Exemple #1
  CalSkeleton * pSkeleton = m_pModel->getSkeleton();
  std::vector<CalBone *>& vectorBone = pSkeleton->getVectorBone();
  unsigned int i;
  for( i = 0; i < m_numBoneAdjustments; i++ ) {
    CalMixerBoneAdjustmentAndBoneId * ba = & m_boneAdjustmentAndBoneIdArray[ i ];
    CalBone * bo = vectorBone[ ba->boneId_ ];
    CalCoreBone * cbo = bo->getCoreBone();
    if( ba->boneAdjustment_.flags_ & CalMixerBoneAdjustmentFlagMeshScale ) {
      bo->setMeshScaleAbsolute( ba->boneAdjustment_.meshScaleAbsolute_ );
    if( ba->boneAdjustment_.flags_ & CalMixerBoneAdjustmentFlagPosRot ) {
      const CalVector & localPos = cbo->getTranslation();
      CalVector adjustedLocalPos = localPos;
      CalQuaternion adjustedLocalOri = ba->boneAdjustment_.localOri_;
      static float const scale = 1.0f;
      float rampValue = ba->boneAdjustment_.rampValue_;
      static bool const replace = true;
      static float const unrampedWeight = 1.0f;
      bo->blendState( unrampedWeight, 
        scale, replace, rampValue );
Exemple #2
void Model::renderBoundingBox()

   CalSkeleton *pCalSkeleton = m_calModel->getSkeleton();

   std::vector<CalBone*> &vectorCoreBone = pCalSkeleton->getVectorBone();

   glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

   for(size_t boneId=0;boneId<vectorCoreBone.size();++boneId)
      CalBoundingBox & calBoundingBox  = vectorCoreBone[boneId]->getBoundingBox();

	  CalVector p[8];















				void TextureModel::Update(){
					CoreAnimation*	pAnimation	=	(CoreAnimation*)m_pObject;
						CalSkeleton*	pSkel			=	pAnimation->getSkeleton();
						std::vector<CalBone*>&	lstBone	=	pSkel->getVectorBone();
						UInt	uiBoneCount	=	lstBone.size();
						static	Float44 g_TempBoneMatrix[256];
						for(UInt i=0;i<uiBoneCount;i++){
							const	CalQuaternion&	q	=	lstBone[i]->getRotationBoneSpace();
							const	CalVector&		v	=	lstBone[i]->getTranslationBoneSpace();
	 						Float44	m(Float4(q.w,q.x,q.y,q.z));
	 						Float3*	pP	=	(Float3*)&v;
							static Float3 vScale(1,1,1);
	 						g_TempBoneMatrix[i]	=	Float44(*pP,vScale,Float4(q));//(m.transpose();
// 							Float44	m(Float4(q.w,q.x,q.y,q.z));
// 							m[3][0]	=	v.x;
// 							m[3][1]	=	v.y;
// 							m[3][2]	=	v.z;
					//		g_TempBoneMatrix[i]	=	m;//.transpose();
// 						Render::ITexture::LockRectOption	option;
// 						option.pData	=	NULL;
// 						option.pitch	=	1024*16;
// 						if(m_pTempBoneTexture->Lock(&option)){
// 							memcpy(option.pData,&g_TempBoneMatrix[0],sizeof(Float44)*uiBoneCount);
// 							m_pTempBoneTexture->UnLock();
// 						}
Exemple #4
void CalSpringSystem::calculateVertices(CalSubmesh *pSubmesh, float deltaTime)
  // get the vertex vector of the submesh
  std::vector<CalVector>& vectorVertex = pSubmesh->getVectorVertex();

  // get the physical property vector of the submesh
  std::vector<CalSubmesh::PhysicalProperty>& vectorPhysicalProperty = pSubmesh->getVectorPhysicalProperty();

  // get the physical property vector of the core submesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty>& vectorCorePhysicalProperty = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorPhysicalProperty();

  // loop through all the vertices
  int vertexId;
  for(vertexId = 0; vertexId < (int)vectorVertex.size(); ++vertexId)
    // get the vertex
    CalVector& vertex = vectorVertex[vertexId];

    // get the physical property of the vertex
    CalSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& physicalProperty = vectorPhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // get the physical property of the core vertex
    CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& corePhysicalProperty = vectorCorePhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // store current position for later use
    CalVector position;
    position = physicalProperty.position;

    // only take vertices with a weight > 0 into account
    if(corePhysicalProperty.weight > 0.0f)
      // do the Verlet step
      physicalProperty.position += (position - physicalProperty.positionOld) * 0.99f + physicalProperty.force / corePhysicalProperty.weight * deltaTime * deltaTime;

		CalSkeleton *pSkeleton = m_pModel->getSkeleton();
			std::vector<CalBone *> &m_vectorbone =  pSkeleton->getVectorBone();
			unsigned long boneId;
			for(boneId=0; boneId < m_vectorbone.size(); boneId++)
				CalBoundingBox p = m_vectorbone[boneId]->getBoundingBox();
				bool in=true;
				float min=1e10;
				int index=-1;
				int faceId;
				for(faceId=0; faceId < 6 ; faceId++)
						float dist=p.plane[faceId].dist(physicalProperty.position);
				if(in && index!=-1)
					CalVector normal = CalVector(p.plane[index].a,p.plane[index].b,normal.z = p.plane[index].c);
					physicalProperty.position = physicalProperty.position - min*normal;
				for(faceId=0; faceId < 6 ; faceId++)
					if(p.plane[faceId].eval(physicalProperty.position) < 0 )
					physicalProperty.position = vectorVertex[vertexId];

      physicalProperty.position = vectorVertex[vertexId];

    // make the current position the old one
    physicalProperty.positionOld = position;

    // set the new position of the vertex
    vertex = physicalProperty.position;

    // clear the accumulated force on the vertex

  // get the spring vector of the core submesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::Spring>& vectorSpring = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorSpring();

  // iterate a few times to relax the constraints
  int iterationCount;
  for(iterationCount = 0; iterationCount < ITERATION_COUNT; ++iterationCount)
    // loop through all the springs
    std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::Spring>::iterator iteratorSpring;
    for(iteratorSpring = vectorSpring.begin(); iteratorSpring != vectorSpring.end(); ++iteratorSpring)
      // get the spring
      CalCoreSubmesh::Spring& spring = *iteratorSpring;

      // compute the difference between the two spring vertices
      CalVector distance;
      distance = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[1]] - vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]];

      // get the current length of the spring
      float length;
      length = distance.length();

      if(length > 0.0f)
      	/*if (spring.springCoefficient == 0)
      	 	vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[1]] = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]];  
      	 	vectorPhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[1]].position = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]]; 
	   float factor[2];
	   factor[0] = (length - spring.idleLength) / length;
	   factor[1] = factor[0];
	   if(vectorCorePhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[0]].weight > 0.0f)
              factor[0] /= 2.0f;
              factor[1] /= 2.0f;
             factor[0] = 0.0f;
           if(vectorCorePhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[1]].weight <= 0.0f)
              factor[0] *= 2.0f;
              factor[1] = 0.0f;

           vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]] += distance * factor[0];
           vectorPhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[0]].position = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]];

           vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[1]] -= distance * factor[1];
           vectorPhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[1]].position = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[1]];
/* DEBUG-CODE ********************
  CalVector spherePosition(Sphere.x, Sphere.y, Sphere.z);
  float sphereRadius = Sphere.radius;

  // loop through all the vertices
  for(vertexId = 0; vertexId < (int)vectorVertex.size(); ++vertexId)
    // get the vertex
    CalVector& vertex = vectorVertex[vertexId];

    // get the physical property of the vertex
    CalSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& physicalProperty = vectorPhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // get the physical property of the core vertex
    CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& corePhysicalProperty = vectorCorePhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // only take vertices with a weight > 0 into account
    if(corePhysicalProperty.weight > 0.0f)
      CalVector position;
      position = physicalProperty.position;
      position -= spherePosition;

      float length;
      length = position.normalize();

      if(length < sphereRadius)
        position *= sphereRadius;
        position += spherePosition;

        physicalProperty.position = position;
        physicalProperty.positionOld = position;
        vertex = physicalProperty.position;
Exemple #5
void CalMixer::updateSkeleton()

  // get the skeleton we need to update
  CalSkeleton *pSkeleton;
  pSkeleton = m_pModel->getSkeleton();
  if(pSkeleton == 0) return;

  // clear the skeleton state

  // get the bone vector of the skeleton
  std::vector<CalBone *>& vectorBone = pSkeleton->getVectorBone();

  // The bone adjustments are "replace" so they have to go first, giving them
  // highest priority and full influence.  Subsequent animations affecting the same bones, 
  // including subsequent replace animations, will have their incluence attenuated appropriately.

  // loop through all animation actions
  std::list<CalAnimationAction *>::iterator itaa;
  for( itaa = m_listAnimationAction.begin(); itaa != m_listAnimationAction.end(); itaa++ ) {

    // get the core animation instance
    CalAnimationAction * aa = * itaa;
    // Manual animations can be on or off.  If they are off, they do not apply
    // to the bone.
    if( aa->on() ) {

      CalCoreAnimation * pCoreAnimation = aa->getCoreAnimation();
      // get the list of core tracks of above core animation
      std::list<CalCoreTrack *>& listCoreTrack = pCoreAnimation->getListCoreTrack();
      // loop through all core tracks of the core animation
      std::list<CalCoreTrack *>::iterator itct;
      for( itct = listCoreTrack.begin(); itct != listCoreTrack.end(); itct++ ) {
        // get the appropriate bone of the track
        CalCoreTrack * ct = * itct;
        if( ct->getCoreBoneId() >= int(vectorBone.size()) ) {
        CalBone * pBone = vectorBone[ ct->getCoreBoneId() ];
        // get the current translation and rotation
        CalVector translation;
        CalQuaternion rotation;
        ct->getState( aa->getTime(), translation, rotation);
        // Replace and CrossFade both blend with the replace function.
        bool replace = aa->getCompositionFunction() != CalAnimation::CompositionFunctionAverage;
        float scale = aa->getScale();
        pBone->blendState( aa->getWeight(), translation, rotation, scale, replace, aa->getRampValue() );

  // === What does lockState() mean?  Why do we need it at all?  It seems only to allow us
  // to blend all the animation actions together into a temporary sum, and then
  // blend all the animation cycles together into a different sum, and then blend
  // the two sums together according to their relative weight sums.  I believe this is mathematically
  // equivalent of blending all the animation actions and cycles together into a single sum,
  // according to their relative weights.

  // let the skeleton calculate its final state
Exemple #6
void CalMixer::updateSkeleton()
  // get the skeleton we need to update
  CalSkeleton *pSkeleton;
  pSkeleton = m_pModel->getSkeleton();
  if(pSkeleton == 0) return;

  // clear the skeleton state

  // get the bone vector of the skeleton
  std::vector<CalBone *>& vectorBone = pSkeleton->getVectorBone();

  // loop through all animation actions
  std::list<CalAnimationAction *>::iterator iteratorAnimationAction;
  for(iteratorAnimationAction = m_listAnimationAction.begin(); iteratorAnimationAction != m_listAnimationAction.end(); ++iteratorAnimationAction)
    // get the core animation instance
    CalCoreAnimation *pCoreAnimation;
    pCoreAnimation = (*iteratorAnimationAction)->getCoreAnimation();

    // Ask the animation for the pose at the given time
    std::vector<CalTransform> pose;
    pCoreAnimation->getPose((*iteratorAnimationAction)->getTime(), pose);

    // Blend the pose into the current bone states
    for (unsigned bone_id = 0; bone_id < pSkeleton->getCoreSkeleton()->getVectorCoreBone().size(); ++bone_id)
      int track_number = pCoreAnimation->getTrackAssignment(bone_id);

      // Skip this bone if the bone does not have a track assigned in the animation
      if (track_number == -1)

      // Blend the animation pose with the skeleton
      CalBone* pBone = vectorBone[bone_id];
      pBone->blendState((*iteratorAnimationAction)->getWeight(), pose[track_number].getTranslation(), pose[track_number].getRotation());

  // lock the skeleton state

  // loop through all animation cycles
  std::list<CalAnimationCycle *>::iterator iteratorAnimationCycle;
  for(iteratorAnimationCycle = m_listAnimationCycle.begin(); iteratorAnimationCycle != m_listAnimationCycle.end(); ++iteratorAnimationCycle)
    // get the core animation instance
    CalCoreAnimation *pCoreAnimation;
    pCoreAnimation = (*iteratorAnimationCycle)->getCoreAnimation();

    // calculate adjusted time
    float animationTime;
    if((*iteratorAnimationCycle)->getState() == CalAnimation::STATE_SYNC)
      if(m_animationDuration == 0.0f)
        animationTime = 0.0f;
        animationTime = m_animationTime * pCoreAnimation->getDuration() / m_animationDuration;
      animationTime = (*iteratorAnimationCycle)->getTime();

    // Ask the animation for the pose at the given time
    std::vector<CalTransform> pose;
    pCoreAnimation->getPose(animationTime, pose);

    // Blend the pose into the current bone states
    for (unsigned index = 0; index < pose.size(); ++index)
      int track_number = pCoreAnimation->getTrackAssignment(index);

      // Skip this bone if the bone does not have a track assigned in the animation
      if (track_number == -1)

      CalBone* pBone = vectorBone[index];
      pBone->blendState((*iteratorAnimationCycle)->getWeight(), pose[track_number].getTranslation(), pose[track_number].getRotation());

  // lock the skeleton state

  // let the skeleton calculate its final state
void CCal3DSceneNode::render()
    if ( bInitialized )
      irr::video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver(); 

      driver->setTransform( irr::video::ETS_WORLD, AbsoluteTransformation ); 

      irr::video::S3DVertex tmp; 
      irr::scene::SMeshBuffer mb; 

      unsigned char meshColor[4]; // r g b a 

      // get the renderer of the model 
      CalRenderer* pCalRenderer; 
      pCalRenderer = m_calModel->getRenderer(); 
      pCalRenderer->setNormalization( true ); 

      if ( this->DebugDataVisible )
        irr::video::SMaterial mat; 
        mat.Wireframe = false; 
        mat.Lighting = false; 
        driver->setMaterial( mat ); 
        driver->draw3DBox( Box ); 

        CalSkeleton* pCalSkeleton = m_calModel->getSkeleton(); 
        std::vector<CalBone*>& vectorCoreBone = pCalSkeleton->getVectorBone(); 
        irr::core::aabbox3df b; 
        CalVector p[8]; 
        Vector3 v[8]; 

        for ( size_t boneId = 0; boneId < vectorCoreBone.size(); ++boneId )
          CalBone* bone = vectorCoreBone[boneId]; 
          CalBoundingBox& calBoundingBox = bone->getBoundingBox(); 
          calBoundingBox.computePoints( p ); 

          for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
            v[i].set( p[i].x, p[i].y, p[i].z );

          driver->setMaterial( mat ); 
          // draw the box 
          driver->draw3DLine( v[0], v[1], irr::video::SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); 
          driver->draw3DLine( v[0], v[2], irr::video::SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); 
          driver->draw3DLine( v[1], v[3], irr::video::SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); 
          driver->draw3DLine( v[2], v[3], irr::video::SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); 
          driver->draw3DLine( v[4], v[5], irr::video::SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); 
          driver->draw3DLine( v[4], v[6], irr::video::SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); 
          driver->draw3DLine( v[5], v[7], irr::video::SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); 
          driver->draw3DLine( v[6], v[7], irr::video::SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); 
          driver->draw3DLine( v[0], v[4], irr::video::SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); 
          driver->draw3DLine( v[1], v[5], irr::video::SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); 
          driver->draw3DLine( v[2], v[6], irr::video::SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); 
          driver->draw3DLine( v[3], v[7], irr::video::SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ); 
          //printf("F: %f\n", v[0].X);

      // begin the rendering loop 
      if ( pCalRenderer->beginRendering() )
        // get the number of meshes 
        int meshCount; 
        meshCount = pCalRenderer->getMeshCount(); 

        // render all meshes of the model 
        int meshId; 
        for ( meshId = 0; meshId < meshCount; meshId++ )
          // get the number of submeshes 
          int submeshCount; 
          submeshCount = pCalRenderer->getSubmeshCount( meshId ); 

          // render all submeshes of the mesh 
          int submeshId; 
          for ( submeshId = 0; submeshId < submeshCount; submeshId++ )
            // select mesh and submesh for further data access 
            if ( pCalRenderer->selectMeshSubmesh( meshId, submeshId ) )
              // set the material ambient color 
              pCalRenderer->getAmbientColor( &meshColor[0] ); 
              material.AmbientColor.set( meshColor[3], meshColor[0], meshColor[1], meshColor[2] ); 

              // set the material diffuse color 
              pCalRenderer->getDiffuseColor( &meshColor[0] ); 
              material.DiffuseColor.set( meshColor[3], meshColor[0], meshColor[1], meshColor[2] ); 

              // set the material specular color 
              pCalRenderer->getSpecularColor( &meshColor[0] ); 
              material.SpecularColor.set( meshColor[3], meshColor[0], meshColor[1], meshColor[2] ); 

              // set the material shininess factor 
              material.Shininess = pCalRenderer->getShininess(); 

              // get the transformed vertices of the submesh 
              static float meshVertices[3000][3]; 
              int vertexCount = 0; 
              // TODO:
              //if (KERNEL.GetTicks() % 3 == 0) //- make lod dependent?
              vertexCount = pCalRenderer->getVertices( &meshVertices[0][0] ); 

              // get the transformed normals of the submesh 
              static float meshNormals[3000][3]; 
              int normalsCount = 0;
              //    if (KERNEL.GetTicks() % 3 == 0)
              normalsCount = pCalRenderer->getNormals( &meshNormals[0][0] ); 

              // get the texture coordinates of the submesh 
              static float meshTextureCoordinates[3000][2]; 
              int textureCoordinateCount = 0; 
              textureCoordinateCount = pCalRenderer->getTextureCoordinates( 0, &meshTextureCoordinates[0][0] ); 

              // get the faces of the submesh 
              static CalIndex meshFaces[5000][3]; 
              int faceCount = 0;
              //if (KERNEL.GetTicks() % 12 == 0)
              faceCount = pCalRenderer->getFaces( &meshFaces[0][0] ); 

              if ( ( pCalRenderer->getMapCount() > 0 ) && ( textureCoordinateCount > 0 ) )
                irr::video::ITexture* t = static_cast<irr::video::ITexture*>( pCalRenderer->getMapUserData( 0 ) ); 
                material.Texture1 = t;

              static S3DVertex vs[5000];
              for ( int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++ )
                vs[i].Pos.set( meshVertices[i][0], meshVertices[i][1], meshVertices[i][2] ); 
                vs[i].Normal.set( meshNormals[i][0], meshNormals[i][1], meshNormals[i][2] ); 
                vs[i].TCoords.set( meshTextureCoordinates[i][0], meshTextureCoordinates[i][1] ); 
                vs[i].Color = irr::video::SColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );

              static u16 is[5000];
              for ( int i = 0; i < faceCount; i += 1 )
                is[i * 3 + 0] = meshFaces[i][0]; 
                is[i * 3 + 1] = meshFaces[i][1]; 
                is[i * 3 + 2] = meshFaces[i][2];

              //for(int i=0;i<vertexCount;i++) 
              //    tmp.Pos.set(meshVertices[i][0],meshVertices[i][1],meshVertices[i][2]); 
              //    tmp.Normal.set(meshNormals[i][0],meshNormals[i][1],meshNormals[i][2]); 
              //    tmp.TCoords.set(meshTextureCoordinates[i][0],meshTextureCoordinates[i][1]); 
              //    tmp.Color=irr::video::SColor(255,255,255,255); 
              //    mb.Vertices.push_back(tmp); 

              //for(int i=0; i<faceCount; ++i)
              //    mb.Indices.push_back(meshFaces[i][0]); 
              //    mb.Indices.push_back(meshFaces[i][1]); 
              //    mb.Indices.push_back(meshFaces[i][2]); 

              // draw 

              driver->setMaterial( material ); 
              driver->drawIndexedTriangleList( vs, vertexCount, is, faceCount ); 

              //CONSOLE.addx("#Verts %d #Norm %d #Tex %d #Faces %d #Map %d", 
              //       vertexCount,normalsCount,textureCoordinateCount,faceCount, pCalRenderer->getMapCount()); 

        // end the rendering 