Exemple #1
void CSFXMgr::UpdateRenderTargets(const LTRigidTransform& tCamera, const LTVector2& vCameraFOV)
	//run through all of our render targets and tell them to update
	CSpecialFXList* pRenderTargetList = GetFXList(SFX_RENDERTARGET_ID);
	if(pRenderTargetList && (pRenderTargetList->GetNumItems() > 0))
		//run through the list finding those that are initialized
		for(uint32 nCurrRenderTarget = 0; nCurrRenderTarget < (uint32)pRenderTargetList->GetSize(); nCurrRenderTarget++)
			CSpecialFX* pEffect = (*pRenderTargetList)[nCurrRenderTarget];
				//and now that we have found one, tell it to update
				((CRenderTargetFX*)pEffect)->UpdateRenderTarget(tCamera, vCameraFOV);
Exemple #2
void CSFXMgr::DirtyVisibleRenderTargets()
	//run through all of our render targets and tell them to update
	CSpecialFXList* pRenderTargetList = GetFXList(SFX_RENDERTARGET_ID);
	if(pRenderTargetList && (pRenderTargetList->GetNumItems() > 0))
		//run through the list finding those that are initialized
		for(uint32 nCurrRenderTarget = 0; nCurrRenderTarget < (uint32)pRenderTargetList->GetSize(); nCurrRenderTarget++)
			CSpecialFX* pEffect = (*pRenderTargetList)[nCurrRenderTarget];
				//and now that we have found one, tell it to dirty
Exemple #3
bool CTargetMgr::CheckForCharacters(LTVector vObjPos,LTVector vDims, uint8 nId)
	float fLeashLen = GetConsoleFloat("LeashLen",0.0f);
	//give 'em some room
	vDims.x += fLeashLen;
	vDims.y += fLeashLen;
	vDims.z += fLeashLen;
	vDims *= 2.0f;

	CSpecialFXList* pList = g_pGameClientShell->GetSFXMgr()->GetFXList(SFX_CHARACTER_ID);
	if (!pList) return false;

	int nNumChars = pList->GetSize();

	LTVector vCharPos, vCharDims;
	for (int i=0; i < nNumChars; i++)
		if ((*pList)[i])
			CCharacterFX* pChar = (CCharacterFX*)(*pList)[i];

			if (pChar->m_cs.bIsPlayer && pChar->m_cs.nClientID == nId)

			g_pLTClient->GetObjectPos(pChar->GetServerObj(), &vCharPos);

			if (vObjPos.x - vDims.x < vCharPos.x && vCharPos.x < vObjPos.x + vDims.x &&
				vObjPos.y - vDims.y < vCharPos.y && vCharPos.y < vObjPos.y + vDims.y &&
				vObjPos.z - vDims.z < vCharPos.z && vCharPos.z < vObjPos.z + vDims.z)
				return true;


	return false;
Exemple #4
DBOOL CMarkSFX::CreateObject(CClientDE *pClientDE)
	if (!CSpecialFX::CreateObject(pClientDE)) return DFALSE;

	CSFXMgr* psfxMgr = g_pBloodClientShell->GetSFXMgr();
	if (!psfxMgr) return DFALSE;

	// Before we create a new buillet hole see if there is already another
	// bullet hole close by that we could use instead...

	CSpecialFXList* pList = psfxMgr->GetBulletHoleFXList();
	if (!pList) return DFALSE;

	int nNumBulletHoles = pList->GetSize();

	HOBJECT hMoveObj		 = DNULL;
	DBYTE	nNumInRegion	 = 0;
	DVector vPos;

	for (int i=0; i < nNumBulletHoles; i++)
		if ((*pList)[i])
			hObj = (*pList)[i]->GetObject();
			if (hObj)
				pClientDE->GetObjectPos(hObj, &vPos);
				DFLOAT fDist = VEC_DISTSQR(vPos, m_Pos);
				if (fDist < REGION_DIAMETER)
					if (fDist < fClosestMarkDist)
						fClosestMarkDist = fDist;
						hMoveObj = hObj;

					if (++nNumInRegion > MAX_MARKS_IN_REGION)
						// Just move this bullet-hole to the correct pos, and
						// remove thyself...

						pClientDE->SetObjectPos(hMoveObj, &m_Pos);
						return DFALSE;

	// Setup the mark...
	ObjectCreateStruct createStruct;

	createStruct.m_ObjectType = OT_SPRITE;
	_mbscpy((unsigned char*)createStruct.m_Filename, (const unsigned char*)m_pClientDE->GetStringData( m_hstrSprite ));
	VEC_COPY(createStruct.m_Pos, m_Pos);
	ROT_COPY( createStruct.m_Rotation, m_Rotation );

	m_hObject = pClientDE->CreateObject(&createStruct);

	m_pClientDE->SetObjectScale(m_hObject, &m_vScale);

	// See what it hit
	DVector vU, vR;
	pClientDE->GetRotationVectors(&m_Rotation, &vU, &vR, &m_vForward);

	ClientIntersectQuery iq;
	ClientIntersectInfo  ii;


	VEC_COPY(iq.m_From, vPos);			// Get start point at the last known position.
	VEC_MULSCALAR(iq.m_To, m_vForward, -1.0f);
	VEC_ADD(iq.m_To, iq.m_To, iq.m_From);	// Get destination point slightly past where we should be

	// Hit something!  try to clip against it. (since this is only being used for bullet marks,
	if (pClientDE->IntersectSegment(&iq, &ii))
		HPOLY hPoly = ii.m_hPoly;
		pClientDE->ClipSprite(m_hObject, hPoly);
	m_pClientDE->SetObjectColor(m_hObject, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f);
	return DTRUE;
Exemple #5
void CTriggerFX::CheckPlayersWithinTrigger()
	if( m_cs.bLocked )

	// Get a list of all the characters...

	CSpecialFXList *pList = g_pGameClientShell->GetSFXMgr()->GetFXList( SFX_CHARACTER_ID );
	if( !pList )

	int nListSize = pList->GetSize();
	int nNumChars = pList->GetNumItems();
	int nNumFoundChars = 0;
	int nNumPlayersFound = 0;
	uint32 dwLocalId = 0;

	g_pLTClient->GetLocalClientID( &dwLocalId );

	LTVector vTrigPos, vPlayerPos, vPlayerDims, vPlayerMin, vPlayerMax;
	g_pLTClient->GetObjectPos( m_hServerObject, &vTrigPos );

	// Setup the triggers box...
	LTVector vTrigMin = vTrigPos - m_cs.vDims;
	LTVector vTrigMax = vTrigPos + m_cs.vDims;

	bool bLocalPlayerIn = false;
	// Initialize our containers to zero.  Don't call clear, since we'll be using
	// these vectors every frame and most likely they will have the same
	// number of elements across multiple frames.
	m_lstPlayersNotInTrigger.resize( 0 );
	m_lstNewPlayersInTrigger.resize( 0 );

	for( int i = 0; i < nListSize; ++i )
		// Try not to go through the entire list...

		if( nNumFoundChars == nNumChars )

		if( (*pList)[i] )
			CCharacterFX *pChar = (CCharacterFX*)(*pList)[i];
			if( !pChar )

			// Found another char..

			if( pChar->m_cs.bIsPlayer && pChar->m_cs.nClientID != ( uint8 )-1 )
				HOBJECT hPlayer = pChar->GetServerObj();

				g_pLTClient->GetObjectPos( hPlayer, &vPlayerPos );
				g_pPhysicsLT->GetObjectDims( hPlayer, &vPlayerDims );

				vPlayerMin = vPlayerPos - vPlayerDims;
				vPlayerMax = vPlayerPos + vPlayerDims;

				// Check the current list of players in the trigger for this player...
				CharFXList::iterator iter;
				for( iter = m_lstCurPlayersInTrigger.begin(); iter != m_lstCurPlayersInTrigger.end(); ++iter )
					if( pChar == (*iter) )

				// Check if we are within the height of the trigger...

				bool bWithinHeight = false;
				if( vPlayerMax.y > vTrigMin.y && vPlayerMin.y < vTrigMax.y )
					bWithinHeight = true;

				if( bWithinHeight && BoxesIntersect( vTrigMin, vTrigMax, vPlayerMin, vPlayerMax ) && !pChar->IsPlayerDead())
					if( dwLocalId == pChar->m_cs.nClientID )
						bLocalPlayerIn = true;

					// If it wasn't in the list add it...

					if( iter == m_lstCurPlayersInTrigger.end() )
						m_lstCurPlayersInTrigger.push_back( pChar );
						m_lstNewPlayersInTrigger.push_back( pChar );

					if( iter != m_lstCurPlayersInTrigger.end() )
						m_lstCurPlayersInTrigger.erase( iter );

					m_lstPlayersNotInTrigger.push_back( pChar );

	wchar_t wszBuffer[256];

	if( (m_lstNewPlayersInTrigger.size() > 0) && (nNumPlayersFound > 1) )
		CClientInfoMgr *pInfoMgr = g_pInterfaceMgr->GetClientInfoMgr();
		if( !pInfoMgr )

		if( bLocalPlayerIn )
			// Display a general transmission and messages for each player you are waiting for...

			int nPlayersNotInTrig = m_lstPlayersNotInTrigger.size();

			if( m_cs.nPlayerInsideID != (uint32)-1 )
				g_pTransmission->Show( StringIDFromIndex(m_cs.nPlayerInsideID) );
			else if( nPlayersNotInTrig > 1 )
				//sTransmission.Format( "You are waiting for %i players.", nPlayersNotInTrig );
				FormatString( "IDS_EXIT_PLAYER_WAITING", wszBuffer, LTARRAYSIZE(wszBuffer), nPlayersNotInTrig );
				g_pTransmission->Show( wszBuffer );
				//sTransmission.Format( "You are waiting for 1 player." );
				FormatString( "IDS_EXIT_PLAYER_WAITING_1", wszBuffer, LTARRAYSIZE(wszBuffer) );
				g_pTransmission->Show( wszBuffer );
			CharFXList::iterator iter;
			for( iter = m_lstPlayersNotInTrigger.begin(); iter != m_lstPlayersNotInTrigger.end(); ++iter )
				//sMessage.Format( "You are waiting for %s.", pInfoMgr->GetPlayerName( (*iter)->m_cs.nClientID ));
				FormatString( "IDS_EXIT_PLAYER_WAITING_NAME", wszBuffer, LTARRAYSIZE(wszBuffer), pInfoMgr->GetPlayerName( (*iter)->m_cs.nClientID) );
				g_pGameMsgs->AddMessage( wszBuffer );
			// Display a general transmission and messages for each player waiting for you...

			int nPlayersInTrig = m_lstCurPlayersInTrigger.size();
			if( m_cs.nPlayerOutsideID != (uint32)-1 )
				g_pTransmission->Show( LoadString(m_cs.nPlayerOutsideID) );
			else if( nPlayersInTrig > 1 )
//				sTransmission.Format( "%i players are waiting for you",nPlayersInTrig  );
				FormatString( "IDS_EXIT_WAITING", wszBuffer, LTARRAYSIZE(wszBuffer), nPlayersInTrig );
				g_pTransmission->Show( wszBuffer );
//				sTransmission.Format( "1 player is waiting for you." );
				FormatString( "IDS_EXIT_WAITING_1", wszBuffer, LTARRAYSIZE(wszBuffer) );
				g_pTransmission->Show( wszBuffer );

			CharFXList::iterator iter;
			for( iter = m_lstCurPlayersInTrigger.begin(); iter != m_lstCurPlayersInTrigger.end(); ++iter )
				FormatString( "IDS_EXIT_WAITING_NAME", wszBuffer, LTARRAYSIZE(wszBuffer), pInfoMgr->GetPlayerName( (*iter)->m_cs.nClientID) );
				g_pGameMsgs->AddMessage( wszBuffer );	