Exemple #1
void CShapeModel::GenerateShapeWithPos(double Tx, double Ty, double s, double theta, CVisDVector& param, CShape& desshape,EDataAnalysisMethod eMethod /*=ePCA*/)
	GenerateShape(param, desshape, eMethod);
    double a = s * cos(theta);
    double b = s * sin(theta);
    double x, y;
    int m_iNbPoint = desshape.PointNum();
    //rotate and scale
    for (int i = 0; i < m_iNbPoint; i++)
        x = desshape.PointX(i);
        y = desshape.PointY(i);
        desshape.PointX(i) = a * x - b * y;
        desshape.PointY(i) = b * x + a * y;
    desshape.Translate(Tx, Ty);
Exemple #2
void CShapeModel::ApplyShapePos(double& Tx, double& Ty, double& s, double& theta, CShape& desShape, const CShape& normaledShape)
	double a = s * cos(theta);
    double b = s * sin(theta);

    double x, y;
    int m_iNbPoint = normaledShape.PointNum();
	//rotate and scale
    for (int i = 0; i < m_iNbPoint; i++)
        x = normaledShape.PointX(i);
        y = normaledShape.PointY(i);
        desShape.PointX(i) = a * x - b * y;
        desShape.PointY(i) = b * x + a * y;
    desShape.Translate(Tx, Ty);	
Exemple #3
void CShapeModel::GetShapeParamAndPos(double& Tx, double& Ty, double& s, double& theta, CVisDVector& param, const CShape& srcshape, EDataAnalysisMethod eMethod /*=ePCA*/)
    CShape& refShape = m_AvgShape;
    CShape workShape = srcshape;
    int m_iNbPoint = srcshape.PointNum();
    // 1. Get the tranlate parameter and set the center of srcshape to (0,0)
    workShape.CenterPoint(Tx, Ty);
    workShape.Translate(-Tx, -Ty);

    double x, y, x1, y1;
    // 2. get the align parameter to avgshape (x',y')
    // SXX1 = E(x*x') SYY1 = E(y*y') SXY1 = E(x*y') SYX1 = E(y*x')
    // SXX = E(x*x) SYY = E(y*y)
    // x' = ax -by
    // y' = bx +ay
    // a = (SXX1+SYY1)/(SXX+SYY)
    // b = (SXY1-SYX1)/(SXX+SYY)
    double SXX, SYY, SXX1, SYY1, SXY1, SYX1;
    SXX = SYY = SXX1 = SYY1 = SXY1 = SYX1 = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_iNbPoint; i++)
        x = workShape.PointX(i);
        y = workShape.PointY(i);
        x1 = refShape.PointX(i);
        y1 = refShape.PointY(i);
        SXX += x * x;
        SYY += y * y;
        SXX1 += x * x1;
        SYY1 += y * y1;
        SXY1 += x * y1;
        SYX1 += y * x1;
    if (SXX + SYY == 0) return;
    double a = (SXX1 + SYY1) / (SXX + SYY);
    double b = (SXY1 - SYX1) / (SXX + SYY);

    // 3. align the workshape
    // x' = ax -by
    // y' = bx +ay
    for (i = 0; i < m_iNbPoint; i++)
        x = workShape.PointX(i);
        y = workShape.PointY(i);
        workShape.PointX(i) = a * x - b * y;
        workShape.PointY(i) = b * x + a * y;
    // 4. project into tangent space
    double SX1X1;
    SX1X1 = SXX1 = 0;   
    for (i = 0; i < m_iNbPoint; i++)
        x = workShape.PointX(i);
        y = workShape.PointY(i);
        x1 = refShape.PointX(i);
        y1 = refShape.PointY(i);
        SX1X1 += x1 * x1;
        SXX1 += x * x1;
    double stangent = SX1X1 / SXX1;

    // 5. get the pos and shape parameter
    s = sqrt(a * a + b * b) * stangent; s = 1.0 / s;
    theta = - atan2(b, a);
    GetShapeParam(param, workShape, eMethod);