int CLuaVector2Defs::Dot ( lua_State* luaVM )
    CLuaVector2D* pVector1 = NULL;
    CLuaVector2D* pVector2 = NULL;

    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pVector1 );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pVector2 );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        CVector2D vector ( *pVector1 );
        float fProduct = vector.DotProduct ( *pVector2 );
        lua_pushnumber ( luaVM, fProduct );
        return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
void CImg::Line(POINT ptStart, POINT ptEnd)
	CVector2D line;

	// 获取距离
	int l = sqrt((double)(ptStart.x - ptEnd.x) * (ptStart.x - ptEnd.x)
							+ (ptStart.y - ptEnd.y) * (ptStart.y - ptEnd.y));
	POINT ptNext = ptStart;
	if(m_pBMIH->biBitCount == 24)
		for(int i=0; i<=l; i++)
			line.GetDiscretionalNextPos(ptStart, ptEnd, l, i, ptNext);
			SetPixel(ptNext.x, ptNext.y, RGB(255, 0, 0));
	else if(m_pBMIH->biBitCount == 1)
		for(int i=0; i<=l; i++)
			line.GetDiscretionalNextPos(ptStart, ptEnd, l, i, ptNext);
			SetPixel(ptNext.x, ptNext.y, RGB(0, 0, 0));
		for(int i=0; i<=l; i++)
			line.GetDiscretionalNextPos(ptStart, ptEnd, l, i, ptNext);
			SetPixel(ptNext.x, ptNext.y, RGB(1, 1, 1));
		Performs gradient ascent starting from the specified position at ptStart.
		The result, i.e. the location of the local maximum is returned in ptEnd.
		If the function succeeds the return value is true, otherwise false.

		ptStart:	Starting point of gradient ascent
		ptEnd:		Location of the local maximum

	bool CScalarField2D::GradientAscent(const CPointf& ptStart, CPointf& ptEnd) const
		CVector2D pos;
		_getGridCoordinates(ptStart.x, ptStart.y, pos.x, pos.y);

		CVector2D gradient = _getDerivative(pos.x, pos.y);

		static const float step = .1f;

		while ( gradient.abs() > 1e-3)
			if (!_insideGrid(pos)) {
				ptEnd.x = -1;
				ptEnd.y = -1;
				return false;

			pos = pos + (gradient*step);
			gradient = _getDerivative(pos.x, pos.y);
		_getDomainCoordinates(pos.x, pos.y, ptEnd.x, ptEnd.y);

		return true;
Exemple #4
		const CVector2D	CVector2D::Div(const CVector2D& Vector) const{
				throw Exception::CInvalidArgumentException(L"Vector", Vector.ToString(),
					L"Division by Zero", CR_INFO());

			return CVector2D(this->X / Vector.X, this->Y / Vector.Y);
     float CSegment::GetPerpDistance(CVector2D p)
         CVector2D n = v2 - v1;

         CVector2D c = p - v1;
         CVector2D v = n * n.Dot(c);

         v += v1;
         v -= p;
         return v.Length();
void CClientWeapon::SetDirection ( CVector & vecDirection )
    CVector vecRotation;
    GetRotationRadians ( vecRotation );

    vecRotation.fZ = atan2 ( vecDirection.fY, vecDirection.fX );
    CVector2D vecTemp ( vecDirection.fX, vecDirection.fY );
    float length = vecTemp.Length ();
    vecTemp = CVector2D ( length, vecDirection.fZ );
    vecTemp.Normalize ();
    vecRotation.fY = atan2 ( vecTemp.fX, vecTemp.fY )/* - ConvertDegreesToRadians ( 90 )*/;
    SetRotationRadians ( vecRotation );
  // Launch unit test.
  EUnitTestResult test()
  { CALL
    CDistributionCircle circle_distribution(CPoint2D<Treal>(2.0, 2.0), CVector2D(2.0, 2.0));

    // Check random number generator in the distribution.

    // Check circle distributed values.
    for (Tuint i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
      CPoint2D<Treal> p = circle_distribution.randomPoint();
      UT_ASSERT(CMath::isNormal(p.m_X) && CMath::isNormal(p.m_Y));

      // Check circle radius.
      CVector2D v = p - circle_distribution.getOrigin();
      UT_ASSERT_DELTA(v.length(), 2.0, 0.0001);

int CLuaVector2Defs::GetNormalized ( lua_State* luaVM )
    CLuaVector2D* pVector = NULL;

    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pVector );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        CVector2D vector ( *pVector );
        vector.Normalize ();

        lua_pushvector ( luaVM, vector );
        return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;   
Exemple #9
// TODO: this serves a similar purpose to SplitLine above, but is more general. Also, SplitLine seems to be implemented more
// efficiently, might be nice to take some cues from it
void SimRender::SubdividePoints(std::vector<CVector2D>& points, float maxSegmentLength, bool closed)
	size_t numControlPoints = points.size();
	if (numControlPoints < 2)

	ENSURE(maxSegmentLength > 0);

	size_t endIndex = numControlPoints;
	if (!closed && numControlPoints > 2)

	std::vector<CVector2D> newPoints;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < endIndex; i++)
		const CVector2D& curPoint = points[i];
		const CVector2D& nextPoint = points[(i+1) % numControlPoints];
		const CVector2D line(nextPoint - curPoint);
		CVector2D lineDirection = line.Normalized();

		// include control point i + a list of intermediate points between i and i + 1 (excluding i+1 itself)

		// calculate how many intermediate points are needed so that each segment is of length <= maxSegmentLength
		float lineLength = line.Length();
		size_t numSegments = (size_t) ceilf(lineLength / maxSegmentLength);
		float segmentLength = lineLength / numSegments;

		for (size_t s = 1; s < numSegments; ++s) // start at one, we already included curPoint
			newPoints.push_back(curPoint + lineDirection * (s * segmentLength));

Exemple #10
void CSprite::SetPosition(CVector2D pos)
	_position = pos;
	_rect.x = pos.GetX() - (int) ((float)_rect.w / 2.0f);
	_rect.y = pos.GetY() - _rect.h;
Exemple #11
void SimRender::ConstructDashedLine(const std::vector<CVector2D>& keyPoints, SDashedLine& dashedLineOut, const float dashLength, const float blankLength)
	// sanity checks
	if (dashLength <= 0)

	if (blankLength <= 0)

	if (keyPoints.size() < 2)


	// walk the line, counting the total length so far at each node point. When the length exceeds dashLength, cut the last segment at the
	// required length and continue for blankLength along the line to start a new dash segment.

	// TODO: we should probably extend this function to also allow for closed lines. I was thinking of slightly scaling the dash/blank length
	// so that it fits the length of the curve, but that requires knowing the length of the curve upfront which is sort of expensive to compute
	// (O(n) and lots of square roots).

	bool buildingDash = true; // true if we're building a dash, false if a blank
	float curDashLength = 0; // builds up the current dash/blank's length as we walk through the line nodes
	CVector2D dashLastPoint = keyPoints[0]; // last point of the current dash/blank being built.

	// register the first starting node of the first dash

	// index of the next key point on the path. Must always point to a node that is further along the path than dashLastPoint, so we can
	// properly take a direction vector along the path.
	size_t i = 0;

	while(i < keyPoints.size() - 1)
		// get length of this segment
		CVector2D segmentVector = keyPoints[i + 1] - dashLastPoint; // vector from our current point along the path to nextNode
		float segmentLength = segmentVector.Length();

		float targetLength = (buildingDash ? dashLength : blankLength);
		if (curDashLength + segmentLength > targetLength)
			// segment is longer than the dash length we still have to go, so we'll need to cut it; create a cut point along the segment
			// line that is of just the required length to complete the dash, then make it the base point for the next dash/blank.
			float cutLength = targetLength - curDashLength;
			CVector2D cutPoint = dashLastPoint + (segmentVector.Normalized() * cutLength);

			// start a new dash or blank in the next iteration
			curDashLength = 0;
			buildingDash = !buildingDash; // flip from dash to blank and vice-versa
			dashLastPoint = cutPoint;

			// don't increment i, we haven't fully traversed this segment yet so we still need to use the same point to take the
			// direction vector with in the next iteration

			// this cut point is either the end of the current dash or the beginning of a new dash; either way, we're gonna need it
			// in the points array.

			if (buildingDash)
				// if we're gonna be building a new dash, then cutPoint is now the base point of that new dash, so let's register its
				// index as a start index of a dash.
				dashedLineOut.m_StartIndices.push_back(dashedLineOut.m_Points.size() - 1);

			// the segment from lastDashPoint to keyPoints[i+1] doesn't suffice to complete the dash, so we need to add keyPoints[i+1]
			// to this dash's points and continue from there

			if (buildingDash)
				// still building the dash, add it to the output (we don't need to store the blanks)

			curDashLength += segmentLength;
			dashLastPoint = keyPoints[i+1];


