Exemple #1
CompText::renderWindowTitle (Window               window,
		             bool                 withViewportNumber,
		             const CompText::Attrib &attrib)
    CompString text;

    TEXT_SCREEN (screen);

    if (!ts)
	return false;

    if (withViewportNumber)
	CompString title;
    	CompPoint  winViewport;
	CompSize   viewportSize;

	title = ts->getWindowName (window);
	if (!title.empty ())
	    CompWindow *w;

	    w = screen->findWindow (window);
	    if (w)
		int viewport;

		winViewport  = w->defaultViewport ();
		viewportSize = screen->vpSize ();
		viewport = winViewport.y () * viewportSize.width () +
		           winViewport.x () + 1;
		text = compPrintf ("%s -[%d]-", title.c_str (), viewport);
		text = title;
	text = ts->getWindowName (window);

    if (text.empty ())
	return false;

    return renderText (text, attrib);
Exemple #2
PrivateTextScreen::getWindowName (Window id)
    CompString name;

    name = getUtf8Property (id, visibleNameAtom);

    if (name.empty ())
	name = getUtf8Property (id, wmNameAtom);

    if (name.empty ())
	name = getTextProperty (id, XA_WM_NAME);

    return name;
Exemple #3
 * Add a new fragment offset to the offsets stack from an ADD op string
FragmentParser::FragmentOffset *
FragmentParser::programAddOffsetFromAddOp (const CompString &source)
    FragmentOffset  offset;
    CompString  op;
    size_t	    pos = 0;
    CompString	    name;
    CompString	    offsetString;
    CompString	    temp;
    std::list <FragmentOffset>::iterator it = offsets.begin ();

    if (source.size () < 5)
	return NULL;

    op = source;
    pos += 3;
    name = getFirstArgument (op, pos);
    if (name.empty ())
	return NULL;

    temp = getFirstArgument (op, pos);

    /* If an offset with the same name is
     * already registered, skip this one */
    if ((!offsets.empty () &&
	 !programFindOffset (it, name).empty ()) ||
	 temp.empty ())
	return &(*it);

    /* Just use the end of the op as the offset */
    pos += 1;
    offsetString = ltrim (op.substr (pos));
    if (offsetString.empty ())
	return NULL;

    offset.name =  name;
    offset.offset = offsetString;

    offsets.push_back (offset);

    return &(offsets.back ());
Exemple #4
WSNamesScreen::renderNameText ()
    CompText::Attrib attrib;
    CompString	     name;

    textData.clear ();

    name = getCurrentWSName ();

    if (name.empty ())

    /* 75% of the output device as maximum width */
    attrib.maxWidth  = screen->getCurrentOutputExtents ().width () * 3 / 4;
    attrib.maxHeight = 100;

    attrib.family = "Sans";
    attrib.size = optionGetTextFontSize ();

    attrib.color[0] = optionGetFontColorRed ();
    attrib.color[1] = optionGetFontColorGreen ();
    attrib.color[2] = optionGetFontColorBlue ();
    attrib.color[3] = optionGetFontColorAlpha ();

    attrib.flags = CompText::WithBackground | CompText::Ellipsized;
    if (optionGetBoldText ())
        attrib.flags |= CompText::StyleBold;

    attrib.bgHMargin = 15;
    attrib.bgVMargin = 15;
    attrib.bgColor[0] = optionGetBackColorRed ();
    attrib.bgColor[1] = optionGetBackColorGreen ();
    attrib.bgColor[2] = optionGetBackColorBlue ();
    attrib.bgColor[3] = optionGetBackColorAlpha ();

    textData.renderText (name, attrib);
Exemple #5
 * Load a source file and build a Compiz Fragment Function from it
FragmentParser::loadFragmentProgram (const CompString &file,
				     CompString &name,
				     int target)
    CompString source;
    GLFragment::FunctionId handle;

    /* Clean fragment program name */
    programCleanName (name);
    /* Read the source file */
    source = programReadSource (file);
    if (source.empty ())
	return 0;

    /* Build the Compiz Fragment Program */
    handle = buildFragmentProgram (source,
				   name, target);

    return handle;