Exemple #1
TargetHandleList getConnectedDimms( TargetHandle_t i_mba,
                                    const CenRank & i_rank )
    #define PRDF_FUNC "[CalloutUtil::getConnectedDimms] "

    TargetHandleList o_list;

    if ( TYPE_MBA != getTargetType(i_mba) )
        PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "Invalid target type: HUID=0x%08x", getHuid(i_mba) );
        TargetHandleList dimmList = getConnected( i_mba, TYPE_DIMM );
        for ( TargetHandleList::iterator dimmIt = dimmList.begin();
              dimmIt != dimmList.end(); dimmIt++)
            uint8_t dimmSlct;
            int32_t l_rc = getMbaDimm( *dimmIt, dimmSlct );
            if ( SUCCESS != l_rc )
                PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "getMbaDimm(0x%08x) failed",
                          getHuid(*dimmIt) );

            if ( dimmSlct == i_rank.getDimmSlct() )
                o_list.push_back( *dimmIt );

    return o_list;

    #undef PRDF_FUNC
int32_t CenMbaIplCeStats::collectStats( const CenRank & i_stopRank )
    #define PRDF_FUNC "[CenMbaIplCeStats::collectStats] "
    int32_t o_rc = SUCCESS;
        MemUtils::MaintSymbols symData; CenSymbol junk;
        o_rc = MemUtils::collectCeStats( iv_mbaChip, i_stopRank, symData, junk);
        if ( SUCCESS != o_rc )
            PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC"MemUtils::collectCeStats() failed. MBA:0X%08X",
                      getHuid( iv_mbaChip->GetChipHandle() ) );

        // if size of stats collected is zero, it may mean some symbol
        // has gone beyond maximum value. But this is only valid for DD1
        // and has a very low probability. So ignoring this case.

        for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < symData.size(); i++ )
            uint8_t dimmSlct = i_stopRank.getDimmSlct();
            uint8_t dram = symData[i].symbol.getDram();
            uint8_t portSlct = symData[i].symbol.getPortSlct();

            // Check if analysis is banned.
            HalfRankKey banKey = { i_stopRank, portSlct };

            // Check if the rank has already been banned. Note that [] will
            // create an entry if one does not exist, so used find() instead to
            // check for existence in the map.
            if ( iv_bannedAnalysis.end() != iv_bannedAnalysis.find(banKey) )

            // Update iv_ceSymbols with the new symbol data.
            SymbolKey symkey = { symData[i].symbol };
            iv_ceSymbols.push_back (symkey );

            // Increment the soft CEs per DRAM.
            DramKey dramKey = { i_stopRank, dram, portSlct };
            iv_dramMap[dramKey] += symData[i].count;

            // Increment the soft CEs per half rank.
            HalfRankKey rankKey = { i_stopRank, portSlct };
            iv_rankMap[rankKey] += symData[i].count;

            // In case of dimm select, rank select does not matter
            CenRank dimmRank( dimmSlct << DIMM_SLCT_PER_MBA );
            // Increment the soft CEs per half dimm select.
            HalfRankKey dsKey = { dimmRank, portSlct };
            iv_dsMap[dsKey] += symData[i].count;

    } while (0);

    // We have to clear all stats before giving control back to MDIA..
    // This is done by setting up MBSTRQ[53] bit
    // We are doing cleanup in TdController code,
    // So not clearing up stats here.
    return o_rc;

    #undef PRDF_FUNC
int32_t getMnfgMemCeTh( ExtensibleChip * i_mbaChip, const CenRank & i_rank,
                        uint16_t & o_cePerDram, uint16_t & o_cePerHalfRank,
                        uint16_t & o_cePerDimm )
    #define PRDF_FUNC "[getMnfgMemCeTh] "

    int32_t o_rc = SUCCESS;

        // Get base threshold ( 2GB ).
        uint8_t baseTh = getMnfgCeTh();

        // A base threhold of 0 indicates there should be no thresholding.
        if ( 0 == baseTh )
            o_cePerDram = o_cePerHalfRank = o_cePerDimm =

        // Get DRAM size
        uint8_t size = 0;
        o_rc = MemUtils::getDramSize( i_mbaChip, size );
        if ( SUCCESS != o_rc )
            PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "MemUtils::getDramSize() failed" );

        // Get number of ranks per DIMM select.
        uint8_t rankCount = getRanksPerDimm( i_mbaChip->GetChipHandle(),
                                             i_rank.getDimmSlct() );
        if ( 0 == rankCount )
            PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "PlatServices::getRanksPerDimm() failed" );
            o_rc = FAIL; break;

        // Get number of allowed CEs.
        uint8_t baseAllowed = baseTh - 1;

        // Calculate CEs per DRAM.
        //   The DRAM size is in MBAXCR[6:7], where 0 = 2Gb, 1 = 4Gb, 2 = 8Gb,
        //   and 3 = 16 Gb. So the allowed CEs per DRAM can be calculated with
        //   the following:
        //         perDram = base * 2^(MBAXCR[6:7]+1) * (9/16)
        //     or, perDram = (base << MBAXCR[6:7]+1)  * (9/16)
        uint32_t computeBase = (baseAllowed << (size+1)) * 9;
        o_cePerDram = (computeBase + 8) / 16;

        // Calculate CEs per DIMM.
        o_cePerDimm = ((computeBase * (2 + rankCount)) + 8) / 16;

        // Calculate CEs per half-rank.
        // Same as perDimm where rankCount is 1;
        o_cePerHalfRank = ((computeBase * (2 + 1)) + 8) / 16;

    } while (0);

    return o_rc;

    #undef PRDF_FUNC