Exemple #1
bool CUtlSymbolTable::CLess::operator()( const CStringPoolIndex &i1, const CStringPoolIndex &i2 ) const
	// Need to do pointer math because CUtlSymbolTable is used in CUtlVectors, and hence
	// can be arbitrarily moved in memory on a realloc. Yes, this is portable. In reality,
	// right now at least, because m_LessFunc is the first member of CUtlRBTree, and m_Lookup
	// is the first member of CUtlSymbolTabke, this == pTable
	CUtlSymbolTable *pTable = (CUtlSymbolTable *)( (byte *)this - offsetof(CUtlSymbolTable::CTree, m_LessFunc) ) - offsetof(CUtlSymbolTable, m_Lookup );
	const char* str1 = (i1 == INVALID_STRING_INDEX) ? pTable->m_pUserSearchString :
													  pTable->StringFromIndex( i1 );
	const char* str2 = (i2 == INVALID_STRING_INDEX) ? pTable->m_pUserSearchString :
													  pTable->StringFromIndex( i2 );

	if ( !pTable->m_bInsensitive )
		return strcmp( str1, str2 ) < 0;
		return strcmpi( str1, str2 ) < 0;