Exemple #1
	// Scan directory. This code get's called on 
	// the spawned thread. It uses recursion to traverse
	// sub-directories when necessary.
	BOOL ScanDirectory( LPCTSTR pszDir )
		ClsString	strPath, str;
		ClsFindFile	find;
		ClsStdioFile	file;

		// Are we still running?
		if ( m_Thread.Wait() != ClsWorkerThread::wtRunning )
			return FALSE;

		// Do we need to scan the sub-directories?
		if ( m_bRecur )
			// Assign path.
			strPath = pszDir;

			// Add a backslash if not yet present.
			AddBackslash( strPath );

			// Add filter.
			strPath += _T( "*.*" );

			// Start the scan.
			if ( find.FindFile( strPath ))
				// Continue until we are done...
					// Still running?
					if ( m_Thread.Wait() != ClsWorkerThread::wtRunning )
						// Close handle and exit.
						return FALSE;

					// Is this a directory?
					if ( ! find.IsDots() && find.IsDirectory())
						// Get the full path of the directory.
						find.GetFilePath( strPath );

						// Scan this directory. Recursion hard at work...
						if ( ScanDirectory( strPath ) == FALSE )
							// Prolly a shutdown event during
							// recursion. Close handle and return FALSE.
							return FALSE;
				} while ( find.FindNextFile());
				// Close the handle.

		// Get the index of the first delimted part of the string.
		int nIndex = m_StrType.GetDelimitedPart( _T( ';' ), 0, str );

		// Valid?
		if ( nIndex > 0 )
			// Scan using all filters.
				// Assign path.
				strPath = pszDir;

				// Add a backslash if necessary.
				AddBackslash( strPath );

				// Add the filter string.
				strPath += str;

				// Scan the directory.
				if ( find.FindFile( strPath ))
					// Continue until we are done.
						// Still running?
						if ( m_Thread.Wait() != ClsWorkerThread::wtRunning )
							// Close handle and exit.
							return FALSE;

						// We only show the correct files.
						if ( ! find.IsDots() && ! find.IsDirectory())
							// Get the file name.
							ClsString strName;
							if ( find.GetFilePath( strName ))
								// Show the file we are processing. Simply do a PostMessage()
								// to the dialog which handles the GUI stuff. It will also delete
								// the ClsString we allocate here.
								ClsString *pStr = new ClsString( strName );
								PostMessage( THREAD_PROCESSING, 0, ( LPARAM )pStr );

								// Gracefully handle IO errors.
									// Read the file line-by-line...
									TCHAR szBuf[ 4096 ];
									file.Open( strName, _T( "r" ));
									int nLine = 0;
									while ( file.GetS( szBuf, 4096 ))
										// Still running?
										if ( m_Thread.Wait() != ClsWorkerThread::wtRunning )
											// Close the file and the
											// find-file handles and exit.
											return FALSE;

										// Get the base pointer of the buffer.
										TCHAR *ptr = szBuf;
										int    nIdx;

										// Increase line number.

										// Find all occurences on this line.
										BOOL bAnyFound = FALSE;
										while (( _tcslen( ptr )) && (( nIdx = m_BoyerMoore.FindForward( ptr, ( int )_tcslen( ptr ))) >= 0 ))
											// Are we at the first found entry?
											if ( bAnyFound == FALSE )
												// Strip white spaces from the end of the input buffer.
												while ( _istspace( szBuf[ _tcslen( szBuf ) - 1 ] ))
													szBuf[ _tcslen( szBuf ) - 1 ] = 0;

												// Increase lines-found counter.

											// Found a least one.
											bAnyFound = TRUE;

											// Convert the line for print and post it to the
											// main thread for the GUI stuff.
											ClsString *pStr = ConvertForPrint( szBuf );
											PostMessage( THREAD_FOUND, nLine, ( LPARAM )pStr );
											// Increase search pointer so we can search the rest of the line.
											ptr += nIdx + 1;
									// Close file.
								catch( ClsException& )
									// Continue on IO errors...
					} while ( find.FindNextFile());
					// Close the handle.
			// Next filter...
			} while (( nIndex = m_StrType.GetDelimitedPart( _T( ';' ), nIndex, str )) > 0 );
		return TRUE;
Exemple #2
// Read keywords from a file.
BOOL KeywordEdit::ReadKeywords( LPCTSTR pszFileName )
	// Get item position and data.
	int		nPos = m_List.GetCurSel();
	_ASSERT( nPos != LB_ERR );
	LPKEYWORDS	pKey = ( LPKEYWORDS )m_List.GetItemData( nPos );
	ClsStdioFile	file;

	// Valid node?
	if ( pKey != ( LPKEYWORDS )LB_ERR )
			// Open the file.
			file.Open( pszFileName, _T( "r" ));

			// Read the file...
			TCHAR szBuffer[ 1024 ], *pszPtr, *pszCopy;
			while (( pszPtr = file.GetS( szBuffer, 1024 )) != NULL )
				// Skip leading blanks.
				while ( _istspace( *pszPtr )) pszPtr++;

				// Also remove trailing
				// blanks.
				RemoveTrailingBlanks( pszPtr );

				// Any text left?
				if ( _tcslen( pszPtr ))
					// Create a copy of the
					// input string.
					if (( pszCopy = StringArrayCopy( pKey->lpaKeywords, pszPtr )) != NULL )
						 // Add it to the array.
						if ( ::ArrayAdd( pKey->lpaKeywords, &pszCopy, 1 ) == FALSE )
							// Error...
							MessageBox( ClsString( MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDS_NO_MEMORY )), ClsGetApp()->GetAppTitle(), MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK );
						// Error...
						MessageBox( ClsString( MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDS_NO_MEMORY )), ClsGetApp()->GetAppTitle(), MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK );

			// Close the input file.
		catch( ClsException& ex )
			return FALSE;
	// Sort the array.
	::ArraySort( pKey->lpaKeywords, ( COMPFUNC )CompareKeywords );
	return TRUE;