Exemple #1
void usage(const char* argv0, const Configurator& configurator)
  cerr << "Usage: " << utils::os::basename(argv0) << " [...]" << endl
       << endl
       << "Supported options:" << endl
       << configurator.getUsage();
Exemple #2
void usage(const char *programName, const Configurator& configurator)
  cerr << "Usage: " << programName << " [...]" << endl
       << endl
       << endl
       << "Supported options:" << endl
       << configurator.getUsage();
Exemple #3
void usage(const char* argv0, const Configurator& configurator)
  cerr << "Usage: " << utils::os::basename(argv0) << " [...]" << endl
       << endl
       << "Launches a cluster within a single OS process."
       << endl
       << "Supported options:" << endl
       << configurator.getUsage();
Exemple #4
void usage(const char* progName, const Configurator& configurator)
  cerr << "Usage: " << progName << " [--port=PORT] [--url=URL] [...]" << endl
       << endl
       << "URL (used for leader election with ZooKeeper) may be one of:" << endl
       << "  zoo://host1:port1,host2:port2,..." << endl
       << "  zoofile://file where file has one host:port pair per line" << endl
       << endl
       << "Supported options:" << endl
       << configurator.getUsage();
Exemple #5
void usage(const char* programName, const Configurator& conf)
  cerr << "Usage: " << programName
       << " [--port=PORT] [--slaves=N] [--cpus=CPUS] [--mem=MEM] [...]" << endl
       << endl
       << "Launches a single-process cluster containing N slaves, each of "
       << "which report" << endl << "CPUS cores and MEM bytes of memory."
       << endl
       << endl
       << "Supported options:" << endl
       << conf.getUsage();
Exemple #6
void usage(const char *programName, const Configurator& conf)
  cerr << "Usage: " << programName
       << " --url=MASTER_URL [--cpus=NUM] [--mem=BYTES] [...]" << endl
       << endl
       << "MASTER_URL may be one of:" << endl
       << "  mesos://id@host:port" << endl
       << "  zoo://host1:port1,host2:port2,..." << endl
       << "  zoofile://file where file contains a host:port pair per line"
       << endl
       << endl
       << "Supported options:" << endl
       << conf.getUsage();