Exemple #1
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    Application_Executable_Name = argv[0];
    const char *pszMethodName = "DSProMain::main";
    #ifdef UNIX
        SigFaultHandler handler (Application_Executable_Name);
    if (signal (SIGINT, sigIntHandler) == SIG_ERR) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Error registering SIGINT handler\n");
        exit (-1);

    // Parse arguments
    IHMC_ACI::Arguments arguments;
    IHMC_ACI::parseArguments (argc, argv, arguments);

    String homeDir;
    getHomeDir (arguments.pathToExecutable, homeDir);

    String logDir (homeDir);
    logDir += getPathSepCharAsString();
    logDir += "logs";
    IHMC_ACI::initializeLoggers (logDir);

    if (arguments.configFilePath.length() <= 0) {
        IHMC_ACI::getDefaultConfigFile (homeDir, "dspro.properties", arguments.configFilePath, false);
    if (!FileUtils::fileExists (arguments.configFilePath.c_str())) {
        checkAndLogMsg (pszMethodName, Logger::L_Info, "The config file at "
                        "location: %s does not exist!\n", arguments.configFilePath.c_str());

    ConfigManager cfgMgr;
    int rc = cfgMgr.init();
    if (rc != 0) {
        printf ("Count not initialize ConfigManager. Returned code %d\n", rc);
        exit (1);
    if ((rc = cfgMgr.readConfigFile (arguments.configFilePath)) != 0) {
        checkAndLogMsg (pszMethodName, Logger::L_Warning, "Error in config file "
                        "%s reading. Returned code %d\n", arguments.configFilePath.c_str(), rc);

    //Initializing and starting DSPro
    String nodeId;
    if (getNodeId (&cfgMgr, nodeId) != 0) {
        checkAndLogMsg (pszMethodName, Logger::L_SevereError, "Node ID was not set.\n");
        return 2;

    // Read extra-attributes if necessary
    char *pszMetadataExtraAttributes = NULL;
    if (arguments.metadataExtraAttributesFile.length() <= 0) {
        IHMC_ACI::getDefaultConfigFile (homeDir, "metadataExtraAttributes.xml", arguments.metadataExtraAttributesFile);
    if (arguments.metadataExtraAttributesFile.length() > 0) {
        DSLib::readFileIntoString (arguments.metadataExtraAttributesFile, &pszMetadataExtraAttributes);

    // Read extra-values if necessary
    char *pszMetadataValues = NULL;
    if (arguments.metadataValuesFile.length() <= 0) {
        IHMC_ACI::getDefaultConfigFile (homeDir, "metadataExtraValues.xml", arguments.metadataExtraAttributesFile);
    if (arguments.metadataValuesFile.length() > 0) {
        DSLib::readFileIntoString (arguments.metadataValuesFile, &pszMetadataValues);

    // Instantiate and init DSPro
    DSPro dspro (nodeId, BUILD_TIME);
    if ((rc = dspro.init (&cfgMgr, pszMetadataExtraAttributes, pszMetadataValues)) < 0) {
        checkAndLogMsg (pszMethodName, Logger::L_SevereError, "DSPro has failed to initialize. Return code: %d\n", rc);
        return 3;

    uint16 ui16;
    uint16 ui16ClientId = 0;
    DSProCmdProcessor dsproCmdProc (&dspro);
    dspro.registerDSProListener (ui16ClientId, &dsproCmdProc, ui16);
    dspro.registerSearchListener (ui16ClientId, &dsproCmdProc, ui16);

    //Initializing and starting ProxyServer
    DSProProxyServer proxySrv;
    rc = initializeAndStartProxyServer (&dspro, &cfgMgr, proxySrv);
    if (rc != 0) {
        checkAndLogMsg (pszMethodName, Logger::L_SevereError, "DSProProxyServer has failed to initialize. Return code: %d\n", rc);
        return 4;

    // Connect to peers
    DSProUtils::addPeers (dspro, cfgMgr);

    // Request Termination

    // And delete objects
    delete pLogger;
    pLogger = NULL;
    delete pNetLog;
    pNetLog = NULL;
    delete pTopoLog;
    pTopoLog = NULL;

    // Terminate
    return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    _terminated = false;

    if (signal (SIGINT, sigIntHandler) == SIG_ERR) {
        printf ("Error handling SIGINT\n");
        exit (-1);

    ConfigManager *pConfigManager = NULL;

    // Read Configuration
    if (argc > 2) {
        printf ("Usage: ./DisServiceProxy <configFile>\n");
        exit (-2);

    if (argv[1]) {
        if (FileUtils::fileExists(argv[1])) {
            pConfigManager = new ConfigManager();
            int rc;
            if ((rc = pConfigManager->readConfigFile((const char *) argv[1])) != 0) {
                printf ("Error in config file %s reading. Returned code %d.\n", (const char *) argv[1], rc);
                exit (-3);
            if (pConfigManager->hasValue("aci.disservice.proxy.port")) {
                ui16Port = (uint16) pConfigManager->getValueAsInt("aci.disservice.proxy.port");
            if (pConfigManager->getValueAsBool("util.logger.enabled", true)) {
                if (!pLogger) {
                    pLogger = new Logger();
                    if (pConfigManager->getValueAsBool("util.logger.out.screen.enabled", true)) {
                    if (pConfigManager->getValueAsBool("util.logger.out.file.enabled", true)) {
                        pLogger->initLogFile (pConfigManager->getValue ("util.logger.out.file.path", "ds.log"), false);
                        pLogger->initErrorLogFile (pConfigManager->getValue ("util.logger.error.file.path", "dserror.log"), false);
                    uint8 ui8DbgDetLevel = (uint8) pConfigManager->getValueAsInt ("util.logger.detail", Logger::L_LowDetailDebug);
                    switch (ui8DbgDetLevel) {
                        case Logger::L_SevereError:
                        case Logger::L_MildError:
                        case Logger::L_Warning:
                        case Logger::L_Info:
                        case Logger::L_NetDetailDebug:
                        case Logger::L_LowDetailDebug:
                        case Logger::L_MediumDetailDebug:
                        case Logger::L_HighDetailDebug:
                            pLogger->setDebugLevel (ui8DbgDetLevel);
                            pLogger->logMsg ("DisServiceLauncher::main", Logger::L_Info,
                                             "Setting debug level to %d\n", ui8DbgDetLevel);
                                            "Invalid Logger detail debug level. Setting it to %d\n",
        else {
            printf ("The file at location: %s does not exist.\n", (const char *) argv[1]);
            exit (-4);

    if (pConfigManager == NULL) {
        // Default Logger conf
        if (!pLogger) {
            pLogger = new Logger();

    if (pLogger != NULL) {

    //Initializing and starting DisService
    DisseminationService * _pDisService = (pConfigManager ? new DisseminationService(pConfigManager) : new DisseminationService());
    int rc;
    if (0 != (rc = _pDisService->init())) {
    	printf ("\nDisseminationService is failed to initialize\n");
        return -5;

    // Initializing and starting ProxyServer
    DisseminationServiceProxyServer dsProxyServer;

    dsProxyServer.init (_pDisService, ui16Port);
    printf ("\nDisseminationProxyServer is running on port %d\n", ui16Port);

    // Invoking the command processor
    DisServiceCommandProcessor cmdProc (_pDisService);
    cmdProc.setPrompt ("DisService");
    cmdProc.enableNetworkAccess (5555);

    printf ("\nDisService is terminating...\n");
    delete _pDisService;
    _pDisService = NULL;
    delete pLogger;
    pLogger = NULL;
    delete pConfigManager;
    pConfigManager = NULL;

    return 0;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_us_ihmc_aci_dspro2_DSProLauncher_initConfigNative (JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject joThis, 
	jstring jsConfigFile)
	// Loading config file
	const char *pcConfigFile;
	pcConfigFile = pEnv->GetStringUTFChars (jsConfigFile, NULL);
	if (pcConfigFile == NULL) {
		pEnv->ThrowNew (pEnv->FindClass ("us/ihmc/aci/dspro2/DSProLauncher/DSProInitException"),
			"FAIL while copying string configFile");
		pEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars (jsConfigFile, pcConfigFile);
		return -12;

	ConfigManager *pCfgMgr = new ConfigManager();
	if (pCfgMgr == NULL) {
		pEnv->ThrowNew (pEnv->FindClass ("us/ihmc/aci/dspro2/DSProLauncher/DSProInitException"),
			"DSProJNIWrapper not initialized - ConfigManager is null");
		return -13;

	jclass jcCfgMgr = pEnv->GetObjectClass (joThis);
	jfieldID jfCfgMgr = pEnv->GetFieldID (jcCfgMgr, "_configManager", "J");
	union {
		jlong jlValue;
		void *p;
	} u;
	u.p = pCfgMgr;
	pEnv->SetLongField (joThis, jfCfgMgr, u.jlValue);


	String cfgFilePath = pcConfigFile;
	if (0 == access (cfgFilePath, 0)) {
		// There is a config file to be read
		int rc;
		if (0 != (rc = (pCfgMgr->readConfigFile(cfgFilePath, true)))) {

			if (pLogger != NULL) {
				pLogger->logMsg("main", Logger::L_SevereError,
					"failed to read the config file; rc=%d\n", rc);
			delete pCfgMgr;
			pCfgMgr = NULL;
			return -23;

		if (pLogger != NULL) {
			pLogger->logMsg ("main", Logger::L_LowDetailDebug,
				"reading config file: %s\n", (const char*)cfgFilePath);
	else {
		if (pLogger != NULL) {
			pLogger->logMsg("main", Logger::L_SevereError,
				"could not find config file %s\n", (const char *)cfgFilePath);
		delete pCfgMgr;
		pCfgMgr = NULL;
		return -24;

	return 0;