bool MassChi2RecoTPlugin::ProcessEvent()
    auto const &jets = (*reader)->GetJets();
    // Make sure the event contains a sufficient number of jets
    if (jets.size() < 2)
        throw logic_error("MassChi2RecoTPlugin::ProcessEvent: Cannot reconstruct an event because "
         "it contains less than two jets.");
    // Reconstruct W boson
    Candidate const wBoson((*reader)->GetLeptons().front().P4() + (*reader)->GetNeutrino().P4());
    // Loop over all the possible ways to choose a central jet. Only a central jet can be assigned
    //to the top
    iBTop = -1;
    double minChi2 = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < jets.size(); ++i)
        // Skip non-central jets
        if (fabs( > BTagSFInterface::GetMaxPseudorapidity())
        double const chi2 = pow(((wBoson.P4() + - 176.5) / 37.1, 2);
        //^ Mass mean and resoulution is cited according to
        if (chi2 < minChi2)
            iBTop = i;
            minChi2 = chi2;
    // A sanity check
    if (iBTop == unsigned(-1))
    //^ This could have happened if only there were no central jets in the event
        throw logic_error("MassChi2RecoTPlugin::ProcessEvent: Cannot reconstruct an event because "
         "it does not contain central jets.");
    // Find the recoil jet. It is chosen as the most forward jet excluding the jet already used to
    //reconstruct the top quark
    iRecoilJet = -1;
    double maxEta = -numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < jets.size(); ++i)
        if (i == iBTop)
        auto const &jet =;
        if (fabs(jet.Eta()) > maxEta)
            iRecoilJet = i;
            maxEta = fabs(jet.Eta());
    // Because an event is required to contain at least two jets, a recoil jet is always found
    return true;
void GlobalRecoTTbarPlugin::CalculateVariables(Jet const &bTopLep, Jet const &bTopHad,
 Jet const &q1TopHad, Jet const &q2TopHad)
    // Calculate variables related to the top quark decaying semileptonically
    auto const &lepton = (*reader)->GetLeptons().front();
    Candidate const wLep(lepton.P4() + (*reader)->GetNeutrino().P4());
    Candidate const topLep(wLep.P4() + bTopLep.P4());
    //bfMass_TopLep = topLep.M();
    LogPt_TopLep = log(topLep.Pt());
    //bfEta_TopLep = topLep.Eta();
    //bfPt_BTopLep = bTopLep.Pt();
    //bfEta_BTopLep = bTopLep.Eta();
    //PassBTag_BTopLep = 0 + bTagger->IsTagged(bTopLep);
    //bfCharge_BTopLep = bTopLep.Charge() * lepton.Charge();
    LogMass_BTopLepLep = log((bTopLep.P4() + lepton.P4()).M());
    DeltaR_BTopLepWLep = bTopLep.P4().DeltaR(wLep.P4());
    //bfDEta_TopLepLep = fabs(topLep.Eta() - lepton.Eta());
    // Calculate the cosine
    // TVector3 b((wLep.P4()).BoostVector());
    // TLorentzVector boostedLepton(lepton.P4());
    // boostedLepton.Boost(-b);
    // TVector3 p3Lepton(boostedLepton.Vect());
    // TLorentzVector boostedBJet(bTopLep.P4());
    // boostedBJet.Boost(-b);
    // TVector3 const p3BJet(boostedBJet.Vect());
    // bfCos_LepBTopLep_WLep = p3Lepton.Dot(p3BJet) / (p3Lepton.Mag() * p3BJet.Mag());
    // Calculate variables related to the top quark decaying semileptonically
    Candidate const wHad(q1TopHad.P4() + q2TopHad.P4());
    Candidate const topHad(wHad.P4() + bTopHad.P4());
    //bfMass_TopHad = topHad.M();
    LogPt_TopHad = log(topHad.Pt());
    AbsEta_TopHad = fabs(topHad.Eta());
    LogMass_WHad = log(wHad.M());
    //bfPt_WHad = wHad.Pt();
    //bfEta_WHad= wHad.Eta();
    DeltaR_BTopHadWHad = bTopHad.P4().DeltaR(wHad.P4());
    //bfPt_BTopHad = bTopHad.Pt();
    //bfEta_BTopHad = bTopHad.Eta();
    //PassBTag_BTopHad = 0 + bTagger->IsTagged(bTopHad);
    //bfCharge_BTopHad = bTopHad.Charge() * lepton.Charge();
    //bfMinPt_Light = min(fabs(q1TopHad.Pt()), fabs(q2TopHad.Pt()));
    //bfMaxEta_Light = max(fabs(q1TopHad.Eta()), fabs(q2TopHad.Eta()));
    SumCharge_Light = (q1TopHad.Charge() + q2TopHad.Charge()) * lepton.Charge();
    NumBTag_Light = 0 + bTagger->IsTagged(q1TopHad) + bTagger->IsTagged(q2TopHad);
    DeltaR_Light = q1TopHad.P4().DeltaR(q2TopHad.P4());
    // bfMaxMass_BTopHadLight =
    //  max((bTopHad.P4() + q1TopHad.P4()).M(), (bTopHad.P4() + q2TopHad.P4()).M());
    LogDMass_TopHadWHad = log(topHad.M() - wHad.M());
    // Calcualate variables with correlations between different objects
    double Ht = lepton.Pt() + (*reader)->GetMET().Pt();
    for (auto const &j: (*reader)->GetJets())
        Ht += j.Pt();
    RelHt = (topLep.Pt() + topHad.Pt()) / Ht;
    //bfMass_TopLepTopHad = (topLep.P4() + topHad.P4()).M();
    //bfPt_TopLepTopHad = (topLep.P4() + topHad.P4()).Pt();
    //bfEta_TopLepTopHad = (topLep.P4() + topHad.P4()).Eta();
    //bfDeltaR_TopLepTopHad = topLep.P4().DeltaR(topHad.P4());
    DCharge_BTopHadBTopLep = (bTopHad.Charge() - bTopLep.Charge()) * lepton.Charge();