OsiVolSolverInterface::writeMps(const char *filename,
				const char *extension,
				double /*objSense*/) const
   CoinMpsIO writer;
   writer.setMpsData(*getMatrixByCol(), getInfinity(),
		     getColLower(), getColUpper(),
		     reinterpret_cast<const char *> (NULL) /*integrality*/,
		     getRowLower(), getRowUpper(),
		     reinterpret_cast<const char **> (NULL) /*colnam*/, 
		     reinterpret_cast<const char **> (NULL) /*rownam*/);
   std::string fname = filename;
   if (extension)
   { if (extension[0] != '\0' && extension[0] != '.')
     fname += "." ; }
   fname += extension;
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
     ClpSimplex  model;
     int status;
     int maxIts = 0;
     int maxFactor = 100;
     if (argc < 2) {
#if defined(SAMPLEDIR)
          status = model.readMps(SAMPLEDIR "/p0033.mps", true);
          fprintf(stderr, "Do not know where to find sample MPS files.\n");
     } else
          status = model.readMps(argv[1]);
     if (status) {
          printf("errors on input\n");
     if (argc > 2) {
          maxFactor = atoi(argv[2]);
          printf("max factor %d\n", maxFactor);
     if (argc > 3) {
          maxIts = atoi(argv[3]);
          printf("max its %d\n", maxIts);
     // For now scaling off
     if (maxIts) {
          // Do partial dantzig
          ClpPrimalColumnSteepest dantzig(5);
          if (!model.status())
     // find gub
     int numberRows = model.numberRows();
     int * gubStart = new int[numberRows+1];
     int * gubEnd = new int[numberRows];
     int * which = new int[numberRows];
     int * whichGub = new int[numberRows];
     int numberColumns = model.numberColumns();
     int * mark = new int[numberColumns];
     int iRow, iColumn;
     // delete variables fixed to zero
     const double * columnLower = model.columnLower();
     const double * columnUpper = model.columnUpper();
     int numberDelete = 0;
     for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
          if (columnUpper[iColumn] == 0.0 && columnLower[iColumn] == 0.0)
               mark[numberDelete++] = iColumn;
     if (numberDelete) {
          model.deleteColumns(numberDelete, mark);
          numberColumns -= numberDelete;
          columnLower = model.columnLower();
          columnUpper = model.columnUpper();
#if 0
          CoinMpsIO writer;
          writer.setMpsData(*model.matrix(), COIN_DBL_MAX,
                            model.getColLower(), model.getColUpper(),
                            (const char*) 0 /*integrality*/,
                            model.getRowLower(), model.getRowUpper(),
                            NULL, NULL);
          writer.writeMps("cza.mps", 0, 0, 1);
     double * lower = new double[numberRows];
     double * upper = new double[numberRows];
     const double * rowLower = model.rowLower();
     const double * rowUpper = model.rowUpper();
     for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++)
          mark[iColumn] = -1;
     CoinPackedMatrix * matrix = model.matrix();
     // get row copy
     CoinPackedMatrix rowCopy = *matrix;
     const int * column = rowCopy.getIndices();
     const int * rowLength = rowCopy.getVectorLengths();
     const CoinBigIndex * rowStart = rowCopy.getVectorStarts();
     const double * element = rowCopy.getElements();
     int putGub = numberRows;
     int putNonGub = numberRows;
     int * rowIsGub = new int [numberRows];
     for (iRow = numberRows - 1; iRow >= 0; iRow--) {
          bool gubRow = true;
          int first = numberColumns + 1;
          int last = -1;
          for (int j = rowStart[iRow]; j < rowStart[iRow] + rowLength[iRow]; j++) {
               if (element[j] != 1.0) {
                    gubRow = false;
               } else {
                    int iColumn = column[j];
                    if (mark[iColumn] >= 0) {
                         gubRow = false;
                    } else {
                         last = CoinMax(last, iColumn);
                         first = CoinMin(first, iColumn);
          if (last - first + 1 != rowLength[iRow] || !gubRow) {
               which[--putNonGub] = iRow;
               rowIsGub[iRow] = 0;
          } else {
               for (int j = rowStart[iRow]; j < rowStart[iRow] + rowLength[iRow]; j++) {
                    int iColumn = column[j];
                    mark[iColumn] = iRow;
               rowIsGub[iRow] = -1;
               gubStart[putGub] = first;
               gubEnd[putGub] = last + 1;
               lower[putGub] = rowLower[iRow];
               upper[putGub] = rowUpper[iRow];
               whichGub[putGub] = iRow;
     int numberNonGub = numberRows - putNonGub;
     int numberGub = numberRows - putGub;
     if (numberGub > 0) {
          printf("** %d gub rows\n", numberGub);
          int numberNormal = 0;
          const int * row = matrix->getIndices();
          const int * columnLength = matrix->getVectorLengths();
          const CoinBigIndex * columnStart = matrix->getVectorStarts();
          const double * elementByColumn = matrix->getElements();
          int numberElements = 0;
          bool doLower = false;
          bool doUpper = false;
          for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
               if (mark[iColumn] < 0) {
                    mark[numberNormal++] = iColumn;
               } else {
                    numberElements += columnLength[iColumn];
                    if (columnLower[iColumn] != 0.0)
                         doLower = true;
                    if (columnUpper[iColumn] < 1.0e20)
                         doUpper = true;
          if (!numberNormal) {
               printf("Putting back one gub row to make non-empty\n");
               for (iColumn = gubStart[putGub]; iColumn < gubEnd[putGub]; iColumn++)
                    mark[numberNormal++] = iColumn;
          ClpSimplex model2(&model, numberNonGub, which + putNonGub, numberNormal, mark);
          int numberGubColumns = numberColumns - numberNormal;
          // sort gubs so monotonic
          int * which = new int[numberGub];
          int i;
          for (i = 0; i < numberGub; i++)
               which[i] = i;
          CoinSort_2(gubStart + putGub, gubStart + putGub + numberGub, which);
          int * temp1 = new int [numberGub];
          for (i = 0; i < numberGub; i++) {
               int k = which[i];
               temp1[i] = gubEnd[putGub+k];
          memcpy(gubEnd + putGub, temp1, numberGub * sizeof(int));
          delete [] temp1;
          double * temp2 = new double [numberGub];
          for (i = 0; i < numberGub; i++) {
               int k = which[i];
               temp2[i] = lower[putGub+k];
          memcpy(lower + putGub, temp2, numberGub * sizeof(double));
          for (i = 0; i < numberGub; i++) {
               int k = which[i];
               temp2[i] = upper[putGub+k];
          memcpy(upper + putGub, temp2, numberGub * sizeof(double));
          delete [] temp2;
          delete [] which;
          numberElements -= numberGubColumns;
          int * start2 = new int[numberGubColumns+1];
          int * row2 = new int[numberElements];
          double * element2 = new double[numberElements];
          double * cost2 = new double [numberGubColumns];
          double * lowerColumn2 = NULL;
          if (doLower) {
               lowerColumn2 = new double [numberGubColumns];
               CoinFillN(lowerColumn2, numberGubColumns, 0.0);
          double * upperColumn2 = NULL;
          if (doUpper) {
               upperColumn2 = new double [numberGubColumns];
               CoinFillN(upperColumn2, numberGubColumns, COIN_DBL_MAX);
          numberElements = 0;
          int numberNonGubRows = 0;
          for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
               if (!rowIsGub[iRow])
                    rowIsGub[iRow] = numberNonGubRows++;
          numberColumns = 0;
          gubStart[0] = 0;
          start2[0] = 0;
          const double * cost = model.objective();
          for (int iSet = 0; iSet < numberGub; iSet++) {
               int iStart = gubStart[iSet+putGub];
               int iEnd = gubEnd[iSet+putGub];
               for (int k = iStart; k < iEnd; k++) {
                    cost2[numberColumns] = cost[k];
                    if (columnLower[k])
                         lowerColumn2[numberColumns] = columnLower[k];
                    if (columnUpper[k] < 1.0e20)
                         upperColumn2[numberColumns] = columnUpper[k];
                    for (int j = columnStart[k]; j < columnStart[k] + columnLength[k]; j++) {
                         int iRow = rowIsGub[row[j]];
                         if (iRow >= 0) {
                              row2[numberElements] = iRow;
                              element2[numberElements++] = elementByColumn[j];
                    start2[++numberColumns] = numberElements;
               gubStart[iSet+1] = numberColumns;
          model2.replaceMatrix(new ClpGubDynamicMatrix(&model2, numberGub,
                               numberColumns, gubStart,
                               lower + putGub, upper + putGub,
                               start2, row2, element2, cost2,
                               lowerColumn2, upperColumn2));
          delete [] rowIsGub;
          delete [] start2;
          delete [] row2;
          delete [] element2;
          delete [] cost2;
          delete [] lowerColumn2;
          delete [] upperColumn2;
          // For now scaling off
          // Do partial dantzig
          ClpPrimalColumnSteepest dantzig(5);
          double time1 = CoinCpuTime();
               ClpGubDynamicMatrix * gubMatrix =
                    dynamic_cast< ClpGubDynamicMatrix*>(model2.clpMatrix());
               const double * solution = model2.primalColumnSolution();
               int numberGubColumns = gubMatrix->numberGubColumns();
               int firstOdd = gubMatrix->firstDynamic();
               int lastOdd = gubMatrix->firstAvailable();
               int numberTotalColumns = firstOdd + numberGubColumns;
               int numberRows = model2.numberRows();
               char * status = new char [numberTotalColumns];
               double * gubSolution = new double [numberTotalColumns];
               int numberSets = gubMatrix->numberSets();
               const int * id = gubMatrix->id();
               int i;
               const double * lowerColumn = gubMatrix->lowerColumn();
               const double * upperColumn = gubMatrix->upperColumn();
               for (i = 0; i < numberGubColumns; i++) {
                    if (gubMatrix->getDynamicStatus(i) == ClpGubDynamicMatrix::atUpperBound) {
                         gubSolution[i+firstOdd] = upperColumn[i];
                         status[i+firstOdd] = 2;
                    } else if (gubMatrix->getDynamicStatus(i) == ClpGubDynamicMatrix::atLowerBound && lowerColumn) {
                         gubSolution[i+firstOdd] = lowerColumn[i];
                         status[i+firstOdd] = 1;
                    } else {
                         gubSolution[i+firstOdd] = 0.0;
                         status[i+firstOdd] = 1;
               for (i = 0; i < firstOdd; i++) {
                    ClpSimplex::Status thisStatus = model2.getStatus(i);
                    if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::basic)
                         status[i] = 0;
                    else if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::atLowerBound)
                         status[i] = 1;
                    else if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::atUpperBound)
                         status[i] = 2;
                    else if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::isFixed)
                         status[i] = 3;
                    gubSolution[i] = solution[i];
               for (i = firstOdd; i < lastOdd; i++) {
                    int iBig = id[i-firstOdd] + firstOdd;
                    ClpSimplex::Status thisStatus = model2.getStatus(i);
                    if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::basic)
                         status[iBig] = 0;
                    else if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::atLowerBound)
                         status[iBig] = 1;
                    else if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::atUpperBound)
                         status[iBig] = 2;
                    else if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::isFixed)
                         status[iBig] = 3;
                    gubSolution[iBig] = solution[i];
               char * rowStatus = new char[numberRows];
               for (i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
                    ClpSimplex::Status thisStatus = model2.getRowStatus(i);
                    if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::basic)
                         rowStatus[i] = 0;
                    else if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::atLowerBound)
                         rowStatus[i] = 1;
                    else if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::atUpperBound)
                         rowStatus[i] = 2;
                    else if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::isFixed)
                         rowStatus[i] = 3;
               char * setStatus = new char[numberSets];
               int * keyVariable = new int[numberSets];
               memcpy(keyVariable, gubMatrix->keyVariable(), numberSets * sizeof(int));
               for (i = 0; i < numberSets; i++) {
                    int iKey = keyVariable[i];
                    if (iKey > lastOdd)
                         iKey = numberTotalColumns + i;
                         iKey = id[iKey-firstOdd] + firstOdd;
                    keyVariable[i] = iKey;
                    ClpSimplex::Status thisStatus = gubMatrix->getStatus(i);
                    if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::basic)
                         setStatus[i] = 0;
                    else if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::atLowerBound)
                         setStatus[i] = 1;
                    else if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::atUpperBound)
                         setStatus[i] = 2;
                    else if (thisStatus == ClpSimplex::isFixed)
                         setStatus[i] = 3;
               FILE * fp = fopen("xx.sol", "w");
               fwrite(gubSolution, sizeof(double), numberTotalColumns, fp);
               fwrite(status, sizeof(char), numberTotalColumns, fp);
               const double * rowsol = model2.primalRowSolution();
               int originalNumberRows = model.numberRows();
               double * rowsol2 = new double[originalNumberRows];
               memset(rowsol2, 0, originalNumberRows * sizeof(double));
               model.times(1.0, gubSolution, rowsol2);
               for (i = 0; i < numberRows; i++)
                    assert(fabs(rowsol[i] - rowsol2[i]) < 1.0e-3);
               //for (;i<originalNumberRows;i++)
               //printf("%d %g\n",i,rowsol2[i]);
               delete [] rowsol2;
               fwrite(rowsol, sizeof(double), numberRows, fp);
               fwrite(rowStatus, sizeof(char), numberRows, fp);
               fwrite(setStatus, sizeof(char), numberSets, fp);
               fwrite(keyVariable, sizeof(int), numberSets, fp);
               delete [] status;
               delete [] gubSolution;
               delete [] setStatus;
               delete [] keyVariable;
               // ** if going to rstart as dynamic need id_
               // also copy coding in useEf.. from ClpGubMatrix (i.e. test for basis)
          printf("obj offset is %g\n", model2.objectiveOffset());
          printf("Primal took %g seconds\n", CoinCpuTime() - time1);
     delete [] mark;
     delete [] gubStart;
     delete [] gubEnd;
     delete [] which;
     delete [] whichGub;
     delete [] lower;
     delete [] upper;
     printf("testGub2 not available with COIN_BIG_INDEX=2\n");
     return 0;
// status = write_mps_file(c,a,lhs,rhs,ub,lb,btype,vartype,filename);
// btype is not yet used. But I keep this parameter for the future
extern "C" int write_mps_file(char * fname)
  int m_c,        n_c;
  int m_a,        n_a;
  int m_lhs,      n_lhs;
  int m_rhs,      n_rhs;
  int m_ub,       n_ub;
  int m_lb,       n_lb;
  int m_col_name, n_col_name;
  int m_row_name, n_row_name;
  vector<string>  RowNames, ColNames;
  stringstream    tmpstring;

  CoinMpsIO        mpsWriter;
  DerivedHandler * printer = NULL;
  CoinPackedMatrix A_matrix;
  SciSparse        S_A;
  char ** pColNames = NULL;
  char ** pRowNames = NULL;
  int i, j, status;
  int nrows, ncols, count, type;
  int * c_addr = NULL, * lhs_addr = NULL, * rhs_addr = NULL, * ub_addr = NULL, * lb_addr = NULL;
  int * btype_addr = NULL, * vartype_addr = NULL, * pb_name_addr = NULL, * a_addr = NULL;
  int * col_name_addr = NULL, * row_name_addr = NULL, * filename_addr = NULL, * verbose_addr = NULL;
  double * c = NULL, * lhs = NULL, * rhs = NULL, * ub = NULL, * lb = NULL, * a = NULL;
  double verbose = 0;
  char * btype = NULL, * vartype = NULL, * pb_name = NULL, * filename = NULL;
  SciErr _SciErr;

  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, C_IN, &c_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, c_addr, &n_c, &m_c, &c); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, LHS_IN, &lhs_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, lhs_addr, &n_lhs, &m_lhs, &lhs); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, RHS_IN, &rhs_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, rhs_addr, &n_rhs, &m_rhs, &rhs); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, UB_IN, &ub_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, ub_addr, &n_ub, &m_ub, &ub); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, LB_IN, &lb_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, lb_addr, &n_lb, &m_lb, &lb); SCICOINOR_ERROR;

  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, BTYPE_IN, &btype_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, btype_addr, &btype);
  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, VARTYPE_IN, &vartype_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, vartype_addr, &vartype);
  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, PB_NAME_IN, &pb_name_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, pb_name_addr, &pb_name);

  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, COL_NAME_IN, &col_name_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  getAllocatedMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, col_name_addr, &n_col_name, &m_col_name, &pColNames);
  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, ROW_NAME_IN, &row_name_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  getAllocatedMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, row_name_addr, &n_row_name, &m_row_name, &pRowNames);

  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, FILENAME_IN, &filename_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, filename_addr, &filename);

  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, VERBOSE_IN, &verbose_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  getScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, verbose_addr, &verbose);

  nrows = n_lhs * m_lhs;
  if (nrows==0) nrows = n_rhs*m_rhs;
  ncols = n_c * m_c;

#ifdef DEBUG  
  DBGPRINTF("rowname n = %d m = %d\n", n_row_name, m_row_name);

  if (n_row_name * m_row_name==0)
	  tmpstring << "R" << i;
	  RowNames[i] = tmpstring.str();
	  RowNames[i] = string(pRowNames[i]);

#ifdef DEBUG
  DBGPRINTF("colname n = %d m = %d\n", n_col_name, m_col_name);

  if (n_col_name * m_col_name==0)
	  tmpstring << "R" << i;
	  ColNames[i] = tmpstring.str();
	  ColNames[i] = string(pColNames[i]);

  // The A matrix //

  _SciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, A_IN, &a_addr); SCICOINOR_ERROR;
  _SciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, a_addr, &type); SCICOINOR_ERROR;

      _SciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, a_addr, &n_a, &m_a, &a); SCICOINOR_ERROR;

      if (a==NULL) 
	  Scierror(999,"%s: invalid value of matrix a\n",fname);

	  if (pRowNames) freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(m_row_name, n_row_name, pRowNames);
	  if (pColNames) freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(m_col_name, n_col_name, pColNames);

	  return 0;
      for(i=0; i<m_a; i++)
	  for(j=0; j<n_a; j++)
	      if (*(a+i+j*m_a) != 0) A_matrix.modifyCoefficient(i,j,*(a+i+j*m_a));
      getAllocatedSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, a_addr, &S_A.m, &S_A.n, &S_A.nel, &S_A.mnel, &S_A.icol, &S_A.R);
      count = 0;
	  if (S_A.mnel[i]!=0) 

      freeAllocatedSparseMatrix(S_A.mnel, S_A.icol, S_A.R);

  if (verbose)
      printer = new DerivedHandler();

  // void setMpsData (const CoinPackedMatrix &m, const double infinity,
  //                  const double *collb, const double *colub, 
  //                  const double *obj, const char *integrality,
  //                  const double *rowlb, const double *rowub,
  //                  const std::vector< std::string > &colnames, const std::vector< std::string > &rownames)

  mpsWriter.setMpsData(A_matrix, mpsWriter.getInfinity(),
		       lb, ub, 
		       c, vartype,
		       lhs, rhs,
		       ColNames, RowNames);


  status = mpsWriter.writeMps(filename);

  createScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, STATUS_OUT, (double)status);

  LhsVar(1) = STATUS_OUT;


  if (pRowNames) freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(m_row_name, n_row_name, pRowNames);
  if (pColNames) freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(m_col_name, n_col_name, pColNames);

  return 0;