static void DrawBanner(Canvas &canvas, PixelRect &rc) { const unsigned padding = 2; const Bitmap logo(IDB_LOGO); const unsigned banner_height = logo.GetHeight(); /* draw the XCSoar logo */ int x = rc.left + padding; canvas.Copy(x, + padding, logo.GetWidth(), logo.GetHeight(), logo, 0, 0); x += logo.GetWidth() + 8; canvas.Select(bold_font); canvas.SetTextColor(COLOR_BLACK); canvas.SetBackgroundTransparent(); /* draw the XCSoar banner text with a larger font */ Font large_font; large_font.LoadFile("/opt/xcsoar/share/fonts/VeraBd.ttf", 40); canvas.Select(large_font); const unsigned name_y = + (banner_height - large_font.GetHeight()) / 2; const TCHAR *const name1 = _T("XC"); canvas.DrawText(x, name_y, name1); x += canvas.CalcTextWidth(name1); const TCHAR *const name2 = _T("Soar"); canvas.SetTextColor(COLOR_GRAY); canvas.DrawText(x, name_y, name2); canvas.SetTextColor(COLOR_BLACK); x += canvas.CalcTextWidth(name2) + 30; /* some more text */ const TCHAR *const website = _T(""); canvas.Select(normal_font); canvas.DrawText(x, + (banner_height - normal_font.GetHeight()) / 2, website); const TCHAR *const comment = _T("powered off"); canvas.DrawText(rc.right - canvas.CalcTextWidth(comment) - padding, + padding, comment); += banner_height + 8; }
void BufferWindow::OnPaint(Canvas &canvas) { #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL if (!buffer.IsDefined()) { buffer.Create(canvas.GetSize()); dirty = true; } if (dirty) { dirty = false; buffer.Begin(canvas); OnPaintBuffer(buffer); buffer.Commit(canvas); } else buffer.CopyTo(canvas); #else if (dirty) { dirty = false; OnPaintBuffer(buffer); } canvas.Copy(buffer); #endif }
void TaskMapButtonRenderer::DrawButton(Canvas &canvas, const PixelRect &rc, gcc_unused bool enabled, gcc_unused bool focused, bool pressed) const { if (task == nullptr) { canvas.ClearWhite(); return; } const PixelSize new_size(rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -; if (!IsBufferValid(new_size)) { if (!buffer.IsDefined()) { #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL buffer.Create(new_size); #else buffer.Create(canvas, new_size); #endif } else buffer.Grow(new_size); size = new_size; #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL buffer.Begin(canvas); #endif const PixelRect buffer_rc(0, 0,,; DrawTask(buffer, buffer_rc, look, *task); #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL buffer.Commit(canvas); #endif } else { #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL buffer.CopyTo(canvas); #endif } #ifndef ENABLE_OPENGL canvas.Copy(buffer); #endif if (pressed) { #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL const ScopeAlphaBlend alpha_blend; canvas.DrawFilledRectangle(rc, COLOR_YELLOW.WithAlpha(80)); #else canvas.InvertRectangle(rc); #endif } }
virtual void OnPaint(Canvas &canvas) override { #ifndef ENABLE_OPENGL if (!buffered) { #endif canvas.ClearWhite(); paint(canvas); #ifndef ENABLE_OPENGL } else canvas.Copy(buffer); #endif SingleWindow::OnPaint(canvas); }
static void OnLogoPaint(gcc_unused WndOwnerDrawFrame *Sender, Canvas &canvas) { const UPixelScalar width = canvas.GetWidth(); PixelScalar x = Layout::FastScale(10), y = x; canvas.ClearWhite(); Bitmap title(width > 360 ? IDB_TITLE_HD : IDB_TITLE); // Determine title image size PixelSize title_size = title.GetSize(); // Draw 'XCSoar N.N' title canvas.Copy(x, y,,, title, 0, 0); y += + Layout::FastScale(20); Font font; font.Load(GetStandardFontFace(), Layout::FastScale(16)); canvas.Select(font); canvas.SetTextColor(COLOR_BLACK); canvas.SetBackgroundTransparent(); canvas.DrawText(x, y, _T("version: ")); canvas.DrawText(x + Layout::FastScale(80), y, XCSoar_VersionString); y += Layout::FastScale(22); canvas.DrawText(x, y, _T("date: ")); canvas.DrawText(x + Layout::FastScale(80), y, _T(__DATE__)); #ifdef GIT_COMMIT_ID y += Layout::FastScale(22); canvas.DrawText(x, y, _T("git: ")); canvas.DrawText(x + Layout::FastScale(80), y, _T(GIT_COMMIT_ID)); #endif y += Layout::FastScale(37); canvas.DrawText(x, y, _T("more information at")); y += Layout::FastScale(22); canvas.SetTextColor(COLOR_XCSOAR); canvas.DrawText(x, y, _T("")); }
void FPlayer::OnUserEventReceivedN(RequestId requestId, Osp::Base::Collection::IList* pArgs) { if (requestId == THREADCALLBACK_REDRAW) { RedrawDisplayBuffer(displaybuffer_->GetBounds()); if (controlsarevisible == false) { Canvas* formCanvas; formCanvas = GetCanvasN(); formCanvas->Copy(Point(canvasredrawrect_.x, canvasredrawrect_.y), *displaybuffer_, canvasredrawrect_); formCanvas->Show(canvasredrawrect_); delete formCanvas; } else { this->RequestRedraw(); } /*long long fpsbenchmarktimeold = fpsbenchmarktime; Osp::System::SystemTime::GetTicks(fpsbenchmarktime); AppLog("render frame %d ms", (int)(fpsbenchmarktime - fpsbenchmarktimeold));*/ pPlayerThread_->SendUserEvent(pPlayerThread_->THREAD_FRAMEDRAWED, null); } else if (requestId == THREADCALLBACK_FILELOADED) { delete speedbtnbmpn_; delete speedbtnbmps_; speedbtnbmpn_ = CreateSpeedBtnBmp(164, Osp::Base::Integer::ToString((int)pPlayerThread_->fileinfo_.playframerate) + L" fps", false); speedbtnbmps_ = CreateSpeedBtnBmp(164, Osp::Base::Integer::ToString((int)pPlayerThread_->fileinfo_.playframerate) + L" fps", true); speedbtn->SetNormalBackgroundBitmap(*speedbtnbmpn_); speedbtn->SetPressedBackgroundBitmap(*speedbtnbmps_); this->RequestRedraw(); if (this->autoplayonload == true) { this->OnActionPerformed(*this, APLAYPAUSE); /*pPlayerThread_->playing = false; pPlayerThread_->SendUserEvent(pPlayerThread_->THREAD_PLAYPAUSE, null);*/ } } else if ((requestId == THREADCALLBACK_EXPORTDONE) || (requestId == THREADCALLBACK_EXPORTPROGRESSUPDATE)) { AppLog("player event recived"); this->OnActionPerformed(*this, requestId); } }
void DoubleBufferWindow::OnPaint(Canvas &canvas) { ScopeLock protect(mutex); canvas.Copy(GetVisibleCanvas()); }
void DoubleBufferWindow::OnPaint(Canvas &canvas) { std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(mutex); canvas.Copy(GetVisibleCanvas()); }