Exemple #1
CDataNode::Structure( const CString& nodeName       ,
                      const CString& attribName     ,
                      const CString& attribSequence ,
                      const char seperator          )

    // Prepare some variables for the first loop iteration
    CDataNode* node = this;
    CString attSeqRemnant = attribSequence;
    CString attValue = attSeqRemnant.SubstrToChar( seperator );
    bool childExists = true;
    CDataNode* childNode = NULL;
        // First we check if we can skip the search for a child node
        // This is a minor optimization        
        if ( childExists )
            // See if there already is a node of the given type
            childNode = node->FindChild( nodeName   ,
                                         attribName ,
                                         attValue   );
            if ( childNode == NULL )
                childExists = false;
        // Check if we have to create a new node
        if ( childNode == NULL )
            // No such node exists, we will create it
            CDataNode newChild( nodeName );
            newChild.AddAttribute( attribName, attValue );
            childNode = node->AddChild( newChild );
        node = childNode;
        // Get the next segment
        attSeqRemnant = attSeqRemnant.CutChars( attValue.Length()+1, true );
        attValue = attSeqRemnant.SubstrToChar( seperator );
    } while ( attSeqRemnant.Length() > 0 );
    return childNode;
Exemple #2
CDataNode::Structure( const CString& sequence ,
                      char seperator          )

    // walk the tree
    CString buildseg;
    TDataNodeVector walkResults = WalkTree( sequence  ,
                                            seperator ,
                                            buildseg  );
    // do we need to add nodes ?
    if ( 0 < buildseg.Length() )
        CDataNode* parentNode = this;
        if ( !walkResults.empty() )
            parentNode = *walkResults.begin(); 
        CDataNode child;
        CString name;
        while ( buildseg.Length() )
            name = buildseg.SubstrToChar( seperator, true );
            child.SetName( name );                        
            buildseg = buildseg.CutChars( name.Length()+1, true );                        
            parentNode = parentNode->AddChild( child );
        return parentNode;
    if ( walkResults.empty() )
        return nullptr;
    return *walkResults.begin();        
Exemple #3
CDataNode::WalkTreeImp( CString& sleftover ,
                        char seperator     ) const
    if ( !m_children.empty() )
        TDataNodeVector resultSet;                
        CDataNode* sn = (CDataNode*) this;       
        CString searchseg( sleftover.SubstrToChar( seperator, true ) );        
        CString left( sleftover.CutChars( searchseg.Length()+1, true ) );
        CString bestMatchLeftover( left );
        CDataNode* n = m_children.front();                                                                                    
        while ( n )
            // Are we looking for more nesting or a leaf node?
            if ( 0 == left.Length() )
                // We are looking for a leaf node. Check if the current child matches
                if ( n->_name == searchseg )
                    // nothing left to search for, so
                    // no point in continuing
                    resultSet.push_back( n );
                // check if this node could be a link in the search chain
                if ( n->_name == searchseg )
                    // search the tree for our leftover
                    CString childLeftover = left;
                    TDataNodeVector childResultSet = n->WalkTreeImp( childLeftover, seperator );
                    // if what we found is better then what we found so far then
                    // substitute the current deepest nodes with the new deeper nodes.
                    if ( bestMatchLeftover.Length() > childLeftover.Length() )                  
                        // We found a better match, switch to that one
                        resultSet = childResultSet;
                        bestMatchLeftover = childLeftover;
                    if ( bestMatchLeftover.Length() == childLeftover.Length() )
                        // We found more equally good matches
                        TDataNodeVector::iterator m = childResultSet.begin();
                        while ( m != childResultSet.end() )
                            resultSet.push_back( (*m) );
            n = n->_pnext;

        if ( !resultSet.empty() )
            sleftover = bestMatchLeftover;
        return resultSet;
    TDataNodeVector resultSet;
    resultSet.push_back( const_cast<CDataNode*>( this ) );
    return resultSet;                                                                          
Exemple #4
CDataNode::SearchForAll( const CString& query     ,
                         char seperator           ,
                         bool fromcurrent         ,
                         bool treatChildAsCurrent ) const

    if ( fromcurrent )
        CString thisname( query.SubstrToChar( seperator, true ) );
        if ( thisname == _name )
            CString remnant( query.CutChars( thisname.Length()+1, true ) );
            if ( remnant.Length() > 0 )
                CString leftover;
                TDataNodeVector results = WalkTree( remnant   ,
                                                    seperator ,
                                                    leftover  );
                if ( 0 == leftover.Length() )
                    return results;
                // this node is the leaf node we are searching for
                TDataNodeVector result;
                result.push_back( const_cast< CDataNode* >( this ) );
                return result;
        if ( treatChildAsCurrent )
            TDataNodeVector results;
            TDataNodeList::const_iterator i = m_children.begin();
            while ( i != m_children.end()  )
                TDataNodeVector childResults = (*i)->SearchForAll( query       ,
                                                                   seperator   ,
                                                                   fromcurrent ,
                                                                   false       );                
                TDataNodeVector::iterator n = childResults.begin();
                while ( n != childResults.end() )
                    results.push_back( (*n) );
            return results;
        return TDataNodeVector();                                            
        CString leftover;
        TDataNodeVector results = WalkTree( query     ,
                                            seperator ,
                                            leftover  );
        if ( 0 == leftover.Length() )
            return results;
        return TDataNodeVector();