PresentationParser::parseRelator( const VectorOf<Chars>& names, Chars& errMesg )
  genNames = names;

  if ( curToken == INIT ) getToken();

  if ( !atStartOfWord() ) {
	 parseError("Expected a word here");
	 errMesg = parseErrorMessage;
	 return Word();
  } else {
	 Word u = parseWord( names, errMesg );
	 if ( errMesg.length() > 0 ) {
		return Word();
	 if ( curToken == EQUALS ) {
		Word v = parseWord( names, errMesg );
		if ( errMesg.length() > 0 ) {
		  return Word();
		return ((Word)(u * v.inverse())).cyclicallyReduce();
	 } else return u.cyclicallyReduce();
Exemple #2
// @brief Send post request
// @param string uri the request uri
// @return If no error occurs returns the number of receive data in bytes,
// Otherwise -1 is returns
int HTTPClient::post( string uri, Chars &body )
	string str;
	m_method = "POST";
	str += "POST " + uri + " " + m_version;
	str += "\r\n";
	str += "Host: " + m_host;
	str += "\r\n";
	map<string, string>::iterator iter = m_requestHeader.begin();
	while (iter != m_requestHeader.end()) {
		str += iter->first + ": ";
		str += iter->second;
		str += "\r\n";
	// Set 'Content-length'
	str += "Content-Length: ";
	char buf[25];
	snprintf(buf, 25, "%ld", body.length());
	str += buf;
	str += "\r\n";

	// Headers end
	str += "\r\n";

	Chars data;
	data.assign(str.c_str(), str.length());
	data.append(body.c_str(), body.length());

	if (!isBlocking()) {

	// Set receive and send timeout to 5 seconds
	int nTimeout = 5000;
	if (m_host == "") {
		nTimeout = 100;

	int n = this->send(data.c_str(), data.length());
	if (n == -1) {
		return n;

	 * Receive response data

	// Receive all response data to socket buffer including HTTP headers
	while ( this->recv(1024) > 0 )
	return decodeHttpData();
PresentationParser::parseWordSet( const VectorOf<Chars>& names, Chars& errMesg )
  genNames = names;

  if ( curToken == INIT ) getToken();

  SetOf<Word> result;

  if ( curToken == INIT ) getToken();

  while ( atStartOfWord() ) {
	 Word w = parseWord( names, errMesg );
	 if ( errMesg.length() > 0 ) {
		return result;
	 result.adjoinElement( w );

	 if ( curToken == COMMA ) {
      if ( !atStartOfWord() ) {
		  parseError("Expected a word here");
		  errMesg = parseErrorMessage;
		  return result;

  return result;
PresentationParser::parseRelatorList(const VectorOf<Chars>& names,Chars& errMesg)
  genNames = names;

  SetOf<Word> result;

  if ( curToken == INIT ) getToken();

  while ( atStartOfWord() ) {
	 Word u = parseWord( names, errMesg );
	 if ( errMesg.length() > 0 ) {
		return result;

	 if ( curToken != EQUALS )
		result.adjoinElement( u.cyclicallyReduce() );
	 else {
		while ( curToken == EQUALS ) {
		  Word v = parseWord( names, errMesg );
		  if ( errMesg.length() > 0 ) {
			 return result;
		  result.adjoinElement( ((Word)(u * v.inverse())).cyclicallyReduce() );

	 if ( curToken == COMMA ) {
      if ( !atStartOfWord() ) {
		  parseError("Expected a word here");
		  errMesg = parseErrorMessage;
		  return result;

  return result;
bool PresentationParser::getRangeOf( const Chars& name ,Chars& c, int& n){
  char last = name[name.length()-1];
  // If last char is not a number 
  if ( !(last >= '0' && last <= '9') ) return false;
  bool endOfNum = false;
  Chars charPart;
  Chars numPart;
  for (int i = name.length()-1;i>=0;i--){
    char ch = name[i];
    if(!endOfNum && (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'))
      numPart = Chars(ch)+numPart;
    else {
      endOfNum = true;
      charPart = Chars(ch)+charPart;
  // If name consists of numbers only
  if (!endOfNum) return false;
  c = charPart;
  n = atoi(numPart);
  return true;
Exemple #6
void IsEltCentral::takeControl( )
  Trichotomy theAnswer = dontknow;
  Chars explanation;
  if ( ! displayInFE() || freeARCs() > 0 )
    if (nilpotentWP->state() == ComputationManager::TERMINATED){
      explanation = ": this follows from an inspection of a basis." ;
      theAnswer = nilpotentWP->isTrivial();
  if (nilpotentWPInQuotients->state() == ComputationManager::TERMINATED)
    if (nilpotentWPInQuotients->isTrivial()==no){
      int retClass;
      theAnswer = nilpotentWPInQuotients->isTrivial(retClass);
      //      ostrstream msgTmp;
      std::ostrstream msgTmp;
      msgTmp << ": because it's not central in lower central quotient of class " 
	     << retClass << ends;
      explanation = msgTmp.str();
  if (theAnswer != dontknow){
      LogMessage msg( *this, theWord );
      msg << Name( theWord ) << " is ";
      if ( theAnswer == no ) msg << "not ";
      msg << "central in " << Name( Parent( theWord ) ) << explanation;
  if ( ( theAnswer = theChecker.isTrivial() ) != dontknow ) {
    LogMessage msg( *this, theWord );
    msg << Name( theWord ) << " is ";
    if ( theAnswer == no ) msg << "not ";
    msg << "central in " << Name( Parent( theWord ) );
    Chars explanation = theChecker.getExplanation();
    if( explanation.length() > 0 )
      msg << " : " << explanation;
    msg << ".";

    if( theChecker.haveDetails() ) {
      LogMessage msgLink( *this, theWord );
      msgLink << Link( Chars("Click here to see details of centrality problem "
			     "for ")
		       + Text(Name(theWord)) + 
  else if ( ( theAnswer = genetic->areTrivial() ) != dontknow ) {
    Chars explanation = "according to the genetic algorithm";
    LogMessage msg( *this, theWord );
    msg << Name( theWord ) << " is central";
    msg << " : " << explanation << ".";
  else if ( ( theAnswer = genetic->areTrivial() ) != dontknow ) {
    Chars explanation = "according to the genetic algorithm";
    LogMessage msg( *this, theWord );
    msg << Name( theWord ) << " is central";
    msg << " : " << explanation << ".";
Exemple #7
int main ( )
  Chars errMsg;
  GHNConfig c;
  //cout << c << endl;

  ifstream in("../wp.in");
  in >> c;
  cout << c << endl;

  int numOfVars;
  cout << "Enter the number of variables: ";
  cin >> numOfVars;
  cout << endl;
  FreeGroup G;
  cout << "Enter a free group: ";
  errMsg = cin >> G;
  if( errMsg.length() > 0 ) {
    cout << errMsg;
  cout << endl;
  VectorOf<Chars> v = G.namesOfGenerators();
  int numOfConst = v.length();
  int rLen = v.length() + numOfVars;
  VectorOf<Chars> r(rLen);
  int j;
  for( j = 0; j < v.length(); ++j )
    if( v[j][0] != 'x' && v[j][0] != 'X' )
      r[j] = v[j];
      error("x is reserved for variables\n");

  char s[3] = {0,0,0};
  s[0] = 'x';
  for( int i = j; i < rLen; ++i ) {
    s[1] = i-j+1+48;
    r[i] = s;

  FreeGroup F(r);
  cout << "Enter an equation (a word) with variables x1 ... x" 
       << numOfVars << ": ";
  Word w;
  w = F.readWord(cin,errMsg);
  if( errMsg.length() > 0 ) {
    cout << errMsg;
  cout << endl;

  VectorOf<Word> im(rLen);
  for( int i = 0; i < rLen; ++i )
    im[i] = Word(Generator(i+1));
  Map M(F,F,im);

  int popSize = c.populationSize();
  GAWord pop[numOfVars][popSize],newPop[numOfVars][popSize];
  for( int k = 0; k < numOfVars; ++k )
    for( int i = 0; i < popSize; ++i ) {
      pop[k][i] = GAWord(numOfConst,Word());

  int fit[popSize];

  // the main loop

  int numOfGens = c.numOfGenerations();
  //bool bHaveFitnessScaling = c.haveFitnessScaling();
  float crossRate = c.chanceOfCrossover();
  float mutRate = c.chanceOfMutation();
  UniformRandom devgen;
  int max, min, minInd, g;
  // create the original random populations
  for( int k = 0; k < numOfVars; ++k )
    for( int i = 0; i < popSize; ++i ) {
      pop[k][i] = pop[k][i].randomWord();
  for( g = 0; g < numOfGens || numOfGens == -1; ++g ) {
    min = MAXINT; max = 0;  minInd = -1;
    // compute fitness values

    for( int i = 0; i < popSize; ++i ) {

      for( int k = 0; k < numOfVars; ++k )
      fit[i] = M.imageOf(w).freelyReduce().length();
      if( fit[i] < min ) {
	min = fit[i];
	minInd = i;
      else if( fit[i] > max )
	max = fit[i];
    // print current results
    cout << "Generation: " << g << "   Fitness: " << min << endl;
    if( g % 100 == 0 ) {
      for( int i = 0; i < popSize; ++i ) {
	cout << "x" << i << " = ";
	F.printWord(cout, (pop[i]).getWord());
	cout << endl;
      cout << endl;
    // exit if found a solution
    if( min == 0 ) {
      for( int k = 0; k < numOfVars; ++k ) {
	cout << "x" << k+1 << " = ";
	F.printWord(cout, (pop[k][minInd]).getWord());
	cout << endl;
      return 0;
    // make fitness values suitable for Roulette wheel selection
    int base = max + 1;
    for( int i = 0; i < popSize; ++i )
      fit[i] = base - fit[i];
    // fitness scaling
    if( c.haveFitnessScaling() )
      for( int i = 0; i < popSize; ++i )
	fit[i] = fit[i] * fit[i];

    // crossover
    RouletteWheel<int> wheel(popSize,fit);

    for( int k = 0; k < numOfVars; ++k )
      for( int i = 0; i < popSize; ++i ) {
	if( devgen.rand() <= crossRate ) {
	  int i1 = wheel.GetIndex();
	  int i2 = wheel.GetIndex();
	  newPop[k][i] = pop[k][i1].crossover(pop[k][i2]);
	else {
	  newPop[k][i] = pop[k][i];
    // mutation
    for( int k = 0; k < numOfVars; ++k )
      for( int i = 0; i < popSize; ++i ) {
	if( devgen.rand() <= mutRate ) {
	  newPop[k][i] = newPop[k][i].mutate();
    // elitist selection
    for( int k = 0; k < numOfVars; ++k )
      if( c.haveElitistSelection() ) {
	newPop[k][0] = pop[k][minInd];
    // prepare for the next iteration
    for( int k = 0; k < numOfVars; ++k )
      for( int i = 0; i < popSize; ++i ) {
	pop[k][i] = newPop[k][i];
Exemple #8
// @brief Operator +
// @return one copy of Chars
Chars Chars::operator+ (const Chars& rhs)
	this->append(rhs.m_data, rhs.length());
	return *this;
Exemple #9
int main ( )
  Chars errMsg;

  FreeGroup F;
  cout << "Enter a free group: ";
  errMsg = cin >> F;
  if( errMsg.length() > 0 ) {
    cout << errMsg;
  cout << endl;

  VectorOf<Chars> empty, varNames; 
  EquationParser p(cin);
  cout << "Enter a graphic equation: ";
  Word equation = p.parseEquation(empty, varNames, errMsg);
  if( errMsg.length() > 0 ) {
    cout << errMsg;
  cout << endl;

  cout << "Enter a word in F: ";
  WordParser P(cin);
  Word w = P.parseWordVerbatim( F.namesOfGenerators(), errMsg);  
  if( errMsg.length() > 0 ) {
    cout << errMsg;
  cout << endl;

  w = w.cyclicallyReduce();
  FreeGroup G(varNames);
  cout << "The group: " << F << endl;
  cout << "The variables: " << varNames << endl;
  cout << "Equation: ";
  G.printWord(cout, equation);
  cout << endl;
  cout << "Constant of length " << w.length() << ": ";
  F.printWord(cout, w);
  cout << endl;
  DGESolver solver(F,varNames,equation);
  Map solution;
  int wLen = w.length();

  timeval t1,t2;
  gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);

  for( int i = 0; i < wLen; ++i ) {

    Word u = w.cyclicallyPermute(i);
    cout << i << ": " << endl;
    if( solver.getSolution(u, solution) ) {
      cout << "The solution is: " << endl;
      for( int j = 0; j < varNames.length(); ++j ) {
	cout << varNames[j] << " = ";
	F.printWord(cout, solution.generatingImages(j));
	cout << endl;
      cout << endl;
      cout << "The equation has no solutions" << endl;
  gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);
  cout << "Time elapsed: " << diffTime(t2,t1) << endl << endl;