// The following rules apply for resolving conflicts and figuring out which border
// to use.
// (1) Borders with the 'border-style' of 'hidden' take precedence over all other conflicting 
// borders. Any border with this value suppresses all borders at this location.
// (2) Borders with a style of 'none' have the lowest priority. Only if the border properties of all 
// the elements meeting at this edge are 'none' will the border be omitted (but note that 'none' is 
// the default value for the border style.)
// (3) If none of the styles are 'hidden' and at least one of them is not 'none', then narrow borders 
// are discarded in favor of wider ones. If several have the same 'border-width' then styles are preferred 
// in this order: 'double', 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'ridge', 'outset', 'groove', and the lowest: 'inset'.
// (4) If border styles differ only in color, then a style set on a cell wins over one on a row, 
// which wins over a row group, column, column group and, lastly, table. It is undefined which color 
// is used when two elements of the same type disagree.
static CollapsedBorderValue compareBorders(const CollapsedBorderValue& border1, const CollapsedBorderValue& border2)
    // Sanity check the values passed in.  If either is null, return the other.
    if (!border2.exists())
        return border1;
    if (!border1.exists())
        return border2;

    // Rule #1 above.
    if (border1.style() == BHIDDEN || border2.style() == BHIDDEN)
        return CollapsedBorderValue(); // No border should exist at this location.
    // Rule #2 above.  A style of 'none' has lowest priority and always loses to any other border.
    if (border2.style() == BNONE)
        return border1;
    if (border1.style() == BNONE)
        return border2;

    // The first part of rule #3 above. Wider borders win.
    if (border1.width() != border2.width())
        return border1.width() > border2.width() ? border1 : border2;
    // The borders have equal width.  Sort by border style.
    if (border1.style() != border2.style())
        return border1.style() > border2.style() ? border1 : border2;
    // The border have the same width and style.  Rely on precedence (cell over row over row group, etc.)
    return border1.precedence >= border2.precedence ? border1 : border2;
int RenderTableCell::borderHalfEnd(bool outer) const
    CollapsedBorderValue border = collapsedEndBorder();
    if (border.exists())
        return (border.width() + ((table()->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ^ outer) ? 0 : 1)) / 2;
    return 0;
int RenderTableCell::borderHalfBottom(bool outer) const
    CollapsedBorderValue border = collapsedBottomBorder();
    if (border.exists())
        return (border.width() + (outer ? 1 : 0)) / 2;
    return 0;
int RenderTableCell::borderHalfTop(bool outer) const
    CollapsedBorderValue border = collapsedTopBorder();
    if (border.exists())
        return (border.width() + (outer ? 0 : 1)) / 2; // Give the extra pixel to top and left.
    return 0;
int RenderTableCell::borderHalfRight(bool outer) const
    CollapsedBorderValue border = collapsedRightBorder(table()->style()->direction() == RTL);
    if (border.exists())
        return (border.width() + (outer ? 1 : 0)) / 2;
    return 0;
int RenderTableCell::borderHalfLeft(bool outer) const
    CollapsedBorderValue border = collapsedLeftBorder(table()->style()->direction() == RTL);
    if (border.exists())
        return (border.width() + (outer ? 0 : 1)) / 2; // Give the extra pixel to top and left.
    return 0;
int RenderTableCell::borderHalfBefore(bool outer) const
    CollapsedBorderValue border = collapsedBeforeBorder();
    if (border.exists())
        return (border.width() + ((table()->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ^ outer) ? 0 : 1)) / 2; // Give the extra pixel to top and left.
    return 0;
int RenderTableCell::borderHalfAfter(bool outer) const
    CollapsedBorderValue border = collapsedAfterBorder();
    if (border.exists())
        return (border.width() + ((table()->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ^ outer) ? 1 : 0)) / 2;
    return 0;
int RenderTableCell::borderHalfStart(bool outer) const
    CollapsedBorderValue border = collapsedStartBorder();
    if (border.exists())
        return (border.width() + ((table()->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ^ outer) ? 1 : 0)) / 2; // Give the extra pixel to top and left.
    return 0;
static void addBorderStyle(RenderTableCell::CollapsedBorderStyles& borderStyles, CollapsedBorderValue borderValue)
    if (!borderValue.exists())
    size_t count = borderStyles.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        if (borderStyles[i] == borderValue)
// The following rules apply for resolving conflicts and figuring out which border
// to use.
// (1) Borders with the 'border-style' of 'hidden' take precedence over all other conflicting 
// borders. Any border with this value suppresses all borders at this location.
// (2) Borders with a style of 'none' have the lowest priority. Only if the border properties of all 
// the elements meeting at this edge are 'none' will the border be omitted (but note that 'none' is 
// the default value for the border style.)
// (3) If none of the styles are 'hidden' and at least one of them is not 'none', then narrow borders 
// are discarded in favor of wider ones. If several have the same 'border-width' then styles are preferred 
// in this order: 'double', 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'ridge', 'outset', 'groove', and the lowest: 'inset'.
// (4) If border styles differ only in color, then a style set on a cell wins over one on a row, 
// which wins over a row group, column, column group and, lastly, table. It is undefined which color 
// is used when two elements of the same type disagree.
static int compareBorders(const CollapsedBorderValue& border1, const CollapsedBorderValue& border2)
    // Sanity check the values passed in. The null border have lowest priority.
    if (!border2.exists()) {
        if (!border1.exists())
            return 0;
        return 1;
    if (!border1.exists())
        return -1;

    // Rule #1 above.
    if (border2.style() == BHIDDEN) {
        if (border1.style() == BHIDDEN)
            return 0;
        return -1;
    if (border1.style() == BHIDDEN)
        return 1;
    // Rule #2 above.  A style of 'none' has lowest priority and always loses to any other border.
    if (border2.style() == BNONE) {
        if (border1.style() == BNONE)
            return 0;
        return 1;
    if (border1.style() == BNONE)
        return -1;

    // The first part of rule #3 above. Wider borders win.
    if (border1.width() != border2.width())
        return border1.width() < border2.width() ? -1 : 1;
    // The borders have equal width.  Sort by border style.
    if (border1.style() != border2.style())
        return border1.style() < border2.style() ? -1 : 1;
    // The border have the same width and style.  Rely on precedence (cell over row over row group, etc.)
    if (border1.precedence() == border2.precedence())
        return 0;
    return border1.precedence() < border2.precedence() ? -1 : 1;
Exemple #12
 void addBorder(const CollapsedBorderValue& borderValue, BoxSide borderSide, bool shouldPaint, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, EBorderStyle borderStyle)
     if (borderValue.exists() && shouldPaint) {
         m_borders[m_count].borderValue = borderValue;
         m_borders[m_count].side = borderSide;
         m_borders[m_count].shouldPaint = shouldPaint;
         m_borders[m_count].x1 = x1;
         m_borders[m_count].x2 = x2;
         m_borders[m_count].y1 = y1;
         m_borders[m_count].y2 = y2;
         m_borders[m_count].style = borderStyle;
CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedTopBorder() const
    // For border top, we need to check, in order of precedence:
    // (1) Our top border.
    CollapsedBorderValue result = CollapsedBorderValue(&style()->borderTop(), BCELL);
    RenderTableCell* prevCell = table()->cellAbove(this);
    if (prevCell) {
        // (2) A previous cell's bottom border.
        result = compareBorders(CollapsedBorderValue(&prevCell->style()->borderBottom(), BCELL), result);
        if (!result.exists()) 
            return result;
    // (3) Our row's top border.
    result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&parent()->style()->borderTop(), BROW));
    if (!result.exists())
        return result;
    // (4) The previous row's bottom border.
    if (prevCell) {
        RenderObject* prevRow = 0;
        if (prevCell->section() == section())
            prevRow = parent()->previousSibling();
            prevRow = prevCell->section()->lastChild();
        if (prevRow) {
            result = compareBorders(CollapsedBorderValue(&prevRow->style()->borderBottom(), BROW), result);
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
    // Now check row groups.
    RenderTableSection* currSection = section();
    if (!row()) {
        // (5) Our row group's top border.
        result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&currSection->style()->borderTop(), BROWGROUP));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
        // (6) Previous row group's bottom border.
        currSection = table()->sectionAbove(currSection);
        if (currSection) {
            result = compareBorders(CollapsedBorderValue(&currSection->style()->borderBottom(), BROWGROUP), result);
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
    if (!currSection) {
        // (8) Our column and column group's top borders.
        RenderTableCol* colElt = table()->colElement(col());
        if (colElt) {
            result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderTop(), BCOL));
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
            if (colElt->parent()->isTableCol()) {
                result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->parent()->style()->borderTop(), BCOLGROUP));
                if (!result.exists())
                    return result;
        // (9) The table's top border.
        result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&table()->style()->borderTop(), BTABLE));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    return result;
CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedBottomBorder() const
    // For border top, we need to check, in order of precedence:
    // (1) Our bottom border.
    CollapsedBorderValue result = CollapsedBorderValue(&style()->borderBottom(), BCELL);
    RenderTableCell* nextCell = table()->cellBelow(this);
    if (nextCell) {
        // (2) A following cell's top border.
        result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&nextCell->style()->borderTop(), BCELL));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    // (3) Our row's bottom border. (FIXME: Deal with rowspan!)
    result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&parent()->style()->borderBottom(), BROW));
    if (!result.exists())
        return result;
    // (4) The next row's top border.
    if (nextCell) {
        result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&nextCell->parent()->style()->borderTop(), BROW));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    // Now check row groups.
    RenderTableSection* currSection = section();
    if (row() + rowSpan() >= currSection->numRows()) {
        // (5) Our row group's bottom border.
        result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&currSection->style()->borderBottom(), BROWGROUP));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
        // (6) Following row group's top border.
        currSection = table()->sectionBelow(currSection);
        if (currSection) {
            result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&currSection->style()->borderTop(), BROWGROUP));
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
    if (!currSection) {
        // (8) Our column and column group's bottom borders.
        RenderTableCol* colElt = table()->colElement(col());
        if (colElt) {
            result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderBottom(), BCOL));
            if (!result.exists()) return result;
            if (colElt->parent()->isTableCol()) {
                result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->parent()->style()->borderBottom(), BCOLGROUP));
                if (!result.exists())
                    return result;
        // (9) The table's bottom border.
        result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&table()->style()->borderBottom(), BTABLE));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    return result;    
CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedRightBorder(bool rtl) const
    RenderTable* tableElt = table();
    bool rightmostColumn;
    if (rtl)
        rightmostColumn = col() == 0;
    else {
        int effCol = tableElt->colToEffCol(col() + colSpan() - 1);
        rightmostColumn = effCol == tableElt->numEffCols() - 1;
    // For border right, we need to check, in order of precedence:
    // (1) Our right border.
    CollapsedBorderValue result = CollapsedBorderValue(&style()->borderRight(), BCELL);
    // (2) The left border of the cell to the right.
    if (!rightmostColumn) {
        RenderTableCell* nextCell = rtl ? tableElt->cellBefore(this) : tableElt->cellAfter(this);
        if (nextCell && nextCell->style()) {
            result = rtl ? compareBorders(CollapsedBorderValue(&nextCell->style()->borderLeft(), BCELL), result) : compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&nextCell->style()->borderLeft(), BCELL));
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
    } else {
        // (3) Our row's right border.
        result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&parent()->style()->borderRight(), BROW));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
        // (4) Our row group's right border.
        result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&section()->style()->borderRight(), BROWGROUP));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    // (5) Our column and column group's right borders.
    bool startColEdge;
    bool endColEdge;
    RenderTableCol* colElt = tableElt->colElement(col() + (rtl ? 0 : colSpan() - 1), &startColEdge, &endColEdge);
    if (colElt && (!rtl ? endColEdge : startColEdge)) {
        result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderRight(), BCOL));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
        if (colElt->parent()->isTableCol() && (!rtl ? !colElt->nextSibling() : !colElt->previousSibling())) {
            result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->parent()->style()->borderRight(), BCOLGROUP));
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
    // (6) The left border of the column to the right.
    if (!rightmostColumn) {
        colElt = tableElt->colElement(col() + (rtl ? -1 : colSpan()), &startColEdge, &endColEdge);
        if (colElt && (!rtl ? startColEdge : endColEdge)) {
            result = rtl ? compareBorders(CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderLeft(), BCOL), result) : compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderLeft(), BCOL));
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
    } else {
        // (7) The table's right border.
        result = compareBorders(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&tableElt->style()->borderRight(), BTABLE));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    return result;
CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedAfterBorder() const
    RenderTable* table = this->table();

    // For after border, we need to check, in order of precedence:
    // (1) Our after border.
    int before = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode());
    int after = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode());
    CollapsedBorderValue result = CollapsedBorderValue(&style()->borderAfter(), style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BCELL);
    RenderTableCell* nextCell = table->cellBelow(this);
    if (nextCell) {
        // (2) An after cell's before border.
        result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&nextCell->style()->borderBefore(), nextCell->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BCELL));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    // (3) Our row's after border. (FIXME: Deal with rowspan!)
    result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&parent()->style()->borderAfter(), parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BROW));
    if (!result.exists())
        return result;
    // (4) The next row's before border.
    if (nextCell) {
        result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&nextCell->parent()->style()->borderBefore(), nextCell->parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BROW));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    // Now check row groups.
    RenderTableSection* currSection = section();
    if (row() + rowSpan() >= currSection->numRows()) {
        // (5) Our row group's after border.
        result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&currSection->style()->borderAfter(), currSection->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BROWGROUP));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
        // (6) Following row group's before border.
        currSection = table->sectionBelow(currSection);
        if (currSection) {
            result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&currSection->style()->borderBefore(), currSection->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BROWGROUP));
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
    if (!currSection) {
        // (8) Our column and column group's after borders.
        RenderTableCol* colElt = table->colElement(col());
        if (colElt) {
            result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderAfter(), colElt->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BCOL));
            if (!result.exists()) return result;
            if (colElt->parent()->isTableCol()) {
                result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->parent()->style()->borderAfter(), colElt->parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BCOLGROUP));
                if (!result.exists())
                    return result;
        // (9) The table's after border.
        result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&table->style()->borderAfter(), table->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BTABLE));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    return result;    
CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedBeforeBorder() const
    RenderTable* table = this->table();

    // For before border, we need to check, in order of precedence:
    // (1) Our before border.
    int before = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode());
    int after = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode());
    CollapsedBorderValue result = CollapsedBorderValue(&style()->borderBefore(), style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BCELL);
    RenderTableCell* prevCell = table->cellAbove(this);
    if (prevCell) {
        // (2) A before cell's after border.
        result = chooseBorder(CollapsedBorderValue(&prevCell->style()->borderAfter(), prevCell->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BCELL), result);
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    // (3) Our row's before border.
    result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&parent()->style()->borderBefore(), parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BROW));
    if (!result.exists())
        return result;
    // (4) The previous row's after border.
    if (prevCell) {
        RenderObject* prevRow = 0;
        if (prevCell->section() == section())
            prevRow = parent()->previousSibling();
            prevRow = prevCell->section()->lastChild();
        if (prevRow) {
            result = chooseBorder(CollapsedBorderValue(&prevRow->style()->borderAfter(), prevRow->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BROW), result);
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
    // Now check row groups.
    RenderTableSection* currSection = section();
    if (!row()) {
        // (5) Our row group's before border.
        result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&currSection->style()->borderBefore(), currSection->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BROWGROUP));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
        // (6) Previous row group's after border.
        currSection = table->sectionAbove(currSection);
        if (currSection) {
            result = chooseBorder(CollapsedBorderValue(&currSection->style()->borderAfter(), currSection->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BROWGROUP), result);
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
    if (!currSection) {
        // (8) Our column and column group's before borders.
        RenderTableCol* colElt = table->colElement(col());
        if (colElt) {
            result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderBefore(), colElt->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BCOL));
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
            if (colElt->parent()->isTableCol()) {
                result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->parent()->style()->borderBefore(), colElt->parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BCOLGROUP));
                if (!result.exists())
                    return result;
        // (9) The table's before border.
        result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&table->style()->borderBefore(), table->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BTABLE));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    return result;
CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedEndBorder() const
    RenderTable* table = this->table();
    bool isEndColumn = table->colToEffCol(col() + colSpan() - 1) == table->numEffCols() - 1;

    // For end border, we need to check, in order of precedence:
    // (1) Our end border.
    int start = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStartColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode());
    int end = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEndColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode());
    CollapsedBorderValue result = CollapsedBorderValue(&style()->borderEnd(), style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BCELL);
    // (2) The start border of the following cell.
    if (!isEndColumn) {
        RenderTableCell* nextCell = table->cellAfter(this);
        if (nextCell && nextCell->style()) {
            CollapsedBorderValue startBorder = CollapsedBorderValue(&nextCell->style()->borderStart(), nextCell->style()->visitedDependentColor(start), BCELL);
            result = chooseBorder(result, startBorder);
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
    } else {
        // (3) Our row's end border.
        result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&parent()->style()->borderEnd(), parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BROW));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
        // (4) Our row group's end border.
        result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&section()->style()->borderEnd(), section()->style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BROWGROUP));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    // (5) Our column and column group's end borders.
    bool startColEdge;
    bool endColEdge;
    RenderTableCol* colElt = table->colElement(col() + colSpan() - 1, &startColEdge, &endColEdge);
    if (colElt && endColEdge) {
        result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderEnd(), colElt->style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BCOL));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
        if (colElt->parent()->isTableCol() && !colElt->nextSibling()) {
            result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->parent()->style()->borderEnd(), colElt->parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BCOLGROUP));
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
    // (6) The start border of the next column.
    if (!isEndColumn) {
        colElt = table->colElement(col() + colSpan(), &startColEdge, &endColEdge);
        if (colElt && startColEdge) {
            CollapsedBorderValue startBorder = CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderStart(), colElt->style()->visitedDependentColor(start), BCOL);
            result = chooseBorder(result, startBorder);
            if (!result.exists())
                return result;
    } else {
        // (7) The table's end border.
        result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&table->style()->borderEnd(), table->style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BTABLE));
        if (!result.exists())
            return result;
    return result;