void TransformerFunc::execute() { ComValue objv(stack_arg(0)); ComValue transv(stack_arg(0)); reset_stack(); if (objv.object_compview()) { ComponentView* compview = (ComponentView*)objv.obj_val(); if (compview && compview->GetSubject()) { OverlayComp* comp = (OverlayComp*)compview->GetSubject(); Graphic* gr = comp->GetGraphic(); if (gr) { Transformer* trans = gr->GetTransformer(); if (transv.is_unknown() || !transv.is_array() || transv.array_val()->Number()!=6) { AttributeValueList* avl = new AttributeValueList(); float a00, a01, a10, a11, a20, a21; trans->matrix(a00, a01, a10, a11, a20, a21); avl->Append(new AttributeValue(a00)); avl->Append(new AttributeValue(a01)); avl->Append(new AttributeValue(a10)); avl->Append(new AttributeValue(a11)); avl->Append(new AttributeValue(a20)); avl->Append(new AttributeValue(a21)); ComValue retval(avl); push_stack(retval); } else { float a00, a01, a10, a11, a20, a21; AttributeValueList* avl = transv.array_val(); Iterator it; AttributeValue* av; avl->First(it); av = avl->GetAttrVal(it); a00 = av->float_val(); avl->Next(it); av = avl->GetAttrVal(it); a01 = av->float_val(); avl->Next(it); av = avl->GetAttrVal(it); a10 = av->float_val(); avl->Next(it); av = avl->GetAttrVal(it); a11 = av->float_val(); avl->Next(it); av = avl->GetAttrVal(it); a20 = av->float_val(); avl->Next(it); av = avl->GetAttrVal(it); a21 = av->float_val(); Transformer t(a00, a01, a10, a11, a20, a21); *gr->GetTransformer()=t; ComValue compval(new OverlayViewRef(comp), comp->class_symid()); push_stack(compval); } } } } }
void AttributeValue::dup_as_needed() { if (_type == AttributeValue::ArrayType) { AttributeValueList* avl = _v.arrayval.ptr; _v.arrayval.ptr = new AttributeValueList(avl); Resource::ref(_v.arrayval.ptr); Resource::unref(avl); } else if (_type == AttributeValue::StreamType) { AttributeValueList* avl = _v.streamval.listptr; _v.streamval.listptr = new AttributeValueList(avl); Resource::ref(_v.streamval.listptr); Resource::unref(avl); } #ifdef RESOURCE_COMPVIEW else if (_type == AttributeValue::ObjectType && object_compview()) { ComponentView* oldview = (ComponentView*)_v.objval.ptr; Component* subject = oldview->GetSubject(); ComponentView* newview = oldview->Duplicate(); newview->SetSubject(subject); subject->Attach(newview); _v.objval.ptr = newview; Resource::ref(newview); Resource::unref(oldview); } #endif }
void DeleteFunc::execute() { Viewer* viewer = _ed->GetViewer(); int nf=nargsfixed(); if (nf==0) { reset_stack(); return; } Clipboard* delcb = new Clipboard(); for (int i=0; i<nf; i++) { ComValue& obj = stack_arg(i); if (obj.object_compview()) { ComponentView* comview = (ComponentView*)obj.obj_val(); OverlayComp* comp = (OverlayComp*)comview->GetSubject(); if (comp) delcb->Append(comp); } } DeleteCmd* delcmd = new DeleteCmd(GetEditor(), delcb); delcmd->Execute(); unidraw->Update(); delete delcmd; reset_stack(); }
void AttributeDialogImpl::accept() { editor_->add(); // should set modified flag here if something happenns // ((ModifStatusVar*)<Editor>->GetState("ModifStatusVar"))->SetModifStatus(true); OverlayComp* comp = (OverlayComp*)compview_->GetSubject(); if (comp) comp->SetAttributeList(copylist_); Unref(copylist_); dialog_->dismiss(true); unidraw->Update(); }
void GrAttrListFunc::execute() { ComValue compviewv(stack_arg(0)); reset_stack(); if (compviewv.object_compview()) { ComponentView* compview = (ComponentView*)compviewv.obj_val(); OverlayComp* comp = compview ? (OverlayComp*)compview->GetSubject() : nil; if (comp) { ComValue retval(AttributeList::class_symid(), (void*)comp->GetAttributeList()); push_stack(retval); } else push_stack(ComValue::nullval()); } }
void SensitizeCompFunc::execute() { ComValue viewval(stack_arg(0)); reset_stack(); if (!viewval.is_object()) { push_stack(ComValue::nullval()); return; } ComponentView* view = (ComponentView*)viewval.obj_val(); OverlayComp* comp = (OverlayComp*)view->GetSubject(); if(comp) { comp->GetGraphic()->Sensitize(); comp->Notify(); } push_stack(viewval); }
void GrParentFunc::execute() { ComValue compv(stack_arg(0)); reset_stack(); if(compv.is_object() && compv.object_compview()) { ComponentView* compview = (ComponentView*)compv.obj_val(); OverlayComp* comp = (OverlayComp*)compview->GetSubject(); if (comp && comp->GetParent()) { ComValue retval(new OverlayViewRef((OverlayComp*)comp->GetParent()), ((OverlayComp*)comp->GetParent())->classid()); push_stack(retval); return; } } push_stack(ComValue::nullval()); return; }
void GrDotFunc::execute() { ComValue& before_part(stack_arg(0, true)); ComValue& after_part(stack_arg(1, true)); if (!before_part.is_symbol() && !(before_part.is_attribute() && ((Attribute*)before_part.obj_val())->Value()->is_attributelist()) && !(before_part.object_compview())) { cerr << "expression before \".\" needs to evaluate to a symbol or <AttributeList> or <Component>\n"; return; } if (!after_part.is_symbol()) { cerr << "expression after \".\" needs to be a symbol or evaluate to a symbol\n"; reset_stack(); return; } /* handle ComponentView case */ if (before_part.is_symbol()) lookup_symval(before_part); if (before_part.is_object() && before_part.object_compview()) { ComponentView* compview = (ComponentView*)before_part.obj_val(); OverlayComp* comp = (OverlayComp*)compview->GetSubject(); if (comp) { ComValue stuffval(AttributeList::class_symid(), (void*)comp->GetAttributeList()); before_part.assignval(stuffval); } else { cerr << "nil subject on compview value\n"; reset_stack(); push_stack(ComValue::nullval()); return; } } DotFunc::execute(); }
void SelectFunc::execute() { static int all_symid = symbol_add("all"); ComValue all_flagv(stack_key(all_symid)); boolean all_flag = all_flagv.is_true(); static int clear_symid = symbol_add("clear"); ComValue clear_flagv(stack_key(clear_symid)); boolean clear_flag = clear_flagv.is_true(); Selection* sel = _ed->GetViewer()->GetSelection(); if (clear_flag) { sel->Clear(); unidraw->Update(); reset_stack(); return; } OverlaySelection* newSel = ((OverlayEditor*)_ed)->overlay_kit()->MakeSelection(); Viewer* viewer = _ed->GetViewer(); AttributeValueList* avl = new AttributeValueList(); if (all_flag) { GraphicView* gv = ((OverlayEditor*)_ed)->GetFrame(); Iterator i; int count=0; for (gv->First(i); !gv->Done(i); gv->Next(i)) { GraphicView* subgv = gv->GetView(i); newSel->Append(subgv); OverlayComp* comp = (OverlayComp*)subgv->GetGraphicComp(); ComValue* compval = new ComValue(new OverlayViewRef(comp), comp->classid()); avl->Append(compval); } } else if (nargs()==0) { Iterator i; int count=0; for (sel->First(i); !sel->Done(i); sel->Next(i)) { GraphicView* grview = sel->GetView(i); OverlayComp* comp = grview ? (OverlayComp*)grview->GetSubject() : nil; ComValue* compval = comp ? new ComValue(new OverlayViewRef(comp), comp->classid()) : nil; if (compval) { avl->Append(compval); } delete newSel; newSel = nil; } } else { for (int i=0; i<nargsfixed(); i++) { ComValue& obj = stack_arg(i); if (obj.object_compview()) { ComponentView* comview = (ComponentView*)obj.obj_val(); OverlayComp* comp = (OverlayComp*)comview->GetSubject(); if (comp) { GraphicView* view = comp->FindView(viewer); if (view) { newSel->Append(view); ComValue* compval = new ComValue(new OverlayViewRef(comp), comp->classid()); avl->Append(compval); } } } else if (obj.is_array()) { Iterator it; AttributeValueList* al = obj.array_val(); al->First(it); while (!al->Done(it)) { if (al->GetAttrVal(it)->object_compview()) { ComponentView* comview = (ComponentView*)al->GetAttrVal(it)->obj_val(); OverlayComp* comp = (OverlayComp*)comview->GetSubject(); if (comp) { GraphicView* view = comp->FindView(viewer); if (view) { newSel->Append(view); ComValue* compval = new ComValue(new OverlayViewRef(comp), comp->classid()); avl->Append(compval); } } } al->Next(it); } } } } if (newSel){ sel->Clear(); delete sel; _ed->SetSelection(newSel); newSel->Update(viewer); unidraw->Update(); } reset_stack(); ComValue retval(avl); push_stack(retval); }