Exemple #1
void CAboutDlg::OnCopyToClipboard()
    CStringW info = m_appname + _T("\r\n");
    info += CString(_T('-'), m_appname.GetLength()) + _T("\r\n\r\n");
    info += _T("Build information:\r\n");
    info += _T("    Version:            ") + m_strBuildNumber + _T("\r\n");
    info += _T("    Compiler:           ") + m_MPCCompiler + _T("\r\n");
    info += _T("    Build date:         ") + m_buildDate + _T("\r\n\r\n");
#ifndef MPCHC_LITE
    info += _T("LAV Filters:\r\n");
    info += _T("    LAV Splitter:       ") + CFGFilterLAV::GetVersion(CFGFilterLAV::SPLITTER) + _T("\r\n");
    info += _T("    LAV Video:          ") + CFGFilterLAV::GetVersion(CFGFilterLAV::VIDEO_DECODER) + _T("\r\n");
    info += _T("    LAV Audio:          ") + CFGFilterLAV::GetVersion(CFGFilterLAV::AUDIO_DECODER) + _T("\r\n");
    info += _T("    FFmpeg compiler:    ") + CString(g_Gcc_Compiler) + _T("\r\n\r\n");
    info += _T("Operating system:\r\n");
    info += _T("    Name:               ") + m_OSName + _T("\r\n");
    info += _T("    Version:            ") + m_OSVersion + _T("\r\n");

    if (CComPtr<IDirect3D9> pD3D9 = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION)) {
        info += _T("\r\nVideo device(s):\r\n");

        for (UINT adapter = 0, adapterCount = pD3D9->GetAdapterCount(); adapter < adapterCount; adapter++) {
            D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9 adapterIdentifier;
            if (pD3D9->GetAdapterIdentifier(adapter, 0, &adapterIdentifier) == D3D_OK) {
                info += _T("    - ") + CString(adapterIdentifier.Description);
                if (adapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.QuadPart) {
                    info.AppendFormat(_T(" (driver version: %s)"),
                                      FileVersionInfo::FormatVersionString(adapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.LowPart, adapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.HighPart));
                info += _T("\r\n");

    // Allocate a global memory object for the text
    int len = info.GetLength() + 1;
    HGLOBAL hGlob = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, len * sizeof(WCHAR));
    if (hGlob) {
        // Lock the handle and copy the text to the buffer
        LPVOID pData = GlobalLock(hGlob);
        if (pData) {
            wcscpy_s((WCHAR*)pData, len, (LPCWSTR)info);

            if (GetParent()->OpenClipboard()) {
                // Place the handle on the clipboard, if the call succeeds
                // the system will take care of the allocated memory
                if (::EmptyClipboard() && ::SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, hGlob)) {
                    hGlob = nullptr;


        if (hGlob) {
Exemple #2
void CAboutDlg::OnCopyToClipboard()
    CStringW info = m_appname + _T("\r\n");
    info += CString(_T('-'), m_appname.GetLength()) + _T("\r\n\r\n");
    info += _T("Build information:\r\n");
    info += _T("    Version:            ") + m_strBuildNumber + _T("\r\n");
    info += _T("    Compiler:           ") + m_MPCCompiler + _T("\r\n");
    info += _T("    Build date:         ") + m_buildDate + _T("\r\n\r\n");
#ifndef MPCHC_LITE
    info += _T("LAV Filters:\r\n");
    info += _T("    LAV Splitter:       ") + CFGFilterLAV::GetVersion(CFGFilterLAV::SPLITTER) + _T("\r\n");
    info += _T("    LAV Video:          ") + CFGFilterLAV::GetVersion(CFGFilterLAV::VIDEO_DECODER) + _T("\r\n");
    info += _T("    LAV Audio:          ") + CFGFilterLAV::GetVersion(CFGFilterLAV::AUDIO_DECODER) + _T("\r\n");
    info += _T("    FFmpeg compiler:    ") + VersionInfo::GetGCCVersion() + _T("\r\n\r\n");
    info += _T("Operating system:\r\n");
    info += _T("    Name:               ") + m_OSName + _T("\r\n");
    info += _T("    Version:            ") + m_OSVersion + _T("\r\n\r\n");

    info += _T("Hardware:\r\n");

    CRegKey key;
    if (key.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        ULONG nChars = 0;
        if (key.QueryStringValue(_T("ProcessorNameString"), nullptr, &nChars) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            CString cpuName;
            if (key.QueryStringValue(_T("ProcessorNameString"), cpuName.GetBuffer(nChars), &nChars) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                info.AppendFormat(_T("    CPU:                %s\r\n"), cpuName);

    if (CComPtr<IDirect3D9> pD3D9 = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION)) {
        for (UINT adapter = 0, adapterCount = pD3D9->GetAdapterCount(); adapter < adapterCount; adapter++) {
            D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9 adapterIdentifier;
            if (pD3D9->GetAdapterIdentifier(adapter, 0, &adapterIdentifier) == D3D_OK) {
                CString deviceName = adapterIdentifier.Description;

                if (adapterCount > 1) {
                    info.AppendFormat(_T("    GPU%u:               %s"), adapter + 1, deviceName);
                } else {
                    info.AppendFormat(_T("    GPU:                %s"), deviceName);
                if (adapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.QuadPart) {
                    info.AppendFormat(_T(" (driver version: %s)"),
                                      FileVersionInfo::FormatVersionString(adapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.LowPart, adapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.HighPart));
                info += _T("\r\n");

    // Allocate a global memory object for the text
    int len = info.GetLength() + 1;
    HGLOBAL hGlob = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, len * sizeof(WCHAR));
    if (hGlob) {
        // Lock the handle and copy the text to the buffer
        LPVOID pData = GlobalLock(hGlob);
        if (pData) {
            wcscpy_s((WCHAR*)pData, len, (LPCWSTR)info);

            if (GetParent()->OpenClipboard()) {
                // Place the handle on the clipboard, if the call succeeds
                // the system will take care of the allocated memory
                if (::EmptyClipboard() && ::SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, hGlob)) {
                    hGlob = nullptr;


        if (hGlob) {