Exemple #1
void getMinMax( const Channel32f &channel, float *resultMin, float *resultMax )
	float minVal = *(channel.getData( Vec2i::zero() )), maxVal = *(channel.getData( Vec2i::zero() ));
	Channel32f::ConstIter iter = channel.getIter();
	while( iter.line() ) {
		while( iter.pixel() ) {
			minVal = std::min( minVal, iter.v() );
			maxVal = std::max( maxVal, iter.v() );
	*resultMin = minVal;
	*resultMax = maxVal;
void AudioVisualizerApp::update()
	// update FMOD so it can notify us of events

	// handle signal: if audio has ended, play next file
	if(mIsAudioPlaying && signalChannelEnd)
		playAudio( nextAudio( mAudioPath ) );

	// reset FMOD signals
	signalChannelEnd= false;

	// get spectrum for left and right channels and copy it into our channels
	float* pDataLeft = mChannelLeft.getData() + kBands * mOffset;
	float* pDataRight = mChannelRight.getData() + kBands * mOffset;

	mFMODSystem->getSpectrum( pDataLeft, kBands, 0, FMOD_DSP_FFT_WINDOW_HANNING );	
	mFMODSystem->getSpectrum( pDataRight, kBands, 1, FMOD_DSP_FFT_WINDOW_HANNING );

	// increment texture offset
	mOffset = (mOffset+1) % kHistory;

	// clear the spectrum for this row to avoid old data from showing up
	pDataLeft = mChannelLeft.getData() + kBands * mOffset;
	pDataRight = mChannelRight.getData() + kBands * mOffset;
	memset( pDataLeft, 0, kBands * sizeof(float) );
	memset( pDataRight, 0, kBands * sizeof(float) );

	// animate camera if mouse has not been down for more than 30 seconds
	if(!mIsMouseDown && (getElapsedSeconds() - mMouseUpTime) > mMouseUpDelay)
		float t = float( getElapsedSeconds() );
		float x = 0.5f + 0.5f * math<float>::cos( t * 0.07f );
		float y = 0.1f - 0.2f * math<float>::sin( t * 0.09f );
		float z = 0.25f * math<float>::sin( t * 0.05f ) - 0.25f;
		Vec3f eye = Vec3f(kWidth * x, kHeight * y, kHeight * z);

		x = 1.0f - x;
		y = -0.3f;
		z = 0.6f + 0.2f *  math<float>::sin( t * 0.12f );
		Vec3f interest = Vec3f(kWidth * x, kHeight * y, kHeight * z);

		// gradually move to eye position and center of interest
		mCamera.setEyePoint( eye.lerp(0.995f, mCamera.getEyePoint()) );
		mCamera.setCenterOfInterestPoint( interest.lerp(0.990f, mCamera.getCenterOfInterestPoint()) );
Exemple #3
Texture::Texture( const Channel32f &channel, Format format )
	: mObj( shared_ptr<Obj>( new Obj( channel.getWidth(), channel.getHeight() ) ) )
#if defined( CINDER_MAC )
	bool supportsTextureFloat = gl::isExtensionAvailable( "GL_ARB_texture_float" );
#elif defined( CINDER_MSW )
	bool supportsTextureFloat = GLEE_ARB_texture_float != 0;

	if( format.mInternalFormat < 0 ) {
#if ! defined( CINDER_GLES )
		if( supportsTextureFloat )
			format.mInternalFormat = GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB;
			format.mInternalFormat = GL_LUMINANCE;
		format.mInternalFormat = GL_LUMINANCE;

	mObj->mInternalFormat = format.mInternalFormat;
	mObj->mTarget = format.mTarget;

	// if the data is not already contiguous, we'll need to create a block of memory that is
	if( ( channel.getIncrement() != 1 ) || ( channel.getRowBytes() != channel.getWidth() * sizeof(float) ) ) {
		shared_ptr<float> data( new float[channel.getWidth() * channel.getHeight()], checked_array_deleter<float>() );
		float *dest = data.get();
		const int8_t inc = channel.getIncrement();
		const int32_t width = channel.getWidth();
		for( int y = 0; y < channel.getHeight(); ++y ) {
			const float *src = channel.getData( 0, y );
			for( int x = 0; x < width; ++x ) {
				*dest++ = *src;
				src += inc;
		init( data.get(), GL_LUMINANCE, format );
		init( channel.getData(), GL_LUMINANCE, format );
void AudioVisualizerApp::setup()
	// initialize signals
	signalChannelEnd = false;

	// make a list of valid audio file extensions and initialize audio variables
	const char* extensions[] = { "mp3", "wav", "ogg" };
	mAudioExtensions = vector<string>( extensions, extensions + 2 );
	mAudioPath = getAssetPath( "" );
	mIsAudioPlaying = false;

	// setup camera
	mCamera.setPerspective( 50.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 10000.0f );
	mCamera.lookAt( vec3( -kWidth / 4, kHeight / 2, -kWidth / 8 ), vec3( kWidth / 4, -kHeight / 8, kWidth / 4 ) );

	mCameraUi.setCamera( &mCamera );

	// create channels from which we can construct our textures
	mChannelLeft = Channel32f( kBands, kHistory );
	mChannelRight = Channel32f( kBands, kHistory );
	memset( mChannelLeft.getData(), 0, mChannelLeft.getRowBytes() * kHistory );
	memset( mChannelRight.getData(), 0, mChannelRight.getRowBytes() * kHistory );

	// create texture format (wrap the y-axis, clamp the x-axis)
	mTextureFormat.setWrapS( GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER );
	mTextureFormat.setWrapT( GL_REPEAT );
	mTextureFormat.setMinFilter( GL_LINEAR );
	mTextureFormat.setMagFilter( GL_LINEAR );
	mTextureFormat.loadTopDown( true );

	// compile shader
	try {
		mShader = gl::GlslProg::create( loadAsset( "shaders/spectrum.vert" ), loadAsset( "shaders/spectrum.frag" ) );
	catch( const std::exception& e ) {
		console() << e.what() << std::endl;

	// create static mesh (all animation is done in the vertex shader)
	std::vector<vec3>		positions;
	std::vector<Colorf>		colors;
	std::vector<vec2>		coords;
	std::vector<uint32_t>	indices;

	for( size_t h = 0; h < kHeight; ++h ) {
		for( size_t w = 0; w < kWidth; ++w ) {
			// add polygon indices
			if( h < kHeight - 1 && w < kWidth - 1 ) {
				size_t offset = positions.size();

				indices.emplace_back( offset );
				indices.emplace_back( offset + kWidth );
				indices.emplace_back( offset + kWidth + 1 );
				indices.emplace_back( offset );
				indices.emplace_back( offset + kWidth + 1 );
				indices.emplace_back( offset + 1 );

			// add vertex
			positions.emplace_back( vec3( float( w ), 0, float( h ) ) );

			// add texture coordinates
			// note: we only want to draw the lower part of the frequency bands,
			//  so we scale the coordinates a bit
			const float part = 0.5f;
			float s = w / float( kWidth - 1 );
			float t = h / float( kHeight - 1 );
			coords.emplace_back( vec2( part - part * s, t ) );

			// add vertex colors
			colors.emplace_back( Color( CM_HSV, s, 0.5f, 0.75f ) );

	gl::VboMesh::Layout layout;
	layout.usage( GL_STATIC_DRAW );
	layout.attrib( geom::Attrib::POSITION, 3 );
	layout.attrib( geom::Attrib::COLOR, 3 );
	layout.attrib( geom::Attrib::TEX_COORD_0, 2 );

	mMesh = gl::VboMesh::create( positions.size(), GL_TRIANGLES, { layout }, indices.size(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT );
	mMesh->bufferAttrib( geom::POSITION, positions.size() * sizeof( vec3 ), positions.data() );
	mMesh->bufferAttrib( geom::COLOR, colors.size() * sizeof( vec3 ), colors.data() );
	mMesh->bufferAttrib( geom::TEX_COORD_0, coords.size() * sizeof( vec2 ), coords.data() );
	mMesh->bufferIndices( indices.size() * sizeof( uint32_t ), indices.data() );

	// play audio using the Cinder FMOD block
	FMOD::System_Create( &mFMODSystem );
	mFMODSound = nullptr;
	mFMODChannel = nullptr;

	playAudio( findAudio( mAudioPath ) );

	mIsMouseDown = false;
	mMouseUpDelay = 30.0;
	mMouseUpTime = getElapsedSeconds() - mMouseUpDelay;

	// the texture offset has two purposes:
	//  1) it tells us where to upload the next spectrum data
	//  2) we use it to offset the texture coordinates in the shader for the scrolling effect
	mOffset = 0;