Exemple #1
bool MonavRunnerPrivate::retrieveData( const RouteRequest *route, const QString &mapDir, RoutingResult* reply ) const
    QLocalSocket socket;
    socket.connectToServer( "MoNavD" );
    if ( socket.waitForConnected() ) {
        if ( m_plugin->monavVersion() == MonavPlugin::Monav_0_3 ) {
            CommandType commandType;
            commandType.value = CommandType::RoutingCommand;
            commandType.post( &socket );

        RoutingCommand command;
        QVector<Node> waypoints;

        for ( int i = 0; i < route->size(); ++i ) {
            Node coordinate;
            coordinate.longitude = route->at( i ).longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
            coordinate.latitude = route->at( i ).latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
            waypoints << coordinate;

        command.dataDirectory = mapDir;
        command.lookupRadius = 1500;
        command.waypoints = waypoints;
        command.lookupStrings = true;

        command.post( &socket );

        if ( reply->read( &socket ) ) {
            switch ( reply->type ) {
            case RoutingResult::LoadFailed:
                mDebug() << "failed to load monav map from " << mapDir;
                return false;
            case RoutingResult::RouteFailed:
                mDebug() << "failed to retrieve route from monav daemon";
                return false;
            case RoutingResult::TypeLookupFailed:
                mDebug() << "failed to lookup type from monav daemon";
                return false;
            case RoutingResult::NameLookupFailed:
                mDebug() << "failed to lookup name from monav daemon";
                return false;
            case RoutingResult::Success:
                return true;
        } else {
            mDebug() << "Failed to read reply";
    } else {
        mDebug() << "No connection to MoNavD";

    return false;
Exemple #2
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
	CommandType commandType;
	UnpackCommand unpackCommand;
	RoutingCommand routingCommand;
	routingCommand.lookupStrings = true;

	if ( !processArguments( &commandType, &unpackCommand, &routingCommand, argc, argv ) ) {
		qDebug() << "usage:" << argv[0] << "data-directory latitude1 longitude1 latitude2 longitude2 [...latitudeN longitudeN]";
		qDebug() << "\tcomputes a route using between the specified waypoints";
		qDebug() << "usage:" << argv[0] << "monav-map-module-file";
		qDebug() << "\tunpacks a map module";
		return 1;

	QLocalSocket connection;
	connection.connectToServer( "MoNavD" );
	if ( !connection.waitForConnected() ) {
		qDebug() << "failed to connect to daemon:" << connection.error();
		return 2;

	commandType.post( &connection );

	if ( commandType.value == CommandType::UnpackCommand ) {
		unpackCommand.post( &connection );
		UnpackResult reply;
		reply.type = UnpackResult::FailUnpacking;
		reply.read( &connection );
		qDebug() << connection.state();

		if ( reply.type == UnpackResult::FailUnpacking ) {
			qDebug() << "failed to unpack map file";
			return 3;
		qDebug() << "finished unpacking map file";
		return 0;

	routingCommand.post( &connection );
	RoutingResult reply;
	reply.read( &connection );
	qDebug() << connection.state();

	if ( reply.type == RoutingResult::LoadFailed ) {
		qDebug() << "failed to load data directory";
		return 3;
	} else if ( reply.type == RoutingResult::RouteFailed ) {
		qDebug() << "failed to compute route";
		return 3;
	} else if ( reply.type == RoutingResult::NameLookupFailed ) {
		qDebug() << "failed to compute route";
		return 3;
	} else if ( reply.type == RoutingResult::TypeLookupFailed ) {
		qDebug() << "failed to compute route";
		return 3;
	}else if ( reply.type == RoutingResult::Success ) {
		int seconds = reply.seconds;
		qDebug() << "distance:" << seconds / 60 / 60 << "h" << ( seconds / 60 ) % 60 << "m" << seconds % 60 << "s";
		qDebug() << "nodes:" << reply.pathNodes.size();
		qDebug() << "edges:" << reply.pathEdges.size();

		unsigned node = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < reply.pathEdges.size(); i++ ) {
			QString name = reply.nameStrings[reply.pathEdges[i].name];
			QString type = reply.typeStrings[reply.pathEdges[i].type];
			qDebug() << "name:" << name.toUtf8() << "type:" << type << "nodes:" << reply.pathEdges[i].length + 1 << "seconds:" << reply.pathEdges[i].seconds << "branching possible:" << reply.pathEdges[i].branchingPossible;
			for ( unsigned j = 0; j <= reply.pathEdges[i].length; j++ ) {
				QString latitude, longitude;
				latitude.setNum( reply.pathNodes[j + node].latitude, 'g', 10 );
				longitude.setNum( reply.pathNodes[j + node].longitude, 'g', 10 );
				qDebug() << latitude.toLatin1().data() << longitude.toLatin1().data();
			node += reply.pathEdges[i].length;
	} else {
		qDebug() << "return value not recognized";
		return 5;