void StackVisitor::Frame::dump(PrintStream& out, Indenter indent, WTF::Function<void(PrintStream&)> prefix) const { if (!this->callFrame()) { out.print(indent, "frame 0x0\n"); return; } CodeBlock* codeBlock = this->codeBlock(); out.print(indent); prefix(out); out.print("frame ", RawPointer(this->callFrame()), " {\n"); { indent++; CallFrame* callFrame = m_callFrame; CallFrame* callerFrame = this->callerFrame(); const void* returnPC = callFrame->hasReturnPC() ? callFrame->returnPC().value() : nullptr; out.print(indent, "name: ", functionName(), "\n"); out.print(indent, "sourceURL: ", sourceURL(), "\n"); bool isInlined = false; #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) isInlined = isInlinedFrame(); out.print(indent, "isInlinedFrame: ", isInlinedFrame(), "\n"); if (isInlinedFrame()) out.print(indent, "InlineCallFrame: ", RawPointer(m_inlineCallFrame), "\n"); #endif out.print(indent, "callee: ", RawPointer(callee().rawPtr()), "\n"); out.print(indent, "returnPC: ", RawPointer(returnPC), "\n"); out.print(indent, "callerFrame: ", RawPointer(callerFrame), "\n"); uintptr_t locationRawBits = callFrame->callSiteAsRawBits(); out.print(indent, "rawLocationBits: ", locationRawBits, " ", RawPointer(reinterpret_cast<void*>(locationRawBits)), "\n"); out.print(indent, "codeBlock: ", RawPointer(codeBlock)); if (codeBlock) out.print(" ", *codeBlock); out.print("\n"); if (codeBlock && !isInlined) { indent++; if (callFrame->callSiteBitsAreBytecodeOffset()) { unsigned bytecodeOffset = callFrame->bytecodeOffset(); out.print(indent, "bytecodeOffset: ", bytecodeOffset, " of ", codeBlock->instructions().size(), "\n"); #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) } else { out.print(indent, "hasCodeOrigins: ", codeBlock->hasCodeOrigins(), "\n"); if (codeBlock->hasCodeOrigins()) { CallSiteIndex callSiteIndex = callFrame->callSiteIndex(); out.print(indent, "callSiteIndex: ", callSiteIndex.bits(), " of ", codeBlock->codeOrigins().size(), "\n"); JITCode::JITType jitType = codeBlock->jitType(); if (jitType != JITCode::FTLJIT) { JITCode* jitCode = codeBlock->jitCode().get(); out.print(indent, "jitCode: ", RawPointer(jitCode), " start ", RawPointer(jitCode->start()), " end ", RawPointer(jitCode->end()), "\n"); } } #endif } unsigned line = 0; unsigned column = 0; computeLineAndColumn(line, column); out.print(indent, "line: ", line, "\n"); out.print(indent, "column: ", column, "\n"); indent--; } out.print(indent, "EntryFrame: ", RawPointer(m_entryFrame), "\n"); indent--; } out.print(indent, "}\n"); }
void StackVisitor::Frame::print(int indent) { if (!this->callFrame()) { log(indent, "frame 0x0\n"); return; } CodeBlock* codeBlock = this->codeBlock(); logF(indent, "frame %p {\n", this->callFrame()); { indent++; CallFrame* callFrame = m_callFrame; CallFrame* callerFrame = this->callerFrame(); void* returnPC = callFrame->hasReturnPC() ? callFrame->returnPC().value() : nullptr; log(indent, "name: ", functionName(), "\n"); log(indent, "sourceURL: ", sourceURL(), "\n"); bool isInlined = false; #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) isInlined = isInlinedFrame(); log(indent, "isInlinedFrame: ", isInlinedFrame(), "\n"); if (isInlinedFrame()) logF(indent, "InlineCallFrame: %p\n", m_inlineCallFrame); #endif logF(indent, "callee: %p\n", callee()); logF(indent, "returnPC: %p\n", returnPC); logF(indent, "callerFrame: %p\n", callerFrame); unsigned locationRawBits = callFrame->callSiteAsRawBits(); logF(indent, "rawLocationBits: %u 0x%x\n", locationRawBits, locationRawBits); logF(indent, "codeBlock: %p ", codeBlock); if (codeBlock) dataLog(*codeBlock); dataLog("\n"); if (codeBlock && !isInlined) { indent++; if (callFrame->callSiteBitsAreBytecodeOffset()) { unsigned bytecodeOffset = callFrame->bytecodeOffset(); log(indent, "bytecodeOffset: ", bytecodeOffset, " of ", codeBlock->instructions().size(), "\n"); #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) } else { log(indent, "hasCodeOrigins: ", codeBlock->hasCodeOrigins(), "\n"); if (codeBlock->hasCodeOrigins()) { CallSiteIndex callSiteIndex = callFrame->callSiteIndex(); log(indent, "callSiteIndex: ", callSiteIndex.bits(), " of ", codeBlock->codeOrigins().size(), "\n"); JITCode::JITType jitType = codeBlock->jitType(); if (jitType != JITCode::FTLJIT) { JITCode* jitCode = codeBlock->jitCode().get(); logF(indent, "jitCode: %p start %p end %p\n", jitCode, jitCode->start(), jitCode->end()); } } #endif } unsigned line = 0; unsigned column = 0; computeLineAndColumn(line, column); log(indent, "line: ", line, "\n"); log(indent, "column: ", column, "\n"); indent--; } indent--; } log(indent, "}\n"); }