void NSISUpdater::versionInfoArrived(const UpdateInfo &info) { ConfigFile cfg; QSettings settings(cfg.configFile(), QSettings::IniFormat); qint64 infoVersion = Helper::stringVersionToInt(info.version()); qint64 seenVersion = Helper::stringVersionToInt(settings.value(seenVersionC).toString()); qint64 currVersion = Helper::currentVersionToInt(); if (info.version().isEmpty() || infoVersion <= currVersion || infoVersion <= seenVersion) { qCInfo(lcUpdater) << "Client is on latest version!"; setDownloadState(UpToDate); } else { QString url = info.downloadUrl(); qint64 autoUpdateFailedVersion = Helper::stringVersionToInt(settings.value(autoUpdateFailedVersionC).toString()); if (url.isEmpty() || _showFallbackMessage || infoVersion == autoUpdateFailedVersion) { showDialog(info); } if (!url.isEmpty()) { _targetFile = cfg.configPath() + url.mid(url.lastIndexOf('/')); if (QFile(_targetFile).exists()) { setDownloadState(DownloadComplete); } else { QNetworkReply *reply = qnam()->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url))); connect(reply, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &NSISUpdater::slotWriteFile); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &NSISUpdater::slotDownloadFinished); setDownloadState(Downloading); _file.reset(new QTemporaryFile); _file->setAutoRemove(true); _file->open(); } } } }
void setConfiguration(ConfigFile config) { cout << "Using set-up for nTuple version " << config.nTupleVersion() << endl; cout << "Using set-up for center of mass energy = " << config.centerOfMassEnergy() << endl; cout << "Loading configuration..." << endl; cout << "Using config-file '" << config.configPath() << endl; cout << "Using Dataset info file: '" << config.datasetInfoFile() << endl; cout << "Using pileup-file '" << config.PUFile() << endl; cout << "Using L7 jet energy corrections: " << config.bJetResoFile() << ", "; cout << config.lightJetResoFile() << endl; if (config.jesSystematic()!=0) cout << "Varying all the jets by " << config.jesSystematic() << " sigma(s) (JEC uncertainty)\n"; long maxEvents(config.maxEvents()); cout << "Maximal number of events to be processed: "; if (maxEvents > 0) cout << maxEvents << ".\n"; else cout << "all available" << ".\n"; cout << "Scaling to luminosity " << config.lumi() << "pb-1" << endl; if (config.useHitFit()) cout << "Using HitFit.\n"; config.loadIntoMemory(); //@Deprecated: move to selections //jets Globals::jetAlgorithm = JetAlgorithm::PF2PAT; //electrons Globals::electronAlgorithm = ElectronAlgorithm::ParticleFlow; //muons Globals::muonAlgorithm = MuonAlgorithm::ParticleFlow; //mets Globals::metAlgorithm = METAlgorithm::patMETsPFlow; }
int FolderMan::setupFoldersMigration() { ConfigFile cfg; QDir storageDir(cfg.configPath()); _folderConfigPath = cfg.configPath() + QLatin1String("folders"); qCInfo(lcFolderMan) << "Setup folders from " << _folderConfigPath << "(migration)"; QDir dir(_folderConfigPath); //We need to include hidden files just in case the alias starts with '.' dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden); QStringList list = dir.entryList(); // Normally there should be only one account when migrating. AccountState *accountState = AccountManager::instance()->accounts().value(0).data(); foreach (const QString &alias, list) { Folder *f = setupFolderFromOldConfigFile(alias, accountState); if (f) { scheduleFolder(f); emit folderSyncStateChange(f); } }
void setConfiguration(ConfigFile config) { // cout << "Using set-up for nTuple version " << config.nTupleVersion() << endl; cout << "Using set-up for center of mass energy = " << config.centerOfMassEnergy() << endl; cout << "Loading configuration..." << endl; cout << "Using config-file '" << config.configPath() << endl; cout << "Using Dataset info file: '" << config.datasetInfoFile() << endl; cout << "Using pileup-file '" << config.PUFile() << endl; if (config.jesSystematic()!=0) cout << "Varying all the jets by " << config.jesSystematic() << " sigma(s) (JEC uncertainty)\n"; long maxEvents(config.maxEvents()); cout << "Maximum number of events to be processed: "; if (maxEvents > 0) cout << maxEvents << ".\n"; else cout << "all available" << ".\n"; cout << "Scaling to luminosity " << config.lumi() << "pb-1" << endl; if (config.useHitFit()) cout << "Using HitFit.\n"; cout << "Loading in to memory" << endl; config.loadIntoMemory(); }