_ntoa( *pAddress ) ) );

	CSecureRule* pRule = NewBanRule( nBanLength, szComment );
	pRule->m_nType = CSecureRule::srAddress;

	CopyMemory( pRule->m_nIP, pAddress, sizeof pRule->m_nIP );

	Add( pRule );

	if ( bMessage )
		theApp.Message( MSG_NOTICE, IDS_NETWORK_SECURITY_BLOCKED, (LPCTSTR)CString( inet_ntoa( *pAddress ) ) );
CSecureRule* CSecureRule::fromXML(QXmlStreamReader& oXMLdocument, float nVersion)
	QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = oXMLdocument.attributes();

	const QString sType = attributes.value( "type" ).toString();

	if ( sType.isEmpty() )
		return NULL;

	CSecureRule* pRule = NULL;

	if ( sType.compare( "address", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
		QString sAddress = attributes.value( "address" ).toString();

		pRule = new CIPRule();
		pRule->parseContent( sAddress );
	else if ( sType.compare( "addressrange", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
		QString sStartAddress = attributes.value( "startaddress" ).toString();
		QString sEndAddress = attributes.value( "endaddress" ).toString();

		pRule = new CIPRangeRule();
		pRule->parseContent( QString("%1-%2").arg(sStartAddress).arg(sEndAddress) );
	else if ( sType.compare( "hash", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
		CHashRule* rule = new CHashRule();
		if ( !rule->parseContent( attributes.value( "content" ).toString() ) )
			delete rule;
			return NULL;

		pRule = rule;
	else if ( sType.compare( "regexp", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
		CRegularExpressionRule* rule = new CRegularExpressionRule();
		if ( !rule->parseContent( attributes.value( "content" ).toString() ) )
			delete rule;
			return NULL;

		pRule = rule;
	else if ( sType.compare( "content", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
		const QString sMatch = attributes.value( "match" ).toString();
		const QString sContent = attributes.value( "content" ).toString();

		const QString sUrn = sContent.left( 4 );

		if ( nVersion < 2.0 )
			// This handles "old style" Shareaza RegExp rules.
			if ( sMatch.compare( "regexp", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
				CRegularExpressionRule* rule = new CRegularExpressionRule();
				if ( !rule->parseContent( sContent ) )
					delete rule;
					return NULL;

				pRule = rule;
			// This handles "old style" Shareaza hash rules.
			else if ( sUrn.compare( "urn:", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
				CHashRule* rule = new CHashRule();
				if ( !rule->parseContent( sContent ) )
					delete rule;
					return NULL;

				pRule = rule;

		if ( !pRule )
			bool all = ( sMatch.compare( "all", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 );

			if ( all || sMatch.compare( "any", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
				CContentRule* rule = new CContentRule();
				if ( !rule->parseContent( sContent ) )
					delete rule;
					return NULL;

				rule->setAll( all );
				pRule = rule;
				return NULL;
		return NULL;

	const QString sAction = attributes.value( "action" ).toString();

	if ( sAction.compare( "deny", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || sAction.isEmpty() )
		pRule->m_nAction = RuleAction::Deny;
	else if ( sAction.compare( "accept", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
		pRule->m_nAction = RuleAction::Accept;
	else if ( sAction.compare( "null", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
		pRule->m_nAction = RuleAction::None;
		delete pRule;
		return NULL;

	const QString sAutomatic = attributes.value( "automatic" ).toString();
	if(sAutomatic == "true")
		pRule->m_bAutomatic = true;
		pRule->m_bAutomatic = false;

	pRule->m_sComment = attributes.value( "comment" ).toString().trimmed();

	QString sExpire = attributes.value( "expire" ).toString();
	if ( sExpire.compare( "forever", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
	else if ( sExpire.compare( "session", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
		pRule->m_tExpire = RuleTime::Special;
		pRule->m_tExpire = sExpire.toUInt();

	QString sUUID = attributes.value( "uuid" ).toString();
	if ( sUUID.isEmpty() )
		sUUID = attributes.value( "guid" ).toString();

	if ( sUUID.isEmpty() )
		pRule->m_oUUID = QUuid::createUuid();
		pRule->m_oUUID = QUuid( sUUID );

	return pRule;
Exemple #11
// TODO: change user interface for IP ranges and hashes.
void DialogAddRule::on_pushButtonOK_clicked()
	CSecureRule* pRule = NULL;
	QString sTmp;

	switch ( ui->comboBoxRuleType->currentIndex() )
	case 0:
		pRule = new CIPRule();
		sTmp = ui->lineEditIP->text();
		if ( !pRule->parseContent( sTmp ) )
			delete pRule;
			pRule = NULL;
	case 1:
		pRule = new CIPRangeRule();

	case 2:
		pRule = new CCountryRule();
		sTmp = ui->lineEditCountry->text();
		if ( !pRule->parseContent( sTmp ) )
			delete pRule;
			pRule = NULL;
	case 3:
		pRule = new CHashRule();
		sTmp = ui->lineEditURI->text();
		if ( !pRule->parseContent( sTmp ) )
			delete pRule;
			pRule = NULL;
	case 4:
		pRule = new CContentRule();
		sTmp = ui->lineEditContent->text();
		if ( !pRule->parseContent( sTmp ) )
			delete pRule;
			pRule = NULL;
		((CContentRule*)pRule)->setAll( ui->radioButtonMatchAll->isChecked() );
	case 5:
		pRule = new CRegExpRule();
		sTmp = ui->lineEditRegularExpression->text();
		if ( !pRule->parseContent( sTmp ) )
			delete pRule;
			pRule = NULL;
	case 6:
		pRule = new CUserAgentRule();
		sTmp = ui->lineEditUserAgent->text();
		if ( !pRule->parseContent( sTmp ) )
			delete pRule;
			pRule = NULL;
		((CUserAgentRule*)pRule)->setRegExp( ui->checkBoxUserAgent->isChecked() );
		Q_ASSERT( false );

	if ( pRule )
		quint32 tExpire = ui->comboBoxExpire->currentIndex();
		if ( tExpire == 2 )
			tExpire = 0;
			tExpire += ui->lineEditMinutes->text().toUShort() * 60;
			tExpire += ui->lineEditHours->text().toUShort() * 3600;
			tExpire += ui->lineEditDays->text().toUShort() * 216000;
			tExpire += static_cast< quint32 >( time( NULL ) );
		pRule->m_tExpire = tExpire;

		pRule->m_sComment = ui->lineEditComment->text();
		pRule->m_oUUID = m_pRule->m_oUUID;

		if ( *pRule != *m_pRule )
			securityManager.remove( m_pRule );
			securityManager.add( pRule );

	emit dataUpdated();
	emit closed();
Exemple #12
void CSecurity::Serialize(CArchive& ar)

	if ( ar.IsStoring() )
		ar << nVersion;
		ar << m_bDenyPolicy;

		ar.WriteCount( GetCount() );

		for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
			GetNext( pos )->Serialize( ar, nVersion );

		// Unimplemented
		//for ( CAddressRuleMap::const_iterator i = m_pIPRules.begin() ; i != m_pIPRules.end() ; ++i )
		//	(*i).second->Serialize( ar, nVersion );
	else // Loading

		ar >> nVersion;
		ar >> m_bDenyPolicy;

		const DWORD tNow = static_cast< DWORD >( time( NULL ) );

		for ( DWORD_PTR nCount = ar.ReadCount() ; nCount > 0 ; nCount-- )
			CSecureRule* pRule = new CSecureRule( FALSE );
			pRule->Serialize( ar, nVersion );

			if ( pRule->IsExpired( tNow, TRUE ) )
				delete pRule;

			// Special handling for single-IP security rules
			if ( pRule->m_nType == CSecureRule::srAddress &&
				 pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny &&
				*(DWORD*)pRule->m_nMask == 0xffffffff )
				SetAddressMap( *(DWORD*)pRule->m_nIP, SetRuleIndex( pRule ) );

			if ( pRule->m_nType == CSecureRule::srContentHash &&
				 pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )
				SetHashMap( pRule->GetContentWords(), SetRuleIndex( pRule ) );

			if ( pRule->m_nType == CSecureRule::srExternal )
				ListLoader.AddList( pRule );

			m_pRules.AddTail( pRule );
Exemple #13
BOOL CSecurity::IsDenied(const CPeerProjectFile* pFile)
	if ( pFile->m_oSHA1 && ! m_HashMap[urnSHA].empty() )
		if ( BYTE nIndex = GetHashMap( pFile->m_oSHA1.toUrn() ) )
			if ( CSecureRule* pRule = GetRuleByIndex( nIndex ) )
				pRule->m_nToday ++;
				pRule->m_nEver ++;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )   return TRUE;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srAccept ) return FALSE;

	if ( pFile->m_oTiger && ! m_HashMap[urnTiger].empty() )
		if ( BYTE nIndex = GetHashMap( pFile->m_oTiger.toUrn() ) )
			if ( CSecureRule* pRule = GetRuleByIndex( nIndex ) )
				pRule->m_nToday ++;
				pRule->m_nEver ++;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )   return TRUE;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srAccept ) return FALSE;

	if ( pFile->m_oED2K && ! m_HashMap[urnED2K].empty() )
		if ( BYTE nIndex = GetHashMap( pFile->m_oED2K.toUrn() ) )
			if ( CSecureRule* pRule = GetRuleByIndex( nIndex ) )
				pRule->m_nToday ++;
				pRule->m_nEver ++;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )   return TRUE;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srAccept ) return FALSE;

	if ( pFile->m_oBTH && ! m_HashMap[urnBTH].empty() )
		if ( BYTE nIndex = GetHashMap( pFile->m_oBTH.toUrn() ) )
			if ( CSecureRule* pRule = GetRuleByIndex( nIndex ) )
				pRule->m_nToday ++;
				pRule->m_nEver ++;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )   return TRUE;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srAccept ) return FALSE;

	if ( pFile->m_oMD5 && ! m_HashMap[urnMD5].empty() )
		if ( BYTE nIndex = GetHashMap( pFile->m_oMD5.toUrn() ) )
			if ( CSecureRule* pRule = GetRuleByIndex( nIndex ) )
				pRule->m_nToday ++;
				pRule->m_nEver ++;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )   return TRUE;
				if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srAccept ) return FALSE;

	const DWORD tNow = static_cast< DWORD >( time( NULL ) );

	CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );

	for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; )
		POSITION posLast = pos;
		CSecureRule* pRule = GetNext( pos );

		if ( pRule->IsExpired( tNow ) )
			m_pRules.RemoveAt( posLast );
			delete pRule;
		else if ( pRule->Match( pFile ) )	// Non-regexp name, hash, or size:ext:0000
			pRule->m_nToday ++;
			pRule->m_nEver ++;

			// Add 5 min penalty for early access
			if ( pRule->m_nExpire > CSecureRule::srSession &&
				pRule->m_nExpire < tNow + 300 )
				pRule->m_nExpire = tNow + 300;

			if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srDeny )   return TRUE;
			if ( pRule->m_nAction == CSecureRule::srAccept ) return FALSE;

	return m_bDenyPolicy;
Exemple #14
void CListLoader::OnRun()
	while ( IsThreadEnabled() && m_pQueue.GetCount() )
		CSecureRule* pRule = m_pQueue.GetHead();

		if ( ! pRule || ! pRule->m_pContent || pRule->m_nType != CSecureRule::srExternal )

		CString strPath = pRule->GetContentWords();
		if ( strPath.GetLength() < 6 )

		CString strCommentBase = pRule->m_sComment;
		if ( strCommentBase.IsEmpty() )
			strCommentBase = _T("• %u");
		else if ( strCommentBase.ReverseFind( _T('•') ) >= 0 )
			strCommentBase = strCommentBase.Left( strCommentBase.ReverseFind( _T('•') ) + 1 ) + _T(" %u");
			strCommentBase += _T("  • %u");

		if ( strPath[1] != _T(':') )
			strPath = Settings.General.DataPath + strPath;

		CFile pFile;
		if ( ! pFile.Open( (LPCTSTR)strPath.GetBuffer(), CFile::modeRead ) )

		const BYTE nIndex = Security.SetRuleIndex( pRule );

			CBuffer pBuffer;
			const DWORD nLength = pFile.GetLength();
			pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( nLength );
			pBuffer.m_nLength = nLength;
			pFile.Read( pBuffer.m_pBuffer, nLength );

			// Format: Delineated Lists

			CString strLine, strURN;
			DWORD nCount = 0;
			int nPos;

			while ( pBuffer.ReadLine( strLine ) && IsThreadEnabled() && pRule )

				if ( strLine.GetLength() < 7 )
					continue;									// Blank/Invalid line

				if ( strLine[ 0 ] == '#' )
					if ( strLine[ strLine.GetLength() - 1 ] == _T(':') && strLine.Find( _T("urn:") ) > 0 )
						strURN = strLine.Mid( strLine.Find( _T("urn:") ) );		// Default "# urn:type:"
					continue;									// Comment line

				if ( strLine[ 0 ] < '0' || strLine[ 0 ] > 'z' )	// Whitespace/Chars
					continue;									// Invalid line

				if ( ++nCount % 10 == 0 )
					if ( pRule->m_sComment.IsEmpty() )
						strCommentBase = _T("• %u");
					else if ( pRule->m_sComment.ReverseFind( _T('•') ) < 0 )
						strCommentBase = pRule->m_sComment + _T("  • %u");

					pRule->m_sComment.Format( strCommentBase, nCount );
					Sleep( 1 );		// Limit CPU

				// Hashes:

				if ( ( ! strURN.IsEmpty() && strLine.Find( _T('.'), 5 ) < 0 ) || StartsWith( strLine, _PT("urn:") ) )
					nPos = strLine.FindOneOf( _T(" \t") );
					if ( nPos > 0 )
						strLine.Truncate( nPos );				// Trim at whitespace (remove any trailing comments)
					if ( ! strURN.IsEmpty() && ! StartsWith( strLine, _PT("urn:") ) )
						strLine = strURN + strLine;				// Default "urn:type:" prepended
					if ( strLine.GetLength() > 35 )
						Security.SetHashMap( strLine, nIndex );

				// IPs:

				nPos = strLine.ReverseFind( _T(':') );
				if ( nPos > 0 )
					strLine = strLine.Mid( nPos + 1 );			// Remove leading comment for some formats

				nPos = strLine.FindOneOf( _T(" \t") );
				if ( nPos > 0 )
					strLine.Truncate( nPos );					// Trim at whitespace (remove any trailing comments)

				if ( strLine.GetLength() < 7 || strLine.Find( _T('.') ) < 1 )

				nPos = strLine.Find( _T('-') );					// Possible Range
				if ( nPos < 0 )									// Single IP
					Security.SetAddressMap( IPStringToDWORD( strLine, TRUE ), nIndex );

				CString strFirst = strLine.Left( nPos );
				CString strLast  = strLine.Mid( nPos + 1 );

				if ( strFirst == strLast )
					Security.SetAddressMap( IPStringToDWORD( strLine, TRUE ), nIndex );

				// inet_addr( CT2CA( (LPCTSTR)strLast )
				DWORD nFirst = IPStringToDWORD( strFirst, FALSE );
				DWORD nLast  = IPStringToDWORD( strLast, FALSE );

				if ( nFirst < 10 || nFirst >= 0xE0000000 )	// 0 or "0.0." or "224-255"
					continue;		// Redundant/Invalid

				//if ( Network.IsReserved( (IN_ADDR*)nFirst ) )		// Crash
				//if ( StartsWith( strFirst, _PT("0.0") ) ||
				//	 StartsWith( strFirst, _PT("6.0") ) ||
				//	 StartsWith( strFirst, _PT("7.0") ) ||
				//	 StartsWith( strFirst, _PT("11.0") ) ||
				//	 StartsWith( strFirst, _PT("55.0") ) ||
				//	 StartsWith( strFirst, _PT("127.0") ) )
				//	continue;		// Redundant

				for ( DWORD nRange = Settings.Security.ListRangeLimit ; nFirst <= nLast && nRange ; nFirst++, nRange-- )
					Security.SetAddressMap( htonl( nFirst ), nIndex );	// Reverse host-byte order

			if ( pRule )
				pRule->m_sComment.Format( strCommentBase, nCount );		// Final update

			PostMainWndMessage( WM_SANITY_CHECK );
		catch ( CException* pException )
			if ( pFile.m_hFile != CFile::hFileNull )
				pFile.Close();	// File is still open so close it

		m_pQueue.RemoveHead();	// Done


	Sleep( 5000 );

	// Recheck
	if ( ! m_pQueue.GetCount() )	//  && IsThreadEnabled()
		CQuickLock oLock( Security.m_pSection );


		PostMainWndMessage( WM_SANITY_CHECK );