void TrueTimeSourceVisitor::Visit_Task( const Semantics::Task &task ) {

	// Get the task name
	std::string taskName = task.name();
	DEBUGOUT( "\tTask: " << taskName << std::endl );

	// Process messages for this task
	QualifiedMessageSet messageSet = GetQualifiedMessages( task );
	QualifiedMessageSet::iterator messageIter = messageSet.begin();
	for ( ; messageIter != messageSet.end() ; messageIter++ ) {
		// Visit the message to generate template section
		Visit_QualifiedMessageStructure( *messageIter, task );

	// Get the exec info and schedule
	ExecInfoSet execInfoSet = task.info();
	ExecInfoSet::iterator execInfoIter = execInfoSet.begin();
	Semantics::Duration duration = execInfoIter->Duration_child();
	double wcet = duration.exectimesecs();
	// Add a section for the task execution
	AddSectionDictionary( "TASK_SECTION" );
	string wcet_symbol = taskName + "_WCET";
	GetTemplateDictionary().SetValue( "TASK_WCET_STR", wcet_symbol );
	GetTemplateDictionary().SetFormattedValue( "TASK_WCET", "%f", wcet );
	ostringstream out1;
	out1 << "#define " << wcet_symbol << " " << wcet;
	_SchedHeaderLines.push_back( out1.str() );

	// Setup the peripheral schedule
	Semantics::Schedule schedule = execInfoIter->Schedule_child();
	std::string sched = schedule.sched();
	int count = sched_count( sched );
	vector< double > start_times = sched_values( sched );
	ostringstream symbolic_array;
	for ( int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++ )
		ostringstream out2;
		out2 << "#define " << taskName << "_" << idx << " " << start_times[idx];
		_SchedHeaderLines.push_back( out2.str() );
		if ( idx > 0 )
			symbolic_array << ", ";
		symbolic_array << taskName << "_" << idx;

	GetTemplateDictionary().SetIntValue( "TASK_COUNT", count );
	//GetTemplateDictionary().SetValue( "TASK_SCHEDULE", sched );
	GetTemplateDictionary().SetValue( "TASK_SCHEDULE", symbolic_array.str() );

	// Get the set of components this task invokes
	ComponentSet componentSet = task.invokes();
	// If there are components...
	if ( !componentSet.empty() ) {
		// Start with the first component
		Semantics::Component component = *componentSet.begin();
		// Get the component name
		std::string compName = component.name();
		GetTemplateDictionary().SetValue( "TASK_NAME", compName + "_task" );
		GetTemplateDictionary().SetValue( "TASK_FUNCTION", compName + "_code" );
		// Create the list of component header files
		StringList headerList = Split( component.cfiles() );
		StringList::iterator headerIter = headerList.begin();
		// Iterate through the list
		for( ; headerIter != headerList.end() ; headerIter++ ) {

			if ( _already_included.find( *headerIter ) == _already_included.end() )
				// Include a header section and populate it
				AddSectionDictionary( "TASK_INCLUDE" );
				GetTemplateDictionary().SetValue( "TASK_HEADER", *headerIter );
				_already_included.insert( *headerIter );
		// Set the component function name
		GetTemplateDictionary().SetValue( "TASK_COMPNAME", compName );
		std::string compMSubsys = component.msubsystem();
		// Account for 
		GetTemplateDictionary().SetValue( "TASK_MSUBSYS", compMSubsys );
		// Setup the input signals to the component
		SortedSignal_ByCallIndex_Set inputSignalSet = component.consumes_sorted( SignalCallIndexSorter() );
		SortedSignal_ByCallIndex_Set::iterator inputIter = inputSignalSet.begin() ;
		for( ; inputIter != inputSignalSet.end(); inputIter++ ) {
			AddSectionDictionary( "INPUT_SIGNALS" );
			Visit_Signal( *inputIter );
		// Setup the output signals to the component
		SortedSignal_ByCallIndex_Set outputSignalSet = component.generates_sorted( SignalCallIndexSorter() );
		SortedSignal_ByCallIndex_Set::iterator outputIter = outputSignalSet.begin();
		for ( ; outputIter != outputSignalSet.end(); outputIter++ ) {
			AddSectionDictionary( "OUTPUT_SIGNALS" );
			Visit_Signal( *outputIter );

	// Done with section dictionary