	calculateWallOffset (const CompRect  &output,
			     const CompPoint &offsetInScreenCoords,
			     const CompPoint &vpSize,
			     const CompSize  &screenSize,
			     float           &offsetInWorldX,
			     float           &offsetInWorldY,
			     float	     &worldScaleFactorX,
			     float	     &worldScaleFactorY,
			     float           animationProgress)
	    const float sx = screenSize.width () / static_cast <float> (output.width ());
	    const float sy = screenSize.height () / static_cast <float> (output.height ());
	    offsetInWorldX = 0.0;
	    offsetInWorldY = 0.0;
	    worldScaleFactorX = 1.0f;
	    worldScaleFactorY = 1.0f;

	    if (output.left () == 0)
		offsetInWorldX = ((vpSize.x () * sx) / ((float) output.width ()) * (offsetInScreenCoords.x ()) * animationProgress);
		worldScaleFactorX = 1.0f - ((float) (offsetInScreenCoords.x ()) / (float) (output.width ())) * animationProgress;

	    if (output.top () == 0)
		offsetInWorldY = ((vpSize.y () * sy) / ((float) output.height ()) * (offsetInScreenCoords.y ()) * animationProgress);
		worldScaleFactorY = 1.0f - ((float) (offsetInScreenCoords.y ()) / (float) output.height ()) * animationProgress;
Exemple #2
ResizeWindow::getStretchScale (BoxPtr pBox, float *xScale, float *yScale)
    CompRect rect (window->borderRect ());

    *xScale = (rect.width ())  ? (pBox->x2 - pBox->x1) /
				 (float) rect.width () : 1.0f;
    *yScale = (rect.height ()) ? (pBox->y2 - pBox->y1) /
				 (float) rect.height () : 1.0f;
LeafSpreadAnim::init ()
    if (!tessellateIntoRectangles (20, 14, 15.0f))

    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());

    float fadeDuration = 0.26;
    float life = 0.4;
    float spreadFac = 3.5;
    float randYMax = 0.07;
    float winFacX = outRect.width () / 800.0;
    float winFacY = outRect.height () / 800.0;
    float winFacZ = (outRect.height () + outRect.width ()) / 2.0 / 800.0;

    float screenSizeFactor = (0.8 * DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA * ::screen->width ());

    foreach (PolygonObject *p, mPolygons)
	p->rotAxis.set (RAND_FLOAT (), RAND_FLOAT (), RAND_FLOAT ());

	float speed = screenSizeFactor / 10 * (0.2 + RAND_FLOAT ());

	float xx = 2 * (p->centerRelPos.x () - 0.5);
	float yy = 2 * (p->centerRelPos.y () - 0.5);

	float x = speed * winFacX * spreadFac * (xx +
						 0.5 * (RAND_FLOAT () - 0.5));
	float y = speed * winFacY * spreadFac * (yy +
						 0.5 * (RAND_FLOAT () - 0.5));
	float z = speed * winFacZ * 7 * ((RAND_FLOAT () - 0.5) / 0.5);

	p->finalRelPos.set (x, y, z);

	p->moveStartTime =
	    p->centerRelPos.y () * (1 - fadeDuration - randYMax) +
	    randYMax * RAND_FLOAT ();
	p->moveDuration = 1;

	p->fadeStartTime = p->moveStartTime + life;
	if (p->fadeStartTime > 1 - fadeDuration)
	    p->fadeStartTime = 1 - fadeDuration;
	p->fadeDuration = fadeDuration;

	p->finalRotAng = 150;
ZoomAnim::getCenter ()
    Point center;

    if (zoomToIcon ())
	getCenterScale (&center, 0);
	float forwardProgress = progressLinear ();

	CompRect inRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
			 mAWindow->savedInRect () :
			 mWindow->borderRect ());

	center.setX (inRect.x () + inRect.width () / 2.0);

	if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
	    mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
	    float origCenterY = (inRect.y () +
				 inRect.height () / 2.0);
	    center.setY ((1 - forwardProgress) * origCenterY +
			 forwardProgress * (inRect.y () +
	else // i.e. (un)minimizing without zooming
	    center.setY (inRect.y () + inRect.height () / 2.0);
    return center;
SidekickAnim::SidekickAnim (CompWindow *w,
			    WindowEvent curWindowEvent,
			    float duration,
			    const AnimEffect info,
			    const CompRect &icon) :
    Animation::Animation (w, curWindowEvent, duration, info, icon),
    TransformAnim::TransformAnim (w, curWindowEvent, duration, info, icon),
    ZoomAnim::ZoomAnim (w, curWindowEvent, duration, info, icon)
    // determine number of rotations randomly in [0.9, 1.1] range
    mNumRotations =
	optValF (AnimationOptions::SidekickNumRotations) *
	(1.0f + 0.2f * rand () / RAND_MAX - 0.1f);

    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());

    float winCenterX = outRect.x () + outRect.width () / 2.0;
    float iconCenterX = mIcon.x () + mIcon.width () / 2.0;

    // if window is to the right of icon, rotate clockwise instead
    // to make rotation look more pleasant
    if (winCenterX > iconCenterX)
	mNumRotations *= -1;
Exemple #6
CompRegion::intersects (const CompRect &r) const
    int result;
    result = XRectInRegion (handle (), r.x (), r.y (), r.width (), r.height ());

    return result != RectangleOut;
Exemple #7
CompRegion::contains (const CompRect &r) const
    int result;

    result = XRectInRegion (handle (), r.x (), r.y (), r.width (), r.height ());

    return result == RectangleIn;
ZoomAnim::getCenterScaleFull (Point *pCurCenter, Point *pCurScale,
			      Point *pWinCenter, Point *pIconCenter,
			      float *pMoveProgress)
    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());

    Point winCenter ((outRect.x () + outRect.width () / 2.0),
		     (outRect.y () + outRect.height () / 2.0));
    Point iconCenter (mIcon.x () + mIcon.width () / 2.0,
		      mIcon.y () + mIcon.height () / 2.0);
    Point winSize (outRect.width (), outRect.height ());

    winSize.setX (winSize.x () == 0 ? 1 : winSize.x ());
    winSize.setY (winSize.y () == 0 ? 1 : winSize.y ());

    float scaleProgress;
    float moveProgress;

    getZoomProgress (&moveProgress, &scaleProgress, neverSpringy ());

    Point curCenter
	((1 - moveProgress) * winCenter.x () + moveProgress * iconCenter.x (),
	 (1 - moveProgress) * winCenter.y () + moveProgress * iconCenter.y ());
    Point curScale
	(((1 - scaleProgress) * winSize.x () +
	  scaleProgress * mIcon.width ()) / winSize.x (),
	 ((1 - scaleProgress) * winSize.y () +
	  scaleProgress * mIcon.height ()) / winSize.y ());

    // Copy calculated variables
    if (pCurCenter)
	*pCurCenter = curCenter;
    if (pCurScale)
	*pCurScale = curScale;
    if (pWinCenter)
	*pWinCenter = winCenter;
    if (pIconCenter)
	*pIconCenter = iconCenter;
    if (pMoveProgress)
	*pMoveProgress = moveProgress;
Exemple #9
SvgWindow::updateSvgMatrix ()
    SvgTexture        *texture;
    GLTexture::Matrix *m;
    unsigned int      i;
    CompRect          rect;

    rect = context->box.boundingRect ();
    texture = &context->texture[0];

    if (texture->matrices.size () != texture->textures.size ())
	texture->matrices.resize (texture->textures.size ());

    for (i = 0; i < texture->textures.size (); i++)
	m = &texture->matrices[i];
	*m = texture->textures[i]->matrix ();

	m->xx *= (float) texture->size.width ()  / rect.width ();
	m->yy *= (float) texture->size.height () / rect.height ();

	m->x0 -= (rect.x () * m->xx);
	m->y0 -= (rect.y () * m->yy);

    texture = &context->texture[1];

    if (texture->matrices.size () != texture->textures.size ())
	texture->matrices.resize (texture->textures.size ());

    for (i = 0; i < texture->textures.size (); i++)
	m = &texture->matrices[i];
	*m = texture->textures[i]->matrix ();

	m->xx *= (float) texture->size.width ()  / context->rect.width ();
	m->yy *= (float) texture->size.height () / context->rect.height ();

	m->x0 -= (context->rect.x () * m->xx);
	m->y0 -= (context->rect.y () * m->yy);
ZoomAnim::ZoomAnim (CompWindow *w,
		    WindowEvent curWindowEvent,
		    float duration,
		    const AnimEffect info,
		    const CompRect &icon) :
    Animation::Animation (w, curWindowEvent, duration, info, icon),
    TransformAnim::TransformAnim (w, curWindowEvent, duration, info, icon),
    FadeAnim::FadeAnim (w, curWindowEvent, duration, info, icon)
    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());

    if (isZoomFromCenter ())
	mIcon.setX (outRect.x () + outRect.width () / 2 - mIcon.width () / 2);
	mIcon.setY (outRect.y () + outRect.height () / 2 - mIcon.height () / 2);
Exemple #11
CompositeWindow::addDamageRect (const CompRect &rect)
    if (priv->cScreen->damageMask () & COMPOSITE_SCREEN_DAMAGE_ALL_MASK)

    if (!damageRect (false, rect))
	int x, y;

	x = rect.x ();
	y = rect.y ();

	const CompWindow::Geometry &geom = priv->window->geometry ();
	x += geom.x () + geom.border ();
	y += geom.y () + geom.border ();

	priv->cScreen->damageRegion (CompRegion (CompRect (x, y,
							   rect.width (),
							   rect.height ())));
HorizontalFoldsAnim::step ()
    GridZoomAnim::step ();

    CompRect winRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->saveWinRect () :
		      mWindow->geometry ());
    CompRect inRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		     mAWindow->savedInRect () :
		     mWindow->inputRect ());
    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());
    CompWindowExtents outExtents (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
				  mAWindow->savedOutExtents () :
				  mWindow->output ());

    int wx = winRect.x ();
    int wy = winRect.y ();

    int oy = outRect.y ();
    int owidth = outRect.width ();
    int oheight = outRect.height ();

    float winHeight = 0;
    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
	mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
	winHeight = winRect.height ();
	winHeight = inRect.height ();
    int nHalfFolds =
	2.0 * optValI (AnimationOptions::HorizontalFoldsNumFolds);
    float foldMaxAmp =
	0.3 * pow ((winHeight / nHalfFolds) / ::screen->height (), 0.3) *
	optValF (AnimationOptions::HorizontalFoldsAmpMult);

    float forwardProgress = getActualProgress ();

    float sinForProg = sin (forwardProgress * M_PI / 2);

    GridModel::GridObject *object = mModel->objects ();
    unsigned int n = mModel->numObjects ();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++object)
	Point3d &objPos = object->position ();

	if (i % 2 == 0) // object is at the left side
	    float objGridY = object->gridPosition ().y ();

	    int rowNo = (int)i / mGridWidth;
	    float origy = (wy +
			   (oheight * objGridY -
			    outExtents.top) * mModel->scale ().y ());
	    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
		mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
		// Execute shade mode

		if (objGridY == 0)
		    objPos.setY (oy);
		    objPos.setZ (0);
		else if (objGridY == 1)
		    objPos.setY (
			(1 - forwardProgress) * origy +
			forwardProgress *
			(oy + mDecorTopHeight + mDecorBottomHeight));
		    objPos.setZ (0);
		    float relDistToFoldCenter = (rowNo % 2 == 1 ? 0.5 : 0);

		    objPos.setY (
			(1 - forwardProgress) * origy +
			forwardProgress * (oy + mDecorTopHeight));
		    objPos.setZ (
			getObjectZ (mModel, forwardProgress, sinForProg,
				    relDistToFoldCenter, foldMaxAmp));
		// Execute normal mode

		float relDistToFoldCenter = (rowNo % 2 == 0 ? 0.5 : 0);

		objPos.setY (
		    (1 - forwardProgress) * origy +
		    forwardProgress * (inRect.y () + inRect.height () / 2.0));
		objPos.setZ (
			getObjectZ (mModel, forwardProgress, sinForProg,
				    relDistToFoldCenter, foldMaxAmp));
	else // object is at the right side
	    // Set y/z position to the y/z position of the object at the left
	    // on the same row (previous object)
	    Point3d &leftObjPos = (object - 1)->position ();
	    objPos.setY (leftObjPos.y ());
	    objPos.setZ (leftObjPos.z ());

	float origx = (wx +
		       (owidth * object->gridPosition ().x () -
			outExtents.left) * mModel->scale ().x ());
	objPos.setX (origx);
Exemple #13
DominoAnim::init ()
    bool isRazr = (typeid (*this) == typeid (RazrAnim));
    int fallDir;

    if (isRazr)
	fallDir = getActualAnimDirection
	    ((AnimDirection) optValI (AnimationaddonOptions::RazrDirection),
	fallDir = getActualAnimDirection
	    ((AnimDirection) optValI (AnimationaddonOptions::DominoDirection),

    int defaultGridSize = 20;
    float minCellSize = 30;
    int gridSizeX;
    int gridSizeY;
    int fallDirGridSize;
    float minDistStartEdge;		// half piece size in [0,1] range
    float gridCellW;
    float gridCellH;
    float cellAspectRatio = 1.25;

    if (isRazr)
	cellAspectRatio = 1;

    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());

    // Determine sensible domino piece sizes
    if (fallDir == AnimDirectionDown || fallDir == AnimDirectionUp)
	if (minCellSize > outRect.width ())
	    minCellSize = outRect.width ();
	if (outRect.width () / defaultGridSize < minCellSize)
	    gridSizeX = (int)(outRect.width () / minCellSize);
	    gridSizeX = defaultGridSize;
	gridCellW = outRect.width () / gridSizeX;
	gridSizeY = (int)(outRect.height () / (gridCellW * cellAspectRatio));
	if (gridSizeY == 0)
	    gridSizeY = 1;
	gridCellH = outRect.height () / gridSizeY;
	fallDirGridSize = gridSizeY;
	if (minCellSize > outRect.height ())
	    minCellSize = outRect.height ();
	if (outRect.height () / defaultGridSize < minCellSize)
	    gridSizeY = (int)(outRect.height () / minCellSize);
	    gridSizeY = defaultGridSize;
	gridCellH = outRect.height () / gridSizeY;
	gridSizeX = (int)(outRect.width () / (gridCellH * cellAspectRatio));
	if (gridSizeX == 0)
	    gridSizeX = 1;
	gridCellW = outRect.width () / gridSizeX;
	fallDirGridSize = gridSizeX;
    minDistStartEdge = (1.0 / fallDirGridSize) / 2;

    float thickness = MIN (gridCellW, gridCellH) / 3.5;

    if (!tessellateIntoRectangles (gridSizeX, gridSizeY, thickness))

    float rotAxisX = 0;
    float rotAxisY = 0;
    Point3d rotAxisOff (0, 0, thickness / 2);
    float posX = 0;				// position of standing piece
    float posY = 0;
    float posZ = 0;
    int nFallingColumns = gridSizeX;
    float gridCellHalfW = gridCellW / 2;
    float gridCellHalfH = gridCellH / 2;

    switch (fallDir)
    case AnimDirectionDown:
	rotAxisX = -1;
	if (isRazr)
	    rotAxisOff.setY (-gridCellHalfH);
	    posY = -(gridCellHalfH + thickness);
	    posZ = gridCellHalfH - thickness / 2;
    case AnimDirectionLeft:
	rotAxisY = -1;
	if (isRazr)
	    rotAxisOff.setX (gridCellHalfW);
	    posX = gridCellHalfW + thickness;
	    posZ = gridCellHalfW - thickness / 2;
	nFallingColumns = gridSizeY;
    case AnimDirectionUp:
	rotAxisX = 1;
	if (isRazr)
	    rotAxisOff.setY (gridCellHalfH);
	    posY = gridCellHalfH + thickness;
	    posZ = gridCellHalfH - thickness / 2;
    case AnimDirectionRight:
	rotAxisY = 1;
	if (isRazr)
	    rotAxisOff.setX (-gridCellHalfW);
	    posX = -(gridCellHalfW + thickness);
	    posZ = gridCellHalfW - thickness / 2;
	nFallingColumns = gridSizeY;

    float fadeDuration;
    float riseDuration;
    float riseTimeRandMax = 0.2;

    if (isRazr)
	riseDuration = (1 - riseTimeRandMax) / fallDirGridSize;
	fadeDuration = riseDuration / 2;
	fadeDuration = 0.18;
	riseDuration = 0.2;

    float riseTimeRandSeed[nFallingColumns];

    for (int i = 0; i < nFallingColumns; i++)
	riseTimeRandSeed[i] = RAND_FLOAT ();

    foreach (PolygonObject *p, mPolygons)
	p->rotAxis.set (rotAxisX, rotAxisY, 0);
	p->finalRelPos.set (posX, posY, posZ);

	// dist. from rise-start / fall-end edge in window ([0,1] range)
	float distStartEdge = 0;

	// dist. from edge perpendicular to movement (for move start time)
	// so that same the blocks in same row/col. appear to knock down
	// the next one
	float distPerpEdge = 0;

	switch (fallDir)
	case AnimDirectionUp:
	    distStartEdge = p->centerRelPos.y ();
	    distPerpEdge = p->centerRelPos.x ();
	case AnimDirectionRight:
	    distStartEdge = 1 - p->centerRelPos.x ();
	    distPerpEdge = p->centerRelPos.y ();
	case AnimDirectionDown:
	    distStartEdge = 1 - p->centerRelPos.y ();
	    distPerpEdge = p->centerRelPos.x ();
	case AnimDirectionLeft:
	    distStartEdge = p->centerRelPos.x ();
	    distPerpEdge = p->centerRelPos.y ();

	float riseTimeRand =
	    riseTimeRandSeed[(int)(distPerpEdge * nFallingColumns)] *

	p->moveDuration = riseDuration;

	float mult = 1;
	if (fallDirGridSize > 1)
	    mult = ((distStartEdge - minDistStartEdge) /
		    (1 - 2 * minDistStartEdge));
	if (isRazr)
	    p->moveStartTime = mult *
		(1 - riseDuration - riseTimeRandMax) + riseTimeRand;
	    p->fadeStartTime = p->moveStartTime + riseDuration / 2;
	    p->finalRotAng = -180;

	    p->rotAxisOffset = rotAxisOff;
	    p->moveStartTime =
		mult *
		(1 - riseDuration - riseTimeRandMax) +
	    p->fadeStartTime =
		p->moveStartTime + riseDuration - riseTimeRand + 0.03;
	    p->finalRotAng = -90;
	if (p->fadeStartTime > 1 - fadeDuration)
	    p->fadeStartTime = 1 - fadeDuration;
	p->fadeDuration = fadeDuration;
Exemple #14
RaindropAnim::step ()
    float t = 1. - progressLinear ();
    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventClose)
	t = 1. - t;

    CompRect winRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
                      mAWindow->saveWinRect () :
                      mWindow->geometry ());
    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
                      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
                      mWindow->outputRect ());
    CompWindowExtents outExtents (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
			          mAWindow->savedOutExtents () :
			          mWindow->output ());

    int wx = winRect.x ();
    int wy = winRect.y ();

    int owidth = outRect.width ();
    int oheight = outRect.height ();

    AnimJCScreen *ajs = AnimJCScreen::get (screen);

    float waveLength = ajs->optionGetRaindropWavelength ();
    int numWaves = ajs->optionGetRaindropNumWaves ();
    float waveAmp = (pow ((float)oheight / ::screen->height (), 0.4) * 0.08) *
	    ajs->optionGetRaindropAmplitude ();
    float wavePosition = -waveLength * numWaves +
	    (1. + waveLength * numWaves) * t;

    GridModel::GridObject *object = mModel->objects ();
    unsigned int n = mModel->numObjects ();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, object++)
	Point3d &objPos = object->position ();

        float origx = wx + mModel->scale ().x () *
		(owidth * object->gridPosition ().x () -
        objPos.setX (origx);

	float origy = wy + mModel->scale ().y () *
		(oheight * object->gridPosition ().y () -
        objPos.setY (origy);

	// find distance to center in grid terms
	float gridDistance = sqrt (pow (object->gridPosition ().x ()-0.5, 2) +
			           pow (object->gridPosition ().y ()-0.5, 2)) *
			     sqrt (2);

	float distFromWave = gridDistance - wavePosition;
	if (distFromWave < waveLength*numWaves && distFromWave > 0)
	    objPos.setZ (waveAmp *
		    sin (3.14159265 * distFromWave / waveLength / numWaves) *
		    pow (sin (3.14159265 * distFromWave / waveLength), 2));
	    objPos.setZ (0);
Exemple #15
RollUpAnim::step ()
    float forwardProgress = progressEaseInEaseOut ();
    bool fixedInterior = optValB (AnimationOptions::RollupFixedInterior);

    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());

    int ox = outRect.x ();
    int oy = outRect.y ();
    int owidth = outRect.width ();
    int oheight = outRect.height ();

    GridModel::GridObject *object = mModel->objects ();
    unsigned int n = mModel->numObjects ();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, object++)
	// Executing shade mode

	Point3d &objPos = object->position ();

	if (i % 2 == 0) // object is at the left side
	    float objGridY = object->gridPosition ().y ();

	    if (objGridY == 0)
		objPos.setY (oy);
	    else if (objGridY == 1)
		objPos.setY (
		    (1 - forwardProgress) * (oy + oheight * objGridY) +
		    forwardProgress * (oy +
				       mDecorTopHeight + mDecorBottomHeight));
		// find position in window contents
		// (window contents correspond to 0.0-1.0 range)
		float relPosInWinContents =
		    (objGridY * oheight -
		     mDecorTopHeight) / mWindow->height ();

		if (relPosInWinContents > forwardProgress)
		    objPos.setY (
			(1 - forwardProgress) * (oy + oheight * objGridY) +
			forwardProgress * (oy + mDecorTopHeight));

		    if (fixedInterior)
			object->offsetTexCoordForQuadBefore ().
			    setY (-forwardProgress * mWindow->height ());
		    objPos.setY (oy + mDecorTopHeight);
		    if (!fixedInterior)
			object->offsetTexCoordForQuadAfter ().
			    setY ((forwardProgress - relPosInWinContents) *
				  mWindow->height ());
	else // object is at the right side
	    // Set y position to the y position of the object at the left
	    // on the same row (previous object)
	    objPos.setY ((object - 1)->position ().y ());

	    // Also copy offset texture y coordinates
	    object->offsetTexCoordForQuadBefore ().
		setY ((object - 1)->offsetTexCoordForQuadBefore ().y ());
	    object->offsetTexCoordForQuadAfter ().
		setY ((object - 1)->offsetTexCoordForQuadAfter ().y ());

	float origx = ox + owidth * object->gridPosition ().x ();

	objPos.setX (origx);
Exemple #16
FlickerSingleAnim::step ()
    int layer = MultiAnim <FlickerSingleAnim,5>::getCurrAnimNumber (mAWindow);

    CompRect winRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
                      mAWindow->saveWinRect () :
                      mWindow->geometry ());
    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
                      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
                      mWindow->outputRect ());
    CompWindowExtents outExtents (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
                                  mAWindow->savedOutExtents () :
                                  mWindow->output ());

    int wx = winRect.x ();
    int wy = winRect.y ();
    int owidth = outRect.width ();
    int oheight = outRect.height ();

    float t = 1 - progressLinear ();
    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventClose)
	t = 1 - t;

    float amplitude = AnimJCScreen::get (screen)->optionGetFlickerAmplitude ();
    float waveLength = 0.4;
    float wavePosition = -waveLength + (1. + waveLength) * t;

    float displacement = 0;

    GridModel::GridObject *object = mModel->objects ();
    unsigned int n = mModel->numObjects ();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, object++)
	Point3d &objPos = object->position ();

	if (i % 2 == 0) // left side; reuse old displacement on right side
	    float distFromWave = object->gridPosition ().y () - wavePosition;

	    if (distFromWave > 0 && distFromWave <= waveLength)
		displacement = amplitude * sin (distFromWave/waveLength * M_PI);
		displacement = 0;

        float x = wx + mModel->scale ().x () *
            (owidth * object->gridPosition ().x () - outExtents.left);

	float y = wy + mModel->scale ().y () *
	    (oheight * object->gridPosition ().y () - outExtents.top);

	switch (layer)
	    case 1:
		x -= displacement;
	    case 2:
		x += displacement;
	    case 3:
		y -= displacement;
	    case 4:
		y += displacement;

        objPos.setX (x);
	objPos.setY (y);
	objPos.setZ (0);
Exemple #17
SvgWindow::glDraw (const GLMatrix     &transform,
		   const GLWindowPaintAttrib &attrib,
		   const CompRegion   &region,
		   unsigned int       mask)
    bool status = gWindow->glDraw (transform, attrib, region, mask);

    if (!status)
	return status;

    const CompRegion &reg = (mask & PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED_MASK) ?
			    infiniteRegion : region;

    if (context && reg.numRects ())
	GLTexture::MatrixList matrix (1);
	int		      x1, y1, x2, y2;
	CompRect              rect = context->box.boundingRect ();

	x1 = MIN (rect.x1 (), sScreen->zoom.x1 ());
	y1 = MIN (rect.y1 (), sScreen->zoom.y1 ());
	x2 = MAX (rect.x2 (), sScreen->zoom.x2 ());
	y2 = MAX (rect.y2 (), sScreen->zoom.y2 ());

	rect.setGeometry (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < context->texture[0].textures.size (); i++)
	    matrix[0] = context->texture[0].matrices[i];

	    gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->begin ();
	    gWindow->glAddGeometry (matrix, context->box, reg);
	    gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->end ();


	    gWindow->glDrawTexture (context->texture[0].textures[i], transform,
	                            attrib, mask);

	    if (rect.width () > 0 && rect.height () > 0)
		float    xScale, yScale;
		float    dx, dy;
		int      width, height;

		rect.setGeometry (rect.x1 () - 1,
				  rect.y1 () - 1,
				  rect.width () + 1,
				  rect.height () + 1);

		xScale = screen->width  () /
		         (float) (sScreen->zoom.width ());
		yScale = screen->height () /
		         (float) (sScreen->zoom.height ());

		dx = rect.width ();
		dy = rect.height ();

		width  = dx * xScale + 0.5f;
		height = dy * yScale + 0.5f;

		if (rect   != context->rect          ||
		    width  != context->size.width () ||
		    height != context->size.height ())
		    float x1, y1, x2, y2;

		    context->rect = rect;
		    context->size.setWidth (width);
		    context->size.setHeight (height);

		    dx = context->box.boundingRect ().width ();
		    dy = context->box.boundingRect ().height ();

		    x1 = (rect.x1 () - context->box.boundingRect ().x ()) / dx;
		    y1 = (rect.y1 () - context->box.boundingRect ().y ()) / dy;
		    x2 = (rect.x2 () - context->box.boundingRect ().x ()) / dx;
		    y2 = (rect.y2 () - context->box.boundingRect ().y ()) / dy;

		    finiTexture (context->texture[1]);

		    if (initTexture (context->source, context->texture[1],
			renderSvg (context->source, context->texture[1],
				   context->size, x1, y1, x2, y2);

			updateSvgMatrix ();

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < context->texture[1].textures.size (); j++)
		    GLTexture::Filter saveFilter;
		    CompRegion        r (rect);

		    matrix[0] = context->texture[1].matrices[j];

		    saveFilter = gScreen->filter (SCREEN_TRANS_FILTER);
		    gScreen->setFilter (SCREEN_TRANS_FILTER, GLTexture::Good);

		    gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->begin ();
		    gWindow->glAddGeometry (matrix, r, reg);
		    gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->end ();

		    gWindow->glDrawTexture (context->texture[1].textures[j],
					    transform, attrib, mask);

		    gScreen->setFilter (SCREEN_TRANS_FILTER, saveFilter);
	    else if (context->texture[1].size.width ())
		finiTexture (context->texture[1]);
		initTexture (source, context->texture[1], CompSize ());

		memset (&context->rect, 0, sizeof (BoxRec));
		context->size.setWidth (0);
		context->size.setHeight (0);

    return status;
Exemple #18
GridAnim::addGeometry (const GLTexture::MatrixList &matrix,
		       const CompRegion            &region,
		       const CompRegion            &clip,
		       unsigned int                maxGridWidth,
		       unsigned int                maxGridHeight)
    if (region.isEmpty ()) // nothing to do

    GLfloat *v, *vMax;
    bool notUsing3dCoords = !using3D ();

    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());
    CompWindowExtents outExtents (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
				  mAWindow->savedOutExtents () :
				  mWindow->output ());

    // window output (contents + decorations + shadows) coordinates and size
    int ox = outRect.x ();
    int oy = outRect.y ();
    int owidth = outRect.width ();
    int oheight = outRect.height ();

    // to be used if event is shade/unshade
    float winContentsY = oy + outExtents.top;
    float winContentsHeight = oheight - outExtents.top - outExtents.bottom;

    GLWindow *gWindow = GLWindow::get (mWindow);
    GLVertexBuffer *vertexBuffer = gWindow->vertexBuffer ();
    int vSize = vertexBuffer->getVertexStride ();

    // Indentation kept to provide a clean diff with the old code, for now...
	int y1 = outRect.y1 ();
	int x2 = outRect.x2 ();
	int y2 = outRect.y2 ();

	float gridW = (float)owidth / (mGridWidth - 1);
	float gridH;

	if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
	    mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
	    if (y1 < winContentsY)	// if at top part
		gridH = mDecorTopHeight;
	    else if (y2 > winContentsY + winContentsHeight)  // if at bottom
		gridH = mDecorBottomHeight;
	    else			// in window contents (only in Y coords)
		float winContentsHeight =
		    oheight - (mDecorTopHeight + mDecorBottomHeight);
		gridH = winContentsHeight / (mGridHeight - 3);
	    gridH = (float)oheight / (mGridHeight - 1);

	int oldCount = vertexBuffer->countVertices ();
	gWindow->glAddGeometry (matrix, region, clip, gridW, gridH);
	int newCount = vertexBuffer->countVertices ();
	v = vertexBuffer->getVertices () + (oldCount * vSize);
	vMax = vertexBuffer->getVertices () + (newCount * vSize);
	float x, y, topiyFloat;
	// For each vertex
	for (; v < vMax; v += vSize)
	    x = v[0];
	    y = v[1];

	    if (y > y2)
		y = y2;

	    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
		mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
		if (y1 < winContentsY)	// if at top part
		    topiyFloat = (y - oy) / mDecorTopHeight;
		    topiyFloat = MIN (topiyFloat, 0.999);	// avoid 1.0
		else if (y2 > winContentsY + winContentsHeight)	// if at bottom
		    topiyFloat = (mGridHeight - 2) +
			(mDecorBottomHeight ? (y - winContentsY -
					       winContentsHeight) /
			 mDecorBottomHeight : 0);
		else		// in window contents (only in Y coords)
		    topiyFloat = (mGridHeight - 3) *
			(y - winContentsY) / winContentsHeight + 1;
		topiyFloat = (mGridHeight - 1) * (y - oy) / oheight;

	    // topiy should be at most (mGridHeight - 2)
	    int topiy = (int)(topiyFloat + 1e-4);

	    if (topiy == mGridHeight - 1)

	    int   bottomiy = topiy + 1;
	    float iny      = topiyFloat - topiy;
	    float inyRest  = 1 - iny;

	    // End of calculations for y

	    // Indentation kept to provide a clean diff with the old code...
		if (x > x2)
		    x = x2;

		// find containing grid cell (leftix rightix) x (topiy bottomiy)
		float leftixFloat = (mGridWidth - 1) * (x - ox) / owidth;
		int leftix = (int)(leftixFloat + 1e-4);

		if (leftix == mGridWidth - 1)

		int rightix = leftix + 1;

		// GridModel::GridObjects that are at top, bottom, left, right corners of quad
		GridModel::GridObject *objToTopLeft =
		    &(mModel->mObjects[topiy * mGridWidth + leftix]);
		GridModel::GridObject *objToTopRight =
		    &(mModel->mObjects[topiy * mGridWidth + rightix]);
		GridModel::GridObject *objToBottomLeft =
		    &(mModel->mObjects[bottomiy * mGridWidth + leftix]);
		GridModel::GridObject *objToBottomRight =
		    &(mModel->mObjects[bottomiy * mGridWidth + rightix]);

		Point3d &objToTopLeftPos = objToTopLeft->mPosition;
		Point3d &objToTopRightPos = objToTopRight->mPosition;
		Point3d &objToBottomLeftPos = objToBottomLeft->mPosition;
		Point3d &objToBottomRightPos = objToBottomRight->mPosition;

		// find position in cell by taking remainder of flooring
		float inx = leftixFloat - leftix;
		float inxRest = 1 - inx;

		// Interpolate to find deformed coordinates

		float hor1x = (inxRest * objToTopLeftPos.x () +
			       inx * objToTopRightPos.x ());
		float hor1y = (inxRest * objToTopLeftPos.y () +
			       inx * objToTopRightPos.y ());
		float hor1z = (notUsing3dCoords ? 0 :
			       inxRest * objToTopLeftPos.z () +
			       inx * objToTopRightPos.z ());
		float hor2x = (inxRest * objToBottomLeftPos.x () +
			       inx * objToBottomRightPos.x ());
		float hor2y = (inxRest * objToBottomLeftPos.y () +
			       inx * objToBottomRightPos.y ());
		float hor2z = (notUsing3dCoords ? 0 :
			       inxRest * objToBottomLeftPos.z () +
			       inx * objToBottomRightPos.z ());

		float deformedX = inyRest * hor1x + iny * hor2x;
		float deformedY = inyRest * hor1y + iny * hor2y;
		float deformedZ = inyRest * hor1z + iny * hor2z;

		v[0] = deformedX;
		v[1] = deformedY;
		v[2] = deformedZ;

Exemple #19
GhostAnim::step ()
    float t = 1. - progressLinear ();
    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventClose)
	t = 1. - t;

    CompRect winRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
                      mAWindow->saveWinRect () :
                      mWindow->geometry ());
    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
                      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
                      mWindow->outputRect ());
    CompWindowExtents outExtents (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
			          mAWindow->savedOutExtents () :
			          mWindow->output ());

    int wx = winRect.x ();
    int wy = winRect.y ();

    int owidth = outRect.width ();
    int oheight = outRect.height ();

    AnimJCScreen *ajs = AnimJCScreen::get (screen);

    float waveAmp = 3 * ajs->optionGetGhostAmplitude ();
    float waveLengthX1 = 0.4;
    float waveLengthX2 = 0.3;
    float waveLengthY1 = 0.45;
    float waveLengthY2 = 0.35;
    float wavePositionX1 =  0.25 * t * ajs->optionGetGhostWaveSpeed ();
    float wavePositionX2 = -0.25 * t * ajs->optionGetGhostWaveSpeed ();
    float wavePositionY1 =  0.25 * t * ajs->optionGetGhostWaveSpeed ();
    float wavePositionY2 = -0.25 * t * ajs->optionGetGhostWaveSpeed ();

    GridModel::GridObject *object = mModel->objects ();
    unsigned int n = mModel->numObjects ();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, object++)
	Point3d &objPos = object->position ();

	float origx = wx + mModel->scale ().x () *
		(owidth * object->gridPosition ().x () -

	float origy = wy + mModel->scale ().y () *
		(oheight * object->gridPosition ().y () -

	float x = object->gridPosition ().x ();
	float y = object->gridPosition ().y ();

	float distFromWaveX1 = x - wavePositionX1;
	float distFromWaveX2 = x - wavePositionX2;
	float distFromWaveY1 = y - wavePositionY1;
	float distFromWaveY2 = y - wavePositionY2;

	objPos.setX (origx +
		     waveAmp * sin (distFromWaveX1 / waveLengthX1 * 2 * M_PI) +
		     waveAmp * sin (distFromWaveX2 / waveLengthX2 * 2 * M_PI));

	objPos.setY (origy +
		     waveAmp * sin (distFromWaveY1 / waveLengthY1 * 2 * M_PI) +
		     waveAmp * sin (distFromWaveY2 / waveLengthY2 * 2 * M_PI));

	objPos.setZ (0);
Exemple #20
GridAnim::addGeometry (const GLTexture::MatrixList &matrix,
		       const CompRegion            &region,
		       const CompRegion            &clip,
		       unsigned int                maxGridWidth,
		       unsigned int                maxGridHeight)
    unsigned int nMatrix = matrix.size ();
    int nVertices, nIndices;
    GLushort *i;
    GLfloat *v;
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    float winContentsY, winContentsHeight;
    float deformedX, deformedY;
    float deformedZ = 0;
    int nVertX, nVertY;
    int vSize;
    float gridW, gridH;
    bool rect = true;
    bool notUsing3dCoords = !using3D ();

    if (region.isEmpty ()) // nothing to do

    GLWindow::Geometry &geometry = GLWindow::get (mWindow)->geometry ();

    for (unsigned int it = 0; it < nMatrix; it++)
	if (matrix[it].xy != 0.0f || matrix[it].yx != 0.0f)
	    rect = false;

    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());
    CompWindowExtents outExtents (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
				  mAWindow->savedOutExtents () :
				  mWindow->output ());

    // window output (contents + decorations + shadows) coordinates and size
    int ox = outRect.x ();
    int oy = outRect.y ();
    int owidth = outRect.width ();
    int oheight = outRect.height ();

    // to be used if event is shade/unshade
    winContentsY = oy + outExtents.top;
    winContentsHeight = oheight - outExtents.top - outExtents.bottom;

    geometry.texUnits = (int)nMatrix;

    if (geometry.vCount == 0)
	// reset
	geometry.indexCount = 0;
	geometry.texCoordSize = 4;
    geometry.vertexStride = 3 + geometry.texUnits * geometry.texCoordSize;
    vSize = geometry.vertexStride;

    nVertices = geometry.vCount;
    nIndices = geometry.indexCount;

    v = geometry.vertices + (nVertices * vSize);
    i = geometry.indices + nIndices;

    // For each clip passed to this function
    foreach (const CompRect &pClip, region.rects ())
	x1 = pClip.x1 ();
	y1 = pClip.y1 ();
	x2 = pClip.x2 ();
	y2 = pClip.y2 ();

	gridW = (float)owidth / (mGridWidth - 1);

	if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
	    mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
	    if (y1 < winContentsY)	// if at top part
		gridH = mDecorTopHeight;
	    else if (y2 > winContentsY + winContentsHeight)  // if at bottom
		gridH = mDecorBottomHeight;
	    else			// in window contents (only in Y coords)
		float winContentsHeight =
		    oheight - (mDecorTopHeight + mDecorBottomHeight);
		gridH = winContentsHeight / (mGridHeight - 3);
	    gridH = (float)oheight / (mGridHeight - 1);

	// nVertX, nVertY: number of vertices for this clip in x and y dimensions
	// + 2 to avoid running short of vertices in some cases
	nVertX = ceil ((x2 - x1) / gridW) + 2;
	nVertY = (gridH ? ceil ((y2 - y1) / gridH) : 0) + 2;

	// Allocate 4 indices for each quad
	int newIndexSize = nIndices + ((nVertX - 1) * (nVertY - 1) * 4);

	if (newIndexSize > geometry.indexSize)
	    if (!geometry.moreIndices (newIndexSize))

	    i = geometry.indices + nIndices;
	// Assign quad vertices to indices
	for (int jy = 0; jy < nVertY - 1; jy++)
	    for (int jx = 0; jx < nVertX - 1; jx++)
		*i++ = nVertices + nVertX * (2 * jy + 1) + jx;
		*i++ = nVertices + nVertX * (2 * jy + 1) + jx + 1;
		*i++ = nVertices + nVertX * 2 * jy + jx + 1;
		*i++ = nVertices + nVertX * 2 * jy + jx;

		nIndices += 4;

	// Allocate vertices
	int newVertexSize =
	    (nVertices + nVertX * (2 * nVertY - 2)) * vSize;
	if (newVertexSize > geometry.vertexSize)
	    if (!geometry.moreVertices (newVertexSize))

	    v = geometry.vertices + (nVertices * vSize);

	float rowTexCoordQ = 1;
	float prevRowCellWidth = 0;	// this initial value won't be used
	float rowCellWidth = 0;
	int clipRowSize = nVertX * vSize;

	// For each vertex
	float y = y1;
	for (int jy = 0; jy < nVertY; jy++)
	    float topiyFloat;
	    bool applyOffsets = true;

	    if (y > y2)
		y = y2;

	    // Do calculations for y here to avoid repeating
	    // them unnecessarily in the x loop

	    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
		mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
		if (y1 < winContentsY)	// if at top part
		    topiyFloat = (y - oy) / mDecorTopHeight;
		    topiyFloat = MIN (topiyFloat, 0.999);	// avoid 1.0
		    applyOffsets = false;
		else if (y2 > winContentsY + winContentsHeight)	// if at bottom
		    topiyFloat = (mGridHeight - 2) +
			(mDecorBottomHeight ? (y - winContentsY -
					       winContentsHeight) /
			 mDecorBottomHeight : 0);
		    applyOffsets = false;
		else		// in window contents (only in Y coords)
		    topiyFloat = (mGridHeight - 3) *
			(y - winContentsY) / winContentsHeight + 1;
		topiyFloat = (mGridHeight - 1) * (y - oy) / oheight;
	    // topiy should be at most (mGridHeight - 2)
	    int topiy = (int)(topiyFloat + 1e-4);

	    if (topiy == mGridHeight - 1)
	    int bottomiy = topiy + 1;
	    float iny = topiyFloat - topiy;
	    float inyRest = 1 - iny;

	    // End of calculations for y

	    float x = x1;
	    for (int jx = 0; jx < nVertX; jx++)
		if (x > x2)
		    x = x2;

		// find containing grid cell (leftix rightix) x (topiy bottomiy)
		float leftixFloat =
		    (mGridWidth - 1) * (x - ox) / owidth;
		int leftix = (int)(leftixFloat + 1e-4);

		if (leftix == mGridWidth - 1)
		int rightix = leftix + 1;

		// GridModel::GridObjects that are at top, bottom, left, right corners of quad
		GridModel::GridObject *objToTopLeft =
		    &(mModel->mObjects[topiy * mGridWidth + leftix]);
		GridModel::GridObject *objToTopRight =
		    &(mModel->mObjects[topiy * mGridWidth + rightix]);
		GridModel::GridObject *objToBottomLeft =
		    &(mModel->mObjects[bottomiy * mGridWidth + leftix]);
		GridModel::GridObject *objToBottomRight =
		    &(mModel->mObjects[bottomiy * mGridWidth + rightix]);

		Point3d &objToTopLeftPos = objToTopLeft->mPosition;
		Point3d &objToTopRightPos = objToTopRight->mPosition;
		Point3d &objToBottomLeftPos = objToBottomLeft->mPosition;
		Point3d &objToBottomRightPos = objToBottomRight->mPosition;

		// find position in cell by taking remainder of flooring
		float inx = leftixFloat - leftix;
		float inxRest = 1 - inx;

		// Interpolate to find deformed coordinates

		float hor1x = (inxRest * objToTopLeftPos.x () +
			       inx * objToTopRightPos.x ());
		float hor1y = (inxRest * objToTopLeftPos.y () +
			       inx * objToTopRightPos.y ());
		float hor1z = (notUsing3dCoords ? 0 :
			       inxRest * objToTopLeftPos.z () +
			       inx * objToTopRightPos.z ());
		float hor2x = (inxRest * objToBottomLeftPos.x () +
			       inx * objToBottomRightPos.x ());
		float hor2y = (inxRest * objToBottomLeftPos.y () +
			       inx * objToBottomRightPos.y ());
		float hor2z = (notUsing3dCoords ? 0 :
			       inxRest * objToBottomLeftPos.z () +
			       inx * objToBottomRightPos.z ());

		deformedX = inyRest * hor1x + iny * hor2x;
		deformedY = inyRest * hor1y + iny * hor2y;
		deformedZ = inyRest * hor1z + iny * hor2z;

		// Texture coordinates (s, t, r, q)

		if (mUseQTexCoord)
		    if (jx == 1)
			rowCellWidth = deformedX - v[-3];

		    // do only once per row for all rows except row 0
		    if (jy > 0 && jx == 1)
			rowTexCoordQ = (rowCellWidth / prevRowCellWidth);

			for (unsigned int it = 0; it < nMatrix; it++, v += 4)
			    // update first column
			    // (since we didn't know rowTexCoordQ before)
			    v[-vSize]     *= rowTexCoordQ; // multiply s & t by q
			    v[-vSize + 1] *= rowTexCoordQ;
			    v[-vSize + 3] = rowTexCoordQ;  // copy q
			v -= nMatrix * 4;

		// Loop for each texture element
		// (4 texture coordinates for each one)
		for (unsigned int it = 0; it < nMatrix; it++, v += 4)
		    float offsetY = 0;

		    if (rect)
			if (applyOffsets && y < y2)
			    offsetY = objToTopLeft->mOffsetTexCoordForQuadAfter.y ();
			v[0] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (matrix[it], x); // s
			v[1] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (matrix[it], y + offsetY); // t
			if (applyOffsets && y < y2)
			    // FIXME:
			    // The correct y offset below produces wrong
			    // texture coordinates for some reason.
			    offsetY = 0;
			    // offsetY = objToTopLeft->offsetTexCoordForQuadAfter.y;
			v[0] = COMP_TEX_COORD_XY (matrix[it], x, y + offsetY); // s
			v[1] = COMP_TEX_COORD_YX (matrix[it], x, y + offsetY); // t
		    v[2] = 0; // r

		    if (0 < jy && jy < nVertY - 1)
			// copy s, t, r to duplicate row
			memcpy (v + clipRowSize, v, 3 * sizeof (GLfloat));
			v[3 + clipRowSize] = 1; // q

		    if (applyOffsets &&
			objToTopLeft->mOffsetTexCoordForQuadBefore.y () != 0)
			// After copying to next row, update texture y coord
			// by following object's offset
			offsetY = objToTopLeft->mOffsetTexCoordForQuadBefore.y ();
			if (rect)
			    v[1] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (matrix[it], y + offsetY);
			    v[0] = COMP_TEX_COORD_XY (matrix[it],
						      x, y + offsetY);
			    v[1] = COMP_TEX_COORD_YX (matrix[it],
						      x, y + offsetY);
		    if (mUseQTexCoord)
			v[3] = rowTexCoordQ; // q

			if (jx > 0)	// since column 0 is updated when jx == 1
			    // multiply s & t by q
			    v[0] *= rowTexCoordQ;
			    v[1] *= rowTexCoordQ;
			v[3] = 1; // q

		v[0] = deformedX;
		v[1] = deformedY;
		v[2] = deformedZ;

		// Copy vertex coordinates to duplicate row
		if (0 < jy && jy < nVertY - 1)
		    memcpy (v + clipRowSize, v, 3 * sizeof (GLfloat));


		// increment x properly (so that coordinates fall on grid intersections)
		x = rightix * gridW + ox;

		v += 3; // move on to next vertex
	    if (mUseQTexCoord)
		prevRowCellWidth = rowCellWidth;

	    if (0 < jy && jy < nVertY - 1)
		v += clipRowSize;	// skip the duplicate row
		nVertices += nVertX;
	    // increment y properly (so that coordinates fall on grid intersections)
	    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade ||
		mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
		y += gridH;
		y = bottomiy * gridH + oy;
    geometry.vCount = nVertices;
    geometry.indexCount = nIndices;
Exemple #21
BurnAnim::step ()
    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());

    float timestep = mIntenseTimeStep;
    float old = 1 - (mRemainingTime) / (mTotalTime - timestep);
    float stepSize;

    mRemainingTime -= timestep;
    if (mRemainingTime <= 0)
	mRemainingTime = 0;	// avoid sub-zero values
    float newProgress = 1 - (mRemainingTime) / (mTotalTime - timestep);

    stepSize = newProgress - old;

    if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventOpen ||
	mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnminimize ||
	mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade)
	newProgress = 1 - newProgress;

    if (mRemainingTime > 0)
	CompRect rect;

	switch (mDirection)
	case AnimDirectionUp:
	    rect = CompRect (0, 0,
	                     outRect.width (),
	                     outRect.height () -
	                     (newProgress * outRect.height ()));
	case AnimDirectionRight:
	    rect = CompRect (newProgress * outRect.width (),
			     outRect.width () -
			     (newProgress * outRect.width ()),
			     outRect.height ());
	case AnimDirectionLeft:
	    rect = CompRect (0, 0,
			     outRect.width () -
			     (newProgress * outRect.width ()),
			     outRect.height ());
	case AnimDirectionDown:
	    rect = CompRect (0,
			     newProgress * outRect.height (),
			     outRect.width (),
			     outRect.height () -
			     (newProgress * outRect.height ()));
	rect.setX (rect.x () + outRect.x ());
	rect.setY (rect.y () + outRect.y ());

	mDrawRegion = CompRegion (rect);
	mDrawRegion = emptyRegion;
    mUseDrawRegion = (fabs (newProgress) > 1e-5);

    if (mRemainingTime > 0)
	switch (mDirection)
	case AnimDirectionUp:
	    if (mHasSmoke)
		genNewSmoke (outRect.x (),
			     outRect.y () + ((1 - newProgress) * outRect.height ()),
			     outRect.width (), 1, outRect.width () / 40.0,
	    genNewFire (outRect.x (),
			outRect.y () + ((1 - newProgress) * outRect.height ()),
			outRect.width (), (stepSize) * outRect.height (),
			outRect.width () / 40.0,
	case AnimDirectionLeft:
	    if (mHasSmoke)
		genNewSmoke (outRect.x () + ((1 - newProgress) * outRect.width ()),
			     outRect.y (),
			     (stepSize) * outRect.width (),
			     outRect.height (), outRect.height () / 40.0,
	    genNewFire (outRect.x () + ((1 - newProgress) * outRect.width ()),
			outRect.y (), (stepSize) * outRect.width (),
			outRect.height (), outRect.height () / 40.0,
	case AnimDirectionRight:
	    if (mHasSmoke)
		genNewSmoke (outRect.x () + (newProgress * outRect.width ()),
			     outRect.y (),
			     (stepSize) * outRect.width (),
			     outRect.height (), outRect.height () / 40.0,
	    genNewFire (outRect.x () + (newProgress * outRect.width ()),
			outRect.y (), (stepSize) * outRect.width (),
			outRect.height (), outRect.height () / 40.0,
	case AnimDirectionDown:
	    if (mHasSmoke)
		genNewSmoke (outRect.x (),
			     outRect.y () + (newProgress * outRect.height ()),
			     outRect.width (), 1, outRect.width () / 40.0,
	    genNewFire (outRect.x (),
			outRect.y () + (newProgress * outRect.height ()),
			outRect.width (), (stepSize) * outRect.height (),
			outRect.width () / 40.0,

    if (mRemainingTime <= 0 &&
	(mParticleSystems[0].active () ||
	 (mHasSmoke && mParticleSystems[1].active ())))
	// force animation to continue until particle systems are done
	mRemainingTime = timestep;

    Particle *part;

    if (mRemainingTime > 0)
	int nParticles;
	if (mHasSmoke)
	    float partxg = outRect.width () / 40.0;
	    float partxgNeg = -partxg;

	    vector<Particle> &particles = mParticleSystems[mSmokePSId].particles ();
	    nParticles = particles.size ();
	    part = &particles[0];

	    for (int i = 0; i < nParticles; i++, part++)
		part->xg = (part->x < part->xo) ? partxg : partxgNeg;

	    mParticleSystems[mSmokePSId].setOrigin (outRect.x (), outRect.y ());

	vector<Particle> &particles = mParticleSystems[mFirePSId].particles ();
	nParticles = particles.size ();
	part = &particles[0];

	for (int i = 0; i < nParticles; i++, part++)
	    part->xg = (part->x < part->xo) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
    mParticleSystems[mFirePSId].setOrigin (outRect.x (), outRect.y ());
Exemple #22
BeamUpAnim::step ()
    CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ?
		      mAWindow->savedOutRect () :
		      mWindow->outputRect ());

    float timestep = mIntenseTimeStep;

    mRemainingTime -= timestep;
    if (mRemainingTime <= 0)
	mRemainingTime = 0;	// avoid sub-zero values

    float newProgress = 1 - mRemainingTime / (mTotalTime - timestep);

    bool creating = (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventOpen ||
		     mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnminimize ||
		     mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade);

    if (creating)
	newProgress = 1 - newProgress;

    if (mRemainingTime > 0)
	CompRect rect (((newProgress / 2) * outRect.width ()),
		       ((newProgress / 2) * outRect.height ()),
		       (1 - newProgress) * outRect.width (),
		       (1 - newProgress) * outRect.height ());
	rect.setX (rect.x () + outRect.x ());
	rect.setY (rect.y () + outRect.y ());

	mDrawRegion = CompRegion (rect);
	mDrawRegion = emptyRegion;

    mUseDrawRegion = (fabs (newProgress) > 1e-5);

    if (mRemainingTime > 0)
	genNewBeam (outRect.x (), outRect.y () + (outRect.height () / 2),
	            outRect.width (),
	            creating ? (1 - newProgress / 2) * outRect.height ()
	                     : (1 - newProgress) * outRect.height (),
		    outRect.width () / 40.0,
    if (mRemainingTime <= 0 && mParticleSystems[0].active ())
	// force animation to continue until particle systems are done
	mRemainingTime = 0.001f;

    if (mRemainingTime > 0)
	vector<Particle> &particles = mParticleSystems[0].particles ();
	int nParticles = particles.size ();
	Particle *part = &particles[0];

	for (int i = 0; i < nParticles; i++, part++)
	    part->xg = (part->x < part->xo) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
    mParticleSystems[0].setOrigin (outRect.x (), outRect.y ());