// Captures the currently pressed finger into onboard ram use this prior to other commands
// Parameter: true for high quality image(slower), false for low quality image (faster)
// Generally, use high quality for enrollment, and low quality for verification/identification
// Returns: True if ok, false if no finger pressed
bool FPS_GT511C3::CaptureFinger(bool highquality)
	if (UseSerialDebug) Serial.println("FPS - CaptureFinger");
	Command_Packet* cp = new Command_Packet();
	cp->Command = Command_Packet::Commands::CaptureFinger;
	if (highquality)
	byte* packetbytes = cp->GetPacketBytes();
	SendCommand(packetbytes, 12);
	Response_Packet* rp = GetResponse();
	bool retval = rp->ACK;
	delete rp;
	delete packetbytes;
	delete cp;
	return retval;

// Deletes the specified ID (enrollment) from the database
// Parameter: 0-199 (id number to be deleted)
// Returns: true if successful, false if position invalid
bool FPS_GT511C3::DeleteID(int id)
	if (UseSerialDebug) Serial.println("FPS - DeleteID");
	Command_Packet* cp = new Command_Packet();
	cp->Command = Command_Packet::Commands::DeleteID;
	byte* packetbytes = cp->GetPacketBytes();
	SendCommand(packetbytes, 12);
	Response_Packet* rp = GetResponse();
	bool retval = rp->ACK;
	delete rp;
	delete packetbytes;
	delete cp;
	return retval;
Exemple #3
// checks to see if the ID number is in use or not
// Parameter: 0-199
// Return: True if the ID number is enrolled, false if not
bool FPS_GT511C3::CheckEnrolled(int id)
  if (UseSerialDebug) Serial.println("FPS - CheckEnrolled");
  Command_Packet* cp = new Command_Packet();
  cp->Command = Command_Packet::Commands::CheckEnrolled;
  char* packetchars = cp->GetPacketBytes();
  delete cp;
  SendCommand(packetchars, 12);
  delete packetchars;
  Response_Packet* rp = GetResponse();
  bool retval = false;
  retval = rp->ACK;
  delete rp;
  return retval;
// Starts the Enrollment Process
// Parameter: 0-199
// Return:
//	0 - ACK
//	1 - Database is full
//	2 - Invalid Position
//	3 - Position(ID) is already used
int FPS_GT511C3::EnrollStart(int id)
	if (UseSerialDebug) Serial.println("FPS - EnrollStart");
	Command_Packet* cp = new Command_Packet();
	cp->Command = Command_Packet::Commands::EnrollStart;
	byte* packetbytes = cp->GetPacketBytes();
	delete cp;
	SendCommand(packetbytes, 12);
	delete packetbytes;
	Response_Packet* rp = GetResponse();
	int retval = 0;
	if (rp->ACK == false)
		if (rp->Error == Response_Packet::ErrorCodes::NACK_DB_IS_FULL) retval = 1;
		if (rp->Error == Response_Packet::ErrorCodes::NACK_INVALID_POS) retval = 2;
		if (rp->Error == Response_Packet::ErrorCodes::NACK_IS_ALREADY_USED) retval = 3;
	delete rp;
	return retval;
Exemple #5
// Checks the currently pressed finger against a specific ID
// Parameter: 0-199 (id number to be checked)
// Returns:
//  0 - Verified OK (the correct finger)
//  1 - Invalid Position
//  2 - ID is not in use
//  3 - Verified FALSE (not the correct finger)
int FPS_GT511C3::Verify1_1(int id)
  if (UseSerialDebug) Serial.println("FPS - Verify1_1");
  Command_Packet* cp = new Command_Packet();
  cp->Command = Command_Packet::Commands::Verify1_1;
  char* packetchars = cp->GetPacketBytes();
  SendCommand(packetchars, 12);
  Response_Packet* rp = GetResponse();
  int retval = 0;
  if (rp->ACK == false)
    if (rp->Error == Response_Packet::ErrorCodes::NACK_INVALID_POS) retval = 1;
    if (rp->Error == Response_Packet::ErrorCodes::NACK_IS_NOT_USED) retval = 2;
    if (rp->Error == Response_Packet::ErrorCodes::NACK_VERIFY_FAILED) retval = 3;
  delete rp;
  delete packetchars;
  delete cp;
  return retval;
// Checks the currently pressed finger against a specific ID
// Parameter: 0-199 (id number to be checked)
// Returns:
//	0 - Verified OK (the correct finger)
//	1 - Invalid Position
//	2 - ID is not in use
//	3 - Verified FALSE (not the correct finger)
int FPS_GT511C3::Verify1_1(int id)
	if (UseSerialDebug) Serial.println("FPS - Verify1_1");
	Command_Packet* cp = new Command_Packet();
	cp->Command = Command_Packet::Commands::Verify1_1;
	byte* packetbytes = cp->GetPacketBytes();
	SendCommand(packetbytes, 12);
	Response_Packet* rp = GetResponse();
	int retval = 0;
	if (rp->ACK == false)
		retval = 3; // grw 01/03/15 - set default value of not verified before assignment
		if (rp->Error == Response_Packet::ErrorCodes::NACK_INVALID_POS) retval = 1;
		if (rp->Error == Response_Packet::ErrorCodes::NACK_IS_NOT_USED) retval = 2;
		if (rp->Error == Response_Packet::ErrorCodes::NACK_VERIFY_FAILED) retval = 3;
	delete rp;
	delete packetbytes;
	delete cp;
	return retval;
// Changes the baud rate of the connection
// Parameter: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
// Returns: True if success, false if invalid baud
// NOTE: Untested (don't have a logic level changer and a voltage divider is too slow)
bool FPS_GT511C3::ChangeBaudRate(int baud)
	if ((baud == 9600) || (baud == 19200) || (baud == 38400) || (baud == 57600) || (baud == 115200))

		if (UseSerialDebug) Serial.println("FPS - ChangeBaudRate");
		Command_Packet* cp = new Command_Packet();
		cp->Command = Command_Packet::Commands::Open;
		byte* packetbytes = cp->GetPacketBytes();
		SendCommand(packetbytes, 12);
		Response_Packet* rp = GetResponse();
		bool retval = rp->ACK;
		if (retval) 
		delete rp;
		delete packetbytes;
		return retval;
	return false;