int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::string hostname = ""; int channel_number = 1; if(argc >= 2) { hostname = argv[1]; } if(argc >= 3) { channel_number = atoi(argv[2]); } ConsoleClient client; if(!client.Open(hostname, "Demux test client")) { client.Log(FAILURE,"Unable to open connection !"); return 1; } if(!client.EnableStatusInterface(true)) { client.Log(FAILURE,"Unable to enable status interface !"); return 1; } client.Log(INFO, "Fetching channels .."); client.GetChannelsList(); client.Log(INFO, "Got %i channels.", client.m_channels.size()); Channel c = client.m_channels[channel_number]; Demux demux(&client); TimeMs t; client.Log(INFO, "Opening channel #%i (%s)", channel_number, c.Name.c_str()); if(demux.OpenChannel(hostname, c.UID) != Demux::SC_OK) { client.Log(FAILURE, "Unable to open channel !"); return 1; } ConsoleClient::Packet* p = NULL; int firstVideoPacket = 0; int firstPacket = 0; int switchTime = t.Elapsed(); client.Log(INFO, "Switched to channel after %i ms", switchTime); for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { p = demux.Read<ConsoleClient::Packet>(); if(p == NULL) { break; } if(p->data != NULL) { if(firstPacket == 0) { firstPacket = t.Elapsed(); client.Log(INFO, "Received first packet after %i ms", firstPacket); } if(firstVideoPacket == 0 && p->index == 0) { firstVideoPacket = t.Elapsed(); client.Log(INFO, "Received first video packet after %i ms", firstVideoPacket); } uint32_t header = p->data[0] << 24 | p->data[1] << 16 | p->data[2] << 8 | p->data[3]; client.Log(INFO, "Demux (index: %i length: %i bytes) Header: %08X PTS: %lli", p->index, p->length, header, p->pts); } client.FreePacket(p); } client.Log(INFO, "Stopping ..."); t.Set(0); // wait for pending notifications if(p == NULL) { CondWait::SleepMs(5000); } demux.CloseChannel(); client.Close(); int stopTime = t.Elapsed(); client.Log(INFO, ""); client.Log(INFO, "Stream summary:"); client.Log(INFO, "Channel: %i - %s", channel_number, c.Name.c_str()); client.Log(INFO, "Switch time: %i ms", switchTime); client.Log(INFO, "First packet after: %i ms", firstPacket); client.Log(INFO, "First video after: %i ms", firstVideoPacket); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::string hostname = ""; if(argc >= 2) { hostname = argv[1]; } ConsoleClient client; if(!client.Open(hostname, "scanner client")) { client.Log(FAILURE,"Unable to open connection !"); return 1; } if(!client.EnableStatusInterface(true)) { client.Log(FAILURE,"Unable to enable status interface !"); return 1; } if(client.SupportChannelScan()) { client.Log(INFO, "channel scanning supported"); } else { client.Log(INFO, "channel scanning *NOT* supported"); client.Close(); return 0; } // get setup ChannelScannerSetup setup; ChannelScannerList sat; ChannelScannerList countries; if(!client.GetChannelScannerSetup(setup, sat, countries)) { return 1; } client.Log(INFO, "Current scanner setup:"); client.Log(INFO, "---------------------------------"); client.Log(INFO, "Verbosity: %i", setup.verbosity); client.Log(INFO, "Logfile: %i", setup.logtype); client.Log(INFO, "DVB Type: %i", setup.dvbtype); client.Log(INFO, "DVBT Inversion: %i", setup.dvbt_inversion); client.Log(INFO, "DVBC Inversion: %i", setup.dvbc_inversion); client.Log(INFO, "DVBC Symbolrate: %i", setup.dvbc_symbolrate); client.Log(INFO, "DVBC QAM: %i", setup.dvbc_qam); client.Log(INFO, "Country ID: %i", setup.countryid); client.Log(INFO, "Sat ID: %i", setup.satid); client.Log(INFO, "Scanflags: %04x", setup.flags); client.Log(INFO, "ATSC Type: %i", setup.atsc_type); client.Log(INFO, "---------------------------------"); client.Log(INFO, "Satellites:"); client.Log(INFO, "---------------------------------"); for(ChannelScannerList::iterator i = sat.begin(); i != sat.end(); i++) { client.Log(INFO, "%06i|%8s|%s", i->first, i->second.shortname.c_str(), i->second.fullname.c_str()); } client.Log(INFO, "Countries:"); client.Log(INFO, "---------------------------------"); for(ChannelScannerList::iterator i = countries.begin(); i != countries.end(); i++) { client.Log(INFO, "%06i|%8s|%s", i->first, i->second.shortname.c_str(), i->second.fullname.c_str()); } // modify setup and send back setup.verbosity = ChannelScannerSetup::LOGLEVEL_DEFAULT; setup.countryid = 14; // AUSTRIA setup.logtype = ChannelScannerSetup::LOGTYPE_SYSLOG; setup.dvbtype = ChannelScannerSetup::DVBTYPE_DVBT; setup.flags = ChannelScannerSetup::FLAG_TV | ChannelScannerSetup::FLAG_FTA; if(!client.SetChannelScannerSetup(setup)) { client.Log(FAILURE, "Unable to set setup parameters !"); } client.StartChannelScanner(); CondWait::SleepMs(0); client.Close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::string hostname = ""; int channel_number = 1; if(argc >= 2) { hostname = argv[1]; } if(argc >= 3) { channel_number = atoi(argv[2]); } ConsoleClient client; Connection xvdr(&client); if(!xvdr.Open(hostname, "Demux test client")) { client.Log(FAILURE,"Unable to open connection !"); return 1; } client.Log(INFO, "Fetching channels .."); xvdr.GetChannelsList(); client.Log(INFO, "Got %i channels.", client.m_channels.size()); Channel c = client.m_channels[channel_number]; Demux demux(&client, NULL); client.Log(INFO, "Opening channel #%i", channel_number); if(demux.OpenChannel(hostname, c.UID) != Demux::SC_OK) { client.Log(FAILURE, "Unable to open channel !"); return 1; } int ac3index = -1; uint32_t bitrate = 0; bool bFound = false; client.Log(INFO, "Waiting for stream properties ..."); while(!bFound) { ConsoleClient::Packet* p = demux.Read<ConsoleClient::Packet>(); client.FreePacket(p); // find AC3 stream XVDR::StreamProperties props = demux.GetStreamProperties(); for(XVDR::StreamProperties::iterator i = props.begin(); i!= props.end(); i++) { if(i->second.Type == "AC3" && i->second.BitRate != 0) { ac3index = i->second.Index; bitrate = i->second.BitRate; client.Log(INFO, "Bitrate: %i", bitrate); bFound = true; break; } } } if(ac3index == -1) { client.Log(FAILURE, "AC3 stream not found !"); demux.CloseChannel(); xvdr.Close(); return 1; } client.Log(INFO, "Analyzing packets (Stream #%i) ...", ac3index); int64_t pts = 0; int64_t last_pts = 0; double pts_diff_ms = 0; double gap = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { ConsoleClient::Packet* p = demux.Read<ConsoleClient::Packet>(); if(p->data == NULL || p->index != ac3index) { client.FreePacket(p); continue; } pts = p->pts; if(last_pts == 0) { client.FreePacket(p); last_pts = pts; continue; } pts_diff_ms = (double)(pts - last_pts) / 1000.0; double audio_duration_ms = (double)(p->length * 8 * 1000) / (double)bitrate; gap += pts_diff_ms; gap -= audio_duration_ms; client.Log(INFO, "PTS: %lli / Difference: %.1f ms Audio Duration: %.1f ms / Gap: %.1f ms", pts, pts_diff_ms, audio_duration_ms, gap); last_pts = pts; client.FreePacket(p); } demux.CloseChannel(); xvdr.Close(); return 0; }