Exemple #1
Matrixd Scene::calculateInitialCameraMatrix()	{
	ComputeBoundsVisitor cbv;

	Vec3d vec3dSceneCorner = cbv.getBoundingBox().corner(5);	//Camera positioned 
	Vec3d vec3dSceneCenter = cbv.getBoundingBox().center();

	Vec3d vec3dEye = Vec3d(vec3dSceneCenter.x(),vec3dSceneCorner.y(),vec3dSceneCorner.z());
	Vec3d vec3dCenter = Vec3d(vec3dEye.x(),0.0,0.0);
	Vec3d vec3dDiff = vec3dCenter - vec3dEye;
	Vec3d vec3dPerp = Vec3d(0,0,1)^vec3dDiff;
	Vec3d vec3dUp = vec3dDiff^vec3dPerp;

	//Also set the camera
	Matrixd mtrxSceneCameraMatrix = Matrix::inverse(Matrix::lookAt(vec3dEye, vec3dCenter, vec3dUp));

	return mtrxSceneCameraMatrix;
Exemple #2
BoundingSphere OcclusionQueryNode::computeBound() const
        // Need to make this routine thread-safe. Typically called by the update
        //   Visitor, or just after the update traversal, but could be called by
        //   an application thread or by a non-osgViewer application.
        OpenThreads::ScopedLock<OpenThreads::Mutex> lock( _computeBoundMutex )  ;

        // This is the logical place to put this code, but the method is const. Cast
        //   away constness to compute the bounding box and modify the query geometry.
        osg::OcclusionQueryNode* nonConstThis = const_cast<osg::OcclusionQueryNode*>( this );

        ComputeBoundsVisitor cbv;
        nonConstThis->accept( cbv );
        BoundingBox bb = cbv.getBoundingBox();

        osg::ref_ptr<Vec3Array> v = new Vec3Array;
        v->resize( 8 );
        (*v)[0] = Vec3( bb._min.x(), bb._min.y(), bb._min.z() );
        (*v)[1] = Vec3( bb._max.x(), bb._min.y(), bb._min.z() );
        (*v)[2] = Vec3( bb._max.x(), bb._min.y(), bb._max.z() );
        (*v)[3] = Vec3( bb._min.x(), bb._min.y(), bb._max.z() );
        (*v)[4] = Vec3( bb._max.x(), bb._max.y(), bb._min.z() );
        (*v)[5] = Vec3( bb._min.x(), bb._max.y(), bb._min.z() );
        (*v)[6] = Vec3( bb._min.x(), bb._max.y(), bb._max.z() );
        (*v)[7] = Vec3( bb._max.x(), bb._max.y(), bb._max.z() );

        Geometry* geom = static_cast< Geometry* >( nonConstThis->_queryGeode->getDrawable( 0 ) );
        geom->setVertexArray( v.get() );

        geom = static_cast< osg::Geometry* >( nonConstThis->_debugGeode->getDrawable( 0 ) );
        geom->setVertexArray( v.get() );

    return Group::computeBound();
Exemple #3
static osgDB::ReaderWriter::WriteResult
writeNodeImplementation( const Node& node, ostream& fout,
                         const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options )
   // get camera on the top of scene graph
   const Camera *camera = node.asCamera();

   Vec3d eye, center, up, right;
   double fovy, aspectRatio, tmp;
   if( camera ) {

      // view matrix
      camera->getViewMatrixAsLookAt( eye, center, up );
      up = Vec3d( 0.,0.,1. );
      right = Vec3d( 1.,0.,0. );
      //right = (center-eye) ^ up;

      // projection matrix
      camera->getProjectionMatrixAsPerspective( fovy, aspectRatio, tmp, tmp );
      right *= aspectRatio;

   } else {

      // get POV-Ray camera setup from scene bounding sphere
      // constructed from bounding box
      // (bounding box computes model center more precisely than bounding sphere)
      ComputeBoundsVisitor cbVisitor;
      const_cast< Node& >( node ).accept( cbVisitor );
      BoundingBox &bb = cbVisitor.getBoundingBox();
      BoundingSphere bs( bb );

      // set
      eye = bs.center() + Vec3( 0., -3.0 * bs.radius(), 0. );
      center = bs.center();
      up = Vec3d( 0.,1.,0. );
      right = Vec3d( 4./3.,0.,0. );


   // camera
   fout << "camera { // following POV-Ray, x is right, y is up, and z is to the scene" << endl
        << "   location <" << eye[0] << ", " << eye[2] << ", " << eye[1] << ">" << endl
        << "   up <" << up[0] << ", " << up[2] << ", " << up[1] << ">" << endl
        << "   right <" << right[0] << ", " << right[2] << ", " << right[1] << ">" << endl
        << "   look_at <" << center[0] << ", " << center[2] << ", " << center[1] << ">" << endl
        << "}" << endl
        << endl;

   POVWriterNodeVisitor povWriter( fout, node.getBound() );
   if( camera )

      for( int i=0, c=camera->getNumChildren(); i<c; i++ )
         const_cast< Camera* >( camera )->getChild( i )->accept( povWriter );


      const_cast< Node* >( &node )->accept( povWriter );

   notify( NOTICE ) << "ReaderWriterPOV::writeNode() Done. ("
                    << povWriter.getNumProducedTriangles()
                    << " triangles written)" << endl;

   return osgDB::ReaderWriter::WriteResult::FILE_SAVED;