Exemple #1
bool CMusicLibrary::SaveMedia(CMedia* pMedia)
    CSong* pSong = static_cast<CSong*>(pMedia);
    long ID = pSong->GetID();

    // save the song to the device
    wxString Path = this->GetLibraryPath();
    bool OK = true;
    OK = OK | m_pDevice->AddFolder(cms::ReplaceIllegalPathCharsWithUnderscore(pSong->GetArtist() ), Path);
    OK = OK | m_pDevice->AddFolder(cms::ReplaceIllegalPathCharsWithUnderscore(pSong->GetAlbum() ), Path);
    Path << cms::ReplaceIllegalPathCharsWithUnderscore(pSong->GetTitle() ) << ".";
    Path << CMedia::GetFileTypeStr(pSong->GetFullPath() );
    if (!OK)
        return false;
    if (!m_pDevice->SaveMedia(pSong, Path) )
        return false;

    // add song to library database
    wxString str;
    if (pSong->GetID() < 0)
        str << "INSERT INTO main." << m_pDevice->GetDeviceName()
            << " (col_Artist,col_Album,col_Title,col_Genre,"
            << "col_Time,col_Track,col_Year,col_Type,col_BitRate,col_SampleRate,"
            << "col_Channels,col_Comment,col_FullPath) VALUES ("
            << "'" << cms::sqlEscapeQuotes(pSong->GetArtist() ) << "',"
            << "'" << cms::sqlEscapeQuotes(pSong->GetAlbum() ) << "',"
            << "'" << cms::sqlEscapeQuotes(pSong->GetTitle() ) << "',"
            << "'" << cms::sqlEscapeQuotes(pSong->GetGenre() ) << "',"
            << "'" << pSong->GetTimeString() << "',"
            << "'" << pSong->GetTrack() << "',"
            << "'" << pSong->GetYear() << "',"
            << "'" << pSong->GetType() << "',"
            << "'" << pSong->GetBitRate() << "',"
            << "'" << pSong->GetSampleRate() << "',"
            << "'" << pSong->GetChannels() << "',"
            << "'" << cms::sqlEscapeQuotes(pSong->GetComment() ) << "',"
            << "'" << cms::sqlEscapeQuotes(pSong->GetFullPath() ) << "')";
        str << "UPDATE main." << m_pDevice->GetDeviceName() << " SET "
            << "col_Artist=" << cms::sqlEscapeQuotes(pSong->GetArtist() ) << ","
            << "col_Album=" << cms::sqlEscapeQuotes(pSong->GetAlbum() ) << ","
            << "col_Title=" << cms::sqlEscapeQuotes(pSong->GetTitle() ) << ","
            << "col_Genre=" << cms::sqlEscapeQuotes(pSong->GetGenre() ) << ","
            << "col_Time=" << pSong->GetTimeString() << ","
            << "col_Track=" << pSong->GetTrack() << ","
            << "col_Year=" << pSong->GetYear() << ","
            << "col_Type=" << pSong->GetType() << ","
            << "col_BitRate=" << pSong->GetBitRate() << ","
            << "col_SampleRate=" << pSong->GetSampleRate() << ","
            << "col_Channels=" << pSong->GetChannels() << ","
            << "col_Comment=" << cms::sqlEscapeQuotes(pSong->GetComment() ) << ","
            << "col_FullPath=" << cms::sqlEscapeQuotes(pSong->GetFullPath() )
            << " WHERE ROWID=" << pSong->GetID();
    if (!m_pDatabase->ProcessStatement(str) )
        return false;
    return true;