Exemple #1
bool ecConfigItem::SetValue (long nValue, CdlTransaction transaction/*=NULL*/)
    wxASSERT (m_optionType == ecLong);
    const CdlValuable valuable = GetCdlValuable();
    wxASSERT (valuable);
    if(transaction) {
        if (CdlValueFlavor_BoolData == valuable->get_flavor ()) {
            // set the user bool to the current bool when changing a booldata
            // value to avoid a possible change in the current bool
            valuable->set_enabled_and_value (transaction, valuable->is_enabled (), (cdl_int) nValue, CdlValueSource_User);
        } else { // CdlValueFlavor_Data
            valuable->set_integer_value (transaction, nValue, CdlValueSource_User);
    } else {
        if (CdlValueFlavor_BoolData == valuable->get_flavor ()) {
            // set the user bool to the current bool when changing a booldata
            // value to avoid a possible change in the current bool
            valuable->set_enabled_and_value (valuable->is_enabled (), (cdl_int) nValue, CdlValueSource_User);
        } else { // CdlValueFlavor_Data
            valuable->set_integer_value (nValue, CdlValueSource_User);

    // TODO: BoolData?
    m_value = nValue;
    return TRUE;
Exemple #2
bool ecConfigItem::SetValue(const wxString& value, CdlTransaction transaction/*=NULL*/)
    wxASSERT ((m_optionType == ecString) || (m_optionType == ecEnumerated));
    const CdlValuable valuable = GetCdlValuable();
    wxASSERT (valuable);
    const std::string str = value.c_str();
        if (CdlValueFlavor_BoolData == valuable->get_flavor ()){
            // set the user bool to the current bool when changing a booldata
            // value to avoid a possible change in the current bool
            valuable->set_enabled_and_value (transaction, valuable->is_enabled (), str, CdlValueSource_User);
        } else {// CdlValueFlavor_Data
            valuable->set_value (transaction, str, CdlValueSource_User);
    } else {
        if (CdlValueFlavor_BoolData == valuable->get_flavor ()){
            // set the user bool to the current bool when changing a booldata
            // value to avoid a possible change in the current bool
            valuable->set_enabled_and_value (valuable->is_enabled (), str, CdlValueSource_User);
        } else {// CdlValueFlavor_Data
            valuable->set_value (str, CdlValueSource_User);

    // TODO: eliminate m_value, since the value is always taken from the Cdl object.
    m_value = value;
    return TRUE;
Exemple #3
bool ecConfigItem::SetEnabled(bool bEnabled, CdlTransaction current_transaction/*=NULL*/)
    const CdlValuable valuable = GetCdlValuable();
    wxASSERT (valuable);
    // use a transaction object to ensure that all config items are changed together
    CdlTransaction transaction = current_transaction ? current_transaction : CdlTransactionBody::make (wxGetApp().GetConfigToolDoc ()->GetCdlConfig ());
    if (HasRadio () && bEnabled) { // if a new radio button has been selected
        for (ecConfigItem *pItem = FirstRadio(); pItem; pItem = pItem->NextRadio ()) { // for each radio button in the group
            if (pItem != this) { // if not the newly selected radio button
                pItem->SetEnabled (FALSE, transaction); // disable the radio button
    if (CdlValueFlavor_BoolData == valuable->get_flavor ()) {
        // set the user value to the current data value when enabling/disabling
        // a booldata item to avoid a possible change in the current data value
        CdlSimpleValue simple_value = valuable->get_simple_value ();
        valuable->set_enabled_and_value (transaction, bEnabled, simple_value, CdlValueSource_User);
    } else { // CdlValueFlavor_Bool
        valuable->set_enabled (transaction, bEnabled, CdlValueSource_User);
    if (! current_transaction) { // if not a recursive call to disable a radio button
        transaction->body (); // commit the transaction
        delete transaction;
        transaction = NULL;
    return TRUE;
Exemple #4
void ecResolveConflictsDialog::OnContinue(wxCommandEvent& event)
    // Ensure we have the current conflict check array
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < m_conflictsCtrl->GetItemCount(); i++)
        if (m_conflictsCtrl->GetItemState(i, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED) & wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED)
            RemoveConflictSolutions((CdlConflict) m_conflictsCtrl->GetItemData(i));

    // Dismiss the window

    std::list<CdlConflict>::const_iterator conf_i;

    for (conf_i= m_conflicts.begin (); conf_i != m_conflicts.end (); conf_i++) // for each conflict
        CdlConflict conflict=*conf_i;
        //int nSolutions=conflict->get_solution().size();
        SolutionInfo &info=Info(conflict);
        int nIndex=0;
        const std::vector<std::pair<CdlValuable, CdlValue> >&Solution=conflict->get_solution();
        for (std::vector<std::pair<CdlValuable, CdlValue> >::const_iterator soln_i = Solution.begin();soln_i != Solution.end(); soln_i++) {
                CdlValuable valuable  = soln_i->first;
                CdlValue value=soln_i->second;
                CdlValueFlavor flavor = valuable->get_flavor();
                const wxString strName(valuable->get_name().c_str());
                const wxString strValue(value.get_value().c_str());
                bool rc = TRUE;
                wxString str;
                    case CdlValueFlavor_None :
                        str = wxT("set CdlValueFlavor_None");
                        rc = FALSE;
                    case CdlValueFlavor_Bool :
                        str.Printf(_("%s %s\n"), (const wxChar*) (value.is_enabled()?_("disable"):_("enable")), (const wxChar*) strName);
                        valuable->set_enabled (m_Transaction, value.is_enabled(), CdlValueSource_User);
                    case CdlValueFlavor_BoolData :
                            bool bEnabled=value.is_enabled();
                            str.Printf(_("%s %s and set value to %s\n"), (const wxChar*) (bEnabled? _("disable"):_("enable")), (const wxChar*) strName, (const wxChar*) strValue);
                            // Surely this is wrong - we don't want to set the same value, we want to
                            // set a NEW value.
                            // CdlSimpleValue simple_value = valuable->get_simple_value ();
                            //valuable->set_enabled_and_value (m_Transaction, bEnabled, simple_value, CdlValueSource_User);
                            valuable->set_enabled_and_value (m_Transaction, bEnabled, ecUtils::UnicodeToStdStr (strValue), CdlValueSource_User);
                    case CdlValueFlavor_Data :
                        str.Printf(_("set %s to %s\n"), (const wxChar*) strName, (const wxChar*) strValue);
                        valuable->set_value (m_Transaction, ecUtils::UnicodeToStdStr (strValue), CdlValueSource_User);
                    rc = FALSE;
                } else
                    wxString msg;
                    msg.Printf(_("Failed to %s\n"), (const wxChar*) str);
                    wxMessageBox(msg, wxGetApp().GetSettings().GetAppName(), wxICON_EXCLAMATION|wxOK);
void CFailingRulesDialog::OnOK() 
  // Ensure we have the current conflict check array
  for(POSITION pos = m_RulesList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();pos;){
    int nItem = m_RulesList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);

  // Dismiss the window

  for (std::list<CdlConflict>::const_iterator conf_i= m_conflicts.begin (); conf_i != m_conflicts.end (); conf_i++) { // for each conflict
    CdlConflict conflict=*conf_i;
    //int nSolutions=conflict->get_solution().size();
    SolutionInfo &info=Info(conflict);
    int nIndex=0;
    const std::vector<std::pair<CdlValuable, CdlValue> >&Solution=conflict->get_solution();
    for (std::vector<std::pair<CdlValuable, CdlValue> >::const_iterator soln_i = Solution.begin();soln_i != Solution.end(); soln_i++) {
        CdlValuable valuable  = soln_i->first;
        CdlValue value=soln_i->second;
        CdlValueFlavor flavor = valuable->get_flavor();
        const CString strName(valuable->get_name().c_str());
        const CString strValue(value.get_value().c_str());
        bool rc=true;
        CString str;
        try {
          switch(flavor) {
            case CdlValueFlavor_None :
              str=_T("set CdlValueFlavor_None");
            case CdlValueFlavor_Bool :
              str.Format(_T("%s %s\n"),value.is_enabled()?_T("disable"):_T("enable"),strName);
              valuable->set_enabled (m_Transaction, value.is_enabled(), CdlValueSource_User);
            case CdlValueFlavor_BoolData :
                bool bEnabled=value.is_enabled();
                str.Format(_T("%s %s and set value to %s\n"),bEnabled?_T("disable"):_T("enable"),strName,strValue);
                // This is wrong: it should set the NEW value. This is the cause of a long-standing bug...
                // CdlSimpleValue simple_value = valuable->get_simple_value ();
                //valuable->set_enabled_and_value (m_Transaction, bEnabled, simple_value, CdlValueSource_User);
                valuable->set_enabled_and_value (m_Transaction, bEnabled, CUtils::UnicodeToStdStr (strValue), CdlValueSource_User);

            case CdlValueFlavor_Data :
              str.Format(_T("set %s to %s\n"),strName,strValue);
              valuable->set_value (m_Transaction, CUtils::UnicodeToStdStr (strValue), CdlValueSource_User);
        } else {
          CUtils::MessageBoxF(_T("Failed to %s\n"),str);