Exemple #1
/** Executes an animation action.
  * This function executes an animation action.
  * @param id The ID of the animation action that should be blended.
  * @param delayIn The time in seconds until the animation action reaches the
  *                full weight from the beginning of its execution.
  * @param delayOut The time in seconds in which the animation action reaches
  *                 zero weight at the end of its execution.
  * @param weightTarget The weight to interpolate the animation action to.
  * @param autoLock     This prevents the Action from being reset and removed
  *                     on the last keyframe if true.
  * @return One of the following values:
  *         \li \b true if successful
  *         \li \b false if an error happend
bool CalMixer::executeAction(int id, float delayIn, float delayOut, float weightTarget, bool autoLock)
  // get the core animation
  CalCoreAnimation *pCoreAnimation;
  pCoreAnimation = m_pModel->getCoreModel()->getCoreAnimation(id);
  if(pCoreAnimation == 0)
    return false;

  // allocate a new animation action instance
  CalAnimationAction *pAnimationAction = new CalAnimationAction(pCoreAnimation);
  if(pAnimationAction == 0)
    CalError::setLastError(CalError::MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    return false;

  // insert new animation into the table

  // execute the animation
  pAnimationAction->execute(delayIn, delayOut, weightTarget, autoLock);
  pAnimationAction->checkCallbacks(0, m_pModel);
  return true;
Exemple #2
/** Executes an animation action.
  * This function executes an animation action.
  * @param id The ID of the animation cycle that should be blended.
  * @param delayIn The time in seconds until the animation action reaches the
  *                full weight from the beginning of its execution.
  * @param delayOut The time in seconds in which the animation action reaches
  *                 zero weight at the end of its execution.
  * @param weightTarget No doxygen comment for this. FIXME.
  * @param autoLock     This prevents the Action from being reset and removed
  *                     on the last keyframe if true.
  * @return One of the following values:
  *         \li \b true if successful
  *         \li \b false if an error happend
bool CalMixer::executeAction(int id, float delayIn, float delayOut, float weightTarget, bool autoLock)

  // Create a new action.  Test for error conditions.
  CalAnimationAction * aa = newAnimationAction(id);
  if( !aa ) return false;

  // If we got the action, then configure it for being update().
  return aa->execute(delayIn, delayOut, weightTarget, autoLock);