virtual Command* build(int commandID, ServiceThread* service) { CommandMap::iterator i = commandsV1.find((SAFMQ_COM_CMD)commandID); if (i != commandsV1.end()) { return (i->second)(service); } return NULL; }
bool CursorDependantKeyHandler::onKeyPressed( QShell& shell, QKeyEvent* e ) { static CommandMap fns = CreateCursorDependantFunctions(); auto it = fns.find(e->key()); if (it != end(fns)) { MoveCursorAtEndIfBadPosition(shell); return it->second(shell, e); } return false; }
bool MiscKeyHandler::onKeyPressed( QShell& shell, QKeyEvent* e ) { static vector<int> specKeys = SpecialKeys(); static CommandMap fns = CreateCursorIndependantFunctions(); auto key = e->key(); if (e->matches(QKeySequence::Copy) || e->matches(QKeySequence::Undo) || e->matches(QKeySequence::Redo) || find(begin(specKeys), end(specKeys), key) != end(specKeys)) { shell.processKeyEvent(e); return true; } auto it = fns.find(key); if (it != end(fns)) { auto res = it->second(shell, e); AcceptEvent(shell, e); return res; } return false; }
static void ComposeFunctions( const KBData &composition, KBSTATE k ) { std::string s =; while ( s.length() ) { std::string::size_type where = s.find( " " ); std::string t = s.substr( 0, where ); if (where != std::string::npos) s = s.substr( where+1 ); else s = ""; where = t.find( "(" ); std::string args; if (where != string::npos) { args = t.substr( where+1 ); std::string::size_type paren = args.find( ")" ); if (paren != string::npos) args = args.substr( 0, paren ); t = t.substr( 0, where ); } CommandMap::iterator i = commandMap.find( t ); if ( i != commandMap.end() ) (*i).second( args, k ); } }
void Run(CommandMap & commands){ FbxScene * scene = nullptr; try{ auto & fbx = FBX::GetInstance(); // IMPORT cout << "Importing..." << std::endl; auto input = commands.find(kInputCommand); scene = fbx.Import(input->second.front()); //EXECUTION //if (commands.find(kTriangulateCommand) != commands.end()){ cout << "Triangulating (this could take a couple of minutes)..." << std::endl; fbx.Triangulate(*scene); //} CommandMap::iterator cmd; if (commands.find(kRemap) != commands.end()){ cout << "Re-mapping mesh attributes..." << std::endl; fbx.RemapAttributes(*scene); } if ((cmd = commands.find(kExtension)) != commands.end()){ cout << "Normalizing texture paths..." << std::endl; fbx.NormalizeTexturePaths(*scene, input->second.front(), cmd->second.size() <= 0 ? "" : cmd->second.front()); } // EXPORT cout << "Exporting to FBX..." << std::endl; auto output = commands.find(kOutputCommand); fbx.Export(*scene, output->second.front()); // YAY! cout << "Done!" << std::endl; } catch (std::exception & e){ //Darn... cout << e.what() << std::endl; } //Cleanup if (scene != nullptr){ scene->Destroy(); } }