Exemple #1
void CTileSetCont::build (CTileBank& bank, uint tileSet)
	// TileSet ref
	CTileSet* set=bank.getTileSet (tileSet);
	// Find a main bitmap with a valid name
	if (set->getNumTile128())
		// Get the name
		std::string fileName=bank.getAbsPath()+bank.getTile (set->getTile128(0))->getRelativeFileName (CTile::diffuse);

		// Valid name?
		if (fileName!="")
			// Create it
			MainBitmap=new CTextureFile (fileName);

	// Build group bitmaps
	for (int group=0; group<NL3D_CTILE_NUM_GROUP; group++)
		int tile;

		// Look for a 128 tile in this group
		for (tile=0; tile<set->getNumTile128(); tile++)
			// Tile pointer
			CTile* pTile=bank.getTile (set->getTile128 (tile));

			// Look for a tile of the group
			if (pTile->getGroupFlags ()&(1<<group))
				// Get the name
				std::string fileName=bank.getAbsPath()+pTile->getRelativeFileName (CTile::diffuse);

				// Valid name?
				if (fileName!="")
					// Create it
					if (GroupBitmap[group]==NULL)
						GroupBitmap[group]=new CTextureFile (fileName);

					// Add to the group list
					GroupTile128[group].push_back (tile);

		// Look for a 256 tile in this group
		for (tile=0; tile<set->getNumTile256(); tile++)
			// Tile pointer
			CTile* pTile=bank.getTile (set->getTile256 (tile));

			// Look for a tile of the group
			if (pTile->getGroupFlags ()&(1<<group))
				// Get the name
				std::string fileName=bank.getAbsPath()+pTile->getRelativeFileName (CTile::diffuse);

				// Valid name?
				if (fileName!="")
					// Create it
					if (GroupBitmap[group]==NULL)
						GroupBitmap[group]=new CTextureFile (fileName);

					// Add to the group list
					GroupTile256[group].push_back (tile);

	// Current index
	bool dmwarn = false;
	for (uint displace=0; displace<CTileSet::CountDisplace; displace++)
		uint dispTile = set->getDisplacementTile((CTileSet::TDisplacement)displace);

		if (bank.getDisplacementMapCount() <= dispTile)
			if (!dmwarn)
				dmwarn = true;
				MessageBox(NULL, "Tile bank not loaded, or bad tile bank. Missing a displacement tile. Use the tile bank utility to load the correct tilebank.", "NeL Patch Paint", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
			continue; // with next displace

		// Get the name
		std::string fileName = bank.getDisplacementMap(dispTile);
		if (fileName=="EmptyDisplacementMap")

		// Valid name?
		if (fileName!="")
			// Create it
			DisplaceBitmap[displace]=new CTextureFile (bank.getAbsPath()+fileName);
			DisplaceBitmap[displace]->loadGrayscaleAsAlpha (false);
Exemple #2
void CTile_edit_dlg::on_absolutePathPushButton_clicked()
	// Build the struct
    QFileDialog::Options options = QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks | QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly;
    QString directory = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Select the absolute base path of the bank"), ui.absolutePathPushButton->text(), options);

	// Select the path
	if (!directory.isEmpty())
		// Convert item into path string
		QString path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(directory);

		// Add a final back slash
		if (!path.endsWith(QDir::separator()))
			// Add a '\' at the end

		//// Last check
		QMessageBox::StandardButton reply;
		QString confirmMessage = tr("Do you really want to set %1 as base path of the bank?").arg(path);
		reply = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Confirm Path"), confirmMessage, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
		if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes)
			// Set as default path..

			// Old path
			const char* oldPath=tileBank.getAbsPath ().c_str();

			// Path are good
			bool goodPath=true;

			// If no absolute path, must check before use it
			if ((*oldPath)==0)
				// Compute xref

				// For all tiles, check we can change the path
				for (int tiles=0; tiles<tileBank.getTileCount(); tiles++)
					// Get tile xref
					int tileSet;
					int number;
					CTileBank::TTileType type;
					tileBank.getTileXRef (tiles, tileSet, number, type);

					// Is tile used ?
					if (tileSet!=-1)
						// 3 types of bitmaps
						int type;
						for (type=CTile::diffuse; type<CTile::bitmapCount; type++)
							// Bitmap string
							const std::string& bitmapPath=tileBank.getTile(tiles)->getRelativeFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)type);

							// not empty ?
							if (bitmapPath!="")
								// Check the path
								if ( CheckPath( bitmapPath, path.toUtf8() ) == false )
									// Bad path

									// Message
									QString continueMessage = tr("Path '%1' can't be found in bitmap '%2'. Continue ?").arg(path).arg(QString(bitmapPath.c_str()));
									reply = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Continue"), continueMessage, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
									if (reply  == QMessageBox::No)
						if (type!=CTile::bitmapCount)

				// For all tiles, check we can change the path
				for (uint noise=1; noise<tileBank.getDisplacementMapCount (); noise++)
					// Bitmap string
					const char *bitmapPath=tileBank.getDisplacementMap (noise);

					// not empty ?
					if (strcmp (bitmapPath, "")!=0)
						// Check the path
						if (CheckPath( bitmapPath, path.toUtf8() )==false)
							// Bad path

							// Message
							QString continueMessage = tr("Path '%1' can't be found in bitmap '%2'. Continue ?").arg(path).arg(QString(bitmapPath));
							reply = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Continue"), continueMessage, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
							if (reply  == QMessageBox::No)

				// Good path ?
				if (goodPath)
					// Ok change the path

					// For all tiles, check we can change the path
					for (int tiles=0; tiles<tileBank.getTileCount(); tiles++)
						// Get tile xref
						int tileSet;
						int number;
						CTileBank::TTileType type;
						tileBank.getTileXRef (tiles, tileSet, number, type);

						// Is tile used ?
						if (tileSet!=-1)
							// 3 types of bitmaps
							for (int type=CTile::diffuse; type<CTile::bitmapCount; type++)
								// Bitmap string
								std::string bitmapPath=tileBank.getTile(tiles)->getRelativeFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)type);

								// not empty ?
								if (bitmapPath!="")
									// Remove the absolute path
									bool res=RemovePath (bitmapPath, path.toUtf8());
									nlassert (res);

									// Set the bitmap
									tileBank.getTile(tiles)->setFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)type, bitmapPath);

					// For all tiles, check we can change the path
					for (uint noise=1; noise<tileBank.getDisplacementMapCount (); noise++)
						// Bitmap string
						std::string bitmapPath=tileBank.getDisplacementMap (noise);

						// not empty ?
						if (bitmapPath!="")
							// Remove the absolute path
							bool res=RemovePath (bitmapPath, path.toUtf8());
							nlassert (res);

							// Set the bitmap
							tileBank.setDisplacementMap (noise, bitmapPath.c_str());
					// Info message
					QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Error"), tr("Can't set the path."));

			// Good path ?
			if (goodPath)
				// Change the abs path of the bank
				tileBank.setAbsPath (path.toUtf8().constData());

				// Change the bouton text

		// Remove path from all tiles