Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

	CommandParser commandParser;

	CommandFactory commandFactory;

	try {
		int commandCode = UNKNOWN_COMMAND;
		CommandParams commandParams;
		commandParser.getCommandCodeAndParams(argc, argv, commandCode, commandParams);

		ContextPtr pContext = Context::setup(DRY_MODE, ".3app");
		CommandPtr pCommand = commandFactory.getCommand(commandCode, commandParams);

		delete pContext;
	catch(std::exception const& e) {
		std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
void ConsoleController::processInput(const CommandFactory& commandFactory)
	std::string line;
	while (std::getline(std::cin, line))
		auto args = split(line, ' ');
		if (args.size() >= 1)
			auto command = commandFactory.getCommand(args[0]);
			if (command)
				command->execute(shared_from_this(), args);
				if (args[0] == "exit")
int LoadLogfileCommand::execute(){
	try {
		if (abort == true) { if (calledHelp) { return 0; }  return 2;	}
        m->mothurOut("Extracting current files names..."); m->mothurOutEndLine(); 
        CommandFactory* cFactory;
        cFactory = CommandFactory::getInstance();
        ifstream in;
        m->openInputFile(logfile, in);
        set<string> currentTypes = m->getCurrentTypes();
        map<string, string> currentFiles;
        string commandName = "";
        bool skip = false;
        string line = "";
        while (!in.eof()) {
            if (m->control_pressed) { break; }

            if (!skip) {  line = m->getline(in); m->gobble(in); }
            //look for "mothur >"
            int pos = line.find("mothur > "); //command line
            int pos2 = line.find("Output File "); //indicates command completed and we can update the current file
            int pos3 = line.find("/*****************"); 
            //skipping over parts where a command runs another command
            if (pos3 != string::npos) {
                while (!in.eof()) {
                    if (m->control_pressed) { break; }
                    line = m->getline(in); m->gobble(in); 
                    int posTemp = line.find("/*****************");
                    if (posTemp != string::npos) { break; }
            if (pos != string::npos) { 
                //extract command name and option string
                string input = line.substr(pos+9);
                CommandOptionParser parser(input);
                commandName = parser.getCommandString();
                string options = parser.getOptionString();
                //parse out parameters in option string
                map<string,string> parameters;
                OptionParser optionParser(options, parameters);
                for (map<string, string>::iterator it = parameters.begin(); it != parameters.end(); it++) {
                    if (currentTypes.count((it->first)) != 0) { //if this is a type we save
                        if (it->second != "current") { currentFiles[it->first] = it->second; }//save the input file name as current
            }else if (pos2 != string::npos) { 
                //read file output file names
                vector<string> theseOutputNames;
                while (!in.eof()) {
                    if (m->control_pressed) { break; }
                    line = m->getline(in); m->gobble(in); 
                    int pos = line.find("mothur > ");
                    if (pos != string::npos) { skip = true; break;  }
                    else {  theseOutputNames.push_back(line);  }
                //ask command for the output names for each type based on inputs
                Command* command = cFactory->getCommand(commandName);
                map<string, vector<string> > thisOutputTypes = command->getOutputFiles();
                for (map<string, vector<string> >::iterator it = thisOutputTypes.begin(); it != thisOutputTypes.end(); it++) {
                    if (currentTypes.count((it->first)) != 0) {  //do we save this type
                        //if yes whats its tag
                        map<string, string>::iterator itCurrentFiles = currentFiles.find(it->first);
                        string thisTypesCurrentFile = "";
                        if (itCurrentFiles != currentFiles.end()) { thisTypesCurrentFile = itCurrentFiles->second;  }
                        //outputfilename pattern for this input type
                        string pattern = command->getOutputPattern(it->first);
                        updateCurrent(pattern, it->first, thisTypesCurrentFile, theseOutputNames, currentFiles);
                        //cout << "current=\n\n";
                        //for (map<string, string>::iterator itcc = currentFiles.begin(); itcc != currentFiles.end(); itcc++) {
                          //  cout << itcc->first << '\t' << itcc->second << endl;
                       // }
        if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; }
        //output results
        string inputString = "";
        for (map<string, string>::iterator it = currentFiles.begin(); it != currentFiles.end(); it++) { inputString += it->first + "=" + it->second + ","; }
        if (inputString != "") { 
            inputString = inputString.substr(0, inputString.length()-1); 
			m->mothurOut("/******************************************/"); m->mothurOutEndLine(); 
			m->mothurOut("Running command: set.current(" + inputString + ")"); m->mothurOutEndLine(); 
			m->mothurCalling = true;
			Command* currentCommand = new SetCurrentCommand(inputString);
            delete currentCommand;
			m->mothurCalling = false;
			m->mothurOut("/******************************************/"); m->mothurOutEndLine(); 

        return 0;
	catch(exception& e) {
		m->errorOut(e, "LoadLogfileCommand", "execute");