Variant f_json_decode(CStrRef json, bool assoc /* = false */, CVarRef options /* = 0 */) { if (json.empty()) { return null; } int64 json_options = options.toInt64();; if (options.isBoolean() && options.toBooleanVal()) { json_options = k_JSON_FB_LOOSE; } Variant z; if (JSON_parser(z,, json.size(), assoc, (json_options & k_JSON_FB_LOOSE))) { return z; } if (json.size() == 4) { if (!strcasecmp(, "null")) return null; if (!strcasecmp(, "true")) return true; } else if (json.size() == 5 && !strcasecmp(, "false")) { return false; } int64 p; double d; DataType type = json->isNumericWithVal(p, d, 0); if (type == KindOfInt64) { return p; } else if (type == KindOfDouble) { return d; } return null; }
String f_json_encode(CVarRef value, CVarRef options /* = 0 */) { int64 json_options = options.toInt64(); if (options.isBoolean() && options.toBooleanVal()) { json_options = k_JSON_FB_LOOSE; } VariableSerializer vs(VariableSerializer::JSON, json_options); return vs.serialize(value, true); }
String f_json_encode(CVarRef value, CVarRef options /* = 0 */) { int64_t json_options = options.toInt64(); if (options.isBoolean() && options.toBooleanVal()) { json_options = k_JSON_FB_LOOSE; } VariableSerializer vs(VariableSerializer::Type::JSON, json_options); return vs.serializeValue(value, !(json_options & k_JSON_FB_UNLIMITED)); }
String static memcache_prepare_for_storage(CVarRef var, int &flag) { if (var.isString()) { return var.toString(); } else if (var.isNumeric() || var.isBoolean()) { return var.toString(); } else { flag |= MMC_SERIALIZED; return f_serialize(var); } }
Variant f_json_decode(const String& json, bool assoc /* = false */, CVarRef options /* = 0 */) { json_set_last_error_code(json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_NONE); if (json.empty()) { return uninit_null(); } int64_t json_options = options.toInt64(); if (options.isBoolean() && options.toBooleanVal()) { json_options = k_JSON_FB_LOOSE; } const int64_t supported_options = k_JSON_FB_LOOSE | k_JSON_FB_COLLECTIONS | k_JSON_FB_STABLE_MAPS; Variant z; if (JSON_parser(z,, json.size(), assoc, (json_options & supported_options))) { return z; } if (json.size() == 4) { if (!strcasecmp(, "null")) return uninit_null(); if (!strcasecmp(, "true")) return true; } else if (json.size() == 5 && !strcasecmp(, "false")) { return false; } int64_t p; double d; DataType type = json->isNumericWithVal(p, d, 0); if (type == KindOfInt64) { return p; } else if (type == KindOfDouble) { return d; } char ch0 = json.charAt(0); if (json.size() > 1 && ch0 == '"' && json.charAt(json.size() - 1) == '"') { return json.substr(1, json.size() - 2); } if ((json_options & k_JSON_FB_LOOSE) && json.size() > 1 && ch0 == '\'' && json.charAt(json.size() - 1) == '\'') { return json.substr(1, json.size() - 2); } if (ch0 == '{' || ch0 == '[') { /* invalid JSON string */ json_set_last_error_code(json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX); } assert(json_get_last_error_code() != json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_NONE); return uninit_null(); }
Variant f_json_decode(CStrRef json, bool assoc /* = false */, CVarRef options /* = 0 */) { if (json.empty()) { return uninit_null(); } int64_t json_options = options.toInt64(); if (options.isBoolean() && options.toBooleanVal()) { json_options = k_JSON_FB_LOOSE; } Variant z; if (JSON_parser(z,, json.size(), assoc, (json_options & k_JSON_FB_LOOSE))) { return z; } if (json.size() == 4) { if (!strcasecmp(, "null")) return uninit_null(); if (!strcasecmp(, "true")) return true; } else if (json.size() == 5 && !strcasecmp(, "false")) { return false; } int64_t p; double d; DataType type = json->isNumericWithVal(p, d, 0); if (type == KindOfInt64) { return p; } else if (type == KindOfDouble) { return d; } char ch0 = json.charAt(0); if (json.size() > 1 && ch0 == '"' && json.charAt(json.size() - 1) == '"') { return json.substr(1, json.size() - 2); } if ((json_options & k_JSON_FB_LOOSE) && json.size() > 1 && ch0 == '\'' && json.charAt(json.size() - 1) == '\'') { return json.substr(1, json.size() - 2); } if (ch0 == '{' || ch0 == '[') { /* invalid JSON string */ return uninit_null(); } return json; }
static bool HHVM_METHOD(IntlCalendar, roll, int64_t field, CVarRef value) { CAL_FETCH(data, this_, false); CAL_CHECK_FIELD(field, "intlcal_roll"); UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR; if (value.isBoolean()) { data->calendar()->roll((UCalendarDateFields)field, (UBool)value.toBoolean(), error); } else { data->calendar()->roll((UCalendarDateFields)field, (int32_t)value.toInt64(), error); } if (U_FAILURE(error)) { data->setError(error, "intlcal_roll: Error calling ICU Calendar::roll"); return false; } return true; }
bool BuiltinSymbols::Load(AnalysisResultPtr ar, bool extOnly /* = false */) { if (Loaded) return true; Loaded = true; // load extension functions first, so system/classes may call them ParseExtFunctions(ar, ExtensionFunctions, false); AnalysisResultPtr ar2 = AnalysisResultPtr(new AnalysisResult()); s_variables = VariableTablePtr(new VariableTable(*ar2.get())); s_constants = ConstantTablePtr(new ConstantTable(*ar2.get())); // parse all PHP files under system/classes if (!extOnly) { ar = AnalysisResultPtr(new AnalysisResult()); ar->loadBuiltinFunctions(); string slib = systemlib_path(); if (slib.empty()) { for (const char **cls = SystemClasses; *cls; cls++) { string phpBaseName = "/system/classes/"; phpBaseName += *cls; phpBaseName += ".php"; Parse(ar, phpBaseName, Option::GetSystemRoot() + phpBaseName); } } else { Parse(ar, slib, slib); } ar->analyzeProgram(true); ar->inferTypes(); const StringToFileScopePtrMap &files = ar->getAllFiles(); for (StringToFileScopePtrMap::const_iterator iterFile = files.begin(); iterFile != files.end(); iterFile++) { const StringToClassScopePtrVecMap &classes = iterFile->second->getClasses(); for (StringToClassScopePtrVecMap::const_iterator iter = classes.begin(); iter != classes.end(); ++iter) { assert(iter->second.size() == 1); iter->second[0]->setSystem(); assert(!s_classes[iter->first]); s_classes[iter->first] = iter->second[0]; } } } else { NoSuperGlobals = true; } // load extension constants, classes and dynamics ParseExtConsts(ar, ExtensionConsts, false); ParseExtClasses(ar, ExtensionClasses, false); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Option::SepExtensions.size(); i++) { Option::SepExtensionOptions &options = Option::SepExtensions[i]; string soname = options.soname; if (soname.empty()) { soname = string("lib") + + ".so"; } if (!options.lib_path.empty()) { soname = options.lib_path + "/" + soname; } if (!LoadSepExtensionSymbols(ar,, soname)) { return false; } } if (!extOnly) { Array constants = ClassInfo::GetSystemConstants(); LocationPtr loc(new Location); for (ArrayIter it = constants.begin(); it; ++it) { CVarRef key = it.first(); if (!key.isString()) continue; std::string name = key.toCStrRef().data(); if (s_constants->getSymbol(name)) continue; if (name == "true" || name == "false" || name == "null") continue; CVarRef value = it.secondRef(); if (!value.isInitialized() || value.isObject()) continue; ExpressionPtr e = Expression::MakeScalarExpression(ar2, ar2, loc, value); TypePtr t = value.isNull() ? Type::Null : value.isBoolean() ? Type::Boolean : value.isInteger() ? Type::Int64 : value.isDouble() ? Type::Double : value.isArray() ? Type::Array : Type::Variant; s_constants->add(key.toCStrRef().data(), t, e, ar2, e); } s_variables = ar2->getVariables(); for (int i = 0, n = NumGlobalNames(); i < n; ++i) { s_variables->add(GlobalNames[i], Type::Variant, false, ar, ConstructPtr(), ModifierExpressionPtr()); } } s_constants->setDynamic(ar, "SID", true); return true; }
bool BuiltinSymbols::Load(AnalysisResultPtr ar) { if (Loaded) return true; Loaded = true; if (g_context.isNull()) init_thread_locals(); ClassInfo::Load(); // load extension functions first, so system/php may call them ImportExtFunctions(ar, ClassInfo::GetSystem()); ConstantTablePtr cns = ar->getConstants(); // load extension constants, classes and dynamics ImportNativeConstants(ar, cns); ImportExtConstants(ar, cns, ClassInfo::GetSystem()); ImportExtClasses(ar); Array constants = ClassInfo::GetSystemConstants(); LocationPtr loc(new Location); for (ArrayIter it = constants.begin(); it; ++it) { CVarRef key = it.first(); if (!key.isString()) continue; std::string name = key.toCStrRef().data(); if (cns->getSymbol(name)) continue; if (name == "true" || name == "false" || name == "null") continue; CVarRef value = it.secondRef(); if (!value.isInitialized() || value.isObject()) continue; ExpressionPtr e = Expression::MakeScalarExpression(ar, ar, loc, value); TypePtr t = value.isNull() ? Type::Null : value.isBoolean() ? Type::Boolean : value.isInteger() ? Type::Int64 : value.isDouble() ? Type::Double : value.isArray() ? Type::Array : Type::Variant; cns->add(key.toCStrRef().data(), t, e, ar, e); } for (int i = 0, n = NumGlobalNames(); i < n; ++i) { ar->getVariables()->add(GlobalNames[i], Type::Variant, false, ar, ConstructPtr(), ModifierExpressionPtr()); } cns->setDynamic(ar, "PHP_BINARY", true); cns->setDynamic(ar, "PHP_BINDIR", true); cns->setDynamic(ar, "PHP_OS", true); cns->setDynamic(ar, "PHP_SAPI", true); cns->setDynamic(ar, "SID", true); // Systemlib files were all parsed by hphp_process_init const StringToFileScopePtrMap &files = ar->getAllFiles(); for (const auto& file : files) { file.second->setSystem(); const auto& classes = file.second->getClasses(); for (const auto& clsVec : classes) { assert(clsVec.second.size() == 1); auto cls = clsVec.second[0]; cls->setSystem(); ar->addSystemClass(cls); for (const auto& func : cls->getFunctions()) { FunctionScope::RecordFunctionInfo(func.first, func.second); } } const auto& functions = file.second->getFunctions(); for (const auto& func : functions) { func.second->setSystem(); ar->addSystemFunction(func.second); FunctionScope::RecordFunctionInfo(func.first, func.second); } } return true; }
Variant f_json_decode(const String& json, bool assoc /* = false */, CVarRef options /* = 0 */) { json_set_last_error_code(json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_NONE); if (json.empty()) { return uninit_null(); } int64_t json_options = options.toInt64(); if (options.isBoolean() && options.toBooleanVal()) { json_options = k_JSON_FB_LOOSE; } const int64_t supported_options = k_JSON_FB_LOOSE | k_JSON_FB_COLLECTIONS | k_JSON_FB_STABLE_MAPS; int64_t parser_options = json_options & supported_options; Variant z; if (JSON_parser(z,, json.size(), assoc, parser_options)) { return z; } if (json.size() == 4) { if (!strcasecmp(, "null")) { json_set_last_error_code(json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_NONE); return uninit_null(); } if (!strcasecmp(, "true")) { json_set_last_error_code(json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_NONE); return true; } } else if (json.size() == 5 && !strcasecmp(, "false")) { json_set_last_error_code(json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_NONE); return false; } int64_t p; double d; DataType type = json->isNumericWithVal(p, d, 0); if (type == KindOfInt64) { json_set_last_error_code(json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_NONE); return p; } else if (type == KindOfDouble) { json_set_last_error_code(json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_NONE); return d; } char ch0 = json.charAt(0); if (json.size() > 1 && ch0 == '"' && json.charAt(json.size() - 1) == '"') { json_set_last_error_code(json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_NONE); // Wrap the string in an array to allow the JSON_parser to handle // things like unicode escape sequences, then unwrap to get result String wrapped("["); wrapped += json + "]"; // Stick to a normal hhvm array for the wrapper const int64_t mask = ~(k_JSON_FB_COLLECTIONS | k_JSON_FB_STABLE_MAPS); if (JSON_parser(z,, wrapped.size(), false, parser_options & mask) && z.isArray()) { Array arr = z.toArray(); if ((arr.size() == 1) && arr.exists(0)) { return arr[0]; } // The input string could be something like: "foo","bar" // Which will parse inside the [] wrapper, but be invalid json_set_last_error_code(json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX); } } if ((json_options & k_JSON_FB_LOOSE) && json.size() > 1 && ch0 == '\'' && json.charAt(json.size() - 1) == '\'') { json_set_last_error_code(json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_NONE); return json.substr(1, json.size() - 2); } if (ch0 == '{' || ch0 == '[') { /* invalid JSON string */ json_set_last_error_code(json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX); } assert(json_get_last_error_code() != json_error_codes::JSON_ERROR_NONE); return uninit_null(); }
bool same(CVarRef v1, bool v2) { return v1.isBoolean() && v2 == v1.getBoolean(); }
bool BuiltinSymbols::Load(AnalysisResultPtr ar, bool extOnly /* = false */) { if (Loaded) return true; Loaded = true; if (g_context.isNull()) init_thread_locals(); ClassInfo::Load(); // load extension functions first, so system/classes may call them ImportExtFunctions(ar, s_functions, ClassInfo::GetSystem()); AnalysisResultPtr ar2 = AnalysisResultPtr(new AnalysisResult()); s_variables = VariableTablePtr(new VariableTable(*ar2.get())); s_constants = ConstantTablePtr(new ConstantTable(*ar2.get())); // parse all PHP files under system/classes if (!extOnly) { ar = AnalysisResultPtr(new AnalysisResult()); ar->loadBuiltinFunctions(); string slib = get_systemlib(); Scanner scanner(slib.c_str(), slib.size(), Option::ScannerType, "systemlib.php"); Compiler::Parser parser(scanner, "systemlib.php", ar); if (!parser.parse()) { Logger::Error("Unable to parse systemlib.php: %s", parser.getMessage().c_str()); assert(false); } ar->analyzeProgram(true); ar->inferTypes(); const StringToFileScopePtrMap &files = ar->getAllFiles(); for (StringToFileScopePtrMap::const_iterator iterFile = files.begin(); iterFile != files.end(); iterFile++) { const StringToClassScopePtrVecMap &classes = iterFile->second->getClasses(); for (StringToClassScopePtrVecMap::const_iterator iter = classes.begin(); iter != classes.end(); ++iter) { assert(iter->second.size() == 1); iter->second[0]->setSystem(); assert(!s_classes[iter->first]); s_classes[iter->first] = iter->second[0]; } } } else { NoSuperGlobals = true; } // load extension constants, classes and dynamics ImportExtConstants(ar, s_constants, ClassInfo::GetSystem()); ImportExtClasses(ar); if (!extOnly) { Array constants = ClassInfo::GetSystemConstants(); LocationPtr loc(new Location); for (ArrayIter it = constants.begin(); it; ++it) { CVarRef key = it.first(); if (!key.isString()) continue; std::string name = key.toCStrRef().data(); if (s_constants->getSymbol(name)) continue; if (name == "true" || name == "false" || name == "null") continue; CVarRef value = it.secondRef(); if (!value.isInitialized() || value.isObject()) continue; ExpressionPtr e = Expression::MakeScalarExpression(ar2, ar2, loc, value); TypePtr t = value.isNull() ? Type::Null : value.isBoolean() ? Type::Boolean : value.isInteger() ? Type::Int64 : value.isDouble() ? Type::Double : value.isArray() ? Type::Array : Type::Variant; s_constants->add(key.toCStrRef().data(), t, e, ar2, e); } s_variables = ar2->getVariables(); for (int i = 0, n = NumGlobalNames(); i < n; ++i) { s_variables->add(GlobalNames[i], Type::Variant, false, ar, ConstructPtr(), ModifierExpressionPtr()); } } s_constants->setDynamic(ar, "SID", true); return true; }