Exemple #1
    // Look for $gleStats in a command response, and fill in ClientInfo with the data,
    // if found.
    // This data will be used by subsequent GLE calls, to ensure we look for the correct
    // write on the correct PRIMARY.
    void saveGLEStats(const BSONObj& result, const std::string& hostString) {
        if (!ClientInfo::exists()) {
        if (result[kGLEStatsFieldName].type() != Object) {
        std::string errmsg;
        ConnectionString shardConn = ConnectionString::parse(hostString, errmsg);

        BSONElement subobj = result[kGLEStatsFieldName];
        OpTime lastOpTime = subobj[kGLEStatsLastOpTimeFieldName]._opTime();
        OID electionId = subobj[kGLEStatsElectionIdFieldName].OID();
        ClientInfo* clientInfo = ClientInfo::get( NULL );
        LOG(4) << "saveGLEStats lastOpTime:" << lastOpTime 
               << " electionId:" << electionId;

        clientInfo->addHostOpTime(shardConn, HostOpTime(lastOpTime, electionId));