Exemple #1
  void try_merge_buddy_recursive( ChunkMap::iterator cmit ) {
    // compute address of buddy
    intptr_t address = cmit->second.address;
    intptr_t buddy_address = (address ^ cmit->second.size);
    DVLOG(5) << cmit->second << " buddy address " << (void *) buddy_address;

    // does it exist?
    ChunkMap::iterator buddy_iterator = chunks_.find( buddy_address );
    if( buddy_iterator != chunks_.end() && 
        buddy_iterator->second.size == cmit->second.size &&
        buddy_iterator->second.in_use == false ) {
      DVLOG(5) << "buddy found! address " << (void *) address << " buddy address " << (void *) buddy_address;

      // remove the higher-addressed chunk
      ChunkMap::iterator higher_iterator = address < buddy_address ? buddy_iterator : cmit;
      remove_from_free_list( higher_iterator );
      chunks_.erase( higher_iterator );

      // keep the the lower-addressed chunk in the map:
      // update its size and move it to the right free list
      ChunkMap::iterator lower_iterator = address < buddy_address ? cmit : buddy_iterator;
      remove_from_free_list( lower_iterator ); // should these be swapped? I think so.
      lower_iterator->second.size *= 2;
      add_to_free_list( lower_iterator );

      // see if we have more to merge
      try_merge_buddy_recursive( lower_iterator );