bool init_attrs(const CAttr _attr_array[], uint32 _array_len, CUtlMap<int, int>& _attr_type_table, CUtlMap<CUtlSymbol, int>& _attr_name_table) { SetDefLessFunc(_attr_type_table); SetDefLessFunc(_attr_name_table); for (uint32 i = 0; i < _array_len; i++) { int keyIndex = _attr_type_table.Find(_attr_array[i].attr_type); if (_attr_type_table.IsValidIndex(keyIndex)) { Log.Error("[init_attrs] Init Attr Key Error:%d", _attr_array[i].attr_type); return false; } _attr_type_table.Insert(_attr_array[i].attr_type, i); CUtlSymbol symbol(_attr_array[i].attr_name.c_str()); int nameIndex = _attr_name_table.Find(symbol); if (_attr_name_table.IsValidIndex(nameIndex)) { Log.Error("[init_attrs] Init Attr Name Error:%s", _attr_array[i].attr_name.c_str()); return false; } _attr_name_table.Insert(symbol, _attr_array[i].attr_type); } return true; }
void Draw_DecalSetName( int decal, char *name ) { while ( decal >= g_DecalLookup.Count() ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); int idx = g_DecalLookup.AddToTail(); g_DecalLookup[idx] = g_DecalDictionary.InvalidIndex(); } FileNameHandle_t fnHandle = g_pFileSystem->FindOrAddFileName( name ); int lookup = g_DecalDictionary.Find( fnHandle ); if ( lookup == g_DecalDictionary.InvalidIndex() ) { DecalEntry entry; #ifdef _DEBUG int len = strlen(name) + 1; entry.m_pDebugName = new char[len]; memcpy( entry.m_pDebugName, name, len ); #endif entry.material = GL_LoadMaterial( name, TEXTURE_GROUP_DECAL ); entry.index = decal; lookup = g_DecalDictionary.Insert( fnHandle, entry ); } else { g_DecalDictionary[lookup].index = decal; } g_DecalLookup[decal] = lookup; }
bool CNameTextMgr::_AddText(char* szString, CUtlMap<CUtlSymbol, CUtlSymbol>& vec) { CUtlSymbol symbol(szString); int index = vec.Find(symbol); if(vec.IsValidIndex(index)) { LOGGER_ERROR("[NameText] Error:%s", szString); return false; } vec.Insert(symbol, symbol); return true; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: request the cef thread to make a new browser //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHTMLController::CreateBrowser( IHTMLResponses *pBrowser, bool bPopupWindow, const char *pchUserAgentIdentifier ) { m_BrowserSerial++; m_mapBrowserRequests.Insert( m_BrowserSerial, pBrowser ); CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgBrowserCreate> cmd( eHTMLCommands_BrowserCreate ); cmd.Body().set_request_id( m_BrowserSerial ); cmd.Body().set_popup( bPopupWindow ); cmd.Body().set_useragent( pchUserAgentIdentifier ); HTMLCommandBuffer_t *pBuf = AccessHTMLWrapper().GetFreeCommandBuffer( eHTMLCommands_BrowserCreate, -1 ); cmd.SerializeCrossProc( &pBuf->m_Buffer ); AccessHTMLWrapper().PushCommand( pBuf ); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: this function will attempt to remap a key's value // Input : pszKey - the name of the key // pszInvalue - the original value // AllowNameRemapping - only do name remapping if this parameter is true. // this is generally only false on the instance level. // Output : returns true if the value changed // pszOutValue - the new value if changed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool GameData::RemapKeyValue( const char *pszKey, const char *pszInValue, char *pszOutValue, TNameFixup NameFixup ) { if ( RemapOperation.Count() == 0 ) { RemapOperation.SetLessFunc( &CUtlType_LessThan ); RemapOperation.Insert( ivAngle, REMAP_ANGLE ); RemapOperation.Insert( ivTargetDest, REMAP_NAME ); RemapOperation.Insert( ivTargetSrc, REMAP_NAME ); RemapOperation.Insert( ivOrigin, REMAP_POSITION ); RemapOperation.Insert( ivAxis, REMAP_ANGLE ); RemapOperation.Insert( ivAngleNegativePitch, REMAP_ANGLE_NEGATIVE_PITCH ); } if ( !m_InstanceClass ) { return false; } GDinputvariable *KVVar = m_InstanceClass->VarForName( pszKey ); if ( !KVVar ) { return false; } GDIV_TYPE KVType = KVVar->GetType(); int KVRemapIndex = RemapOperation.Find( KVType ); if ( KVRemapIndex == RemapOperation.InvalidIndex() ) { return false; } strcpy( pszOutValue, pszInValue ); switch( RemapOperation[ KVRemapIndex ] ) { case REMAP_NAME: if ( KVType != ivInstanceVariable ) { RemapNameField( pszInValue, pszOutValue, NameFixup ); } break; case REMAP_POSITION: { Vector inPoint( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), outPoint; sscanf ( pszInValue, "%f %f %f", &inPoint.x, &inPoint.y, &inPoint.z ); VectorTransform( inPoint, m_InstanceMat, outPoint ); sprintf( pszOutValue, "%g %g %g", outPoint.x, outPoint.y, outPoint.z ); } break; case REMAP_ANGLE: if ( m_InstanceAngle.x != 0.0f || m_InstanceAngle.y != 0.0f || m_InstanceAngle.z != 0.0f ) { QAngle inAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), outAngles; matrix3x4_t angToWorld, localMatrix; sscanf ( pszInValue, "%f %f %f", &inAngles.x, &inAngles.y, &inAngles.z ); AngleMatrix( inAngles, angToWorld ); MatrixMultiply( m_InstanceMat, angToWorld, localMatrix ); MatrixAngles( localMatrix, outAngles ); sprintf( pszOutValue, "%g %g %g", outAngles.x, outAngles.y, outAngles.z ); } break; case REMAP_ANGLE_NEGATIVE_PITCH: if ( m_InstanceAngle.x != 0.0f || m_InstanceAngle.y != 0.0f || m_InstanceAngle.z != 0.0f ) { QAngle inAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), outAngles; matrix3x4_t angToWorld, localMatrix; sscanf ( pszInValue, "%f", &inAngles.x ); // just the pitch inAngles.x = -inAngles.x; AngleMatrix( inAngles, angToWorld ); MatrixMultiply( m_InstanceMat, angToWorld, localMatrix ); MatrixAngles( localMatrix, outAngles ); sprintf( pszOutValue, "%g", -outAngles.x ); // just the pitch } break; } return ( strcmpi( pszInValue, pszOutValue ) != 0 ); }
// // IF YOU ADD COLORS HERE, REMEMBER TO UPDATE THE RANGES // FOR GEUTIL_IsValidColorHint() OR ELSE THEY WON'T BE APPLIED! // void insertDefaultColors() { if (g_mColorList.Count() != 0) return; g_mColorList.Insert(L'a', Color(0xFF00FFFF)); //aqua g_mColorList.Insert(L'b', Color(0xFF000000)); //black g_mColorList.Insert(L'c', Color(0xFF0000FF)); //blue g_mColorList.Insert(L'd', Color(0xFFFF4500)); //OrangeRed g_mColorList.Insert(L'e', Color(0xFF808080)); //gray g_mColorList.Insert(L'f', Color(0xFFFF00FF)); //fuchsia g_mColorList.Insert(L'g', Color(0xFF008000)); //green g_mColorList.Insert(L'h', Color(0xFF00FF7F)); //SpringGreen g_mColorList.Insert(L'i', Color(0xFF87CEEB)); //SkyBlue g_mColorList.Insert(L'j', Color(0xFF696969)); //DimGray g_mColorList.Insert(L'k', Color(0xFF808000)); //olive g_mColorList.Insert(L'l', Color(0xFF00FF00)); //lime g_mColorList.Insert(L'm', Color(0xFF800000)); //maroon g_mColorList.Insert(L'n', Color(0xFF000080)); //navy g_mColorList.Insert(L'o', Color(0xFFFFA500)); //Orange g_mColorList.Insert(L'p', Color(0xFF800080)); //purple g_mColorList.Insert(L'q', Color(0xFF8B4513)); //SaddleBrown g_mColorList.Insert(L'r', Color(0xFFFF0000)); //red g_mColorList.Insert(L's', Color(0xFFC0C0C0)); //silver g_mColorList.Insert(L't', Color(0xFF008080)); //teal g_mColorList.Insert(L'u', Color(0xFF00FA9A)); //MediumSpringGreen g_mColorList.Insert(L'v', Color(0xFFD3D3D3)); //LightGrey g_mColorList.Insert(L'w', Color(0xFFFFFFFF)); //white g_mColorList.Insert(L'x', Color(0xFFFFFFE0)); //LightYellow g_mColorList.Insert(L'y', Color(0xFFFFFF00)); //yellow g_mColorList.Insert(L'z', Color(0xFFFF1493)); //DeepPink }