Exemple #1
Vector  ChLinkPulley::Get_shaft_pos2() 
	if (this->Body1)
		ChFrame<double> absframe;
		((ChFrame<double>*)Body2)->TrasformLocalToParent(local_shaft2, absframe);
		return absframe.GetPos();
	} else return VNULL;
Exemple #2
Vector  ChLinkPulley::Get_shaft_dir2() 
	if (this->Body1)
		ChFrame<double> absframe;
		((ChFrame<double>*)Body2)->TrasformLocalToParent(local_shaft2, absframe);
		return absframe.GetA()->Get_A_Zaxis();
	} else return VECT_Z;
Exemple #3
void ChCascadeDoc::FromChronoToCascade(const ChFrame<>& from_coord, TopLoc_Location& to_coord) {
    const ChVector<>& mpos = from_coord.GetPos();
    gp_Vec mtr(mpos.x(), mpos.y(), mpos.z());

    const ChMatrix33<>& from_mat = from_coord.GetA();

        .SetValues(from_mat(0, 0), from_mat(0, 1), from_mat(0, 2), mpos.x(), from_mat(1, 0), from_mat(1, 1),
                   from_mat(1, 2), mpos.y(), from_mat(2, 0), from_mat(2, 1), from_mat(2, 2), mpos.z()); //0, 0);
void ChPathSteeringControllerXT::CalcTargetLocation() {
    // Let the underlying tracker do its magic.
    // we need more information about the path properties here:
    ChFrame<> tnb;
    m_tracker->calcClosestPoint(m_sentinel, tnb, m_pcurvature);
    m_target    = tnb.GetPos();
    m_ptangent  = tnb.GetRot().GetXaxis();
    m_pnormal   = tnb.GetRot().GetYaxis();
    m_pbinormal = tnb.GetRot().GetZaxis();
Exemple #5
void ChCascadeDoc::FromCascadeToChrono(const TopLoc_Location& from_coord, ChFrame<>& to_coord) {
    gp_XYZ mtr = from_coord.Transformation().TranslationPart();
    to_coord.SetPos(ChVector<>(mtr.X(), mtr.Y(), mtr.Z()));

    gp_Mat mro = from_coord.Transformation().VectorialPart();
    ChMatrix33<> to_mat;

    to_mat(0, 0) = mro(1, 1);
    to_mat(0, 1) = mro(1, 2);
    to_mat(0, 2) = mro(1, 3);

    to_mat(1, 0) = mro(2, 1);
    to_mat(1, 1) = mro(2, 2);
    to_mat(1, 2) = mro(2, 3);

    to_mat(2, 0) = mro(3, 1);
    to_mat(2, 1) = mro(3, 2);
    to_mat(2, 2) = mro(3, 3);
