Exemple #1
/// @copydoc Serializer::SerializeCharString()
void BinarySerializer::SerializeCharString( CharString& rValue )
    if( ShouldSerializeCurrentProperty() )
        HELIUM_ASSERT( rValue.GetSize() <= UINT32_MAX );
        uint32_t stringLength = static_cast< uint32_t >( rValue.GetSize() );
        m_pPropertyStream->Write( &stringLength, sizeof( stringLength ), 1 );

        m_pPropertyStream->Write( rValue.GetData(), sizeof( char ), stringLength );
Exemple #2
/// Copy constructor.
/// When copying, only the memory needed to hold onto the used contents of the source string will be allocated (i.e.
/// if the source string has 10 elements but a capacity of 20, only memory for the 10 used elements will be
/// allocated for this copy).
/// @param[in] rSource  String from which to copy.
CharString::CharString( const CharString& rSource )
    : StringBase( rSource.GetData(), rSource.GetSize() )